Editorial Committee: Marjo Bruun, Director-General, Statistics Finland Mariana Kotzeva, Deputy Director- General, Eurostat Tjark Tjin-a-tsoi, Director-General, Statistics Netherlands Janusz Witkowski, President, Central Statistical Office Authors: Lukasz Augustyniak, Bettina Knauth, Morag Ottens, Eurostat Design: Claudia Daman, Publications Office Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union. Freephone number (*): CONTENTS 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. > Foreword ...........4 > What is the European Statistical System? ...........6 > A true ESS Perspective: A statistician’s best friends are statisticians in other countries ...........10 > The Instituto Nacional de Estadistica of Spain — an institution clothed in statistics ...........12 > The ESS in the year 2015 ...........14 > The role of the Presidency of the Council ...........18 > 2015 Council Presidencies in Statistics: Latvia and Luxembourg ...........20 Page 4: © European Union, 2016 Page 5: © Statistical Office of Slovenia > Second round of ESS peer reviews — importance and lessons learned ...........24 Page 8: © Statistics Portugal Page 10: © European Statistical Governance Advisory Board Page 12: © Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Spain Peer Review in Estonia ...........28 Page 19 — Latvia (top right to bottom right): © Euro Slice , © Nenyaki , © Dave Curtis , © Sandis Grandovskis (Luxembourg) Page 19 — Luxembourg (top left to bottom right): © 2015 by Frederic Peer review in Norway ...........30 Schneider , , © Mariusz Kluzniak , © Erik Jaeger , © hamadryades Page 20: © Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia > Indicators for decision-making and monitoring ...........32 Page 21: © Luc Kohnen Page 28: © Statistics Estonia Page 30: © Statistics Norway New ways of speeding up data on income and living conditions ...........33 Page 33: © Statistics Portugal Page 35: © Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques Page 36: © University of Sussex How far can statisticians go in commenting on trends of indicators? ...........35 Page 43: © Immigration office, Belgium Page 45: © Istituto nazionale di statistica How indicators shape reality ...........36 More information on the European Union is available > Measuring migration..........38 on the Internet (http://europa.eu). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016 The Belgian experience in the field of asylum and managed migration statistics ...........43 PDF: KS-FN-16-001-EN-N ISSN 2363-3395 doi:10.2785/86149 ISBN 978-92-79-52213-0 A view from Italy: Integration — a keyword with many meanings ........... Print: KS-FN-16-001-EN-C ISSN 1977-6500 doi:10.2785/78261 ISBN 978-92-79-52212-3 45 © European Union, 2016 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in PRINTED ON ELEMENTAL CHLORINE-FREE BLEACHED PAPER (ECF) FOREWORD uropean statisticians will remember the year by providing objective and reliable data to E2015 as a particularly important one for their European policymakers. The official statistics trade. After more than three years of intense produced by its partners are indispensable for discussions, agreement was finally reached on a the proper functioning of democratic states revised version of the so-called Statistical Law in Europe, with the costs of their production (Regulation 223/2009), a piece of legislation WALTER RADERMACHER GENOVEFA RUŽIĆ easily offset by the potential cost of making with a direct impact on the functioning of the Chief Statistician, Chair bad decisions. whole European Statistical System (ESS). Director-General, Eurostat ESS Partnership Group European Commission Director-General, In this edition, you will be able to find out The amendments to the Law clarified the role Statistical Office of Slovenia about the organisation and structure of the and position of the Heads of the National ESS and learn, in a separate article, about Statistical Institutes and gave better protection some of its key achievements in 2015. The role to the independence of national statistical of the rotating Presidency of the European authorities. The statistical authorities have also Council is explained, with Latvia and been given improved access to administrative Luxembourg summarising in a joint interview sources, which will simplify their future work ministries and health and safety agencies, and In fact, we are talking about a statistical the main results of their 2015 statistical and lead to reducing the burden on respondents. at Eurostat, together produce timely, reliable ‘production factory’, employing roughly Council Presidencies. In all, the revision constituted a huge step on the and comparable statistics for Europe. Our users 50 000 statisticians in 32 European countries, way towards consolidating the governance of range from policymakers, business leaders, with a strong, international legal basis. This In the following articles we present the European statistics. researchers and journalists to members of the quality work was recently certified by external latest developments in the area of migration With the ever-increasing demand for European public. peer reviewers (see the article on page 24). The statistics, summarise the findings of the statistics, the ESS is improving its operations high quality products supplied by the ESS could ESS peer reviews, concluded last year, and European statisticians provide a constantly and investing in better services for data users. one day be stamped with a European quality explain the role of statistical indicators. We growing number of products covering such As part of the ESS Vision 2020, agreed by all ESS label to make them better stand out from the less also feature an interview with Mr Martti important topics as jobs, growth, investment, members, European partners are intensifying robust commercial competition and the almost Hetemäki, chairman of the European energy security, sustainability, competitiveness their collaboration, seeking efficiency gains and endless amounts of data of varying quality Statistical Governance Advisory Board. and migration (see the article on page 38). These reducing response burden. accessible on the Internet. statistics are produced in accordance with the We hope that the ESS Report will bring the Statisticians in national statistical institutes, rules laid out in the European Statistics Code of It is evident that the ESS plays a huge role both European Statistical System closer to you and other national authorities, such as certain Practice. in the shaping of national and EU policies reinforce your interest in European statistics.n 4 THE ESS REPORT 2015 THE ESS REPORT 2015 5 Organisation of statistical WHAT IS THE EUROPEAN production in the ESS STATISTICAL SYSTEM? tatistics have played a significant part in the Sconstruction of the European Union from the very beginning. In 1953, a statistical service of the Cooperation at ESS level — European Coal and Steel Community was created. Governance Eurostat In 1958, when the European Community was founded, it became a Directorate-General of the ... NSS European Commission. The expansion of the European Union and the development of new Community policies NSS NSS brought forth an increasing demand for high- ESAC ESGAB quality, comparable European statistics. This users monitoring meant that a closer cooperation between Eurostat and the National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) was necessary and thus, at the beginning NSS NSS of the 1990s, the foundations of the European ESSC ESS Statistical System (ESS) were laid. steering The ESS was constructed as a partnership the ESS between Eurostat, the National Statistical Institutes and Other National Authorities NSS NSS (ONAs), i.e. the institutions producing European statistics. Today, the ESS includes the 28 EU Member States and the countries that belong to NSS the European Free Trade Association (EFTA): NSS Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Preparatory The mission of the ESS is to provide citizens groups at NSS with independent, high-quality information on working level NSS the economy and society on European, national and regional levels and make the information Legend: available to everyone for decision-making NSI ONAs purposes, research and democratic debate. NSS = National Statistical System The Member States collect data and compile NSI = National Statistical Institute statistics, while Eurostat leads the way in the Legend: ONAs = Other National Authorities harmonisation of statistics in close cooperation ESAC = European Statistical Advisory Committee ESGAB = European Statistical Governance with the national statistical authorities. Advisory Board ESSC = European Statistical System Committee 6 THE ESS REPORT 2015 THE ESS REPORT 2015 7 How does the ESS function? outstanding competence in the field of statistics. Its task is to provide an overview of the ESS in Eurostat, together with the representatives from regard to the implementation of the Code of the relevant national statistical authorities, Practice. The mission and work of the Board Meeting of the Directors-General develops proposals for new or updated data were presented in the 2013 edition of the ESS of the National Statistical Institutes collections and prepares new statistical and Eurostat, Lisbon, September 2015 Report. An interview with the head of ESGAB methodologies. It can take years of intensive can be found on page 10. discussions and fine-tuning to ensure
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