Tfm f v'tous to the election, winch should be corres- far out-sh- ir 2- - Col. Slaughter"; but as a po 'rAnpnnrnrne nnA TOim wa otv& mirVAfpQ 9. Agriculture andcommere the lat- pondent to their own. litician who claims the governor's chair in for Isaac Shelbv as our next governor, we ter subservient to the former. FOR HALE, ' One of the People," in the last Reporter, times like the present, he must necessa shall feel pleasure in the recollection that 10. The union of the States the rock Bradford's Alluvion Cotton Jnf ' 'pel us that Messrs. Todd, Hawkins, and and Vool rily sink far-bclo- Col. Slaughter ; who, he has had too much self respect to stoop of safety the union of the people the Factory, in Lexington, JHedsoey were decidedly opposed to the present to this disgraceful practice. Kentuci y. incumbent, and hinted that the other candidates all the while that his competitor studied pledge ot victory r mrj maenmery in tue abbve lactorv is near 4'h. Kesolved that a committee of five ! wer&not. Let me reiterate the call on them how to malic money, could not iau storing 11. 'he occupation of the Canadas ly all entirely new, and in excellent citizens be appointed to devise a mode of " to 'come out." May d!tion il consists in three cotton carding en- - his mind during sixteen years constant organizing, and to draw up rules and re- they become a part of the United Are you, Messrs. Trotter, Richardson and ......, ...... ,.. names, service in the Legislature, with dvery gulations for the government of a company otates. thp..ttcaaiiy Graves in savor of the of Mr. Pope' constructed - on npWii...,.. nUn. ,iva i..ki branch of political knowledge requisite neighborhood to 12. The U. S. will be ,,u,,. UUUU1C I demand an answer-t- this question, and in this act as a domestic Floridasthe rThroslle of 84 spindles, and i single a1 Throstle to form man for the highest stations in guard whenever now enroled justified in possession. s every independent freeman in the county should the volunteers taking ip, gage reels w lth the bob- i cquire an unequivocal answer before he gives the gist of the people ; step by step he has shall march, and that the committee are volunteers. bins, spools &c. necessary for working the requested whenever they fixed Hv MV. Ttnrr 'slip K pnlnrlrir rtplnn-n- Throstles. Two wool cither o! them it vote. It is strongly suspect ascended m his political career, and ac- shall have enrdine, ini;,,,.. ,;,.HU .1 upon a give no'iCe for a ,,ew ed thes candidates are friendly to Mr. Pope s companied with the applause of the peo- plan to meeting of on in Congressweighed in the b. lance ; p',, ,? t,e'zer .on,? and improved plan principles. Let them come out open- - the neighbors to make the enrolment, and ' -"- politic:"! ple at every step. What would we think but one sound wanting. '" ' rL ""y,01, " tor muiljdeclare what he is, and he that similar measures be earnestly recom-mende- d spinning"?" wool Also, a of 60 .et every' of a man, who, aster having learned the By Mr. Tiickley. The foreigners aliat he declares. to our fellow citizens in other parts dies for spinning flax or hemp, with the Xl A REPUBLICAN VOTER. exercises ol a common soldier, should re- of 'he State. wu nave Decome ourieiiow-ciiizen- s irom ,enng, orawmg and roing frames necessary for tire from the field work for 16 years, at 5th. Resolved, that these proceedings be choice. prenanner the lint fnr nintiinrr 'ri, i.... 45 feet long Kentucky Gazette. the loom or the needle, and then at once signed by the President and a copy trans- and thirty one feet wide, 3 sto- - For the ,,c . ,lrsl 0I and tlie " de- demand the appointment of generalissi- mitted to the Editor ofthe Reporter, or the UIEUUn Saturday the 11th inst. Doctor ,r, '."" stne other two Tt is a misfortune, perhaps in some ; - a horse mllr 9"; mo ! ! But it is said Col. Shelby is so uni- Editor of the Palladium with a request to lhcanhei. M. Emu., of Lancaster, Ky' Z L'!1?.k ?.?' .w f..f..... , II, gree unaoidable in a representative gov- A V- leels, drums, belts .c. publish SIMEON MOORE. e only'son ot Capt. John Edmiston of this!" - ' pro- - fa-- versally beloved that the people call upon them. ernment, that competitors for public or Attest, county. The deceased was highly esteemed,! U1.1V1,S e machinery. The lot is 66 him, to snatch republic from impend n K't yo either themselves, or through the the allil llfa 1fft oung w is low, an aged T'lllmMirifl t "" " ireei ana leet back. in- James E. Davis, Sec'y. The machinery will be paiti-sar.- s, ing ruin. This is a serious assertion mother, and a number of respectable friends sold altogether with, iitibssrvicncy of their friends and or without the house deed ! I am acquainted with a great num- mju iciauvcb, iu iiiuuru ius iuss. ue uicu. in and lot, or, the cotton, will descend to low electioneering COMMUNICATION. and flax and hemp machinery ber excellent citizens, who greatly pre- the 25th jear of his age. together or stpa- - tricks, misrepresentations, falsehoods and of The Editor of the 'Statesman' on the 1 8th fer Slaughter to Shelby, but it seems these On Sunday last, in this place, Mrs. M- defamation, in order to'make! their elec- inst. infers that a knowledge of Hum- art Radius, consort of Mr. Samuel Itankin. TERJtS. tion sure. This should as much as pos- men do not belong to the people I How phrey Marshall being " the author of the Two thirds of the purchase money for the can these routing partizans assert, what July 18, 1812. whole may be discharged in 6 and ljj sible be avoided, and the people should compositions published in that paper in CHIL1COTHE, out ot months, trom us .try can be known only the product of the manufactory at t!"scomtennnce every such attempt to nature opposition to Col. Shelby," would injure A gentleman (Mr. Pumroy) arrived in Lexington the .' market prices, the remainder in aster the election It is false. The people this place on Tuesday last from Detroit, in prejudice them their most sacred right him, as well as the election of Col. Slaugh- cash in hand, or payable one tenth part every do not call upon Col. Shelby he will find which place he lest on 60 and duty, the elective franchise. In the ter. In order to prevent which, he gives the 2d inst. Mr. days with interest from the time of pur- that as soon as the fiolte are closed. Ot the . Pumrov informs us that he thp chase. The terms present'eompethion between Col. Slaugh an assurance (rather Jesuitical,) that he j met v....amur.J will be equally favorabJe towards I say for any part of the Col. Shelby, for the highest ma great love him will but lit never in States- i one day's march this side ot Detroit all in machinery, except for the ter and published" the iAmrican cotton alone no y tie. A man of his dictatorial address, of ; good health manufactures can be taken gistracy in our state, such an ungentle-manl- man' a solitary article that he understood and spirits. A company of I close-fiste- will also sell about 3000 lbs. bc-cat- Ins d of raw cotton lsi conduct, a man who has uavairy irom met army at course is still more improper, to be composed by Mr. Marshall." From .Detroit tne the ottne first quality, and about 1000 shovvn himself partial or r iver purpose lbs. of wool, unnecessary and useless ; for both this assurance, many are induced to believe Raisin for the of escorting provided I sell the wh ole factory. when con tiiese gentlemen with all the qualities called upon to judge between that " Warren," which was circulated in them. Mr. Pumroy also informs that the In case a sals is tint VntA ... .1 , tending citizens, such a man is certainly 'tv-uic- give good possess or not possess, are thorough- the Statesman, as an extra paper, Was not ..i..,.i.uiimami.ii u uic jlc - jlwill wages and constant employ - they 10 ly known through the state. Nothing not calculated to set a nation in love with from the pen of Humphrey. The object claration of War 24 hours sooner than it' mel1.1 ? Pel'son who understands spinning ! xvoolont"e Billy andJenny. more would have been necessary than to him! But his military skill his heroism of this note is toask of that Editor a cate- was received at Detroit, in consequence King's Mountain, against tories. of BJiADFOnp. inform the people, that they offered their it the gorical answer to the question, " Is Hum- which they captured the sloop Conlrac- - July 1812 1 lr ' hat Col. brave do doubt ; j "v't' borvices as candidates for the office ot Shelby is I not phrey Marshall the author of the publica- tor loaded with Hour and pork for the ar - ; But is ? p,ovrnor, and the voice of the majority who not Has he stood a hotter tion signed Warren ?" of this my, the sloop Mary loaded with merchan- - ? The author FOR SJLLF sire than our brave boys at Tippacanoc dize for private individuals, and a A at the election would have given a ju,st article would conceive this question very small WOMAN and two children'.
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