S3282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 26, 2016 does the same today in regard to Rus- when foreign travel is not strongly en- merous to count are watershed mo- sia’s aggression towards Ukraine. It couraged and sometimes actively dis- ments in history, and they make up has pushed U.S. policy to take action couraged. only a small fraction of the various ac- to combat trafficking in persons, anti- Finally, let me say a few words about complishments Jewish Americans have Semitism and racism, and intolerance the Helsinki Commission staff, both made. and corruption, as well as other prob- past and present. The staff represents Such achievements, however, do not lems which are not confined to one an enormous pool of talent. They have come without concomitant struggles. country’s borders. a combination of diplomatic skills, re- Jewish Americans have been dedicated The Helsinki Commission has suc- gional expertise, and foreign language to promoting tolerance and under- ceeded in large part due to its leader- capacity that has allowed the Members standing because Jewish people have ship. From the House, the commission of Congress serving on the commission been challenged and persecuted has been chaired by Representatives to be so successful. Many of them de- throughout history whenever they Dante Fascell of Florida, my good serve mention here, but I must men- have professed their faith. Jewish friend STENY HOYER of Maryland, the tion Spencer Oliver, the first chief of Americans participated in the aboli- current chairman, CHRISTOPHER SMITH staff, who set the commission’s prece- tionist movement in the 19th century of New Jersey, and ALCEE HASTINGS of dents from the very start. Spencer and joined the ranks of the Student Florida. From this Chamber, we have went on to create almost an equivalent Nonviolent Coordinating Committee had Senators Alfonse D’Amato of New of the commission at the international during the civil rights movement in York, Dennis DeConcini of Arizona, level with the OSCE Parliamentary As- the 1960s. There is no question that the Ben Nighthorse Campbell of Colorado, sembly. Jewish tradition of diversity and inclu- Sam Brownback of Kansas and today’s One of his early hires and an even- sion has helped to make the United cochairman, ROGER WICKER of Mis- tual successor was Sam Wise, whom I States the force for equal rights, de- sissippi. would consider to be one of the diplo- mocracy, and opportunity that it is I had the honor, myself, to chair the matic heroes of the Cold War period for today. Though we face challenges to Helsinki Commission from 2007 to 2015. his contributions and leadership in the that ideal every day, we must not for- That time, and all my service on the Helsinki Process. get that this country was and remains commission, from 1993 to the present, In closing, I again want to express a beacon for those suffering under the has been enormously rewarding. my hope that my colleagues will con- weight of oppression around the world. I think it is important to mention sider the value of the Helsinki Com- We cannot understate the role that that the hard work we do on the Hel- mission’s work over the years, enhanc- Israel plays in Jewish American soci- sinki Commission is not a job require- ing the congressional role in U.S. for- ety and in the lives of Jewish people ment for a Member of Congress. eign policy and advocating for human around the world. Our homeland is the Rather than being a responsibility, it rights as part of that policy. focal point of our religion and our cul- is something many of us choose to do Indeed, the commission, like the Hel- ture. Further, our two nations are built because it is rewarding to secure the sinki Process, has been considered a on a common set of core democratic release of a longtime political prisoner, model that could be duplicated to han- principles and representative govern- to reunify a family, to observe elec- dle challenges in other regions of the ment, but we have more than political tions in a country eager to learn the world. I also hope to see my colleagues philosophies in common; we share a meaning of democracy for the first increase their participation on Hel- strong belief in the promotion of equal- time, to enable individuals to worship sinki Commission delegations to the ity, freedom, and tolerance. The United in accordance with their faiths, to OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, as well States will always stand by Israel, and know that policies we advocated have as at Helsinki Commission hearings. we will always support the safety of meant increased freedom for millions For as much as the commission has ac- the Israeli people. As a U.S. Senator, I of individuals in numerous countries, complished in its four decades, there have been proud to take part in efforts and to present the United States as a continues to be work to be done in its to strengthen the relationship between force for positive change in this world. fifth, and the challenges ahead are no our two nations. Without our home- Several of us have gone beyond our less than those of the past. land, Jewish Americans may never responsibilities on the commission to f have been able to make the myriad participate in the leadership of the contributions they have made to our JEWISH AMERICAN HERITAGE OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Rep- Nation. These Jewish Americans’ ac- MONTH resentative HASTINGS served for 2 years complishments embody the positive as assembly president, while Rep- Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today I values that form the foundation of our resentative HOYER, Representative wish to recognize and celebrate the shared culture and history. Our diver- ROBERT ADERHOLT of Alabama, and I month of May as Jewish American Her- sity makes the United States of Amer- have served as vice presidents. Senator itage Month. Since the founding of our ica strong, and Jewish Americans have WICKER currently serves as chairman of Nation, Jewish Americans have indeli- played an integral role in shaping and the assembly’s security committee. bly shaped American society. As a nurturing that diversity. Representative Hilda Solis of Cali- proud Jewish American, I am honored f fornia had served as a committee chair to have the opportunity to acknowl- and special representative on the crit- edge the outstanding contributions of THE MALMEDY MASSACRE ical issue of migration. Today, Rep- our vibrant community in the past, Mr. TOOMEY. Mr. President, today I resentative SMITH serves as a special present, and future. wish to honor the sacrifice of our sol- representative on similarly critical In the 109th Congress, Representative diers at the Malmedy massacre. issue of human trafficking, while I DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ and then- As we prepare for Memorial Day, it is serve as special representative on anti- Senator Arlen Spector authored a con- important to remember the 87 Ameri- Semitism, racism, and intolerance. current resolution calling for a procla- cans who were killed in action during Our engagement in this activity as mation each year to observe American the Malmedy massacre and honor the elected Members of Congress reflects Jewish History Month. On April 20, brave few who survived this terrible or- the deep, genuine commitment of our 2006, President George W. Bush pro- deal. One of the survivors of this mas- country to security and cooperation in claimed that May 2006 would be Jewish sacre, Harold W. Billow, is a proud resi- Europe, and this rebounds to the enor- American Heritage Month. dent of Pennsylvania. mous benefit of our country. Our Jewish Americans have fought tire- On December 17, 1944, Mr. Billow and friends and allies appreciate our en- lessly to realize the American Dream Battery B, 285th Field Artillery Obser- gagement, and those with whom we and to enrich our society. Jewish vation Battalion were riding in a con- have a more adversarial relationship Americans have been instrumental in voy of vehicles towards the Belgian are kept in check by our engagement. I eliminating disease such as the polio town of St. Vith. The convoy was at- hope my colleagues would consider this epidemic, and they have split the atom. tacked outside of Malmedy by a Nazi point today, especially during a time These achievements and others too nu- SS unit called Kampfgruppe Peiper. 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