T HE P ARISH OF O UR S AVIOUR S AINT S TEPHEN AND O UR L ADY OF THE S CAPULAR C HAPEL OF THE S ACRED H EARTS OF J ESUS AND M ARY IN THE C ITY OF N EW Y ORK TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – 25 JUNE 2017 CHURCH OF OUR SAVIOUR Rev. Robert J. Robbins, K.C.H.S. Fifty-nine Park Avenue Pastor (at East Thirty-eighth Street) Rev. Peter K. Meehan New York, NY 10016 Parochial Vicar www.oursaviournyc.org Rev. Msgr. Kevin Sullivan Parish Office: (212) 679–8166 In Residence CHAPEL OF THE SACRED HEARTS OF Rev. Msgr. Hilary C. Franco JESUS AND MARY Honorary Associate 325 East Thirty-third Street Mr. Paul J. Murray, K.C.H.S. (between First and Second Avenues) Director of Music New York, NY 10016 Leilani Siri, M.D. & Mr. David W. Ford Our Saviour and Sacred Hearts are both handicapped accessible. Trustees MASS FOR THE LORD’S DAY ANOINTING OF THE SICK Saturday (Anticipated Mass): 5:00 p.m. (Our Saviour) By appointment. Please call (212) 679–8166 x210. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. (Our Saviour), 11:00 a.m. (Our Saviour), 12:45 p.m. (Sacred Hearts), RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN 3:00 p.m. Korean-English Bilingual (Sacred Hearts), 5:00 p.m. (Our Saviour), 5:30 p.m. (Sacred Hearts) Inter-parish Program (K–8) at the Church of the Epiphany (212) 475–1966. DAILY MASS Monday–Friday: 7:45 a.m. (Our Saviour) NOVENA DEVOTIONS Monday–Saturday: 12:05 p.m. (Our Saviour) after the 12:05 p.m. Mass Monday–Friday: 12:15 p.m. (Sacred Hearts) Monday: Miraculous Medal HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Tuesday: St. Anthony Wednesday: St. Jude As announced. Thursday: St. Anne EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Friday: Sacred Heart Fridays after the 7:45 a.m. Mass until Benediction at 11:55 a.m. (Our Saviour) NEW PARISHIONERS SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (CONFESSION) To register, please fill out a registration form at the Parish Office at Our Saviour. Our Saviour: Monday–Friday: 7:15–7:40 a.m., 12:35–1:00 p.m. Saturday: 4:30–4:55 p.m.; Sunday: 10:30–10:50 a.m. AUDIO: HOMILIES AND MUSIC Sacred Hearts: www.oursaviournyc.org/audio Sunday: 5:00–5:15 p.m. SPACE RENTALS SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please contact Mr. Angel Falcon Arrange at least six (6) months in advance. at (212) 810–9004 or [email protected]. For information, please call (212) 679–8166 x220. The Church Undercroft is available for wedding receptions, Christening parties, meetings, and special events. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM For information, please call (212) 679–8166 x210. MASS INTENTIONS WELCOME Sunday, 25 June – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time If you are a visitor, we welcome you to the Church of 5:00 p.m. Mare Emsworth + Our Saviour and the Chapel of the Sacred Hearts of 9:00 a.m. James Neelan + Jesus and Mary and hope that you will come back soon. 11:00 a.m. Dorothy McGoven Healy + Those who wish to join the parish may register in the 12:45 p.m. Pro Populo Parish Office, which is located at the Church of Our 5:00 p.m. Robert Greeley Johnson + Saviour. 5:30 p.m. No Intention Monday, 26 June – Weekday THE HOLY FATHER’S 7:45 a.m. Sybil Sherman + PRAYER INTENTION FOR JUNE 12:05 p.m. Anthony Musso + Universal Intention: National Leaders – That national 12:15 p.m. Walter Schmitt + leaders may firmly commit themselves to ending the Tuesday, 27 June – St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Doctor arms trade, which victimizes so many innocent people. of the Church 7:45 a.m. No Intention WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP 12:05 p.m. Jeffrey Green + Thank you for your generous support of 12:15 p.m. James Reilly + the Parish of Our Saviour – Wednesday, 28 June – St. Irenaeus, Bishop, Martyr St. Stephen and Our Lady of the Scapular 7:45 a.m. Michelina Cardone + and the Chapel of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary! 12:05 p.m. Anna Demkowicz + Collections for the week ending 18 June: 12:15 p.m. No Intention Our Saviour: Sunday: $3,089 • Weekdays: $602 Thursday, 29 June – Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles Shrines: $686 7:45 a.m. Sebastian Sora (L) Sacred Hearts: Sunday: $1,490 • Shrines: $544 12:05 p.m. Toussaint Bofo (L) Utilities: $573 12:15 p.m. Joan Fougner + Friday, 30 June – The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church ParishPay: $1,853 (Our Saviour & Sacred Hearts) 7:45 a.m. Rosemary H. Malone + Parishioners are encouraged to make their donations 12:05 p.m. Michele Farrar Thompson + online through ParishPay, which is accessible via our 12:15 p.m. No Intention website, <www.oursaviournyc.org>. Saturday, 1 July – St. Junípero Serra, Priest Please make all checks payable to the 12:05 p.m. Kathy McCann Norton + Church of Our Saviour. Mass Intentions may be reserved through the Parish Office at the Church To help us meet our expenses, please prayerfully of Our Saviour. Please stop by or call (212) 679–8166 x210. consider a sacrificial offering of twenty dollars for IN YOUR PRAYERS, please remember Vincent your weekly offering to the parish. Allam, Jr., Gladys Alvarez, Dan Bianco, Gerry Bria, Father Peter M. Colapietro, Glenda Coriano, Sally DAILY MASS AT SACRED HEARTS G. D’Albara, Catherine Griffin, Stephen T. Jackson, Daily Mass will not be celebrated at the Chapel of the Loretta Mugno, Joan Murphy, Corazon Natividad, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary during the months of Gloria Panico, Alexander R., and John Yuh, who are July and August. The Sunday Mass schedule remains ill, and for Evelyn Leahy, who has died. We also the same. pray for peace throughout the world. MASS INTENTIONS Prayer intentions for the sick will be listed for one month and may be Offering a Mass for a loved one is a powerful renewed by calling the parish office. intercessory prayer and a priceless gift. A Mass can be FROM THE HOLY FATHER’S TWITTER offered for anyone, living or deceased, on any @Pontifex: None of us is an island, autonomous and occasion, such as a birthday, an anniversary, in time independent from others. We can only build the of illness, or even for a special intention. To schedule future by standing together, including everyone. a Mass intention, please visit the Parish Office. SAINTS OF THE WEEK RETIREMENT OF FATHER MEEHAN St. Cyril of Alexandria (27 June): At the Council of In his poem, To A Mouse, the famous Scottish author, Ephesus (431), he defended Mary as Theotokos (“God- Robbie Burns, wrote: “The best laid plans of mice bearer”). Noted especially for his Christological and men often go awry.” So it is with the departure formulations, Cyril supported the growth of of Father Meehan and the arrival of our new priest at monasticism in Egypt. He died in 444. the chapel. Father Meehan received word that his St. Irenaeus (28 June): An early third century bishop, retirement apartment won’t be available until 1 Irenaeus was the first to provide a coherent rationale for August. At the same time, our new priest—who is a Christian Bible including both testaments and the first coming to us from a parish that is presently to offer a comprehensive account of believe in God’s merging—received word that the process would not universal providential and redemptive economy. be complete by 1 July, which is the normal date for Sts. Peter and Paul (29 June): Peter and Paul are the the start of new assignments. So, by some sort of principal patrons of Rome. Peter died in 64 under the serendipity, Father Meehan will remain with us for emperor Nero. Considered the first pope, two epistles the month of July and leave on 1 August. That in the New Testament are ascribed to him. Paul, allows our new priest time to get packed and the according to tradition, was martyred in Rome around pastor to take his vacation. Wasn’t it St. Teresa of the year 67. He was Pharisee who became the “Apostle Calcutta who said, “All things work together with of the Gentiles”. God?” The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church (30 June): Those many Christians who were tortured, SACRED MUSIC crucified, and burned alive in 64 in Nero’s garden on Sacred music, being a complementary part of the the Vatican Hill are honored here. solemn liturgy, participates in the general scope of St. Junípero Serra (1 July): A Franciscan missionary the liturgy, which is the glory of God and the from Spain, Junípero Serra established nine of the sanctification and edification of the faithful. It California missions, baptized over 6,000 native peoples, contributes to the decorum and the splendor of the and is recognized as a builder of the state of California. ecclesiastical ceremonies, and since its principal He was canonized by Pope Francis in Washington, office is to clothe with suitable melody the liturgical D.C. in September 2015. text proposed for the understanding of the faithful, SODALITY FOR THE CHURCH IN AFRICA its proper aim is to add greater efficacy to the text, in Next week, our parish will take up a collection for the order that through it the faithful may be the more Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa (SFCA). While easily moved to devotion and better disposed for the the Church in Africa is growing, many still lack access reception of the fruits of grace belonging to the to basic resources and pastoral care.
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