NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU REQUIREMENTS FOR SEVENTH KYU, ORANGE BELT The rank of Shichikyu is assigned to an individual of good moral character who has completed the following requirements: PRACTICAL REQUIREMENTS: * Three months study at this school as a Hachikyu, yellow belt, with a minimum attendance of 24 formal workouts. * Demonstrate proficiency in: 1.) All previous requirements 2.) Complete upper and lower body basics 3.) Seiunchin Kata 4.) Kumite techniques 5.) Self-defense Releases 6.) Techniques on the heavy bag and focus pad 7.) Tameshiwari 8.) Competition: in the Dojo and away tournaments (at least one) ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS: * Submit a 1-2 page typed paper on the development of Kata and Kumite. List references. * Pass a written exam covering: terminology, interpretation of the Isshinryu patch, and general karate knowledge. * Recite the Dojo Kun (Training Hall Oath) * Required readings. * Maintain a 3-ring binder with all rank requirements and readings, etc. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: * Complete checklist * Club responsibilities, including payment of tuition fees in a timely manner, and Dojo maintenance (chairs, tables, sweeping floors, helping with equipment, etc.). * Complete one project assigned by a club officer. * Participation in at least one tournament (Kata minimum) as a Hachikyu. NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU KARATE TERMINOLOGY UNE GAISHEMAS If you please/ thank you in advance DOMO ARIGATO Thank you KIME Focus (“Energy Harmony”) MAKIWARA Striking Board TE WAZA: URA TSUKI Upper cut TETTSUI UCHI Hammerfist IPPON NUKITE One-finger spearhand NIPON NUKITE Two-finger spearhand KAGE TSUKI Hook punch HAITO UCHI Ridgehand strike UKE WAZA: NAGASHI UKE Sweeping block TEISHO UKE Palm heel block SOTO UKE Cross-body block KERI WAZA: YOKO GERI Side Kick DACHI: TSURI ASHI Crane stance KIBA DACHI Horse stance KAKE DACHI Hooked leg stance KUMITE TERMINOLOGY SHOBU HAJIME Start the match ATO SHIBARAKU A little more time left (30 sec) YAME Stop MOTO NO ICHI Return to original position TSUZUKETE Continue fighting (don't pause) TSUZUKETE HAJIME Resume fighting/begin NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU KUMITE TERMINOLOGY (CON'T) HIKI WAKE Draw TORI MA SEN Unacceptable technique AI UCHI Simultaneous strikes NO KACHI Wins IPPON Point HANSOKU CHUI Warning of foul MUBOBO CHUI Warning of Defenseless or Unsafe Attitude HANSOKU Foul= Loss of match AKAI Red SHIROI White JOGAI Out of bounds JOGAI CHUI Warning of stepping out of bounds SHIKKAKU Diqualification, Loss of Match ATENAI YONI Caution-- Unofficial warning JIKAN Time KUMITE MOVEMENTS DACHI: Kumite Dachi Side Seisan, both knees bent, weight 50-50 Kiba Dachi Horse stance, weight 50-50 Zenkutsu Dachi Forward weighted stance, 60-40 Kokutsu Dachi Rearward wighted stance, 40-60 MOVEMENTS: Step Slide From Kumite Dachi, the leg in the desired direction of movement takes a ste, the other leg slides toward it to assume another Kumite (used to cover a moderate distance -about half a stance). NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU MOVEMENTS (CON'T) Push slide From Kumite Dachi, the leg opposite the desired direction of movement pushes the body, the other foot slides along the floor at all times. No hopping motion (used for covering a short distance quickly). Shuffle Step From Kumite Dachi or Kiba Dachi, one foot replace the other (used for covering full distances, about a full stance). Cross Step From Kumite Dachi or Kiba Dachi, one foot steps behind the other toward the desired direction (legs are crossed at this point), and the other leg moves toward the desired direction (used to cover long distance, full stance or more). Lean Lean awy from opponent without moving into Kokutsu Dachi (used for evading opponent's techniques while maintaining position for a counter strike). Lunge Body weight shifts forward into Zenkutsu Dachi- stance lengthens. Used to get more reach with front hand. KUMITE TECHNIQUES 1. Front arm GEDAN UKE, step slide, GYAKU SEIKEN TSUKI. Front arm lower block, step slide reverse punch. 2. Front (or rear) arm AGE UKE, push slide, rear (or front) hand URA TSUKI. Front (or rear) arm rising block, push slide, rear (or front) hand upper cut. 3. Step slide GYAKU SEIKEN TSUKI, rear leg MAWASHI GERI KEKOMI. Step slide reverse punch, rear roundhouse kick. 4. Step slide URAKEN UCHI, cross-step behind, YOKO GERI KEKOMI. Step slide backfist, cross-step, side thrust kick. 5. Shuffle step, YOKO GERI KEKOMI, front hand URAKEN UCHI, GYAKA SEIKEN TSUKI. Shuffle step, side kick, backfist, reverse punch. NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU KUMITE TECHNIQUES (CON'T) 6. Rear leg YOKO GERI, GYAKA URA TSUKI. Rear leg side kick, rear inverted punch. 7. Lean back toshift into KIBA DACHI, front arm SOTO UKE, GYAKA SEIKEN TSUKI, front arm URA TSUKI. Lean back to shift into straddle stance, front arm cross-body block, reverse punch, uppercut. 8. Rear MAE GERI KEKOMI, TSUKI FUTATSU to head. Rear front thrust kick, double punch to head. 9. Rear hand GEDAN UKE, front HAITO. Rear hand lower block, front ridgehand. SELF DEFENSE RELEASES 1. Wrist release Pivot arm at elbow 2. Wrist release Dropping into squat, drive forearm toward floor 3. Dual Wrist Release Step dwon, pinning arms to side, knee to groin 4. Lapel Grab (single) Counter grab, step down, ridgehand to groin, inverted punch, elbow to head 5. Kick to Groin Raise knee to deflect or block, step down, backbist, reverse punch 6. Choke Hold (front) Grab thumbs, step down turning thumbs out, kick or knee to groin NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU HEAVY BAG AND FOCUS PAD TECHNIQUES 1. MAWASHI GERI (instep) Front and rear leg 2. YOKO GERI KEAGE 3. BACKFIST On focus pad TAMESHIWARI TECHNIQUES 1. Palm Heel Strike on board 2. Front Snap kick on board DOJO KUN (TRAINING OATH) We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm, unshaking spirit. We will pursue the true meaning of the martial way, so that in our time, our senses may be alert. With true vigor, we will seek to cultivate a spirit of self-denial. We will observe the rules of courtesy, respect our superiors and refrain from violence. We will pay homage to our creator, and never forget the true virtue of humility. We will look upwards to wisdom and strength, not seeking other desires. All our lives, through discipline of karate, we will seek to fulfill the true meaning of the way. NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU THE MEANING OF ISSINRYU’S SYMBOL GODDESS The Isshinryu No Megami (protecting spirit): half female, half dragon. Also called Mizu Gami (watergoddess), or “Goshujinsama.” Represents a peaceful character, but with hidden strengths. STARS Qualities developed or Tatsuo’s instructors GRAY BACKGROUND Represents, night, calm, and quiet. DRAGON Represents fighting spirit that arises when needed. Old Oriental legend that dragon is a spirit and rises from the sea to the sky. LEFT HAND Open hand represents peace. RIGHT HAND Closed hand represents strength if evil persists. IS One SHIN Heart RYU Way The emblem represents a vision that came to Master Shimabuku in a dream he had during the time he was developing the Isshinryu system. One or more of his American students (US Marines stationed in Okinawa) had a painting made of the vision. Feeling that it had symbolically expressed what he was trying to accomplish in Isshinryu Karate, the Master adopted the vision as the emblem of his system. Later US Marines had the painting made into a patch to be worn on the karategi in honor of Master Shimabuku’s new system. NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU KYU RANK SYSTEM Rank Belt Color Kata Min. Time Formal in Rank Classes 10, Jukkyu White 9, Kukyu White (one stripe) Kihon, 3 months 16 Begin Sanchin 8, Hachikyu Yellow Seisan 3 months 16 7, Shichikyu Orange Seuinchin 3 months 24 6, Rokkyu Blue Naihanchi 3 months 24 5, Gokyu Light Green Wansu 4 months 45 4, Yonkyu Dark Green Chinto 4 months 45 3, Sankyu Brown (one Kusanku 4 months 45 stripe) 2, Nikyu Brown (two Sunsu 4 months 45 stripes) 1, Ikkyu Brown (three 4 months 45 stripes) *NOTE: The traditional Isshinryu Kyu system has three divisions: White (10 th -7th kyu), Green (6 th -4th kyu), and Brown (3 rd -1st kyu). Individual Dojos can adopt additional colors for each kyu rank. The above is one of several acceptable systems. NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU NUMERALS AND WAYS OF COUNTING In Japan, there are many ways to count various items. The most usual and common way of counting is to say, when counting different items, “hitotsu, futatsu, mittsu, etc.” and when counting numbers, “ichi, ni, san, etc.”. Numbers Items One ichi hi-to-tsu Two ni fu-ta-su Three san mit-tsu Four shi yot-tsu Five go i-tsu-tsu Six roku mut-tsu Seven shichi na-na-tsu Eight hachi yat-tsu Nine ku ko-ko-no-tsu Ten ju to Examples: One Downward Block : Gedan Uke hi-to-tsu (not ichi gedan uke) Five Seiken Tsukis Seiken tsuki I-tsu-tsu From eleven onwards, all counting is the same: Eleven ju-ichi Twenty-one ni-ju-ichi Twelve ju-ni Twenty-two ni-ju-ni Thirteen ju-san Thirty san-ju Fourteen ju-shi Forty* yon-ju Fifteen ju-go Forty-one yon-ju-ichi Sixteen ju-roku Fifty go-ju Seventeen ju-shichi Sixty roku-ju Eighteen ju-hachi Seventy shichi-ju Nineteen ju-ku Eighty kyu-ju Twenty ni-ju Ninety kya-ju One Hundred hyaku *NOTE: The word four in Japanese is different in the combining from. Fourth kyu is Yonkyu. The number 44 is yon-ju-shi. NORTHERN VIRGINIA ISSHINRYU KARATE CLUB SHICHIKYU CHECKLIST Name:___________________________________ Membership #:________________ Date of last promotion____________________ To be eligible to test for this rank, all checklist items must be completed and initialed by a club officer or brown belt, where appropriate, at least one week before test.
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