TOKYO SUGINAMI SAVOUR THE LOCAL FLAVOUR 杉 並 の ヒト・モ ノ・コト に 会 い に 行 く KOENJI ASAGAYA !! RS E E H C OGIKUBO NISHI- OGIKUBO DELICIOUS ENCOUNTER RAMEN!! A WORLD OF JAPANESE ANTIQUES Not only does Suginami have the larger Tokyo Koenji Awaodori (traditional dancing WELCOME TO PLENTY OF FESTIVALS festival) and Asagaya Tanabata festival (star festival), but also morning markets and bar AND EVENTS hopping events. You can always find some kind of festival or event on every week SUGINAMI WARD 3 お ま つ り・イ ベ ン ト が 盛 り だ くさ ん somewhere in Suginami. 東京高円寺阿波おどりに阿佐谷七夕まつりなど季節のお 祭りだけでなく、朝市や飲み屋巡りなど、毎週どこかでイ 東 京 2 3 区 の 西 端 、杉 並 区 へ よ う こ そ 。 ベントが 開かれています。 Koenji, Asagaya, Ogikubo and Nishi-Ogikubo...which town do you have in 高円寺、阿佐ヶ谷、荻窪、西荻窪、あなたのお目当ては mind? どの 街 でしょうか。 Suginami is situated close to the center of Tokyo, and yet it has lots of green 都心にアクセスしやすく緑の多い杉並区は、住宅地とし て人気が高い「暮らしの街」。だからこそ、有名観光地とは spaces and peaceful locations. It’s a very popular suburb, with many people 一味違う、日本の日常生活を感じられるような観光が楽し wanting to live there. You can find many different things to see and do here, めます。 from touristy pursuits to more down-to-earth activities enjoyed by visitors 今回ご紹介するスポットは必ずしも英語メニューがあった and locals alike. The reason for the inclusion of the places in this guide, り、外国語に堪能なスタッフがいるわけではありません。で is not necessarily because they speak and/or provide services in foreign も、訪日観光客をあたたかく迎える気持ちを持ったお店ば languages, but due to their effort in welcoming tourists from overseas. Even かりです。このガイドブックを開いて、会ってみたい人や食 though there might be a language barrier, they try their best to provide a べてみたい物、体 験したいことが見つかったら、どうぞ気 service to visitors. We hope that you find somewhere, or something that 軽 に 立 ち 寄 ってみてください 。 you’d like to try while visiting in Suginami ward. Asagaya Tanabata Festival KOENJI APARTMENT This festival is held in August (star festival) (ARTISAN MARKETS) at Asagaya. At Asagaya Pearl A VARIETY OF ➡️ P14/SUGINAMI ARTISAN MARKETS Center you will find giant papier-mâché decorations 10 C O O L gion scattered all around. (JAPANESE STYLE CAFE) TASTY LOCAL FOOD FACTS ABOUT ➡️ P09/ASAGAYA SUGINAMI Animation Museum ➡️ P16-17/ENJOY ANIMATION MUSEUM SUGINAMI 1 い ろ ん な“ 美 味 し い ”に 出 会 え る ANIME TOWN Lots of choices for dining including good old-style Japanese cafés, very popular ア ニメーション の 街 ramen shops, and a Taiyaki shop, which 4 serves crispy-coated Taiyaki. Great for eat- Suginami has more than 130 animation on-the-go options and/or souvenirs for companies, which is much more than any your family and friends. other city! Many Japanese Anime have 昔ながらの喫茶店に、行列のできるラーメン屋、薄皮ぱ originated in Suginami, such as “Mobile りぱりのたいやき屋など、美味しいお店ばかり。食べ歩 Suit Gundam” by Sunrise Inc. きやお土産にもぴったりなものがたくさんあります。 Tomoean (TAIYAKI SHOP) 杉並区には130社以上のアニメ制作会社があり、市区 ➡️ P08/ASAGAYA Menya Someiyoshino 町村別では全国一の多さ。『機動戦士ガンダム』を手が (RAMEN SHOP/NISHI-OGIKUBO) ける(株)サンライズなど、多くのアニメが杉並から生 ➡️ P18/SUGINAMI BITES Nishiogi Minamiguci Nakadori Shotenkai まれています。 (Nishiogi South Exit Nakadori Store Association) LIVELY SHOPPING Koju (INCENSE SHOP) ➡️ P11/OGIKUBO ASAGAYA PEARL CENTER Kamaju Kamaboko Shop AREAS (SHOPPING ARCADE) (FISHCAKE SHOP) ➡️ P08/ASAGAYA FRIENDLY ➡️ P08/ASAGAYA 2 元気な商店街 SHOP OWNERS There are several shopping streets at 5 ユニークで優しい 店 主たち each station, and each one has their own distinctive features, such as shopping arcades, restaurants, cafés, bars and There are many privately owned shops, antique stores. Some of them are old and those owners are unique and friendly districts whereas others are rather new. characters. You might be able to strike up This makes Suginami popular with the an interesting conversation with them! Welcome to This shopping alley situated right in front of the south our town young & old alike. exit of Nishi-Ogikubo station. The pink elephant hung 個性的でユニークなカルチャーを大事にしている杉並だ from the ceiling of this shopping street will be taken から、そこでお店を開いている人たちも魅力的。親切で それぞれの駅を降りると、アーケード街や飲 食店街など、 down and carried by local kids during the local autumn 面白い店主たちに会いに行ってみてください。 RABIADESSO いくつもの商店街があります。昔ながらの通りから、若者 festival in the same way grown-ups carry Mikoshi, a (BONSAI SHOP) portable shrine, around a town during the festival. でにぎわう通りまで、どこも特 徴 的 。 ➡️ P06/KOENJI 02 03 10 C O O L LOTS OF GREENERY FACTS ABOUT COSMOPOLITAN SUGINAMI 緑あふれる神 社や公 園 6 多国籍なお店が 多い There are a lot of green spaces at shrines 9 and in the parks. During cherry blossom Even though Suginami is a good example and fall season, many people visit them. of a traditional Tokyo suburb, it also caters Enjoy every season in Japan strolling for foreigners that live in Japan. There are around these spaces. many shops handling multinational foods and products with multinational staff or 神社や公園があり、緑も多い杉並区。桜の時期には花見 well-travelled Japanese who speak English 客でどこの公園もにぎわい、秋には色づいた紅葉が楽し and other languages. Suginami has a めます。散歩しながら日本の四季を味わってみるのもいい Ogikubo Hachiman Shrine (OGIKUBO) welcoming atmosphere for visitors. ですね。 ➡️ P17/ENJOY ANIMATION MUSEUM 海外の方が働いていたり、海外帰りの日本人が開いたり、 多国籍な料理や雑貨を扱うお店も多い杉並区。訪日旅行 Daiichi Ichiba (FOOD STALLS) 客を歓迎するあたたかい雰囲気が漂っています。 ➡️ P07/KOENJI Koenji for subculture, Asagaya for a more EACH STATION HAS ITS cultural atmosphere, Ogikubo for ramen Nishiogi Roku Doji and Nishi-Ogikubo for antiques. They ➡️ P13/NISHI-OGIKUBO MAP A OWN CHARACTER line up along the Chuo line close to one EXPERIENCE another, and yet each place imbues a 7 各 駅 が ユニーク totally different charm. EVERYDAY LIFE サブカルチャーの高円寺、文化的な雰囲気の阿佐ヶ谷、 ラーメン激戦区の荻窪、骨董の西荻窪。すぐ隣でも、駅 10 IN TOKYO Please don’t hesitate ごとにそれぞれ 違った 顔を持 っています。 to pop in! 見 所の多い街 歩き Kidoairaku (ANTIQUE SHOP) ➡️ P12/NISHI-OGIKUBO Six statues of little children, known as “Doji”, Suginami is a mixture of old and new. are placed around Nishi-Ogikubo. One Take a walk around the town and enjoy of them will be found right outside of the station; have fun to find the rest! They are the scenery of its residents & its down-to- the work of the renowned sculptor, Satoshi earth charm, such as old signs, historical & Yabuuchi. The work above is called “Osumo Doji (Sumo children)”. traditional buildings, the Jizo Diety statues, and the common sight of the street cats Seiko Lodging relaxing on the walls. A historical building established in 1938. It’s partially ➡️ P11/OGIKUBO MAP B 現代的なものと昔ながらのものが混在する街。散歩をし renovated and being rented out as apartments, while the main building is still being operated as a hotel. ながらふと目に入る、古い看板やのんびりとくつろぐ猫な ど、日常を感じさせてくれる景色を楽しめます。 TRANSPORTRATION TO SUGINAMI AREA Suzukien (GOLDFISH POND) Airport Bus Koenji ➡️ P09/ASAGAYA 85 min 6 min Interval between stations ENJOYABLE 空港リムジンバス Sta. is about 2minutes. 高円寺駅 NIGHTLIFE Narita Asagaya Narita Express 80 min Airport 成田エクスプレス 8 min Sta. 夜も楽しい 成田空港 8 阿佐ケ谷駅 Narita Sky Liner Nippori JR Yamanote Line Ogikubo Restaurants and bars near each of 成田スカイライナー Sta. JR 山手線 21 min 10 min Sta. Suginami’s stations are bustling at night. 40 min 日暮里駅 Shinjuku Stand Kitchen Le Pont (BAR) Station 荻窪駅 Enjoy visiting live music venues and jazz ➡️ P13/NISHI-OGIKUBO 新宿駅 Airport Bus JR Nishi- bars, as well as bar hopping around 35 min ogikubo “Akachochin”. The literal meaning of 空港リムジンバス 12 min Sta. “Akachochin” is ‘red lantern’, which is the 西荻窪駅 term used to describe casual & affordable Haneda Keikyu Line Shinagawa JR Yamanote Line Airport Sta. JR 山手線 Attention:Transfer at Shinjuku Station. bars. Red lanterns would often hang out the 京急線 15 min ● JR 中央線 快速 羽田空港 品川駅 20 min JR Chuo Line Express front of these downtown establishments. It does not stop at Koenji, Asagaya, or Nishi-ogikubo Station on weekends & holidays. 土日・祝日の中央線(快速)は下り・上りとも高円寺・阿佐ケ谷・西荻窪の3駅には停車しません。 駅近くの飲食店は、夜もにぎわいます。「赤ちょうちん」 KOENJI STREET (RETAIL) Tokyo Monorail Hamamatsucho JR Yamanote Line 東京モノレール Sta. 山手線 ● JR Chuo Sobu Line Local JR 中央線 総武線 各駅停車 の並ぶ通りで「はしご酒」を楽しんだり、ライブハウスや ➡️ P07/KOENJI JR It stops at all stations unless terminating at Nakano Station. 20 min 浜松町駅 25 min ジャズバーに行ってみるのも楽しいですよ。 中野行を除き、高円寺から西荻窪まで各駅に停まります。 04 05 LIVE MUSIC VENUE CLOSED 高円寺 3 LIVE&PUB PENGUIN HOUSE NIGHT KOENJI 高円寺ライブハウス ペンギンハウス A home of many subcultures. Full of unique shops; To welcome tourists from overseas, it’s lively throughout the day and night. the entrance fee will be dropped to ¥500 if you present your passport. サブカルチャーの聖地・高円寺は、個性的なお店がそろう活気あふれる街。 「海外のライブハウスのように気軽に入って 昼だけでなく、夜もにぎやかな街を楽しんでみてください。 ほしい」と、旅行者はパスポート提示でチャー Live music is on ジが500円に。 till 10:30pm every night SHOP INFO B1 Misuzu bldg., 3-24-8 Koenji-kita, BONSAI SHOP Suginami-ku 03-3330-6294 Unlike many other countries, live music Opening time: 7:00pm - 1:00am Japanese venues in Japan tend to be rather pricy. 1 (Live music: 7:00pm - 10:30pm) RABIADESSO Modern Pub AZUMA DORI St. Costs can be as much as ¥2000 – ¥4000. DAY Closed for year-end & New year holidays ラビアデッソ KOSUGIYU L (SENTO 銭湯➡️ P20) JAPUB Yenzou Handmade items (IZAKAYA 居酒屋) crafted by various RETAIL 5 artisans 4 KOENJI STREET NIGHT Bonsai is a small tree grown in 3 CLOSED Minna no Omise 高円寺ストリート a container. It’s attempting to To o-ticki replicate the natural vegetation (HANDMADE This old school shopping street is under in miniature. Bonsai of various 2 ハ ンドメイド 雑 貨 ) the elevated Koenji station. At night, many sizes and shapes are displayed shops including Yakitori bars and Gyoza at the shop, inside and out front. dumpling shops light up their signs and red Japanese-style pottery and fabrics lanterns to welcome bar hoppers. are also available. There’s café 高円寺駅高架下に広がるレトロな商店街。夜になると看 section inside the shop. Tourists St. JYUNJYO 板や赤ちょうちんの灯りがともり、焼き鳥や餃子など、は from overseas are welcome. KOSHIN DORI St. ZA-KOENJI しご酒にぴったりなお店が軒を連ねる。 自然の風景に見立て植物を育てる「盆栽」。店 Za no Ichi 8 SHOP INFO 内には大小様々な盆栽が並ぶ。盆栽の雰囲気 (ARTISAN MARKETS The goal of bonsai に合う和雑貨もあり、店内で喫茶も楽しめる。 マルシェ➡️ P15) Business hours, holidays and phone numbers is to maintain the 7 vary depending on the vendor.
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