Labor Relations in the Hospitality Industry Roundtable April 29, 2013 Labor Relations in the Hospitality Industry Roundtable April 29, 2013 Agenda How can contracts be modernized to promote customer service while also protecting worker interests? (1:45-2:45pm) A. Union perspective - Robert Mingey B. Management perspective - Julia Kosineski What is the best method for organizing? (2:15-2:45pm) A. Ethical Principles - Peter Scelfo B. Card-Check Neutrality - Brooke Pinto What is the current state of labor relations in the hospitality? What are the future prospects? (2:45-3:30pm) DISTINGUISHEDDISTINGUISHED GUEST GUEST John Ceriale President Prospect Advisors A visionaryA visio andnar leadingy and forceleadin in gthe fo hospitalityrce in th industry,e hospi tJohnality Ceriale indus -is the presidenttry, John of C Prospecteriale i sAdvisors, the presiden the exclusivet of P rhotelosp eadvisorct Ad vtoi sors, Blackstonethe ex cReallusi Estateve ho Advisorstel adv i(BREA).sor to SinceBlacks creatingtone RProspecteal Est ate AdvisorsAdv iinso 1998,rs (B CerialeREA). has Sin beence cr responsibleeating Pr osforp theec tmanagement Advisors in of BREA’s1998, hotel Cer investments,iale has be locateden res pacrossonsib thele fU.S.,or th Caribbeane manag emanden t Europe.of BREA’s hotel investments, located across the U.S., Caribbean and Europe. er existing assets. LXR invested $1.2 billion into these In 1998,In 1998, Ceriale Cer iwasale wainstrumentals instrum enin tBlackstone’sal in Blacks tacquisitionone’s ac- properties. Ensuring their standing among America’s of fourquisi oftio London’sn of four most of L ohistoricndon’s hotels, most hi Claridge’s,storic hot eThels, C Savoy,lar- finest hotels in the luxury marketplace. He assembled a team of designers and chefs to lend their talents to Theidg Berkeley,e’s, The andSav oThey, Th Connaught.e Berkele yCeriale, and Thcommissionede Connaugh t. Ceriale commissioned internationally-acclaimed archi- the LXR properties – including, David Collins, Al- internationally-acclaimed architects and designers - including tects and designers - including Thierry Despont, David exandra Champalimaud and David Rockwell. And ThierryCollin Despont,s and B aDavidrbara CollinsBarry, andto in Barbaraject a n eBarry,w ener tog injecty into a on the culinary front, Chef GordonRamsay, Angela newth energyese hot eintols, ntheseow a mhotels,ong L nowondo amongn’s ho tLondon’stest destin hottestations. Hartnett, and Masaharu Morimoto. destinations. In July 2007, Blackstone acquired Hilton Hotels. With BlackstoneBlacks soldton thee Savoysold Groupthe inSa 2004;voy the G samerou pyear in the 2004; company th acquirede sam Bocae the acquisition of Hilton, Blackstone brought its port- Resorts,year Inc., th ewhich co mincludedpany the acq Bocauir Ratoned BResortoca &R Clubeso inrts, Boca In Raton,c., w Florida,hich folio of hotel rooms worldwide to 600,000. Hyatt Regency Pier 66 Resort, Bahia Mar Beach Resort & Yachting Center in Fort Lauderdale,include Thed Registrythe Bo Resortca R &a tClubon andRes Edgewaterort & CBeachlub Hotelin B &o Clubca inR a- ton, Florida, Hyatt Regency Pier 66 Resort, Bahia Mar Before founding Prospect Advisors in 1998, Ceriale Naples, Florida. New York’s Rihga Royal hotel was added to Boca Resorts in May was the Sr. Vice President of Operations for Westin 2005.Beach Resort & Yachting Center in Fort Lauderdale, The Registry Resort & Club and Edgewater Beach Ho- Hotels North America. Prior to Westin, he spent four tel & Club in Naples, Florida. New York’s Rihga Royal years at Fairmont Hotels as Executive Vice President hotel was added to Boca Resorts in May 2005. of Operations. In August 2005, Ceriale was instrumental in Black- Mr.M rCeriale. Ceria legraduated graduat efromd fr oLoyolam Loy Collegeola Col legin Baltimoree in Balti - stone’s acquisition of Wyndham Hotels. He subsequen-t withmo are Bachelor with a B acof hArtselo rin o Politicalf Arts in Science Politica andl Scien receivedce and ly orchestrated the creation of LXR Luxury Resorts, a rBacheloreceived a of B Scienceachelor odegreef Scien ince Hotel degr eManagemente in Hotel M froman- agement from the University of Nevada Hotel School. which incorporated Wyndham, Boca Resorts, and oth- the University of Nevada Hotel School. DISTINGUISHEDDISTINGUISHED GUEST GUEST D. Taylor President UNITE HERE D. DTaylor. Tay haslor hbeenas b aeen leader a le inader the inAmerican the Am Laborerica n Labor movementmovemen fort overfor o 34ver years. 34 y eHear s.began He b inega then laborin th e labor movementmovemen int DCin DwhileC w waitinghile wa onitin tablesg on tandables attending and att end- Georgetowning Georg etUniversityown Uni fromversi twherey from he w hgraduatedere he grad inu 1980.ated in 1980. Today, Mr. Taylor serves as President of UNITE Today,HERE! Mr. Taylor serves as President of UNITE HERE! OneOn ofe Mr.of MTaylor’sr. Tay loassignmentsr’s assignm wasents to wa organizes to or gacasinonize ca- workerssino wino therker Renoffahoes in the R enarea.offa Eventuallyhoe area. heEv wasentu movedally he to Laswa Vegass mov toed organize to Las V duringegas t oa ocitywiderganize strike.durin gWhile a cit yhew idewas originallystrike. told Whi itle would he wa bes ao rsix-igin monthally to ldstay, it wMr.ou Taylorld be a ended six- month stay, Mr. Taylor ended up in Las Vegas well over up in Las Vegas well over 25 years. 25 years. Mr. Taylor has led union members to great victories by negotiating solid contracts and organizing workers. Under his leadership workers have negotiated good wages, strong benefits, successorship language and have included language to protect housekeepers from being overworked or injured on the job. On numerous occasions, Mr. Taylor has been cited as one of the most influential people in Nevada, not just for his work at the union, but, also for his political prow- ess. Mr. Taylor has also been able to export the local’s successful organizing model to political campaigns. DEANDEAN Michael Johnson Dean and E.M. Statler Professor Cornell University School of Hotel Administration Michael D. Johnson began his term as the sixth dean of Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration on July 1, 2006. Dean Johnson also holds the E.M. Statler Professorship of Hotel Administration. Johnson came to Cornell from the University of Michigan, where he was the D. Maynard Phelps Collegiate Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Marketing at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business. His consulting work has focused on marketing A distinguished scholar, Johnson’s research focuses strategy, services management, service excellence, on the development of customer information systems customer portfolio management, new service and how they can be utilized to craft strategy and development, customer satisfaction measurement and manage customer relationships. Through his work, relationship management. Born in Bottineau, ND, Johnson seeks to understand how to manage customer Johnson grew up in Madison, WI. He holds a PhD portfolios over time, how customer satisfaction and and MBA from the University of Chicago, and a BS loyalty models change as customer relationships grow, with honors from the University of Wisconsin. and how managers can use customer information to make more informed resource allocation and strategy decisions. Johnson’s recent works have included “Customer Portfolio Management: Implications for the Asian Hospitality Industry” on the Wei Lun Public Lecture Series website through The Chinese University of Hong Kong and “Joy and Disappointment in the Hotel Experience: Managing Relationship Segments”, a forthcoming article in Managing Service Quality. Johnson has also consulted for a diverse range of companies and public agencies, including Promus Hotels, Northwest Airlines, the National Association of Convenience Stores, Dell Corporation, Dow Chemical, Schering Pharmaceutical and Volvo. DEANDEAN Harry Katz Kenneth F. Kahn Dean & Jack Sheinkman Professor of Collective Barganing Cornell University ILR School Harry C. Katz is the Kenneth F. Kahn Dean and Jack Sheinkman Professor of Collective Bargaining, at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1977. After teaching at MIT from 1977-1985, he came to the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University in 1985. His major publications include: Converging Divergences: Worldwide Changes in Employment Systems (with Owen Darbishire), Cornell University Press; Shifting Gears: Changing Labor Relations in the U.S. Automobile Industry, MIT Press; The Transformation of American Industrial Relations, (with Thomas Kochan and Robert McKersie), second edition, Cornell University Press; Telecommunications: Restructuring of Work and Employment Relations World-wide, Cornell University Press and An Introduction to Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations (with Thomas Kochan), Irwin-McGraw-Hill, third edition. The Transformation of American Industrial Relations was awarded the Terry Book Award in 1988 as the most significant contribution to the field of management by the Academy of Management. Since 2006, Katz has been a member of the UAW Pub- lic Review Board. FACULTYFACULTY Richard Hurd Associate Dean for External Relations & Professor Labor Studies Cornell University ILR School RichardRichar W.d W Hurd. Hu isrd Associate is Associ Deanate D eforan External for Exte Relationsrnal Rela- andtio Professorns and Pr ooffe Laborssor o fStudies. Labor
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