Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1988 Daily Egyptian 1988 9-13-1988 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 13, 1988 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1988 Volume 75, Issue 17 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 13, 1988." (Sep 1988). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1988 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1988 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois UniversIty at Carbondale Tuesday, September 13, 19S8, Vol. 75, No. 17, 16 Pages CCFA injured Obelisk scrapped by budget cuts for 1988 Loss of faculty contributes By Jackie Spinner Staff Writer the ::ombindtil'n of these By Beth Clavin will Staff Writer problems will have a negative Graduating seniors have effect on the quality of to write their own book of and Brent Honcharenko education at SIU-C. memories since pIaos for a Staff Writer The combining of classes 1988 Obelisk II yearbook have Poor pay, loss of faculty, no betv.een departments may be been scrapped. spending and deprt:ssed an op~ion to save money but it A delayed 1987 Obelisk II education ar" all factors is also a victim of debate and yearbook, however, is ex­ haunting the College of mixed feeling~. pected to be ready for Communications and Fine Brent Kington, director of publication in early October, Arts. the School of Art, said he Pat Hart, Obelisk student There at e a lot of mixed agrees with the combining of editor, said. feelings and opinions among class~ among departments, the directors and chair­ but sai.d a dilemma will start 1~~sCtr!s~~~ ~rsons. None of them know when deciding which depart­ 1988 book," he explained. for sure '.",hat IS in store for the ment should teach them. With aU the money paid to upcoming semesters, but all "Which department is better the pubhsber for the 1987 have a good idea: cuts, cuts qualified to teach graphic yearbook, it was simply too and more cuts. communications: art ')r much to just forget the 1987 One problem affecting each journalism?" Kington a~ked. book, Hart said. department and the college as According to Kington, the The delay stemmed from a whole is the loss of faculty biggest problem is giving dissension between the and staff and not being able to quality education. He doesn't Obelisk's student volunteer replace them, academic heads see how that can be ac­ staff and its former general said. complished with aU the cuts. manager, A_ Steve Warne1is. The other-than-salary "I don't think we're The staff dropped from about budget, which includes money providing adequate or quality 45 to 6 because of that, Cindy set aside for mail and classes here," Kington said. "I Zeigler, 1987 student editor, telephone use, and general personally believe that if a Silhouette said in a January. supplies is another problem. student pays for an education When Warnelis' contract Mike Hubbard, Junior In geography from Deerfield, .tudl.. was not renewed in December All the college's directors tor a c .... outalde of the Unlveralty MUMum In Faner Hall. anri chairpersons agree that 1987, the position of general See CUTS, Page 5 manager was terminated, Ha.wotsaid. The Obelisk is now staffed by a graduate assistant and Former Carter adviser endorses Bush student editor. Instead of By United Pr... International plause at a Rotary Club lun­ many departmental editors, Democrat Michael Dukakis "In my view of the two candidates for the cheon in Kalamazoo, Mich., associate editors are DOW accused George Bush of poor where he charged that a vote under one student editor, foreign policy judgment presidency, George Bush is the one who can for Dukakis is a vote for higher Sue Sbelton was hired from Monday, but the governor's taxes. John Wood Community attempt to shore up his in­ best fashion an effective bipartisan foreign College in Quincy to fill the ternational affairs credentials policy. " • Democratic vice position of graduate assistant. was undercut by a former presidential candidate Uoyd She is working toward a Democratic national security -Zbigniew Brzezinski Bentsen remained in his doctoral degree in higher adviser's endorsement of the Senate office in Washington educatioo. vice president. and was not expected to go "Not much has been done in In Washington, Bush named whose chief aim of his cam­ In addition, Frederic Malek, back out on the campaign trail the past six months, so we are a 13-member task forcE' on paign trip this week was to set Bush's choice as deputy until Wednesday. 'ust trying to put the puzzle national security affa:';; for out his foreign policy goals and chairman of the Republican i:clt tOgether." Sbelton said. his GOP presidential cam­ reverse a perception among National Committee, resigned In Philadelphia, Dukakis ''The people working on the paign that includes Zbigniell voters that he is weak on Sunday foUowing a newspaper ripped Bush for his role as Obelisk now are trying to get it Brzezinski, former national national sP.Curity issues. report he once compiled a list bead of a task force on back on its feet from mistakes security adviser to President As the opposing presidential of Jewish employees in a terrorism and participation in in the past," she added. Jimmy Carter. candidates threw barbs at branch of the Labor Depart­ the Iran arms initiative, and "In my view of the two each other on foreign policy ment. said the record in both cases candidates for the presidency, and national security issues, In other campaign action: points to a question of "the George Bush is the one who the Bush campaign braced for • A Harris poll com­ Judgment and the steadiness can best fashion an effective what was expected to be more missioned by Business Week required in the Oval Office." bipartisan foreign policy, .. forced resignations on its showed Dukakis, who led Bush Brzezinski said. "In saying so, advisory ethnics panel amid by 17 percentage points after ()ukakis also challenged I remain proud, very proud of allegations of anti-Semitism. the Democratic conventioo, Bush to defend the ad­ my national service under The co-ehairman of Bush's now trailing by 6 points. ministration's anti-drug ef­ President Carter. American Nationalities Moreover, the poU provided forts, its dealings with "But now is the time to look Coalition, Jerome Brentar, evidence that the public has Panama Gen. Manuel Antonio ahead," the conservative was ousted from his post last bought the GOP line that Noriega, and declared, "My Democrat said, "to choose the week for having vocally Dukakis is inexperienced in friends, we need answers and best leadership for the next defended John Demjanjuk, the foreign affairs. we need better leadership four years." Cleveland autoworker con­ • Republica n vice from the president than we are The words mast have stung victed in Israel of Nazi war presidential candidate Dan going to get with George Qua up they .hould call H the Massachusetts governor, crimes. Quayle received polite ap- Bush." theobsol.... l I This ~lorning Nitz upset over 'intrusion in territory' By Carrie L. Ferguaon Desoto, said Trag territory "homosexual hater" and Elizabeth Mitcbell, a J.C. University Farms and Richard Goldstein was a "a pla~ (around Crab murdered Michael D. Miley, Penney employee, said she Staff Writers Orchard Lake) we went to who was a practicing couldn't identify the man who to offer tours when we rode motorcycles bomosexual. came into the store because together." The area Nitz Miley's credit cards were "he didn'Uook as bad as in the - Page 9 The brother-in-law of ac­ called Trag territory, Spillway used April 7 at the Kentucky (pbotolioeup)." cused murderer Richard Nitz Road .around CI:ab Orchard Oaks Mall, Paducah, the day Two Sears salespeople Qualifying rounds testified for the pJ"{:&~ution Lake, IS a gathering place for after he was reported missing. identified Nitz as the man who Monday dt the Williamson homosexual men: Sandra Neal, a J .C. Penney used Miley's credit card, and a held for golf County Courthouse that Nitz Bookmyer S8Jd "everyone employee, did not identify Nitz loading dock worker said he was the leader of the "Trag -- Sports 16 knew" Nitz hated in a photo lineup, but did remembers loading a set of Club" and was upset because homesexuals. remember an A~ 7 sales speakersintoNitz'f.::aJ'. homosexuals were intruding In opening sta tements, transaction involvmg a woman The witnesses sal(i they Chance of rain. 80s. on "Trog territory." State's Attorney Charles and a. man with handaged Charles Bookmyer, of Garnati alledged Nitz if a hands.,. See MILEY, Page 5 'lo.a'i.4~/ Newswrap I~. , ••,~,tJia . ,.' . Free Pizza \\'orld /nation ~ FREE' "nloll Cheese PI~ZO wdh order of The Be;! ACCUI;Q LG, 2 Ingrpdient Pizzo BINDING Hurricane rakes Jamaica ~ lIm,! 1 per 0rder low cost. fast service Pick-Up or :::>ellvery with 140 mph wind gusts Grand A e. Mall 549-7811 CarbOlldale KINGSTON, Jamaica ,L'P,; - Massive and dangerous kinko's' Hurricane Gilbert raked Jamaica with torrential rains and wind Across from SIU gusts up to 140 mph Monday, blowing down palm trees, snat- , tering windows and causing widespread flooding across the On the Island island. Thousands of people fled outlying areas and sought T-BIRDS 549-0788 ' refuge in Kingswn's concrete and steel sports arena and other ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ shelters. Jamaica's weather forecasters said the giant storm ~ caused heavy damage to Kingston's airport and aircraft parked SHORT ~I!>.
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