User Guide and Hospital list With our free of charge China Hospital Deposit Guarantee Card, you can receive in-patient medical treatment in case of accident at over 250 designated hospitals in mainland China without the need to pay deposit in advance. In case of accidental injury, you can refer to this User Guide or call the 24-hour China Hospital Deposit Guarantee Hotline (852) 2528 9333 for the details of the nearest designated hospital. Please present your China Hospital Deposit Guarantee Card and your personal indentification document with photo (e.g. China visa entry card, Hong Kong identity card/Macau identity card or passport) to the hospital staff. The designated hospital will check your eligibility with AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited once you are admitted to the hospital. Please remember to take your card and keep it with you whenever you travel to mainland China. Should you forget to bring it with you, provide your policy number to the designated hospital and they will try to contact with AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited to check your eligibility for the service. Please note that this will take time and your hospital admission and in-patient treatment may be delayed. Hong Kong (852) 2867 8678 (852) 2528 9333 AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited 5/F, AXA Southside 38 Wong Chuk Hang Road Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong 1. Verify the information on your card. If any changes are required, please call the Insurance Service Hotline. 2. Notify AXA immediately if you lose your card. 3. Return the card when you or any insured family members cease to be insured. 4. The hospital deposit guarantee service is applicable only if your AccidentSurance policy is in force with AXA at the time the accident occurred. 5. If you do not bring your card, no deposit guarantee service will be provided. 6. If you are not eligible for the service, you will be required to pay the deposit immediately. 7. This User Guide is for information and reference only. Please refer to your policy endorsement for full terms and conditions. 8. This card is non-transferable and should be used only in accordance with conditions in your policy or endorsement. 9. A charge of HK$50 will be levied for each replacement card issued. Levy collected by the Insurance Authority has been imposed on this policy at the applicable rate. For further information, please visit www.axa.com.hk/ia-levy or contact AXA at (852) 2867 8678. Remark: This hospital deposit guarantee service is provided by Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited which is an independent contractor and is not an agent of AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited or The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Coproration Limited. AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Coproration Limited shall not be held responsible for any medical treatment and services provided by the designated hospitals in mainland China of Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited. The underlying policy that provides the China Hospital Deposit Guarantee Card service is underwritten by AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited (“AXA”), which is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority of the Hong Kong SAR. AXA will be responsible for providing your insurance coverage and handling claims under your policy. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited is registered in accordance with the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as an insurance agent of AXA for distribution of general insurance products in the Hong Kong SAR. Remark: In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. Issued by AXA General Insurance Hong Kong Limited ASQ0219/S/E/User Guide (J/A47a) Hospital List 醫院名單 Address 地址 Please check the latest hospital list on The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited website www.hsbc. com.hk or call Emergency Assistance Hotline (852) 2528 9333. 請登入香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司網頁 www.hsbc.com.hk 查閱最新的醫院名單或致電緊急支援熱線(852) 2528 9333 查詢。 Beijing 北京 China-Japan Friendship Hospital East Yinghua Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 中日友好醫院 (3A) 北京市朝陽區櫻花東園東街 Beijing United Family Hospital No. 2 Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京和睦家醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區將台路 2 號 Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University No.2 Anzhen Road, Anzhenmen Wai, Chaoyang District, Beijing 首都醫科大學附屬北京安貞醫院 (3A) 北京市朝陽區安貞門外安貞路 2 號 Beijing Puhua International Hospital No 12,Tiantan Nanli, Dongcheng District, Beijing 北京天壇普華醫院 (Private) 北京市東城區天壇南裡 12 號 Beijing Oasis International Hospital No. 9, Jiuxianqiao North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京明德醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區酒仙橋北路 9 號 Beijing Yanhua Hospital No. 15 Yanshan Ying feng Street,, Fang Shang District, Beijing 北京燕化醫院 (2A) 北京市房山區燕山迎風街 15 號 北京恒和中西醫結合醫院 (Private) No.46, West ZongbuHutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing Beijing Henghe Integrative Medicine Hospital 北京市東城區西總布胡同 46 號 Sanfine International Hospital No.4Building of Shimao International Center, No.13 Gongti North 善方醫院 (Private) Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝陽區工體北路 13 號院世茂國際中心 4 號樓 Beijing Eden Hospital Block E, No. 51, Quanminhu South Road, Haidian District, Beijing 北京怡德醫院 (Private) 北京市海澱區昆明湖南路 51 號 E 座 Peking Union Medical College Hospital 2F, Inpatient Department, No.53 Dongdan North Road, Dong 北京協和醫院 (3A) Cheng District, Beijing 北京市東城區東單北大街 53 號住院樓一段二層 Beijing Friendship Hospital No.95 Yong'an Rd, Xicheng District, Beijing 北京友誼醫院 (3A) 北京市西城區永安路 95 號 Military General Hospital of Beijing PLA F4, No.5 Nanmencang, Dongcheng District, Beijing 中國人民解放軍陸軍總醫院 (3A) 北京市東城區南門倉 5 號 4 樓 Beijing Jiangong Hospital No.6 Rufuli, South Caishikou Street, Xicheng District,Beijing 北京健宮醫院 (Private) 北京市西城區菜市口南大街儒福裡 6 號 Beijing VitupHopsital No.52 East 3rd Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京維特奧醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區東三環南路乙 52 號 Beijing 21st Century Hospital F1-F2, 21st Century Plaza, Liangmaqiao Road No.40,Chaoyang 北京二十一世紀醫院 (Private) District, Beijing 北京市朝陽區亮馬橋路 40 號 21 世紀大廈 1-2 層 Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital No.1 Yaojiayuan North Rd,Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京和睦家康復醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區姚家園北二路 1 號 Beijing New Journey Cancer Hospital No. 69, Wanfeng Road, Fengtai District, Beijing 北京新里程腫瘤醫院 (Private) 北京市豐台區萬豐路 69 號 New Century International Children's Hospital No.56 Nanlishi Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 北京新世紀兒童醫院 (Private) 北京市西城區南禮士路 56 號 Beijing New Century Women's and Children's Hospital No.51, Wangjing North Rd Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京新世紀婦兒醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區望京北路 51 號 2 號樓、5 號樓 Beijing Hui Min Children's Hospital of Traditional Chinese No.4 Zhushikou East Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing Medicine 北京市東城區珠市口東大街 4 號 北京惠民中醫兒童醫院 (Private) Beijing Amcare Women's & Children's Hospital, LIDU No.9 Fangyuan West Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京美中宜和婦兒醫院麗都院區 (Private) 北京市朝陽區芳園西路 9 號 Beijing Amcare Women's & Children's Hospital, YYC No.5 Yiyuan Anhuibeili, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京美中宜和婦兒醫院亞運村院區 (Private) 朝陽區安慧北裡逸園 5 號 Beijing Amcare Women's & Children's Hospital, WL No.7 Wanliu Middle Road, Haidian, Beijing 北京美中宜和婦兒醫院萬柳院區 (Private) 北京市海澱區萬柳中路 7 號 - 1 - HarMoniCare Women & Children's Hospital No.2 Xiaoguan Beili, Beiyuan Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京和美婦兒醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區北苑路小關北裡甲 2 號 Beijing American-Sino OB/GYN Hospital No. 218, Xiaoguan Beili, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京東方美華醫院( 住院部 ) (Private) 北京市朝陽區安外小關北裡 218 號 Beijing Aiyuhua Hospital for Children and Women No.2 Jingyuan South Street, Beijing Economic-Technological 北京愛育華婦兒醫院 (Private) Development Area, China, 100176. 北京經濟技術開發區景園南街 2 號 Baodao Healthcare No.1 Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing 北京寶島婦產醫院 (Private) 北京市海澱區新街口外大街 1 號 Mary's Women & Infants Hospital No.5 North Hepingli Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京瑪麗婦嬰醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區和平里北街 5 號 Beijing Huafu Women & Children's Hospital No.18 Second South Road, Baiziwan, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京華府婦兒醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區百子灣南二路 18 號 Beijing Aier-Intech Eye Hospital 1F/4F/5F, Panjiayuan Plaza No.12 Panjiayuan Nanli, Chaoyang 北京愛爾英智眼科醫院 (Private) District, Beijing 北京市朝陽區潘家園南裡 12 號潘家園大廈 1、4、5 層 Beijing Eyemax Hospital No.10 Yard, Jingshuyuan Dongli, Haidian District, Beijing 北京熙仁醫院 (Private) 北京市海澱區靜淑苑東裡 10 號院 Unicare ENT Hospital Building 7,Haiyu Plaza, No.53,4th East Ring South Rd. Chaoyang 北京優聯耳鼻喉醫院 (Private) District, Beijing 北京市朝陽區東四環南路 53 號院海漁廣場 7 號樓 Beijing Gushengtang TCM Hospital North of Liupukang St., Dongcheng District,Beijing (Opposite of 北京固生堂中醫醫院 (Private) the Beijing Institute of Education Zhongzhoulu Campus). 北京市東城區六鋪炕迤北(北京教育學院中軸路校區對面) Beijing Mary's Orthopedic Hospital No. jia 1 Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京麥瑞骨科醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區北苑路甲 1 號 Beijing Dcn Orthopaedic Hospital No.19 Fushi Rd., Haidian District, Beijing 北京德爾康尼骨科醫院 (Private) 北京市海澱區阜石路 19 號院 Beijing Xiangyun Jingcheng Skin Diseases Hospital No.1 & 2 Building, 69 Country Yard, Majiapu Road, Fengtai 北京祥雲京城皮膚病醫院 (Private) District, Beijing 北京市豐台區馬家堡路 69 號院 1 號樓 2 號樓 Beijing Yanhuang Hospital of TCM F5 Yuanlong Plaza, No.55 Tiantan Road, Dongcheng District, Beijing 北京炎黃中醫醫院 (Private) 北京市東城區天壇路 55 號元隆大廈 5 層 Beijing Hongyitang Hospital of T.C.M No.2 North Tuanjiehu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京弘醫堂中醫醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區團結湖北路 2 號 Handian Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine Building 4, No.133 Shifoyingdongi, Chaoyang, Beijing 北京漢典中醫醫院 (Private) 北京市朝陽區石佛營東裡 133 號院 4 號樓 Beijing Bo Ai Tang TCM Hospital 1/F Hanhai Garden Tower,No.1 Kaiyang Road,Fengtai District, Beijing 北京博愛堂中醫醫院 (Private) 北京市豐台區開陽路一號瀚海花園大廈一層底商 Beijing Liying Hospital For Obstetrics and Gynecology No.16 Building, Yachengyili, Chaoyang
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