Epigraphical Index

Epigraphical Index

EPIGRAPHICALINDEX (VOL. 45) PERSONS 'A/3as KXedv8po[v tAu4dv7CvT';], ephebe honored ['EopTt] o0 ('AXapvEvj6),ca. 237/6 a., father of 204/3 a., 29994 ['Ep1.o'8wpos],298 40 'Aya0av8pt'8a(Koptvtow), post ca. 224 a., father 'EpyoXapqp('00ecv), ca. 237/6 a., father of of Ttjoo,fOvv, 253 7 NtKcofovXos, 298 54-55, 64-CS 'AM'tav8pos= Alexander (III), on Macedonian 'EpyoXdp-; NtKoflovlkov O0,v,, ephebe honored coin, 15-16 (2) 204/3 a., 299 85 'AvGo06tveco4wvToS lleptOot'&S,ephebe honored ['Epo'8&opos3 'EOPTL'rfov'AXapv[c]v"-;, paidotribes 204/3 a., 29987 204/3 a., 29840 'Av'rav[8p]o [s] (KoptvOtos), post ca. 224 a., EiKpt'TSE ('E7rtKpptTCtog), ca. 224/3 a., father of father of [-- , 253 6 EVi/KpTo-, 298 84 ['Av]TtOXt8q, honored ca. 420-414 a., 291 EVi/KPtTOSEVxKPt'TOV TEr tatos, ephebe honored (II 3); ['AvTtoX3t7], 291 (II 15-16, 20) 204/3 a., 29984 ['AiroXXO'8wpos],archon 204/3 a., 297 1 'A[pt] crTo[Xs], on coin of Erythrai, 152 (115) Ofo4v (HeptGol'&S), ca. 224/3 a., father of 'ApXqLtaXt'&a;4ka[tow Ko [p(] vOtos,post 191 a., 'AvOcEwv,299 87 dikast on Eleian decree found at Corinth, [E)paJrov] ('09ev), ca. 237/6 a., father of 253 6 [---3, f297 2 'ApxeuaxosHIEaLGaw Ko [pt]vGtoL post 191 a., ca. 224/3 father of dikast on Eleian decree found at Corinth, K tcrO4wV( iovAOpvEs), a., 253 8 AvaxZvos, 299 91 KXeavapo[3] (tAjua$avTre), ca. 224/3 a., father #Arra,kos (BCpfVtKt8q), ca. 140/39 a., father of of 299 94 [- ] a'8-q,287 (3 2) "Aflas, KlOv&v5Evo6vTro [v KELptau,3s, ephebe honored 204/3 a., 299 93 Aa,[--- -. 8as (Kop(vGtog), post ca. 224 a., father of tKatcapXoR, 253 7-8 AdSpoptos post 191 a., epimelete in Eleian decree [A7q]7xptos (-ATqcvEti), Ca. 224/3 a., father of found at Corinth,253 12 [----], 29873 Avaitvos K-4tuoc/x^VTOS 'AO/%[ovfv'4],ephebe hon- Arq.rrpto-Mqvo4tXov 'AXapve' [s], ephebehonored ored 204/3 a., 29991 204/3 a., 299 89 Ata[- - - t7r]ro (Kopt'vtog), post ca. 224 a., meve4lcaxos('AXapvfv's3), ca. 237/6 a., father of father of NWKOKX/c, 253 4-5 NwKo'rrpamO;, 297 4 AtKat'apXosAac [---. ] 8a Ko [pt] vGtoc,post 191 [MEvo&vvs],archon 117/6 a., 287 (3 i) a., dikast on Eleian decree found at Corinth, MnvoctXkos('AXapvCs), ca. 224/3 a., father of 253 7-8 Aqpv ptos, 299 89 Ato'8oros,archon 205/4 a., 298 67; Ato8o [7o], Mvaea [; - - - -] Ko [pt']v9toL, post 191 a., dikast 297 6-7; [Ato'kro,;], 298 32 in Eleian decree found at Corinth, 253 6 American School of Classical Studies at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Hesperia ® www.jstor.org 398 EPIGRAPHICAL INDEX NMKav8[pos] vel NtKav8 [pl8ai] (KoptvGtog), post 191 a., dikast in Eleian decree found at ca. 224 a., father of HloXv'$evoq,253 5 Corinth, 253 5 .NLKaTa[s X] twvwta Ko [pt] vOto, post 191 a., dikast IIToXaqaZ0o' laULAev's = Ptolemy III Euergetes, in Eleian decree found at Corinth, 253 5 247-222 a., on Egyptian coin, 152 (116) NtK4/3OVXO0 (10OEv), ca. 224/3 a., father of 'Ep,yoxaps and 5TqrtfXEwq,299 85, 86 'rT- rAcXS NtKOf3oVXOVOIyOcV, ephebe honored NLKo'80ovXos'EpyoXacpov 3OcEv, kosmete in ephebic 204/3 a., 299 86 inscription 204/3 a., 298 53-56, 63-66 lo?cry [,EY\ ? ], orator 204/3 a., 297 5-6 NtKoK,Xi, Ata t---ir] 7r Ko [pt] vOtog, post 191 w.4tX>kov(AypvX^OEv), ca. 224/3 a., father of a., dikast in Eleian decree found at Corinth, [- --]os, 29869 253 4-5 NwKo&rparos Mcvta'Xov 'Axa [pvcv's], chairman of TtLorOrE've 'AyaOav8pt8a Ko [pt] v0tos, post 191 a., proedroi 204/3 a., 297 4-5 dikast in Eleian decree found at Corinth, 253 7 tzvo'4av7o[q] (KetptapJs), ca. 224/3 a., father of favoar0fvs, honored 420-414 291 (II 16); Ko'vcv, 299 93 ca. a., [1avorO4E'V], 291 3, 20-21 4S'XatOos (Koptv9tos), post ca. 224 a., father of OiVo'?lOS ca. 224/3 a., father of (ErtKOt'crto), 'ApXczuaX1as,253 6 OtV'/3LO'g,299 88 4>tXora8' (4vXkratov), ca. 224/3 a., father of Otvo'Plos O'vo3t'ov 'E7rtK'tUrtoS, ephebe honored - [- I, 298 72 204/3 a., 299 88 JA'i'Xv (Aatrrpevs), ca. 224/3 a., father of I--] ros, 298 70 ll,Etotauos (Koptvtoq), post ca. 224 a., fatlher of 'Apxe,4axos, 253 8 [X] tvt8ag (Koptv9tog), post ca. 224 a., father of 1loAv'$evosNtKaxv8 [pov vel p[&a] Ko [pi] vOt, post Nuc6Kra['a], 2535 PLACES, DEMES, ETHNICS, PHYLAI 'AypvX^9Ev,298 69 [['AvTYovt8oq]], 298 68 -AOVvat[cov], 291 (II 6); 'AOqv[at'wv], 291 'AvrtoXt3og,287 (3 1) (II 31); 'AOy(va' v), 'AO(yvatwv), KTX., 0n 'Apytov, on coin of Argos, 152 (113) numerous Athenian bronze coins, 4-8, 12-15, 'AaTaKqVO[t], 281 (VII 18) 16-19, 20-21 23-28, 150-151, passim; -A[arvpqvot], 281 (VII 15) 'AO[?1vatwv], 291 (II 32) ; ['A9Dvatow], 283 'AT3 VE1 29873 29974 (1 2), 287 (3 6), 291 (II 16) ; 291 ' o c 'AOqvatots, on coin of 15 (II 4) 'A+(pvTat'v), Aphytis, (1) JAS4L[OVEV'S], 299 91 'AxapvcY[s]j, 299 89; 'Axa [pvCvs], 2974-5; Aiavr[Tot], 29995; Ata[vr[ os] 297 'AxapvWa, 29840 [AiydZ3od], 29979 Atpatot, 281 (IX 2) Ba(vXovKo' 86 (108a); Ba/3[vovx] o's 86 'AKaAavTl'oS, 298 82 (1010) 'AXe$av[8]p[et], 86 (109) BEpEVtKt8qI;, 287 (32) f AXTEI]VVv,81 (21 2) ; 'AATXEtVq6t[aS,81 (25 4) BOLYTfV,on 3 coins of Boiotia, 12 (6, 7), 20 (2) ['-Apa$avTC'] , 29994 Av8pt(wv), on coin of Andros, 19 (163); [raX']ftot, 281 (IX 7) ['Av8ptovs ?], 291 (II 31) rpvv[ct,q] , 281 (VII 16) EPIGRAPHICAL INDEX 399 .Aq(Xwv), on 3 coins of Delos, 15 (93-95) Mo,rvfvoceIas,81 (25 1a12); Morvvqoredov,81 E[A[ArptaJ2o&J] ], 298 71 (2013) [ALKato]7roXIrat, 281 (IX 8) Mvpt[vatoi], 281 (VIII 11); Mvpt(vadcv),on 2 coins of Myrina, 12 (4, 5) 'EXEvatva,297 11; 'EXeatx(viwv), on Attic coins, 18 (118-128), 21 (109, 110) Nap[awj3apAg], 281 (VII s) 'ErnK)t'otov, 298 84, 299 88 NcoirOX:mat, 281 (IX 3) ['Epex&it8o';,299 76 'Epv(Opato) , on coin of Erythrai, 152 (115) 'OQ&Ev,298 55-56, 66; ['O^Ocv],297 2 QOE v, EpxtJs, 299 80; 'EpXLe(vs) , 299 81 299 85 86 Eote'Codzv,on coin of Eretria (?),20 (5) OlvdEZos,298 83 'Oxv'vOot,281 (IX 4) ?acrca[apR], 281 (VII 6) 281 (VIII 5) carterv, on coin of Thespiai, 20 (3) Hata-qv[ot], Iav 297 3 (/8a3dwv),on Theban coin found at Corinth, [a?7vaYKiwit], 138-139, 150 (89) IacrTav8[y'j, 281 (VII9) IIcXXavE(wv ), on coins of Pallene, 151 (97) 299 87 "Iyps, 281 (VII 7) HIEptotq3s, TtrTava[ tot], 281 (VII 17) -"Jtlpov, on coin of Imbros, 20 (1) IToXtXvit7at, 281 (VIII 17) 17T7rowvT0t)oTS 299 92 TPo(8zwv),on coin of Rhodes, 21 (114) [Ka]o oAaftp, 281 (VIII 15) Kav'vtoL,281 (VII 8) lavatot, 281 (VIII 19) 281 (VIII 3) Ke/3[pq'Vtot], [.e]pvAvXts, 281 (IX c) 299 93 [K,Etptac8,s], 286 s) 299 9o 4/aXt'n, (2 KfKpo1rtos, >Jyytot, 281 (VIII 18) Kqtatev's, 299 77, 78 t (KVwVtwV), . (tKVt'wbv), on coins of Sikyon, 19 KAaCopEv[tot],281 (VIII 6) (161), 21 (112-113), 151 (101-103, 108- Kvt(8tv), on coin of Knidos, 15 (96) 111) Ko [pt] vOLop, (El. acc. pl.), 253 8 :EKa' [tot] , 281 (VIII 4) Kpv f, 281 (VII lo) Xrplalt[ot], 281 (VII 11) 281 (IX 9) [KvLKt]Vjvot', [4]rTzAtot, 281 (VIII 16) 80 (20 4); [ v], 81 (21 2); 81 (21 2); TepEVrEt`v, 81 (25 5) Aa8tK-qV'zv, AatKqv TepEvretvqv, Aa8lK?)VS, 81 (25 6) Topov[aZot],281 (VIII 1o) Aa/vrTpfvp(s),298 70 [Awk]itjavtot, 281 (VIII 14) qD(Xtacr&'V),on 2 coins of Phlious, 151 (99- Ao'KpoV, on coin of Lokris, 16 (11) 100) qJvXdcrto,298 72 Meya(pfzv), MEy(apfov), on coins of Megara, [t] Ka -, 281 (VIII 9); [O]I KaL 7rapa 18-19 (131-154), 21 (111) ]C.] [ IKO, 281 (VIII 7-8) [M]EKV/8EpvatOt, 281 (IX 5) 't1(KioV), D(WKt'rv), on 2 coins of Phokis, 16 Metrevs, 299 75 (12, 13) M1e(craqvtwv),on coin of Messene, 19 (162) MOTVVIcrta,81 (21 la) ; MoTvv-jcrtav,80 (20 3, 4); XaXX7,8[ovtoL], 281 (VII 12) 400 EPIGRAPHICAL INDEX MONTHS, GODS, FESTIVALS Bo-j[8poAuttvos], 297 2 [ E t']: see E/voLt e[eoi] 297 'EXEvOrtvt'v,298 35 [VIaKxO9], 10 ['E7rtTa4totqI,297 16 IlavaOrvattwv,298 35 'H4atWTtELwt,297 18 >pvo't ?[co ], 297 9-10 INSCRIPTIONS STUDIED OR EMENDED Agora XV 259 .302 Agora Inventory Number 419 . 289-295, passim 7181 . 285, 296-303 5871 . 284, note 3 7254 . 283-285 (1) 7156 . 287-288 (3) 7286 . 285-287 (2) Athenian Tribute Lists, I, 1939, and II, 1949 list 2. 280-282 list 15 . 171-172 CorinthVIII, i 1 ....................... 230-231 6 .254-255, 257-258 Corinth VIII, iii 46 . 254-255, 257-258 Corinth Inventory Number 2568 . 253-266 Diokletians Preisedikt, ed. S. Lauffer, Berlin, 1971 10-11, 13-15, 20-21, 24-25 ... 77-97 Epigraphical Museum Inventory 2505 ............ 289-295, passim 12948 ............ 290-295, passim 6616 ............ 290-295, passim 13374 ............ 289-295, passim 6847 ...........

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