¥ * THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1M8 AeffiaM DaiW Net Pnas Ron f e r ffto W e * a o e i The Woffthar PAGE TWENTY-POUR Faeeeael eCV. «. W M ke Eofttittg 1|waUi A a e U , 1H 8 ' CUmOx aaS e*ei (Me "Four Winds," written by 18- 14,208 chMMe at year-old Dick Fegy, who plays V ef 4he.Ai mmr Bt; graftaat About Town North Winds five instruments, and “Black a t < Armand'Brown River Bluea," written by Fegy ■Sd teoMneir, Mgfe M and David Qoodstlne, both of Mtauhester^A City of Village Charm Members of St. Bridget’s Ro­ Sing at Fair Manchester. sary Society will meet tonight The performers, eight boys at 8 at the John F. p cm ey Fu­ The “North Winds,” a nine- and a ^rl, use three guitars, a VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 220 (TWENTY-FOUR PA 6B a-TW 0 SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1965 (Ctaselfled AdvertMeg ea Fage XI) PRICE SEVEN CENTS neral Home, 219 W. Center St, member folk singing group of banjo, a baas fiddle and- sev­ for a recitation of the Rosary eral percussion instruments. LEASE seven Manchester youths, and for the late Mrs. Prank Devoto, In addition to Fegy and Good- A CAR rtOM PAUL DODCE PONTIAC who was a member of the socl- one each from South Windsor, Stine, they include Jim Krause, jety. Vernon and West Hartford, Erik Jolmson, Martin Fegy and were featured Monday at the Kent Carlson, all of Manches­ ALL MAKES The VFW Auxiliary will New England States Exposi­ ter; Steve Bolstrl<^ of South sponsor a card party tomorrow tion of the New York World’s Windsor; Bob Uumy of Vernon; at 8 p.m. at the post home. Fair. and Barbara Allen of West ALL MODELS Titan Rocket Successful The group offered two per­ Hartford. The Mcmchester YWCA will formances on the Village Green, spon-sor a duplicate bridge game one at 11 a.m. and the other DOUBLE-BARRELED USE OUR ONE OR TWO YEAR tomorrow at 7:45 p.m. in the at 3:80 p.m., and were so GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) basement rooms at the former well received that they have — A store offered $is0 in clothing technical school, 39 School St. been asked to return on July to the first person to enter LEASING PLAN The public is invited. 26, for an appearance at the wearing only a barrel — but had First Launching Test Federal Pavilion. to award duplicate prizes. Members of Junior Century At the conclusion of Mon­ Keith Anderson and Paul Bai­ Bmilford Bachnoh piKito Club will point the waiting day’s performances they were bas raced for the narrow en­ room at the Child Guidance presented with a citation, com­ trance at the same time. Crunch PAUL DODGE Engaged Clinic tonight and tomorrow at memorating their appearance went Anderson’s barrel in a col­ 7 pjn. by special invitation. lision -witnessed by 160 people H w mugagttusnt ol Utai Jo­ UAC Products The group not only sings recently. 1 Tri - Barreled anne Merte Slieelian of Bootcn, Members of Sunset Rebekah popular tunes of the day but The barrel went to pieces and PONTIAC Maas., to Raymond Webster Lodge will meet tonight at 7:30 also' features original numbers Anderson tried vainly to stave 649-2881 Spicer of TaJcottvflle ha-s been at the Watkins-West FYincral composed by several of its off nudity until he could be 373 Main St. MANCHESTER Ship Largest announced by her parents, Mr. Home to conduct a memorial members. hustled inside — and into miore In Titan Rocket and 3di». John Joseph Sheehan service for Mrs. Elmma I^yons Their repertoire includes conventional attire. of Boston. Nettleton. To Be Fired Her fiance is the son of !Mr. The successful take-off this morning from Cape Ken­ and Mrs. P. Weibebor Spicer of nedy of the Titan 3C launch vehicle can be attributed, John D. Minnlqk, son of Mr. Vice President Humphrey, left, chats with Astrohauts James McDivitt, cen­ CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. latoohtVilie. and Mrs. WHHam J. Minnlck of ter, and Edward White and their wives at Andrew Air Force BaM before in a large measure, *to the work of four of the United Mias [%eehan is a graduate , (AP)—A tripled-harreled 250 Wethereli St., has been ac leaving for tdie International Air Show in Paris. (AP Photofax) Aircraft Corp.’s many divisions. Of cart's LaiUn School, Boatcn cepted by Davis and Elkins Col­ TTie twin b iste rs w h i c ------------ ——------------------------------ Titan SC — the mightest' and Simmons Ooliiega. lege, Elkins, W. Va., which he lifted the eight-and-a-half ton to the two launch rockets, and rocket ever fired— scored a Mr. Spicer is aittendlrg the will enter in the fall. The col­ rocket from its pad, and the a nose cone structure 12 feet resounding success on its Vnivenaiy of Connecticut. He lege is a oo-educatk>naI liberal Want A Special Treat? Different Meetings Set mechanisms that separated high that tied the three units §S: I' has receniay completed four ai^ and science school support­ them from the second stage, together at their top. maiden test flight today' yean service in the U.S. Navy. ed cooperatively by the United are all the products of the air­ The United Technology Cen­ and gave the United States An August 21 wedding is Presbyterian Church and the craft g;iant—much of the work ter in California also designed a great boost toward de­ ptennod. Preet^darian Church U.S. done here in Connecticut. and built the 16 small, solid- The booster units, which put veloping a military sjiaca Humphrey, Gemini Fliers propellant staging rockets that capability. ■ The Connecticut Philatelic Serve A Pinehurst out a total of more than two were supplied to separate the Society will meet this Sunday million pounds of thrust, make The huge rocket (frilled into burned out booster units from orbit a 21,000-pound dummy MEIER JewtiMS which is Father’s Day, at the the Titan the mightiest vehicle the orbit-bound payload. 767 Main Street, will be the United States has yet satellite tha(t coifid be the fore­ Haller Post hall, comer of According to early reports Broad and Grove Sts., New Arrive for Paris Weekend hurled into space. runner of manned and un­ CLOSED from Cape Kennedy, the twin manned military machinea Britain. The Hardware City Col­ The mighty twina ■ware de­ boosters were jettisoned and the Roast PARIS (A P)— ^U.S. ViceT*^*"^ Johnson’s special jet at-»wiH certainly be a major topic signed and developed by UACs which would patrol and perhaps MONDAYS lectors Club will sponsor the central core rockets were ignit­ 2:66 p.m. when the two meet. And some United Technology Center in control outer space. starting Jane 21st. , meeting which wiH run from President Hubert H. Hum­ but what started out as a visit ed as planned. 12 noon to 5 p.m. Pinehurst Chuck Roasts are the best speculated that Humphrey Sunnyvale, CaUf. The. Than 3C. aotuaily three BEECHNUT COFFEE lb. can 79c phrey and the Gemini to the air show, and a chance might try to pave the way for a Besides the flight mechanism, rockets lined up in single me, The launch boosters were at­ UAC has also supplied some of astronauts flew into Paris for Frenchmen to see America’s De Gaulle-Johnson confronta­ tached to a second stage Titan thundered away from its Oapa value in beef this week. These 49c NO LIMIT space twins, developed a sur­ tion. tlie ground support equipment • k today for the Internation­ 2 rocket by special structures Kennedy Utunching pad right on prising political turn. President Johnson mi- that helped technicians prepare sohedUle at 10 a.m. EDT with a block chuck cuts will be all lean cen­ al Air Show and — for designed in Farmington at the -the Titan for its launch. JteK. While their plane was high nounced plans for the space- tremendous rush of flame and "SERVICE IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS" Humphrey — a meeting United Aircraft Corporate Sys- The Hamilton Standard Divi­ ters . the boneless cuts are sinew over the AtlanUc, American of­ men’s idslt to P a ^ lu t night; tems Center, and were built by amoke and power. Mrs. William Armand Kraft's 39e with President Charles de ficials announced that Hum­ in Washington after the men. uAC’s Sikorsky Aircraft di'vi- sion designed and produced Two se-foot-tan solid-furi electronic apparatus for pre- and waste free. CANDY CARAMELS Special 29c bag Gaulle. phrey and De Gaulle would had been acclaimed for their' ^ Stratford, motors trailed twin 500-foot MANCHESTER Miss Rosemary Brown and^’was a cluster of powder blue The vice president and astro­ meet Sunday afternoon at the four-day space voyage. They j The attachments were an 8,- launch checkout of the booster trails of tire and generated total William Armand, both of Man­ flowers and leaves with a face nauts Edward H. White n and Elysee Palace. were given medals by the 300 pound assembly that con- rockets’ electrical systems, and booster thrust of 2.66 mfllion veil of French illusion. Her the air-conditioning equipment chester, were united in mar­ James A. McDivitt landed at Le Franco-Amerlcan differences, Presldent duri^ a ceremony nested the rear of the Titan 2 pounds to propel the rocket RADIO SERVICE riage last Saturday morning at bouquet was of miniature pink Fresh Swordfish, Haddock and Flounder Fillets Bourget Airport aboard Presl- in the White House rose gar­ for the second stage core.
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