..p.DOCUMENT ,RESUME- - - : TED, 237 740' AUTHOR Seeland, Suzanne , TITLE Equal Oppd-itunities and Vocational Training. A Survey .on Vocational Training.Initiatives for Women in the European Community. INSTITUTION Europdin Centre lor the Development'of Vocational Training, kierlin (West Germany). REPORT NO ISBN-92-825-.2764-6 ' PUB DATE 82 NOTE' 86p. AVAILABLEFROMEuropean Centre for the Developmentof Vocational -11. Traimidg, Bundesallee 22,'D-1000.Berlin 15, -West Germany. (Available in the followinglanguages:.DA ISBN-92-825-2762-X; DE ISBN.92-825-2763-8; FR ISBN-92-825.-2765-4; IT ISBN-92-825-2766-21 and NL ISBN-752-825-2767-0-Y PUB' TYPE .. Reports - Descriptive (141Y . r EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus-Post,age. DESCRIPTORS , *Educational Lnnovation; Educational Researchp Equal Opportunitiet (Jobs); *Females; Financial Slip/loft; r *Foreign Countries; InnoVation; *Job Training; Nontraditional Occupations; Postsecondark Education. Retraining; Secondary Educktion; Surveys;*Vocation11. -Education , 'IDENTIFIERS -Belgium;iDenmark; France; Ireland; Italy; Luxembourg.; Netherlands; United Kingdom; West Germany. 's ABSTRACT -Third.. report synthesizes findings of a survey of vocational trainingmeasures for women in the nine countries ofthe' Western European community. In the-first section, some basic'figures are presented on numbers of innovatitre measures, proportion of .women gainfully employed, distribution;o4 employed women among economic ,sectors; and persons undergoingTocational training according to 'sex. Section B is a comparative analySis of the reports on innovative vocational training measures in West Germany, France, 'and the United Kingdom. It specifically features measures covered in the'survey initiative, implementation,and'control, financing, socioeconomic context), objectives of the measures-(types of program, occupations for whiCh training is given and final...qualifications, innoyation, relationship to°the labor market), contekt of the measures (differences between normal training and measures surveyed; course of training, content, and methods; supporting.measures; training personnel), and evaluation-(numbew.of trainees, assessment of measures by participants and institutions/persons involved),. The reports on innovative measures, in Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,, and the Netherlands are surveyed in section C.-The final section make.conclusions regarding commonalities in the initiatives, participants' problems in innovative vocationaleducation, and the role of'equal rights commissions in initiatives.YLB) r a a. .. Fit v .111 I. 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I ir 1 %IIIIa ' r 1 P rA i I 11 * . 1 i . I , . I.. (.. I V ' r. )11. .-.', . .. ..... l . e141 I I 0 ,I... 1 Lil IIF. 1 .1 e I.I ',I r II r .!IPIA ;9IC I., 1' 'I. 01' .1 :1'ell: 0.i. FL iv '. II " i ' I I I a 1 . .1 .. I 1 I I A r ' P' 1 '. ' /I. ' ) li I 'T .i. r . d. .. i 1 1 1 (dm I L I'l . li A 411.1.,i, rI . .1.y.1. .11r - " II ''''' ''11 ' 1 .0 L L. 1 il 1 11 . I . A ILII .1. 1 .1. ' . 1 . I le IF.Ar r 1 i L 1 a* rr d.,) I., 6 94 rro Iir r 1.1 41++. I.':iy .1. .a i I' 1 L I T I i A 1 4(1 1 ' 1 P' 11 ril.`,,'.6 '61. l'II 'Ili ..r.11 Pa II II 1 1 . Sy\ rithesis re0Ort established by:Suianne Seeland - =for s;theEuropeanCentre. for the Development Of Vocational Trapirig (CEDEFOID.) on the basis of a surveys conducted in the MeTber.Statds ofi the European communities, Berlin 1980 . liubtistied by: Euro0ean Centre for the DeVelopment of Vocational Training, Bundesallee 22, D-1000 Berlin 15, Tel. (030) 88.10,61 11, . The Centre was establish 49 Regulation (EEC) No. 337/75 of the Council of the European Commidnitie:.:. a, ,1 p s. his publication is Ao aVailable in hefollowing languages DA: ISBN 92 =825 - 2762 -X. E ISBN 92-825=2763-8 FRISBN92-825-2765-4 IT ISBN 92-825.-2766-2 NI.; ISBN 92-8y5-2767-0 1;1 cg PEFOP.European Centre for the Development ofVOcatioal - Training BEN ISBN:92-825-2764:6 Reproductidri of the text is authorized on conditionthatihe source: iSjndicated: Printed=in'; R Of Gennan O . The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training ( CEDEFOP) assists the Cominissionof the European Communities in the developMent of initial and. con tinuing vocational training. It also acts as a European forum. for institutions and ex- perts' concerned with vocational training, enabling them ,,to exchang / ideas and ex; perience and hwnonize conceptual and practical initiatives. Since commencing its operational activities in 1976, vocational guidance and training of girls and women has been, a.priority area In accordance with the line Of action ailopted by the Commission and the views expressed by the. social partners, the Centre organized a conference in September 1977 on the subject of ,,Equal Opportunities and .Vocational training". The participants frs,rn all the MeMber States'of the European Commufth,y expressed concern at the decline in the number of women in employment and i.equested that CEDEFOP should develop an action prOgramme designed to en- sure that the estr.blished 'legal principle of equal opportunities for men and women in employment are observed in practice. - - In pursuance of this aim, the Cen'tre conducted a docuinentary survey on pilot projects financed by the European Social Fund and -im lemented in the individual Member States. In this initial phase, attention focused the co on and dotumentaion of information on traini g programmes designed to achieveGreateroccupational choice and grant access those- jobs and trades in which women -are traditionally ,under- rep resen ted. ,. In 1980, the Centre published the results of this survey. Repoits .were drawn up on Jr, each Member State, in many cases with the assistance ofg national institution.With the present synthesis report, which is available in six Community languages, the Centre intends to encourage the exchange of ideas and experience across the national . frontiers and, hopes to stimulate new initiatives in the vocational preparatibn and traininr71,0inen. , CEDEFOP Berlin, May 1981 .. Maria Pierret, Project Coordinator 14" Introduction ... .. A;Some basic figbites. .. ....... .., r ... ,B. Comparative analysis of the repcirts on innovative vocational training measures . in the. Federal Republic of Germany; Fi'.ince and the Urrited .. 19 I.' Fel:tures of the measures covered in the survey ... ! . : ... .. 21 1. Inisiative m 23 2. Implementation and control .. .... .... ..... .r... : .: 24':7 3. Financing... ... .. .. .. .... ..... ... .25 4 Socio-economie context ............. ... ..... .. .. 1.25 .29 II. Objectives of the measures ...... 1. Types of programme . ....: ... .. ... .. ,. .. 31 .2. Occupations for which...raining isgiven 'anti final qualifications.., . ,* 3. Innovation . ...r. .. .... 33 ' 4.Relationship' to the labbur. market s.. ... 36 ... ... 39 ill. Context of the measures ...... .. ..... .. ... 1. Differences between normal training tht measures surveyed.
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