Milestone Kitchen Option.Indd

Milestone Kitchen Option.Indd

Floor Units (without Cornice) Floor Units (without Cornice) 930x55 900x200 450x250 1800x340 2100x340 2400x340 930x55 900x200 450x250 1800x340 2100x340 2400x340 Floor Units (without Cornice) 1050x600 900x600 Floor Units (without Cornice) 350x350 2400x420 460x415 750x500 600x600 900x600 1050x600 900x600 350x350 2400x420 460x415 750x500 600x600 900x600 930x55 900x200 450x250 1800x340 2100x340 2400x340 900x600 1050x600 900x700 1800x600 1100x600 2700x600 Floor Units (without Cornice) 2100x600 930x55 900x200 450x250 1800x340 2100x340 2400x340 900x600 1050x600 Floor Units (without Cornice) 1280x600 1280x600 1050x6001100x600 1200x600 1400x600 1600x600 1800x600 900x600 350x350 2400x420 930x55460x415 750x500900x200 450x250600x600 1800x340900x600 2100x340 2400x340 1050x6001100x600 1200x600 1400x600 1600x600 1800x600 900x600 720x600 900x550 1050x600 1200x550 1100x550 1280x600 450x550 350x350 2400x420 930x55460x415 750x500900x200 450x250600x600 1800x340900x600 2100x340 2400x340 900x600 900x600 1050x600 1280x600 900x600 1050x600 1050x600 1280x600 900x600 3000x750 350x350 2400x420 460x415 750x500 600x600 900x600 1050x600 1280x600 1100x600 1200x600 1400x600900x600 1600x600 1800x600 3000x750 610x430 900x500 455x420 350x350 2400x420 460x415 750x500 600x600 900x600 600x500 2100x600 2400x600 1600x850 900x600 2100x400 1050x6001400x400 1100x600 1200x600 1400x600 1600x600 1800x600 1280x600 2100x600 2400x600 1600x850 1600x750 900x600 1050x600 1280x600 1280x600 1600x750 1280x600 1100x600 1200x600 1400x600 1600x600 1800x600 2100x300 1200x300 1800x300 1000x300 900x300 3000x750 500x400 350x350 1100x600 1200x600 1400x600 1600x600 1800x600 Floor Units(withoutCornice) Wall Units and Tall Units(withCornice) Units and Tall Wall 750x140 450x550 3000x750 1280x600 930x55 1100x600 2100x600 2400x600 1600x850 1100x600 900x300 1280x600 2100x600 2400x600 1600x850 1600x750 1800x900 2100x900 2400x900 1800x1200 1800x900 750x140 2400x260 2100x260 1800x260 1600x260 2100x600 3000x750 1600x750 1800x900 600x600 2100x900 2400x900 1800x1200 3000x750 2100x400 2100x600 2400x600 1600x850 Cornice) (with Units Tall and Units Wall 900x200 900x550 1600x260 2100x600 2400x600 1600x850 1600x7502400x420 1000x300 1600x750 1200x600 600x600 900x600 Note: Fridge sizes are mostly 600x600, 900x600 or 1200x600 1800x900 900x700 2100x900 2400x900 1800x1200 1800x600 1100x600 2700x600 1800x600 600x600 900x600 Note:2100x600 Fridge sizes are mostly 600x600, 900x600 or 1200x600 1800x900 2100x900 2400x900 1800x1200 450x250 900x600 to houseawashing machineandtumble Maybe aslightlycustomedfridge house dryer withadrawer underneaththetop tumle dryertohold washingbasket? 1200x600 or 900x600 600x600, mostly are sizes Fridge Note: 600x600 900x600 1100x550 1800x900 2100x900 2400x900 1800x1200 720x600 900x550 1050x600 1200x550 1100x550 1280x600 450x550 Preverably somethingthatyoucanclosethedoors. 900x600 youbeabletocustomsomethinglikethis Would I amthinkingthenorthsideunitswillhavetobe 600x600 900x600 Wall Units and Tall Unitsfor my2Beaglesinthelaundryroom/scullery? (with Cornice) 2100x900 1800x900 2100x900 1200x300 Note:2400x900 Fridge sizes are mostly 600x600,1800x1200 900x600 or 1200x600 460x415 2400x600 600x600 900x600 Wall Units and Tall Units (with Cornice) 350x350 Note: Fridge sizes are mostly 600x600, 900x600 or 1200x6001800x260 Note: Fridge sizes are mostly600x600,900x600or1200x600 are sizes Fridge Note: 1400x400 1800x340 1280x600 Wall Units and Tall Units(with Cornice) UnitsandTall Wall 1600x260Floor Units(withoutCornice) 1800x260 2100x260 2400x260 750x140 900x700 750x140 450x550 Floor900x700 Units (without Cornice) 2100x900 1800x900 1800x1200 2400x900 1100x600 930x55 1800x600 2700x600 2100x600 1100x600 1100x600 1800x600 2700x600 2100x600 Not openlikethis. 1100x600 900x300 deeper than600? 900x700 610x430 900x500 455x420 750x140 600x500 1600x260 1800x260 2100x260 2400x260 2100x400 1100x600 Floor Units (without Cornice) 1800x600 2700x600 2100x600 600x600 900x600 Note:Floor Fridge Units sizes1400x400 are (without mostly 600x600, Cornice) 900x600 or 1200x600 750x500 Sink UnitwithBinandSpace 1800x900 2100x600 2100x600 600x600 900x600Wall UnitsNote: and930x55 Fridge Tall sizes Units900x200 are mostly(with600x600 450x250 600x600,Cornice) 900x6001800x340 or 1200x600 2100x340 2400x340 1200x550 for Dishwasher 900x300 1000x300 1200x300 1800x300 2100x300 500x400 720x600 900x550 1200x550 1050x600 1100x550 2100x400 450x550 720x600 900x550 1050x600 1200x550 1100x550 Wall Units and930x55 Tall Units900x200 (with450x250 Cornice)1800x340 2100x340 2400x340 930x55 900x200 450x250 1800x340450x550 2100x340 2400x340 900x300 1000x300 1200x300 1800x300 2100x300 900x600 500x400 900x600 900x200 2100x300 1200x300 1800x300 1000x300 900x300 900x550 500x400 1400x600 720x600 900x550 1050x600 1200x550 1100x550 750x140 1600x260 1800x260 2100x260 2400x260 450x550 455x420 1600x260 2400x420 1800x300 900x600 1600x750 1050x600 600x600 750x140 1600x260 1800x260 2100x2601000x300 2400x260 900x600 1200x600 2100x400 1400x400 2400x600 2100x600 350x350 2400x420Wall Units and460x415 Tall Units750x500 (with600x600 Cornice)1600x850 900x600 1050x600 455x420 610x4301050x600 600x500 900x500 900x600 900x600 1800x600 350x350 2400x420 460x415 750x500 600x600 900x600 2100x260 2100x400 1400x400 610x430 900x500 455x420 Wall Units and Tall Units (with Cornice) 900x600 600x500 350x350 2400x420 460x415 750x500 750x140 600x600 900x600 450x250 1800x260 1600x260 2400x260 2100x260 455x420 610x430 600x500 900x500 610x430 900x500 455x420 600x500 1050x600 2100x340 900x600 2100x400 1400x400 3000x750 900x300 1000x300 1200x300 1800x300 2100x300 500x400 2100x400 1400x400 3000x750 2400x900 720x600 750x140 1600x260 1800x260 2100x260 2400x260 610x430 900x500 455x420 900x600 600x500 WINDOW 900x600 1050x600 2100x400 900x300 1000x300 1200x300 1800x300 610x430 2100x300 500x4001280x600 1400x400 1050x600 1600x260 1800x260 2100x260 2400x260 750x140 900x700 Wall Units and Tall Units (with Cornice) Cornice) (with Units Tall and Units Wall 1800x600 1100x600 2700x600 2100x600 900x600 WINDOW Dish FLOOR UNITS 1100x550 900x600 1280x600 Washer 450x550 900x550 1100x550 1280x600 1200x550 720x600 1050x600 1100x600 1200x600 unit withdoors?? corner wall Maybe a1280x300 1400x600 1600x600 1280x6001800x600 1280x600 350x350 2100x300 1200x300 1800x300 1000x300 900x300 1400x400 1600x600 500x400 900x600 2100x300 1200x300 1800x300 1000x300 900x300 2100x400 500x400 Dish 2100x900 WALL UNITS WALL 1200x300 Washer Wall Units and Tall Units(withCornice) Unitsand Tall Wall 450x550 900x550455x420 610x430Floor Units(withoutCornice) 1100x550 600x500 1200x550900x500 720x600 1050x600 460x415 1100x600 750x140 1200x600 1400x600 1600x600 1800x600 2400x600 450x550 900x300 1000x300 1200x300 1100x600 1800x3001200x600 2100x300 1400x600500x400 1600x600 1800x600 1600x600 1400x600 1200x600 1800x600 930x55 1100x600 2100x300 1200x300 1800x300 1000x300 900x300 1100x600 2100x400 1400x400 500x400 1280x600 1100x600 1800x260 SCULLERY 900x300 2700x600 720x600 900x550 1050x600 1200x550 1100x550 455x420 610x430 600x500 mostly600x600,900x600or1200x600 are sizes Fridge Note: 900x500 450x550 1400x400 1800x340 900x300 1000x300 1200x300 1800x300900x600 2100x300 500x400 1280x600 900x600 1280x600 1280x600 600x500 1280x600 1600x750 1800x900 2100x300 SCULLERY 1100x600 1800x600 2100x600 2700x600 2100x600 600x600 900x700 750x140 2400x260 2100x260 1800x260 900x600 1600x260 3000x750 750x140 Note: Fridge sizes are mostly 600x600, 900x600 or 1200x600 or 900x600 600x600, mostly are sizes Fridge Note: 1600x260 2400x260 2100x260 1800x260 1050x600 600x600 1400x400 900x600 1100x6002100x400 1800x600 900x600 2100x600900x600 2700x600 455x420 750x500 610x430 600x500 900x500 tumble dryer machine & washing Stacked 750x140 2400x260 2100x260 1800x260 450x550 900x550 1100x550 1200x550 720x600 1050x600 1600x260 610x430 900x500 455x420 600x500 900x700 3000x750 900x600 2100x400 2100x600 2100x400 3000x750 2100x400 1400x400 1400x400 sink 600x600 750x500 460x415 350x350 900x200 900x600 2100x600 2400x600 1600x850 2400x420 900x550 900x600 3 shelves 1200x550 455x420 610x430 600x500 900x500 Cornice) (with Units Tall and Units Wall tumble dryer machine & washing Stacked 450x550 900x550 1100x550 1200x550 720x600 1050x600 Cornice) (with Units Tall and Units Wall 2400x260 900x600 1600x260 2400x420 2100x600 2400x600 1600x850 1050x600 2100x600 1600x750 2400x600 1600x850 1000x300 Cornice) (with Units Tall and Units Wall 2400x340 1400x600 1200x600 2100x300 1200x300 500x400 1800x300 1000x300 900x300 900x500 1600x750 455x420 1600x750 1800x1200 1800x600 1800x300 900x600 1050x600 1050x600 2100x600 2700x600 1600x850 1800x600 1100x600 1800x600 450x550 900x550 1100x550 1200x550 720x600 1050x600 600x600 2100x900 1800x900 2400x900 1800x1200 1050x600 900x700 900x700 450x250 Coffee 2400x340 2100x340 1800x340 450x250 900x200 900x600 930x55 900x600 500x400 dresser 1100x600 1800x600 450x550 900x5502100x600 1100x550 2700x600500x400 1200x550 720x600 1050x600 900x700 1050x600 900x700 750x140 2400x260 2100x260 1800x260 1600x260 2100x260 OPEN PLAN LIVING AREA OPEN PLANLIVING 1600x850 1050x600 Fridge House 1050x600 1800x600 1800x1200 1200x600 or 900x600 600x600, mostly are sizes Fridge Note: 2100x340 600x600 900x600 Note: Fridge sizes are mostly 600x600, 900x600 or 1200x600 or 900x600 600x600, mostly are sizes 900x500 Fridge Note: 600x600 3000x750 900x600 2400x900 720x600 1100x550 OPEN PLAN LIVING AREA OPEN PLANLIVING 2400x340 Cornice) (with Units Tall and Units Wall 1800x900 2100x900 1200x600 or 900x600 2400x900600x600, mostly are sizes Fridge 1800x1200Note: 1280x600 Cornice) (without Units

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