St James 115,440 Peterborough 66,120 199,236 St Katherine 112,337 272,325 355 Peterborough 168,322 St Lawrence 142 Al l Saints 358 Peterborough Archdeanary77 St Mary 355,445 Peterborough 45,48, Boongate St Mary 102,322 St Matthew 174,362 358 St Michael 156,299 Peterborough 130,141-142 Bishopric of 353,392 St Paul 193,445 420 St Peter 20,483 Peterborough 325 Cathedral St Sepulchre 89,137 241 Peterborough 272 City Weston Favell 362,445 Peterborough 67,155 Northborough 323,432 Dean and Chapter of 329,468 484 Oakley, Great and 314 Little Peterborough 81,107 Episcopal Residence 151,153 Oakley, Great 448,478 178,251 348 Old 363,402 Peterborough 443 Rural deanery of Orlingbury 367 Peterborough 321 Orton 214,257 St Barnabas 482 Peterborough 25,43-44 Oundle 105,152 St John 47,78 121,176 Oundle 443 rural deanery of Peterborough 477 St Jude Overstone 261 Peterborough 47,60 Oxendon, Great 471 St Mark 78,87 91,9? Paston 34-35 94,176 44,162 322,168 168,236 358,477 Peterborough 168 486 St Mary Pattishall 144,405 444 Peterborough 108,176 St Paul 322 Peakirk 44,79 323 Piddington 268 Pilton 255,395­ .Silverstone 33 479 Slapton 379,438, Plumpton 305,379 460 439 Slipton 131,220 Polebrook 265 368,470 Potterspury 242 Stamford St Martin 8 Prooton- Stamford Baron 190 Preston Capes 352 Southwick 256 425,459 Spratton 273 400,287 Preston Deanery Stanford 132 Pytchley 367 Stanion 208,452 287 Quinton ,400 Steane 411 435 Stoke Albany 111 Badstone 313,326 454,455 Stoke Bruerne 390,463 485 S-feoke -Pry 34^469" Ravensthorpe 475 Stoke Doyle 406,479 Ringstead 220 S-bek-e Gnl di ng -82-* Roade 203,480 Stowe Nine Churches 441 Rockingham 317 Strotton Rothersthorpe 343 Strixton 248,306 Rothwell 50,214 257,341 Stuchbury 338,454 482 455,464 485 Rushden, St Peter 213 Sudborough 208,249 Rushden 473 413,470 Rushton 341 Sulgrave 246 Sealdwell 230,366 Sutton 136,183 472 Sutton Bassett 430,462 222­ Sutton Cheney -e8e­ Scaten Sutton with Upton 26 Sharnfocd *88 Sibbertoft 365,^26 Syresham 372,409 465 Sywell 254 I Walton 34,162 Tansor 393,429 Wansford 327,421 Thenford 316,349 Wappenham 372,409 435 438,460 464 Biiie*ie*on £83, 319 ­ Warkton 244 Thornby 304,412 Warmington 198,320 Thornhaugh 327,421 429 Tfeocpe-ftere 2%,51 " Warkworth 16,345 228,243 Weedon Lois 305,379 Thorpe Achurch 399,417 349 479 Weekley 244 Thorpe Malsor 334 Weldon 469 Thorpe Mandeville 246 Weldon 452 Thrapston 215 rural deanery of Thrapston 452 Welford 365,426 rural deanery of Wellingborough 456 Thurning 300,376 All Hallows Trckeaeote 397,'il'9-' Wellingborough 118,189 All Saints Tiffield 344,361 388 Wellingborough 456 St Andrew T-ixewrr-* 2£9­ Wellingborough 204,476 Towcester 263 St Barnabas Twywell 368,470 Wellingborough 476 St Mark Ufford 373,422 Wellingborough 189 Uppingham $03­ St Mary UpplEgEam 443­ Welton 44,427 mm! -flf^mifry-Af 435 Upton 183 Werrington 34,162 Wadenhoe 255,479 Weston-By-Welland 430,462 Wakerly 308 Whisoefldimi Walgrave 37,311 Whiston 170 363,402 I Whitfield 313,454 Blaby 133,139 Blackfordhy 129 Whittlebury 33 Bowden, Great 180 WhiLwell 3 & Bowden, Little 171,226 Wilbarston 111 233 Wing- 395—. Braunston 267 Winwick 423 Breedo n on the Hill 253 Wittering 421 Cadeb y 280 Wollast on 14-9,195 Claybrook 188 306 Coalville 60,62 63,74 Woodford 470 83,92 Woodnewton 80,88 Copt Oak 57,206 95,198 Cosby 197 Wooton 400,435 Cossington 266 Yardley Gobion 242 Countesthorpee 133,139 Yardley Hastings 170 264 Yarwell 85 Crof t 247 Yelvertoft 303,340 394,435 Croxton, South 238 Dadlington 82 Leicestershire Dishley 243 East nn T4i"StPn Anstey 90 -263- Arnesby 277 Earl Shilton 38,237 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 56,109 Eaton 92 225 Edith Weston 282 Aylestone 150,154 181 Ellistown 165,177 Barkby 4 Elmsthorp e 237 Barkestone 207,238 Empingham 271 Enderby 97,181 Barleythorpe 209 Evington 9,212 Barrow upon Soar 11 North Evington 186 Holy Apostles 267 i n New Humberstone Holy Trinity 158 Fleckney 201 The Martyrs 166,267 Foston 264 St Andrew, Order o f 64 Gaddesby 122 Ecclesiastical Commissioners Glenfield 135 St Andrew 65,73 Glen Parva 173 94,192 Grinston 117 SStt Augustinee 184 Hinkley 82,270 S t Barnabas 161 ,Hers— St George 70,148 Hose 239 St James 224 Hugglescote 177,206 St John 41 221 St Luke 103 Huncote 187 i n Narborough St Margaret 70,101 148,167 Hungarton 281 St Mark 116,169 Isley Walton 253 St Martin 9 Kegworth 253 St Mary 113,166 Kibworth 29 St Matthew 98,133 Kirby Mallory 38,237 St Michael 163,169 Knighton, St John 219 St Nicholas 5,133 Knighton, St Mary 140 147 KnighKnightt ThorpThorpee 228 St Paul 114,124 148 Knipton 252 St Peter 124,148 St Philip 212 Leicester St Saviour 138 Archdeaconry o f 1,159 160,172 Loughborough 240 182 Archdeaconry o f Bishopric o f 286,293 Loughborough 228 All Saints 167 Loughborough 145 Holy Trinity All Souls 192,194 Loughborough 200 Christ Church 69,98 St Peter 1*1 7' Market Harborough 171,180 Wartnaby 117 Mountsorrel 100,106 Whetstone 97,24o Nailstone 7 Whitwic k 8,31 92,126 Newton Linford 31 128,164 245 Normanton 7,282" Wigston Parva 188 Oaks 31,36 Withcote 216 Orton-on-the-Hill 285 Woodhouse 9,100 Owston 216 Woodhouse Eaves 11,31 Packington 202 49 Peckleton 211 Woodville 18,53 51 Plungar 207,238 Quarndon 9,100 106 Rutland Queniborough 74 Ashwell 350,428 Rothley 117,122 Ayston lot St Mary in Arden 171 Braunston 157^235 Scalford 238 /^Casterton, Great 397,449 ^317 Seal 109 Casterton, Little 449' Sheepy Magna and Parva 23 Shepshead 31 Hambleton &7j 295,446 Smeeton Westerby 29 Langham 20^,382 428 Snibston 202 fx. Manxon ' 315,446 xiSwinford 132 CMarket Overton 283,319 /-Thorpe Satchville 281 Martinsthorpe 315,446 Thringstone, South 128 Oakham 209,235 Thurmaston 295,342 382 Tugley cum East Norton 61 Oakham 125,172 Archdeaconry of 182,290 Twycross 285 396 Twyford 281 Oakham 451 rural deanery of 5* firr^ ifz. Whitfield 313,454 Blaby 133,139 465 Blackfordby 129 Whittlebury 33 Bowden, Great 180 WkiLwell -242 Bowden, Little 171,226 Wilbarston 111 233 Wing 395 ' Braunston 267 Winwick 423 Breedon on the Hill 253 Wittering 421 Cadeby 280 Wollaston 149,19149,1955 Claybrook 188 303066 Coalville 60,62 Woodford 474700 63,74 83,92 Woodnewton 80,880,888 95,1995,1988 Copt Oak 57,206 Wooton 400,4^5 Cosby 197 Yardley Gobion 242 Cossington 266 Yardley Hastings 170 Countesthorpe 133,139 Yarwell 85 264 Croft Yelvertoft 303,340 247 394,435 Croxton, South 238 Dadlington 82 Leicestershire Dishley 243 Anstey 90 E.i.Um Ncitun -263­ Arnesby 277 Earl Shilton 38,237 Ashby-de-la-Zouch 56,109 Eaton 92 225 Edith Weston 282 Aylestone 150,154 181 Ellistown 165,177 Barkby 4 Elmsthorpe 237 Barkestone 207,238 Empingham -44­ 271 Enderby 97,181 Barleythorpe 209 Evington 9,212 Barrow upon Soar 11 Pickworth 397,449 Linconshire RidLington 301 Scotter 150 ?eigh 350 Thorpe 136,359 **1 London 159 Westminster 142 14 Cambridgeshire Nottinghamshire -leg— Alwalton­ Collingham 46 Buck-d-eir^ "3^1 1 Fulborn 106 Oxfordshire garerban 252­ Oxford, Christ Church 141 Dean and Chapter Durham Staffordshire Stanhope 245 Donisthorpe 109 Noman's Heath 120 Essex Paglesham 337 Yorkshire Rawmarsh 215 Hertfordshire Methley 164 Harpenden 52 Wheathamstead 52 Huntingdonshire Washingley 265 Kent Harpenden 105 til 3/5" Main Series, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE RECORD OFFICE z JUL 1990 k BISHOPS TRANSCRIPTS - RUTLAND Ashwell 1701, 1707-1710, 1712, 1715-1737, 1739-1743, 1745-1755, 1757- 1791, 1799-1820, 1822-1858, 1860-1866, 1868-1874 Ayston 1707, 1709-1710, 1712, 1715, 1719-1740, 1742-1743, 1745-1755, 1757-1759, 1761-1779, 1782-1786, 1788, 1790-1840, 1843, 1845-1851, 1858, 1860-1866, 1869-1871, 1873 Barrowden 1701, 1707, 1709-1712, 1715, 1719, 1721-1738, 1740-1808, 1810-1813, 1815-1869 Bel ton 1707-1710, 1712, 1715, 1719-1720, 1722-1761, 1764-1769, 1771-1778, 1780, 1782, 1784-1788, 1790-1874 Bisbrook 1706- 1712, 1715, 1719-1747, 1749, 1751-1755, 1757-1772, 1774-1775, 1778, 1780, 1781-1787, 1789, 1791-1801, 1807-1811, 1813-1829, 1835-1852, 1858, 1866 Braunston 1701, 1707, 1709-1710, 1712, 1715, 1719-1734, 1736-1743, 1745, 1747-1782, 1784-1838, 1840-1844, 1850-1854, 1857 Brooke 1707- 1712, 1719-1720, 1722-1754, 1756, 1758-1770, 1772-1776, 1782-1788, 1791-1793, 1799-1805, 1809-1865 Burley 1701, 1707-1710, 1712, 1715, 1719-1743, 1745-1747, 1749-1756 1758- 1764, 1770, 1773-1778, 1780-1788, 1790-1793, 1795-1866 Caldecott (Peculiar) 1858-1866 Casterton, Great 1706-1710, 1712, 1715, 1720-1723, 1725-1787, 1790-1801, 1803-1810, 1812-1865, 1867-1871 1701, 1707-1712, 1719-1754, 1756-1761, 1763, 1766, Casterton, Little 1769-1786, 1788, 1800-1834, 1836-1871, 1874-1875, 1877-1885, 1887 1702-1812 ZB 427/1 Casterton, Little Alphabetical Index to BISHOPS TRANSCRIPTS covering Baptisms and Burials (Also marriage extracts 1580-1812) Clipsham 1701, 1707, 1709-1710, 1713, 1715, 1719-1720, 1722-1752, 1754-1760, 1763-1764, 1770-1774, 1780, 1782-1785, 1789-1815, 1818-1836, 1838-1873 Cottesmore 1701, 1707, 1709-1710, 1712, 1715, 1719-1759, 1761-1766 1768-1775, 1777-1785, 1787, 1789-1791, 1794-1795, 1800-1810, 1812-1871 Edith Weston 1701, 1707-1712, 1715, 1719-1742, 1745-1759, 1761-1769, 1775-1776, 1783-1789, 1790, 1791-1792, 1799-1830, 1832-1872 Eqleston 1701, 1707-1712, 1719, 1721-1728, 1730, 1732-1761, 1763, 1765-1772, 1774-1812, 1813-1828, 1830-1849, 1852-1866, 1869-1873 Empinqham 1858-1865 Essendine 1707-1712, 1715, 1719-1739, 1741-1742, 1745-1750, 1752-1754, 1756-1761, 1763-1787, 1793-1795, 1807-1813, 1849-1867, 1869-1871, 1873-1874, 1877 Exton ZB 439 Alphabetical Index to Bishops Transcripts 1701-1812 Glaston 1701, 1707-1710, 1719-1720, 1723-1744, 1746-1788, 1790-1795, 1799-1840, 1851-1883 Greetham 1707-1713, 1715, 1720-1761, 1763-1764, 1766, 1776-1780, 1783, 1785, 1787, 1789-1798,
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