

CRANIUMCRANIUM THETHE SKULLSKULL R.R. DrugaDruga InstituteInstitute ofof Anatomy,Anatomy, 2nd2nd andand 1st1st MedicalMedical FacultyFaculty NEUROCRANIUMNEUROCRANIUM SPLANCHNOCRANIUMSPLANCHNOCRANIUM CRANIUM,CRANIUM, THETHE SKULLSKULL II MostMost highlyhighly modifiedmodified regionregion inin thethe axialaxial skeletonskeleton TheThe neurocraniumneurocranium –– developeddeveloped fromfrom aa seriesseries ofof cartilagescartilages ventralventral toto thethe brainbrain (base)(base) FromFrom mesenchymemesenchyme overover thethe domedome ofof thethe headhead (calvaria(calvaria oror calva)calva) CranialCranial cavitycavity SplanchnocraniumSplanchnocranium –– branchialbranchial apparatusapparatus (cartilaginous(cartilaginous elements)elements) havehave beenbeen replacedreplaced byby overlyingoverlying dermaldermal bonesbones BranchialBranchial apparatusapparatus TheThe mandibularmandibular regionregion andand thethe neckneck areare formedformed byby sixsix pairedpaired branchialbranchial archesarches (cart.(cart. barsbars supportingsupporting thethe gillgill apparatus).apparatus). InIn thethe tetrapodstetrapods branchialbranchial archesarches werewere modifiedmodified andand persistpersist inin thethe facialfacial (maxilla,(maxilla, mandibula)mandibula) andand neckneck skeletonskeleton (laryngeal(laryngeal cartilages)cartilages) Derivatives of cartilagines of the branchial arches 1st arch = Meckel cart., mandibula, malleus 2nd arch = Reichert cart., stapes, styloid proc.,stylohyoid lig. 3rd arch = hyoid bone 4th and 6th arch = laryngeal cartil. CRANIUMCRANIUM IIII ComplexComplex ofof skeletalskeletal elements,elements, adaptedadapted toto supportsupport andand containcontain thethe brain,brain, brainbrain vessels,vessels, cranialcranial nervesnerves andand envelopsenvelops SpecialSpecial sensessenses (eye(eye ball,ball, nasalnasal cavity,cavity, innerinner ear)ear) IntracranialIntracranial spacesspaces (epidural,(epidural, subdural,subdural, subarachnoideal)subarachnoideal) CirculatingCirculating cerebrospinalcerebrospinal fluidfluid x CRANIUMCRANIUM KomplexKomplex kostíkostí axiálníhoaxiálního skeletuskeletu ObsahujeObsahuje mozek,mozek, mozkovémozkové cévycévy aa obalyobaly ObsahujeObsahuje očníoční koulikouli aa sluchovýsluchový aparátaparát ČleníČlení sese nana bazibazi lební,lební, kalvukalvu (calvaria)(calvaria) aa nana obličejovýobličejový skelet.skelet. ProPro klinickouklinickou medicinumedicinu mámá největšínejvětší významvýznam bazebaze lebnílební aa obličejovýobličejový skeletskelet !!!! CRANIUMCRANIUM IIIIII GeneralGeneral cranialcranial featuresfeatures BaseBase CalvariaCalvaria FacialFacial skeletonskeleton Spaces,Spaces, cavitiescavities TheThe skull,skull, consideredconsidered asas aa whole,whole, isis ofof greatergreater practicalpractical importanceimportance thanthan thethe individualindividual bonesbones ofof whichwhich itit isis mademade upup !!!!!!!!!!!! MostMost importantimportant partpart ofof thethe skullskull isis thethe base.base. Norma lateralis Norma facialis or Norma frontalis The orbit The anterior nasal aperture The interior of the cranium Basis cranii interna Norma basalis Basis cranii externa The anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa Basis cranii ! interna Fossae cranii OS OCCIPITALE Squamous, basilar and lateral part Internal aspect Cruciate eminence, 4 fossae Occipital bone of a newborn child Posterior aspect Inferior aspect OS SPHENOIDALE Body The greater In the base of wings the skull The Resembles a lesser bird with wings wings outstretched The pterygoid processes Posterior aspect Chiasmatic sulcus – optic cana Superior Hypophyseal aspect fossa Dorsum sellae Sella turcica Sulcus caroticus SphenoidSphenoid bonebone –– bodybody Cubical,Cubical, containscontains twotwo airair sinusessinuses // septumseptum AnteriorlyAnteriorly –– ethmoidethmoid bonebone PosteriorlyPosteriorly –– occipitaloccipital bonebone SulcusSulcus chiasmatischiasmatis (optic(optic canal)canal) HypophysealHypophyseal fossafossa ++ DorsumDorsum sellae=sellae= sellasella turcicaturcica (Turkish(Turkish saddle)saddle) Fissura orbitalis superior : III., IV., VI., V/1, V. orbitalis sup. For. rotundum : V/2 For. ovale : V/3 For. spinosum: a. meningea media ANTERIOR ASPECT GreaterGreater wingwing –– 55 surfacessurfaces (facies)(facies) CerebralCerebral surfacesurface –– partpart ofof thethe midlemidle cranialcranial fossafossa OrbitalOrbital surfacesurface –– partpart ofof thethe laterallateral wallwall ofof thethe orbitorbit TemporalTemporal surfacesurface –– temporaltemporal fossafossa InfratemporalInfratemporal surface-surface- infratemporalinfratemporal fossafossa SphenomaxillarSphenomaxillar surface-surface- pterygopalatinepterygopalatine fossafossa OS TEMPORALE Parts: Squamous Petromastoid Tympanic (styloid process) PetrousPetrous partpart ofof thethe temporaltemporal bonebone IsIs wedgedwedged betweenbetween thethe sphenoidsphenoid andand occipitaloccipital bonesbones HasHas aa base,base, anan apex,apex, fourfour surfaces,surfaces, threethree marginsmargins TheThe anterioranterior (superior)(superior) surfacesurface ((trigeminal impression, arcuate eminence) TheThe posteriorposterior surfacesurface (the internal acoustic meatus) TheThe inferiorinferior surfacesurface ((the carotid canal, the jugular fossa) TheThe ventrobasalventrobasal surfacesurface ((medial wall of the tympanic cavity) x OSOS TEMPORALETEMPORALE –– PARSPARS PETROSA,PETROSA, PYRAMISPYRAMIS KlínovitáKlínovitá konfigurace-konfigurace- mezimezi osos sphenoidalesphenoidale aa occipitaleoccipitale Base,Base, apex,apex, 44 stěnystěny (facies)(facies) FaciesFacies posteriorposterior (porus(porus acusticusacusticus internus)internus) FaciesFacies inferiorinferior (canalis(canalis caroticus,caroticus, fossafossa jugularis)jugularis) FaciesFacies anterioranterior (eminentia(eminentia arcuata,arcuata, impressioimpressio trigeminalis)trigeminalis) FaciesFacies ventrobasalisventrobasalis (=(= mediálnímediální stěnastěna cavumcavum tympani)tympani) Temporal bone + pyramis – external aspect PYRAMIS-internal aspect (facies ant. et post.) Internal acoustic meatus - n. VII., n.VIII.) Porus and meatus acusticus internus Meatus acusticus internus l. dx. PYRAMIS, FACIES INFERIOR Carotid canal Stylomastoid foramen (n. VII.) Jugular foramen Jugular foramen (internal jugular vein, N. IX., X., XI.) Canaliculus for the tympanic nerve Facies inferior Canalis caroticus Foramen jugulare Processus styloideus Foramen Stylomastoideum Processus mastoideus Fossa mandibularis Canaliculus tympanicus PYRAMIS : FACIES VENTROBASALIS Medial wall of the tympanic cavity Mastoid air cells Celullae mastoideae Pneumatic type Stylomastoid foramen. Canalis n. facialis Tympanic cavity Promontory Tympanic nerve – Tympanic plexus Tympanic cavity, posterior wall N. VII. Mastoid antrum Pyramidal (3,5) eminence Chorda tympani External auditory meatus (1) Tympanic sulcus PyramidPyramid -- canalscanals andand spacesspaces CanalisCanalis nervinervi facialisfacialis –– meatus ac. internus – for. Stylomastoideum (3 parts :ventrolateral, dorsolateral, caudal) CanalisCanalis caroticuscaroticus –– facies inferior – apex pyramidis CanaliculusCanaliculus tympanicustympanicus –– fossula petrosa – cavum tympani – sulcus promontorii CanaliculusCanaliculus chordaechordae tympanitympani –– canalis n. facialis –– cavum tympani – fissura petrotympanica CanalisCanalis musculotubariusmusculotubarius –– m. tensor tympani, Eustachian tube LabyrinthusLabyrinthus osseusosseus – vestibulum, canales semicirculares, cochlea OS FRONTALE, SQUAMA FRONTALIS, PARTES ORBITALES Desmogenní osifikace ze dvou základů Inferior aspect Roof of the orbit OS FRONTALE, PARTES ORBITALES, PARS NASALIS (Apertura sinus frontalis) Internal aspect SQUAMA FRONTALIS OSOS ETHMOIDALEETHMOIDALE LaminaLamina cribrosacribrosa (nerve(nerve I.)I.) LaminaLamina perpendicularisperpendicularis (crista(crista galli)galli) LabyrithiLabyrithi ethmoidalesethmoidales (cellulae(cellulae ethmoidales)ethmoidales) LaminaLamina orbitalisorbitalis (papyracea)(papyracea) ConchaConcha nasalisnasalis mediamedia etet superiorsuperior Cock´ s comb Parietal bone Sulci of the middle meningeal Epidural space artery Epidural hematoma OBLIČEJOVÝ SKELET FACIAL SKELETON Maxilla 4 plochy 4 surfaces Tělo + 4 výběžky: Facies : anterior, Body + 4 processes posterior, (proc. orbitalis frontalis, nasalis (the base palatinus, of the hollow zygomaticus pyramidal body) (/apex), alveolaris) Maxillary hiatus is ovelaid by ethmoid Maxillary conchae sinus (25 cm3) MaxillaMaxilla -- ossificationossification TheThe maxillamaxilla ossifiesossifies inin membrane.membrane. TheThe premaxillapremaxilla (incisive(incisive bone,bone, carryingcarrying incisorincisor teeth)teeth) isis inin mostmost mammalsmammals anan independentindependent bone.bone. OSSAOSSA PALATINA PALATINA Orbital process (3) Sphenoidal process (5) Sphenopalatine incisure MANDIBULA Corpus – CORPUS + Alveolar process RAMUS – Condylar process Each half (articular ossifies from a surface) single centre in membrane Coronoid ovelying the process Meckel (temporalis m.) cartilage Sublingual fossa Submandibular fossa Mandibular canal Ramus in line with the body Age changes in the mandible Following the loss of teeth the alveolar part is absorbed THE THE NASAL ORBITAL CAVITY CAVITY CAVITAS ORBITA NASI OSSEA Piriform aperture – Choanae Facies lateralis CAVUM CAVUM NASI NASI MEATUS THE NASAL NASI : CAVITY, inferior FRONTAL SECTION medius superior SINUS PARANASALES Frontal Maxillary

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