City of Detroit Contest Overview Data Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 Last Updated 11/05/2020 12:18 PM EST Election Report: November 2020 Number of Registered Voters: 504,714 Unofficial Results Ballots Cast: 250,138 Turnout: 49.56% Straight Party Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,219 Democrat Party 191,152 94.94% Republican Party 7,085 3.52% Libertarian Party 591 0.29% U.S. Taxpayers Party 638 0.32% Working Class Party 1,133 0.56% Green Party 430 0.21% Natural Law Party 305 0.15% Total: 201,334 100% President/Vice-President Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,219 Joseph R. Biden/Kamala D. Harris 233,908 94.04% Donald J. Trump/Michael R. Pence 12,654 5.09% Jo Jorgensen/Jeremy Cohen 845 0.34% Don Blankenship/William Mohr 345 0.14% Howie Hawkins/Angela Walker 772 0.31% Rocky De La Fuente/Darcy Richardson 204 0.08% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 248,728 100% United States Senator Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,219 Gary Peters 227,486 92.00% John James 12,734 5.15% Valerie L. Willis 4,063 1.64% Marcia Squier 2,068 0.84% Doug Dern 904 0.37% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 247,255 100% Representative in Congress 14th District Precincts fully reported: 321 of 321 100.00% Ballots: 113,840 Brenda Lawrence 105,103 93.81% Robert Vance Patrick 3,942 3.52% Lisa Lane Gioia 975 0.87% Philip Kolody 1,095 0.98% Clyde K. Shabazz 919 0.82% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 112,034 100% Representative in State Legislature 2nd District Precincts fully reported: 74 of 74 100.00% Ballots: 19,737 Joe Tate 17,887 92.95% Mayra Rodriguez 741 3.85% DaNetta L. Simpson 616 3.20% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 19,244 100% Member of the State Board of Education Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,219 Ellen Cogen Lipton 218,936 46.14% Jason Strayhorn 213,560 45.01% Tami Carlone 9,586 2.02% Michelle A. Frederick 10,030 2.11% Bill Hall 1,931 0.41% Richard A. Hewer 1,685 0.36% Karen Adams 4,986 1.05% Douglas Levesque 1,355 0.29% Mary Anne Hering 6,979 1.47% Hali McEachern 3,371 0.71% Tom Mair 2,103 0.44% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 474,522 100% 1/26 City of Detroit Regent of the University of Michigan Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,219 Mark Bernstein 219,561 46.52% Shauna Ryder Diggs 219,502 46.50% Sarah Hubbard 10,379 2.20% Carl Meyers 9,202 1.95% James L. Hudler 1,877 0.40% Eric Larson 2,208 0.47% Ronald E. Graeser 1,838 0.39% Crystal Van Sickle 3,042 0.64% Michael Mawilai 2,960 0.63% Keith Butkovich 1,428 0.30% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 471,997 100% Trustee of Michigan State University Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Brian Mosallam 215,661 45.87% Rema Ella Vassar 218,527 46.48% Pat O'Keefe 10,183 2.17% Tonya Schuitmaker 9,571 2.04% Will Tyler White 2,695 0.57% Janet M. Sanger 3,814 0.81% John Paul Sanger 2,030 0.43% Brandon Hu 2,627 0.56% Robin Lea Laurain 2,955 0.63% Bridgette Abraham-Guzman 2,118 0.45% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 470,181 100% Governor of Wayne State University Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Eva Garza Dewaelsche 218,519 46.53% Shirley Stancato 218,758 46.58% Don Gates 10,187 2.17% Terri Lynn Land 11,610 2.47% Jon Elgas 2,592 0.55% Christine C. Schwartz 4,158 0.89% Susan Odgers 3,825 0.81% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 469,649 100% Prosecuting Attorney Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Kym L. Worthy 209,698 87.60% Daniel Ziemba 29,673 12.40% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 239,371 100% Sheriff Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Benny N. Napoleon 234,728 100.00% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 234,728 100% Clerk Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Cathy M. Garrett 232,608 95.69% Dylan M. Gomula 10,481 4.31% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 243,089 100% Treasurer Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Eric R. Sabree 230,180 94.87% Anthony Wozniak 12,453 5.13% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 242,633 100% Register of Deeds Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Bernard J. Youngblood 228,792 94.38% 2/26 City of Detroit Parker Burns 9,661 3.99% Richard J. Secula 3,974 1.64% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 242,427 100% County Commissioner 2nd District Precincts fully reported: 130 of 130 100.00% Ballots: 46,156 Jewel Ware 40,619 94.09% James Cole Jr. 2,550 5.91% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 43,169 100% Justice of Supreme Court Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Bridget Mary McCormack 128,793 37.40% Kerry Lee Morgan 24,096 7.00% Katherine Mary Nepton 20,467 5.94% Brock Swartzle 12,217 3.55% Elizabeth M. Welch 86,715 25.18% Susan L. Hubbard 33,278 9.66% Mary Kelly 38,818 11.27% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 344,384 100% Judge of Court of Appeals 1st District Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Karen Fort Hood 151,111 43.00% Anica Letica 104,362 29.70% Christopher M. Murray 95,954 27.30% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 351,427 100% Judge of Circuit Court 3rd Circuit (Incumbent) Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 David J. Allen 96,461 8.76% Mariam Bazzi 70,890 6.43% Chris Dingell 87,516 7.94% Charlene M. Elder 77,921 7.07% Helal A. Farhat 61,481 5.58% John H. Gillis Jr. 73,466 6.67% Noah P. Hood 89,269 8.10% Edward J. Joseph 61,225 5.56% Don Knapp 57,182 5.19% Cylenthia LaToye Miller 90,118 8.18% Lynne A. Pierce 71,392 6.48% Lawrence S. Talon 58,291 5.29% Carla G. Testani 59,288 5.38% Margaret M. Van Houten 61,907 5.62% Shannon Nicol Walker 85,304 7.74% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 1,101,711 100% Judge of Circuit Court 3rd Circuit (Non-Incumbent Position) Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Chandra W. Baker 98,117 30.38% Nicholas John Hathaway 68,289 21.15% Shakira Lynn Hawkins 94,221 29.18% Mary Beth Kelly 62,317 19.30% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 322,944 100% Judge of Circuit Court 3rd Circuit Partial Term (Incumbent) Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Darnella Williams-Claybourne 169,915 100.00% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 169,915 100% Judge of Probate Court Precincts fully reported: 1,115 of 1,115 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 David Braxton 119,887 35.70% Judy A. Hartsfield 115,351 34.35% Terrance Ashworth Keith 100,548 29.94% Total write-in 0 0.00% 3/26 City of Detroit Total: 335,786 100% Judge of District Court 36th District Precincts fully reported: 637 of 637 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Nancy M. Blount 109,406 14.33% Demetria Brue 85,456 11.19% E. Lynise Bryant 83,261 10.90% Ronald Giles 85,720 11.22% Adrienne Hinnant-Johnson 77,397 10.13% Shannon A. Holmes 92,157 12.07% Patricia L. Jefferson 81,359 10.65% Kenneth J. King 80,166 10.50% Michael E. Wagner 68,749 9.00% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 763,671 100% Judge of District Court Partial Term 36th District Precincts fully reported: 637 of 637 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Kristina Robinson Garrett 141,613 56.28% Jacquelyn A. McClinton 110,024 43.72% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 251,637 100% Detroit Community School District Board Member Precincts fully reported: 637 of 637 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Richard C. Clement 15,041 3.31% Sherry Gay-Dagnogo 51,831 11.41% Bessie Harris 36,314 7.99% Elena M. Herrada 19,411 4.27% Zsa Zsa C. Hubbard 18,780 4.13% Jermain Lee Jones 21,858 4.81% LaMar Lemmons 37,892 8.34% T. Lemmons 14,767 3.25% Sonya S. Mays 67,337 14.82% Ida C. Short 30,246 6.66% Chico Frank Sorrell 11,056 2.43% Misha Stallworth 64,535 14.20% Iris A. Taylor 50,193 11.05% John Telford 15,132 3.33% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 454,393 100% State Proposal 20-1 Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Yes 174,247 80.57% No 42,021 19.43% Total: 216,268 100% State Proposal 20-2 Precincts fully reported: 1,116 of 1,116 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Yes 186,238 85.01% No 32,827 14.99% Total: 219,065 100% Proposal N - City of Detroit Neighborhood Bond Proposal Precincts fully reported: 637 of 637 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Yes 154,815 70.28% No 65,481 29.72% Total: 220,296 100% Wayne RESA Proposal (Wayne County pcts only) Precincts fully reported: 1,110 of 1,110 100.00% Ballots: 250,138 Yes 160,640 75.41% No 52,371 24.59% Total: 213,011 100% City of Detroit Community Advisory Council District 4 Partial Term Ending 01/01/2022 Precincts fully reported: 88 of 88 100.00% Ballots: 32,518 Scotty Boman 20,305 100.00% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 20,305 100% 4/26 City of Detroit County Commissioner 1st District Precincts fully reported: 80 of 80 100.00% Ballots: 23,583 Tim Killeen 21,691 100.00% Total write-in 0 0.00% Total: 21,691 100% Representative in Congress 13th District Precincts fully reported: 492 of 492 100.00% Ballots: 136,379 Rashida Tlaib 124,816 93.05% David Dudenhoefer 5,598 4.17% Articia Bomer 978 0.73% Sam Johnson 1,744 1.30% D.
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