SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ DERGİSİ SAKARYA UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE PART A 21(1), 2017 @ Doç.Dr. Emrah DOĞAN [email protected] www.dergipark.gov.tr/saufenbilder ŞUBAT / FEBRUARY 2017 e-ISSN: 2147-835X SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ ENSTİTÜSÜ DERGİSİ EDİTÖR LİSTESİ SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ FEN BİLİMLERİ BİLİMLERİ FEN ÜNİVERSİTESİ SAKARYA Editörler: Ahmet Zengin, Cüneyt Bayılmış, Kerem Küçük A GRUBU Bölüm Editörleri S , YAYIN PLANI DERGİSİ ENSTİTÜSÜ BİLGİSAYAR MÜH. + SİBER GÜVENLİK ELEKTRİK-ELEKTRONİK MÜH. BİYOMEDİKAL MÜH. BİLİŞİM SİSTEMLERİ O T T AHMET ZENGİN Sakarya Uni. İHSAN PEHLİVAN Sakarya Uni. MUSTAFA BOZKURT Sakarya Uni. HALİL YİĞİT Kocaeli Uni. A S B U CÜNEYT BAYILMIŞ Sakarya Uni. YILMAZ UYAROĞLU Sakarya Uni. ARİF OZKAN Düzce Üniv U Ğ KEREM KÜÇÜK Kocaeli Uni. SEZGİN KAÇAR Sakarya Uni. Ş A DEVRİM AKGÜN Sakarya Uni. Editörler: Emrah Doğan, Beytullah Eren Bölüm Editörleri İNŞAAT MÜH. JEOFİZİK MÜH. ÇEVRE MÜH. MİMARLIK EMRAH DOĞAN Sakarya Uni. MURAT UTKUCU Sakarya Uni. BEYTULLAH EREN Sakarya Uni. TAHSİN TURĞAY Sakarya Uni. PETER CLAISSE Coventry Uni. ALİ PINAR Boğaziçi Uni. NİLGÜN BALKAYA İstanbul Uni. JAMEL KHATIB Uni. Wolverhampton A.S. ERSES YAY Sakarya Uni. OSMAN KIRTEL Sakarya Uni. AHMET AYGÜN Bursa Teknik ALİ SARIBIYIK Sakarya Uni. B GRUBU İnan Keskin Karabük Uni. İM ERTAN BOL Sakarya Uni. K , E Editörler: Serkan Zeren N A Bölüm Editörleri İS MAKİNA TASARIMI METALURJİ VE MALZEME MÜH. MEKATRONİK MÜH. MAKİNA VE ENERJİ N HÜSEYİN PEHLİVAN Sakarya Uni. MUSTAFA KURT Ahi Evran Uni. SERKAN ZEREN Kocaeli Uni YUSUF ÇAY Sakarya Uni. ÖZGÜL KELEŞ Istanbul Teknik Uni FARUK YALÇIN Sakarya Uni. ZAFER BARLAS Sakarya Uni. BARIŞ BORU Sakarya Uni. OTOMOTİV YANGIN + AFET ENDÜSTRİ+KALİTE YÖN CAN HAŞİMOĞLU Sakarya Uni. A. SERHAT DEMİR Sakarya Uni. VEZİR AYHAN Sakarya Uni. ÖZER UYGUN Sakarya Uni. İDRİS CESUR Sakarya Uni. Editörler: Mehmet Nebioğlu, Şevket Gür Bölüm Editörleri C GRUBU MATEMATİK FİZİK KİMYA BİYOLOJİ , N MEHMET ÖZEN Sakarya Uni. M. van de VENTER Nelson Mandela M. Uni MEHMET NEBİOĞLU Sakarya Uni. NAZAN DENİZ YÖN ERTUĞ Sakarya Uni. IK A L S. SALUR Rochester Uni. SADIK BAĞCI Sakarya Uni. MURAT TUNA Sakarya Uni. HÜSEYİN AKSOY Sakarya Uni. İR Z A ŞEVKET GÜR Sakarya Uni. A R GENETİK MÜH. NANOBİLİM VE NANO MÜH. ZİRAAT MÜH. GIDA MÜH. H A TİJEN OGRAS TÜBİTAK İLKAY ŞİŞMAN Sakarya Uni. RAMAZAN MERAL Bingöl Uni. DİLEK ANGIN Sakarya Uni. MAHMUT ÖZACAR Sakarya Uni. İÇİNDEKİLER 1-Artificial Intelligence Library For Html5 Based Games: Dignityai --- Berkan Uslu, Ecir Uğur Küçüksille 2-Jenerik Cordic Algoritmasinin Fpga’da Donanimsal Gerçeklenmesi --- Suhap Şahin, Burcu Kir Savaş 3-Geniş Bant Konum Belirleme Sistemi Performans Analizi Ve Iyileştirilmesi --- Kerem Küçük 4-PID Denetleyici Uygulamalari Için Yeni Bir Online Deney Seti Tasarımı --- Sezgin Kaçar, Ali Fuat Boz, Burak Aricioğlu, Harun Tekin 5-Optik Ağlarin Afet Sonrasi Onarimi Için Çoklu Tamirci Problemi --- Ferhat Dikbiyik 6-Karaciğer Mikroarray Kanser Verisinin Siniflandirilmasi Için Genetik Algoritma Kullanarak Anfis’in Eğitilmesi --- Bülent Haznedar, Mustafa Turan Arslan, Adem Kalinli 7-A Novel Learning Algorithm To Optimize The Fuselage Drag Coefficient --- Tugrul Oktay 8-Dış Ortam Kablosuz Networklerde Uygun Sinyal Dağiliminin Görünürlük Analizi Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi --- Mustafa Coşar, Fazli Engin Tombuş, Ibrahim Murat Ozulu, Veli Ilçi Artificial intelligence library for html5 based games: DignityAI Berkan Uslu1, Doç. Dr. Ecir Uğur Küçüksille2* 21.04.2016 Geliş/Received, 08.08.2016 Kabul/Accepted doi: 10.16984/saufenbilder. 22281 ABSTRACT Today, acceleration of internet and common use of web pages, revealed the necessity of work with any browser smoothly for each application without of requirement of any plug-in. Generally, HTML5 is a new body of standards which is formed with the combination of CSS and JavaScript. In this context, by analysing game engines developed for HTML5, their features and advantages are investigated. Although, these game engines are close to catch up with the level of popular game engines, it is seen that none of artificial intelligence library was developed for HTML5 based games up to now. In this study, DignityAI artificial intelligence library is developed to fill this deficiency. Developed library has ability to be integrated to all HTML5 games independently from game engine and to add artificial intelligence dynamics to these games. Keywords: HTML5, WebGL, Artificial Intelligence Library, DignityAI, Computer Games. Html5 tabanlı oyunlar için yapay zeka kütüphanesi: DignityAI ÖZ Günümüzde internetin hızlanması ve web sayfalarının yaygınlaşması, her uygulamanın her tarayıcıda herhangi bir eklenti gerektirmeden sorunsuzca çalışması gerekliliğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. HTML5 genel olarak, CSS ve Javascript'in birleşimi ile oluşan yeni bir standartlar bütünüdür. Bu noktada, HTML5 için geliştirilen oyun motorları incelenerek; özellikleri ve sundukları olanaklar araştırılmıştır. Bu oyun motorları; popüler oyun motorlarının seviyesini yakalamaya yakın olmalarına rağmen, herhangi bir yapay zekâ kütüphanesinin şimdiye kadar HTML5 tabanlı oyunlar için geliştirilmemiş olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu eksikliği gidermek amacı ile DignityAI yapay zekâ kütüphanesi geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen kütüphane, oyun motorundan bağımsız olarak tüm HTML5 oyunlarına entegre edilebilen ve bu oyunlara yapay zekâ dinamiklerini katabilme yeteneğine sahip bir kütüphanedir. Anahtar kelimeler: HTML5, WebGL, Yapay Zeka Kütüphanesi, DignityAI, Bilgisayar Oyunları. 1 Süleyman Demirel Üni., Mühendislik Fak., Bilgisayar Müh., ISPARTA – [email protected] 2 Süleyman Demirel Üni., Mühendislik Fak., Bilgisayar Müh., ISPARTA – [email protected] * Sorumlu Yazar / Corresponding Author B. Uslu, E.U. Küçüksille / Artificial intelligence library for html5 based games: DignityAI 1. INTRODUCTION intelligence in computer games, he studied the artificial intelligence system of Black and White, Lionhead Studios’ HTML5 and WebGL are among the most popular and game, and where can the artificial intelligence come in latest technologies which are especially focused by the games [1]. World in recent years. Also, with each research on game developing field, which became stronger by accelerating, Middleton, in his work, observed the history of artificial increases its invaluable position. Besides, the topic of intelligence in computer games and development of artificial intelligence, which the large technology artificial intelligence systems in the last 25 years of companies interested in, perhaps can be shown in the first history. In the study, he made detailed examination and place in addition to the rising popularity of this valuable comparison from chess artificial intelligence designed by research subjects. This situation has gained even more Alan Turing in 1950’s to Deep Blue computer that importance by the help of personal assistant with artificial defeated Garry Kasparov, from the famous RPG game intelligence published by three technology giants such as Dungeons&Dragons to another legendary RTS game Apple, Microsoft, and Google. Dune II, from Age of Empires series to artificial intelligence systems of Valve’s most popular game in the In this research, first of all, the development of artificial FPS genre Half Life [2]. intelligence systems in games and current artificial intelligence libraries are described by considering the Stall, in his work, proceed through a very natural example history of artificial intelligence in computer games. experienced by him to explain the finite state machines and During the research, all games that can be integrated with described the finite state machines in a very clear manner the artificial intelligence engine library were analyzed [3]. independent of any game engine. However, it was observed that there was no such library that can be used Schwab, in his work, made a very detailed investigation on for games based on HTML5. In this point, developed the s details of developing AI (artificial intelligence) game DignityAI library have the feature of being first of its kind. engine from simple components like navigation, decision- Furthermore, it was observed that each developed artificial making and inputs to detailed research of game genres and intelligence library focuses on a particular type. In this components, from the detailed method analysis such as context, the investigations are carried out on the finite state machines, fuzzy state machines, messaging relationship between artificial intelligence and game types. systems to complete AI game development. Some It is centered upon the action (FPS, TPS), role-playing advanced issues such as genetic algorithms, neural game (RPG), real- time strategy (RTS), adventure, networks, fuzzy logic, behavior trees were described platform, sports and racing from game types. The use of particularly in his book [4]. methods of finite state Machine(FSM), hierarchical artificial intelligence, fuzzy state machines (FuSM), Lubbers et al., in his work, elaborated on details of HTML behavior trees, path- finding, data driven systems and programming from HTML and XML which is the basic fuzzy logic artificial intelligence has seen and some components of HTML5 to presently JavaScript and CSS information is given. that comprise HTML5. He also searched intimately all API libraries of HTML5 which was widely used and had not Subsequently, information about the development of been examined yet, besides with such review it was given HTML5 and WebGL is given. Then, HTML game engines useful
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