i O B S E R V E R Monday, December 8, 1997 • Vol. XXXI No. 66 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S London Program increases student enrollment By SARAH HANSEN expand substantially the num­ neering, business administra- ed to direct the reorganization, international studies. News Writer ber of students able to study in tion and science colleges which Assuming the title of director of The London curriculum has London.” previously haven’t been able to the undergraduate London pro­ changed as a result of Gutting’s After a massive reorganiza­ The University’s new gram, Gutting plans to vast experience as a consultant tion effort within Notre Dame’s London facility, con­ E HOPE TO INVOLVE main tain the populari­ and reviewer of humanities and selective London program, structed in 1906 and MORE STUDENTS ty of the London pro­ study abroad programs at other nearly 120 students may gain located at 1-4 Suffolk St., gram while further prominent United States univer­ the opportunity to study abroad originally served as the WITH MAJORS ... WHICH developing its academ ­ sities. in 1998, up from the p resen t home of the Oxford and PREVIOUSLY HAVEN’T BEEN ic rigor. Her contributions include the maximum enrollment of 90 stu­ Cambridge Men’s Club “Dr. Gutting has requirement of three in a series ABLE TO SEND LARGE NUM­ dents. and most recently was done a phenomenal of one-credit courses in ballet, “It seems a logical time to do occupied by the British BERS t o L o n d o n .’ job taking the Arts and art, music, opera and theater. this,” said Father Timothy School of Osteopathy. Letters program Assuming Gutting’s position of F a t h e r T i m o t h y S c u l l y Scully, vice president and senior The reorganization through a difficult director of undergraduate stud­ associate provost of the plan also includes a more SENIOR ASSOCIATE PROVOST OF THE UNIVERSITY early period to its pre­ ies in London will be Paul University. diverse curriculum, sent national reputa­ Bradshaw, professor of theology “In the fall of 1998, we will enabling students from colleges send large numbers to London,” tion for high academic stan­ at the University. open an outstanding new facility other than Arts and Letters to Scully explained. dards and popularity among “It’s helpful finally to have a in London on the northwest cor­ attend. Anastasia Gutting, head of the students as a most rewarding permanent faculty person in ner of Trafalgar Square. With “We hope to involve more stu­ Arts and Letters London pro­ experience,” said Michael London to direct matters there,” this new space, we intend to dents with majors in the engi­ gram for over a decade, is slat- Francis, assistant provost for added Francis. # ON OTHER CAMPUSES Vandalism on campus 0 MULTICULTURAL BEAT similar to crime at IUSB By HEATHER COCKS to stay in touch with IUSB as News Editor the investigation proceeds. “We’re actually thinking As part of the investigation that the vandalism here [seat- into Thanksgiving break’s slashing and paint vandalism] vandalism on campus, Notre was two separate acts,” Dame Security/ Police consid­ Rakow said. “If people were ered the idea SEE ALSO: prepared to damage a lot of that the crime things outside with paint, why m ig h t be • “Crime wouldn’t they have done that related to a Stoppers offers inside as well? So we’re prob­ similar act at $1,000 for ably looking at two unrelated Indiana information” incidents here.” University- He said several students South Bend. telephoned the office with tips; On Nov. 22, vandals slashed in an effort to find more clues, seats in one of lUSB’s audito­ Notre Dame Security plans to The Observer/Thi Link Chojnacki rium classrooms, cutting up contact people that it knows A s i a n cords and projector screens, remained on campus during according to Marty Gursey of the Thanksgiving holiday, he A l l u r e IUSB’s security division. added. “We have been in contact Any students with informa­ S tudent models of with Notre Dame police to tion about the vandalism all races and eth­ share information, but there’s should contact police at any nicities turned the nothing yet to suggest a con­ time, Rakow said, offering the Washington Hall nection between the two Notre Dame Security Web site stage into a runway on Saturday night for as a method of giving anony­ events,” Gursey said. the second annual As of Sunday, neither IUSB m ous tips. Asian Allure. The nor Notre Dame Security had Called “Silent Watch,” stu­ program featured pinned down a suspect. dents can submit information members of FASO, “1 guess we cannot deter­ about any campus crime by VSA, IAND and the mine whether there’s a con­ filling out a form on the Hawaiian Club, who nection until someone is Internet. gave cultural dances caught,” said Rex Rakow, The Web address for Silent and presentations. director of Notre Dame W atch is http://www.nd.edu/ Security, adding that he plans -n d sp d l. Livingston prompts listeners to address sexuality By COLLEEN McCARTHY “In our churches and soci­ sexuals,” she said. If one is News Writer__________________________ eties, sex is not dirty, but it was homosexual, “the issue then put in us by God himself,” becomes one of how can I live, As part of the ongoing effort Livingston said. She also accept and embrace my sexual­ to further the dialogue of emphasized a desire to learn ity with integrity.” issues of sexuality, Patricia a b o u t o n e ’s ow n se x u a lity Genital sexuality, Livingston Livingston delivered a lecture when discussing the issue of claimed, is an aspect of sexual­ at Saint Mary’s College last sexual preoccupation as part of ity which involves desires, Thursday to help people growing up. urges and physical reactions. improve their understanding of Livingston then focused on Livingston emphasized that the various aspects and feel­ three aspects of sexuality: pri­ many people question the place ings that go along with sexuali­ mary, genital and affective. of this aspect of sexuality in ty. When thinking of primary sex­ their lives. Livingston, a counselor, uality, Livingston encouraged “All of us will have different nationally known speaker and people to realize what it means seasons and cycles; but culture, former associate director of the to be male or female. hormones and life experience Center for Continuing “We must learn that our bod­ all play an important part in Formation in Ministry at Notre ies are not suitcases we carry our genital sexuality,” Dame, began the lecture by around, but rather they are Livingston said. introducing what she referred who we are,” Livingston said. Finally, she spoke about dif­ to as the “framework” of the Livingston also asked meme- ferent ways that people evening. This framework was bers of the audience to address express closeness towards each based on a quote by James their sexual orientation. “We other as part of affective sexu­ Carroll that says, “The yearn­ need to ask ourselves whether ality. She added that many The Observer/Manuela Hernandez ings of our hearts are mes­ we experience ourselves more Patricia Livingston, former associate director of the Center for Continuing sages from God.” as homosexuals or as hetero­ Formation in Ministry at Notre Dame, discusses sexuality. see SEXUALITY / page 4 page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Monday, December 8, 1997 INSIDE COLUMN Leave Poor t h e D o m e Compiled from U-Wire reports Matt Alone Texas police bust A&M freshmen for vandalism prank Socrates: “If we harm a horse, do we make it better, or worse?” AUSTIN, Texas school we play. But I'm sure our stu­ Polemarchus: “Worse, by Zeus!” While the Longhorns weren't able to dents do the same thing too.” Some say that the novelty of ousting student stop Texas A&M University from win­ Griggs said no charges would be body president Matt ning the Nov. 28 football game, UT filed against the corps mem bers, cit­ Griffin from office will David Freddoso police were able to stop four Aggies ing that there was no monetary or lead many to sign the Assistant News Editor from vandalizing the campus early substantial loss to the property. Lingenfelser petition. Tuesday. Essary said the corps members were This is true. Once someone starts the ball UT police officials said Thursday not at the alumni center for more than rolling, everyone will think that this is one big they won’t press charges against four 10 minutes before the officer arrived. joke at Griffin’s expense. It won’t be difficult to members of the Texas Aggie Corps of He said he and his friends planned to get 50, even 75 percent of the students to sign. Cadets arrested outside the Lila B. write the 27-16 score with Brasso, a But does he deserve to be removed? Etter Alumni Center after attempting spray used to shine metal. The Scholastic editors say yes, because to vandalize the building's statue of “The whole intention was to Brasso Griffin’s alleged antics make him a poor “vox Bevo and steal the Texas flag above it. the score on, like w hat we did when populi.” Because people do not take him seri­ A UT police officer apprehended we won 13-0,” Underwood said, refer­ ously, they say, students have “lost their voice” A&M students Ben Rogers, Pete ring to an incident in 1916 when in their ongoing war of words against the Underwood, George Myers and Jordan Aggies successfully branded the score administration.
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