Thurday, 28th February, 1952 ~I '.1'.. p ..... ~. A P11• ... 1_.,'-;..1 "r.",,'.~~l = i_jo,-, J .Ii'" rtV 1.' .\. I,· .• , •. .. •• ••••• , ......... • te. .... iII •••••••••••••• __ PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (Part I-Questions and Answers) OFFICIAL REPORT VOLUMB I, 1962 (8th Pebruary to 15th March, 1962) Fifth Session of ~ PARLIAMENT OF INDIA 1962 CO~S V DhmNI--PraM 6,h PIImI4ry tD S,h March, 1952 "Wednesday, 6th Pebruary, 19Sz- Members Sworn " " Oral Answers to Questionl Written ADlwerl to Questions 'F~, 8th February,19SZ- Oral Anlwers to Questions Written Anlwers to QuestioDl :M~y;'l'lth February. !9IZ- Oral Answers to QuesdODl • Written Answers to Questiooa ·,...L't2th February, 195Z- Oral Answers to QuestiODl Written Answers to Questions • ~~, 13tA February, 1953- Oral Answers to Questionl • Written ADlwers to Questiooa • ,I'buI'ad\ly, 14th Februry, 195Z- Oral Answers to Questions Written Answers to Questions -Priday. 15th February, 1952- Oral Answers to Queltiona Written Anawers to Questions 'Monday, 18th February, 1952- Oral Answers to Questiooa 147-158 Written Anawen to QueadoDl 158-160 "Tuesday. 19th February. I95z- Oral Answc:ra to Question. 161-186 Written ADswen to QuatiODl r86-!88 'Wednesday, 30th February, JSlS3- Oral ADlwen to Queadoaa Written ADswen to Queadoaa "Thunday. 2I1t February, !95Z- Oral ADswen to Queidons Written Anawera to QuadoJle • .Friday, alad February, ISlS3- Oral ADaWUI to ~ooa • WritteD ADIwcn to Quadpai " MoDdaJ. 25th PebnIary. I~- Oral AD8wc:ra to QueatloDI • Written Aaawen to Quca" ( II ) I: Col"""" Tuaday, 26th Febnwy. I9Sa- Oral ADawen to Quations 333-360- WrittcD Aalwen to QuatloDa · 360- Wednesday, 27th February, I9Sa- I Oral ADawen to Questions 361-388- WrittcD Anlwen to Questions · 388-394 Thunday, 28th February, 195a- Onl AnIWCn to Queltions. 395-42..... Written ADawen to Questions 424 Monday, 3M March, 195a- Onl Answen to Questioos • 4Z5-455- Written Answen to Questions • 455-458 ~y, 4th .March, I95a- Oral ADIwen to Questions 459-490- Written Aoswen to Questions 4~98 'WcdDeaclay, 5th March, 195a- Onl Answen to Questions 499-52J- Written Answers to Questions · ,Z'-53Z- THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (Part I-Questions and Answers) OFFICIAL REPORT = 398 398 (c) and (d). Survey and settlement PARLIAMENT OF INDIA operations have been taken up in Thursday, 28th February, 1952 Nakhatrana and Mundra Taluqs of Kutch, the areas of which are 4,53,120 and 2,53,440 acres respectively. Settle- The HouBe met at Half Past Nine ment operations are in progre$s in of the Clock. surveyed villages and surveys are pro- ceeding in unsurveyed villages; the [Mft. SPEAKER in the Chair] rates proposed ., by the Settlement Offlcer are' under the consideratio:l of ORAL' ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS the Chief Commissioner. I regret I am unable at this stage to give any ~tL­ LAND REVENUE SETTLEMENT ACT mates of land revenue as the Settle- ·261. Prof. 'K. T. Shah: Will the ments are still incomplete, Minister of States be pleased to state: (e) and (f). Bhagbatai (crop shar- ing) system will be aboUshed as soon (a) whether the Land Revenue as settlements come into force, In the Settlement Act of Bombay has .been meanwhile. it has been decided to con- applied to the State of Kutch. and if vert the crop share into ad hoc cash so, from what date it has been put assessment. into effect; " Prof. It. T. Shah: May I ask what (b) whether the necessary preli- was the exact title of the Act under minary processes of Survey and Settle- which this system was extended to ment have been commenced and Kutch? . carried out: . (c) if so, in what parts of the State Shri Gopalaswaml: There is an Act of Kutch, covering what area, and for it and I cannot ,ive the exacl title yielding, as estimated, how much land of It under which we were enabled to revenue; extend Acts on simUar subjects in other Part A states to Part eState.. (d) how the amount of yield, as estimated up.ta-date, compares with Prof. It. T. Shah: Is it by this ParUa- the correspondilliC yield under the ment that it was extended? previous relime in that State: Shrl GopaJaswaml: Yes. (e) whether all the dues of the State, or the local landowners. under Prof. It. T. Shah: As regards the the previous Bha,(batai system have rates, ,may I inquire whether they been abolished or whether any are would be on the same lines as that In still in operation: and Bombay? (f) if any be in operation st111, what Mr. Speaker: He refers to the rate. is the yield from such incidental dues of assessment. to the State, and to other landowners Sbrf Gopalaswaml: Yes. The' rate. under the new regime, from the year are determined under the Art, I take 1949-50 to the end of 1951? it. The Act is extended and when it is The Minister of States, Transport extended under the provIsions of the and Railways (Shri Gopalaswami): Act, these rates will be determined. (a) Yes, the Bombay Land Revenue Prof. K. T. Shah:] do not quite Code was extended to Kutch with understand the n,ebll!ng of the dat.:- effect from the 10th May 1950. ment that the rate~ are under the con- (b) Survey and Settlement opera- sideration of the Chief Commissioner. tions hkve been sanctioned for the 141 Shrl Gopalaswami: The rates have khalsa villages and are in progress. been proposed by the Settlement 413 PSD. / 117 28 FEBRUARY 19&2 OfBcer and they are bein, examined (c) What Is the total number of and are under the consideration of the employees receiving their pensions Chief Commissioner before final orders upto date? . Issue. (d) What is the number ot em- Prof. K. T. Shah: May I inquir~ ployees who have not yet received whether these settlement operations any pensions for the last three years? extend both to what was originally • Khalsa or the domain of the State pro- (e) What Is the number of those per under the then ruler or also to the who died without receiving pensioD lagi7'daTB who hold land from time from among those who were pension- immemorial? ed off? • (f~ Did their families ·receive any Shrl Gopalaswaml: At present penSlon .money due to pensioners? certainly. As I have said in answe~ to part (b) of the question survey of (g) What is the number of em- settlement operations have been sanc- ployees drawing less than Rs. 10/- tioned for only the Khalsa villages And less than Rs. 15/- as pension ~ and they are in progress. The Minister of States, Transport Prof. K. T. Shah: But they are in- and Railways (Sbri Gopalaswami) : tended to be extended to the other (a) 759 during the period from June lands also, I presume? . 1948 to March 1950 including those who got other than pensionary' benefits. Shrl Gopalaswaml: They will be in due course. (b) The Central Government Rules have been applied though. till these Prof. K. T. Shah: If so, the same rules could be applied, some cases were polley will be followed? dealt with under the old rules of the Kutch State on a provisional basis. Sbrl Gopalasw&IBl: I think so. Persons who had attained the age of Prof. K. T. Shah: Then, may I ask 55 were retired in accordance with the whether any compensation is ,Iven to age of superannuation fixed under the those jagirdars whose lands have been Central Rules. Some others were found surplus to the requiren'le.lts of the thus taken over? State as several departments main- Shrl Gop.Iuwaqd: Tl:!.e question of tained by His Higbness the Maharao compensation has not yet been taken were no longer required. A few others up because these operations have not were found unsuitable in the new con- yet been extended to those areas. ditions. All these persons were given retrenchment benefits. Prof. K. T. Shah: May I take it tbat the question of compensation is not (c) 332 out of those who retired finally disposed of and denfed? after Kutch became a Centrally Administered State. Shri Gopalaswami: I do not think that any final orders have issued. (d) 15. Prof. K. T. Shah: May I know (e) 6. whether thl;! areas that he mentioned (f) The amounts due to the 6 per- In respect of the taluqs in which the sons mentioned in ,(e) will be paid settlement operations are going on in- to their heirs. Their claims are un6er clude also cultural waste or only investigation. cultivated lands? (g) 142 and 79. Shrl Gopalaswami: Survey and settlement must relate to the whole area. If a land is uncultivated the Pos'rs RESERVED FOR ANGLO-INDIANS rates will be fixed when it comes to (POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT) be cultivated and the rates will be *264. Shri Massey: Will the Minis- recovered. ter of Communfcatlons be Dleased to KUTCH STA'l:E EMPLOYEES state: ·262. Shrl Dholakia: (a) Will the (a) the number of Dosts reserved Minister of States be pleased to state for Anglo-Indians in each vear from how many Kutch State employees 1946 up to date in the Post and Tele- were Densioned off within two years graph Department; after the transfer of pow~r? (b) the number of Dosts filled by (b) What rules werc made Rppli- Anglo-Indians each year; cable to them when those employees were relieved on Densions and what (c) the number of Anglo-Indians criterion was adopted for pensioning holding class 1 posts each year tram them off? 1946 up to date; , ••9 28 naRtJAIlY 1982 .(d) the number of Anllo-Indlans a fact that we expected that the Mayur- holdinl class II posts each year from bhanj Telephone system would be 1946 ~todatej ,iven over by the Government of Orissa to the Government of India, but (e) the total number of Anelo- the Government of Orissa wanted Indians in service each vear from certain facilities which they were el)P 1946 up to date; jOyin, under the old system to continue and at present nelotiations (f) the highest post held by an are going on for the handing over of Anglo-Indian in each year from 1946 this system to us,subject tt· certaiij up to date; conditions and privileges to the Orisq (,) the number of Anllo-Indl~s Government.
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