The World Evangelical Alliance’s Journal The World Evangelical Alliance’s Journal of Theology and Contemporary Application of Theology and Contemporary Application EVANGELICAL REVIEWEVANGELICAL THEOLOGY OF EVANGELICAL Table of Contents Introducing the New, Free, On Becoming a Fellow Traveller in Mission REVIEW OF Electronic ERT Hans Christoph Baer page 99 page 141 Editor’s Introduction A Foundation for African Theology That Bypasses page 100 the West: The Writings of René Girard THEOLOGY Jim Harries The Founding of the European Evangelical page 149 Alliance as a Counter-Movement to the World Evangelical Fellowship The Ethics of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Frank Hinkelmann Problem of Corruption in Malawi page 101 Godwins Lwinga page 164 A Renaissance of Character and Virtue Marvin Oxenham The Trinity and Mission: Missio Dei in ERT is going electronic! page 115 St. Augustine’s De Trinitate P. V. Joseph See page 99 for important information on gaining free access to Don’t Give Up Hope: Continuing in page 175 April 2020 44, No.2, Volume Friendship with God amidst Acedia the new ERT and about current subscriptions. Chloe Lynch Book Reviews page 126 page 190 Volume 44 No. 2 April 2020 ABSTRACTS/INDEXING This journal is abstracted in Religious and Theological Abstracts, 121 South College Street (P.O. Box 215), Myerstown, PA 17067, USA, and in the Christian Periodical Index, P.O. Box 4, Cedarville, OH 45314, USA. It is also indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, published by the American Theological Library Association, 300 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 2100, Chicago, IL 60606 USA, E-mail: [email protected], Web: www.atla.com/ MICROFORM This journal is available on Microform from UMI, 300 North Zeeb Road, P.O. Box 1346, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346, USA. Phone: (313)761-4700 Photocopying Licensing No part of the material in this journal may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, record- ing or otherwise without the prior permission of Paternoster Periodicals, except where a licence is held to make photocopies. Applications for such licences should be made to the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9HE. It is illegal to take multiple copies of copyright material. Evangelical Review of Theology A Global Forum Volume 44 • Number 2 • April 2020 Published by See back cover for Table of Contents ISSN: 0144-8153 Volume 44 No.2 April 2020 Copyright © 2020 World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission General Editor Dr Thomas Schirrmacher, Germany Executive Editor Dr Bruce Barron, USA Assistant Editor Dr Thomas K. Johnson, Czech Republic Book Review Editor Dr Peirong Lin, Singapore Committee Executive Committee of the WEA Theological Commission Dr Rosalee V. Ewell, Brazil, Executive Director Dr Thomas Schirrmacher, Germany, Executive Chair Dr James O. Nkansah, Kenya, Vice-Chair Editorial Policy The articles in the Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) of the authors and reviewers and do not necessarily represent those of the reflect the opinions Editors or the Publisher. The Editors welcome both unsolicited submissions and recommendations of original or previously published articles or book reviews for inclusion in ERT. Manuscripts, reviews, queries and other communications may be addressed to the Executive Editor at [email protected]. Printed and bound in Great Britain for Paternoster Periodicals by AlphaGraphics, 8-9 Vanguard Court, Preston Farm, Stockton-on-Tees, TS18 3TR ERT (2020) 44:2, 99 Introducing the New, Free, Electronic ERT The next issue of the Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) will be quite differ- hope you’ll be part of it. ent.Sometimes We have an opportunities opportunity cometo make in unexpected this a globally ways. influential In this case, journal the andchance we to remake ERT arose when AG Northeast, the UK-based publisher that has faithfullyWe had produced wanted to the expand journal our at electronic no cost to distributionthe World Evangelical of ERT and Alliance reduce thefor tensubscription years, indicated cost, but its we intention had no toway stop to publishingdo so without academic endangering journals. AG North- So, as of our next issue (scheduled for August 2020, to give us an extra east’s modest profit margin. Now we can. 1. will be free. Subscribers will receive an e-mail con- monthElectronic of planning), distribution you will see a brand-new ERT in three major ways. taining either a link to each new issue or a pdf attachment. Back issues will be downloadable from a new ERT web page. (Libraries and others still wanting hard copies can receive them at a greatly reduced subscription charge. Contact us for details.) 2. The contents not purely academic. We will solicit biblically and theologically grounded sub- missions, from an willevangelical be broadened. perspective, We will on remain issues ofa theological current concern journal, to butthe global Christian community. We will seek well-reasoned articles aimed at edu- and many others have shown, world-changing Christian writing can still be catedaccessible Christians, to the masses.not just theologians. As Martin Luther, C. S. Lewis, John Stott We will welcome insightful submissions on current controversies, as long as they are characterized by civility and respectfully acknowledge alternative views. We also hope to publish compelling articles on cutting-edge mission and discipling activities, especially among younger generations or where Chris- tians are a minority. 3. To whom will we send it? To everybody (we hope)! We will leverage the World Evangelical Alliance’s prominence to recruit submissions from leading Christian voices around the world. Accordingly, we are not bashful about recommending the new ERT. We hope that churches, Christian organizations, theological schools and others will send us lists of interested subscribers. Submit e-mail addresses to Johannes Otto at [email protected]. The larger our subscription base grows, the easier it will be to attract world-class submissions. We hope to hear from you with your subscription, submissions, and sug- gestions! Bruce Barron, Executive Editor ([email protected]) Thomas Schirrmacher, General Editor P.S. ERT subscribers for 2020 should have received communication from AG Northeast by now about a refund. If you have not received this information, please contact Bruce. ERT (2020) 44:2, 100 Editorial Introduction: Lots to Think About ofAs topicsthis journal that every prepares evangelical for a new Christian format (see interacting previous with page), the the modern old format world is shouldgoing out bear with in mind:a bang. our Seven own articles history by as first-rate evangelicals, thinkers character cover development, a wide range spiritual formation, mission effectiveness, cross-cultural communication, public engagement and God’s ultimate mission. Frank Hinkelmann, president of the European Evangelical Alliance and a superb historian, draws on deep archival work to examine the theological and cultural divisions between US, UK and European evangelicals in the 1950s and 1960s. His insights are valuable and timely as very different forces threaten to sow division among evangelicals today. We have two excellent contributions from the London School of Theology. Marvin Oxenham argues for a recovery of character and virtue in Christian thinking and particularly in theological education. (We also review Oxenham’s colourful book in this issue.) Chloe Lynch combines extensive study and per- sonal experience to probe deeply into the problem of a heart that feels unable to maintain friendship with God, and she offers meaningful guidance for those who struggle in this way. Hans Baer, accomplished scholar and missionary to Thailand, provides a biblically grounded, highly readable account of both the good and bad in rela- ERT readers know Jim Harries of the Alliance for Vulnerable Mission well by tionship building and relief work on the mission field. - ing the iconoclastic Catholic scholar René Girard, Harries discovered amazing now, but this contribution differs significantly from his previous ones. On read which are detailed in this article. alignmentsGodwins betweenLwinga, aGirard’s Malawian major radio insights broadcaster and the and spiritual gifted scholar, life of Africa,deter- minedly challenges the general modern assumption that democracy improves society. While not overlooking the abuses of one-party rule, he points out that in Malawi, democracy has been accompanied by a notable increase in public corruption. He explains the problem, calls the church to involvement in solv- ing it, and suggests that Bonhoeffer’s ethics can guide us to make a difference. P. V. Joseph, a theology professor in India, offered us an essay (from his re- cent book) on Augustine’s understanding of how the Trinity expresses God’s mission. I got an enthusiastic ‘Yes!’ from one of our theological advisors within three hours. The only problem was how to condense Joseph’s wonderfully pre- cise writing to 8,000 words. This fascinating study will leave you marvelling at the depths of meaning present in God’s Trinity and at the genius of this foun- I look forward to the soon-coming day when previously published issues ofdational ERT are figure available of the free early on church. a website, not only by subscription. These articles and many from previous issues are of lasting value and deserve to be read and ERT. —Bruce Barron, Executive Editor reread. Please join us in spreading the word about the new, free version of ERT (2020) 44:2, 101-114 The Founding of the European Evangelical Alliance as a Counter-Movement to the World Evangelical Fellowship Frank Hinkelmann On 19 September 1952, representa- since the British EA’s beginnings in tives of several national Evangelical 1846, and the DEA can be taken as Alliances (EAs) from Europe met in representative of those EAs on the Hamburg, Germany. They came at the European continent that decided not invitation of the German Evangelical the EEA.1 the European Evangelical Alliance to joinMost the research WEF and on theinstead history founded of the Alliance(EEA).
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