-f> ?U ABN 12148887647 ACN 148887647 PLANNING PROPOSAL Mr. Geoffand Mr. Paul Mclnerne COLLECTOR LOCALITY Various Lots June 2019 P 0 Box 539 GOULBURN NSW2580 Tel: 0428483558 Email: robansue bi ond.net.au CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 PART 1 - OBJECTIVES 6 PART 2 - EXPLANATION OF THE PROVISIONS 7 PART3-JUSTIFICATION 9 Section A - Need for Planning Proposal 1. Is the planning proposal a result of any strategic 9 study or report? 2. Is the planning proposal the best means of achieving 9 the objectives or intended outcomes, or is there a better way? Section B - Relationshipto strategy planningframework 10 3. Is the planning proposal consistent with the objectives and 10 actions of the applicable regional or sub-regional strategy? 4. Is the planning proposal consistent with a Council's local 20 strategy or other local strategic plan? 5. Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable State 21 Environmental Planning Policies? 6. Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable 25 Ministerial Directions (s. 117 Directions)? Section C - Environmental, Social and Economic Impact 31 7. Is there any likelihood that critical habitat or threatened species, 31 populations or ecological communities, or their habitats, will be adversely affected as a result of the proposal? 8. Are there any other likely environmental effects as a result of 34 the planning proposal and how are they proposed to be managed? 9. How has the planning proposal adequately addressed any social 35 and economic effects? Section D - State and Commonwealth Interests 37 10. Is there adequate public infrastructure for the planning proposal? 37 11. What are the views of State and Commonwealth public authorities 38 consulted in accordance with the gatewaydetermination? PART4-MAPPING 38 PART 5 - COMMUNITY CONSULTATION 38 PART6 - PROJECTTIMELINE 39 CONCLUSION and RECOMMENDATION 40 w > ri z .o >>>>>>>>>> > § 3II 3 II 353333=5333333:33=S:33:33 II 3II 3 §'1>^§'^>^S'^>§'^'S'^^> fp "> i S xxxxxxxxxx(tlfp(T)fD(T>fD(T)fI>n)fI> II s s I I 11 c c c^^^cccccc c c ^ ^ I llljillijllll ?3 rS ^ ^ (ifCfbrDdjfiaiTiiDrtfD 5 ^ >;<<C-(-(-(-(--ILn 3 (S r3 fBrDfDfbrD(DfD(Ti(DfiinjnjfD 03 N -< <cc: c c c ^ p -o o X 0 -n I GO o n co > ^!> W M 1-> ui m ^2 3 c: 30 t/> "p ~p </) -0 c eec c c c o1?^ ?D 0 a} . n> i° ^^ ^^li -0 s §. tn T5 -0-0 -0 -0 -0 s' ai i. ^. 3 3 ^ Q s. ^. ^. ^. Cn u Q. 0 ti 5 S . s s.. c c c c -0 s ^ I s 3 "0 o -a -o-o -p -o 0 li$ 's I ^ fD fD fD (D fD f1> ill K n> o II Q. Q. Q. Q. IIs s' °L m IT S i'§. re (T> ft> (D 0 tft =; .< ^ ^' ^ Q. Q- Q. Q. 3 3 u o 1^ ^ s ^ ^ ^ ^"L lli I 2: s - u" ^ a. a» 5" £. C- 57 ST ST 57 !? 0 i s s Is iu' 0 Q n r^ ft^ n n 3 3 ;-.. m aj ^ p li? </> h-> Cu 5 *." 11 3-3-3-3- t/1 (D 3 Ill 3. ^ s It I 5- ft I i 0- ^ u nj M M QJ tU s n r> " £ re 1111 3 tn '° i I 2 1 ro a" 3 3 3 3 =3 3 i££ ^3 §i 0 0 0^ 0 ^? ? 0 ^ °: il" Ill su -0 II! nj c u <' m!;g st. 3 Q-u' 3' > in -o "0 T3 T3 -0 3 II m > 11:1 °: >T 1111 0 Q. -0 -a -0 -0 3 aj m </! -a 0 11 fj 1^, M 0 fo i:+ (T)3 r& (D n> n> I -u 3jt gl^ ft Is-' N< 0N> 0 Ss S 3 =i 3 =1 II II (D 3 aT 9: > !=; ^ 2 2 w 5 1:1^ I! .< 3 3 a- 5 0 3 5 5 5 5 r u > >> > > 0 3 wit 3 II n ^1 2 z I II £ 3 ro ^ °: !>" I. fD fD (T> (T> (D 3 c a. 3 ? d (6 S; " ^ iu(u tu a; (u aj 2; 33 i^. 0 5' !i fD &. w 0"Q s.? 's ^ J s 3. TO § ^ ^ ^ -t 3 OK r+ i.i ill ^ n> ro 00 s I? 2 OT It .^ ST 3- s m °" 5' i 3 fD o re n m in -6 re re °" 3 iS S i 3 0 % c n-< TO. aj 0 ?1 S -o ._U rt- Q. Q. o ro 3 3 3. aT S 3-I II .-u p cu <- s CL o y. s ill li =? 0 0 *^ ai ni a) -0 0 v ^5 Is r+ -^^ - (U -0 s 5' S. JS I -0 ^- n =;' TO. 3. 'S 11ro r-r fcn 5 c 5-f m r -0 M= N- ^ TO n <^ I iS s' I tn s n^ o ro aS S3 J i Oi 'T5 .o^ M -0 3 I -0 I nEU -0 aj It p- > n 5 ^ 3 3 II ft) I s I 00 00 00 00 POOOQO-^J^-^I^J'^IOIOI CD 0^ en 01 u1 L"u1 23 m Cn ^ tu . P? u1u1-l^^-(;!>-^-t!>-t!>-l^-(s>^ r»ji-»oiooo^j<T>^<boo ^1 0^ Cn ^s> lOoo-^io^uiCooo-'jcnOi LU 10 h* (jy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Planning Proposal is submitted to the Upper Lachlan Shire Council to rezone and amend the lot size for certain land being: Lots 5, 6, 11, 13 (part) and 17 DP 264152, Lots 20 (part) and 21 (part) DP 777962 and Lots 29 and 75 (part) DP 750008 from RU1 Primary Production zone to E3 Environmental Management zone and reduce the minimum lot size from 40ha to 20ha (part) and lOha (part) to enable the development of dwelling houses on lots to be created in accordance with this Planning Proposal and under the Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan 2010 (LEP2010). Lot 75 (part) DP 750008, Lots 20 (part) and 21 (part) DP 777962 and Lot 13 (part) DP 264152 from RU1 Primary Production zone to RU4 Primary Production Small Lots zone and reduce the minimum lot size from 40ha to 2ha to enable the development of dwelling houses on lots to be created in accordance with this Planning Proposal and under the Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan 2010 (LEP 2010). See plans prepared by Landteam Australia Pty Ltd on page 5. This Planning Proposal has been prepared in accordance with Division 3. 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment "A Guide to Preparing Planning Proposals" and addresses the following specific matters in the Guideline and Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979; Part 1 - objectives or intended outcomes; Part 2 - explanation of provisions; . Part 3 -justification; - questions to consider when demonstrating the justification; . Part 4 - Mapping; Part 5 - Community consultation; . Part 6 - Project timeline. The landowners have had discussions with the Upper Lachlan Shire Council and the Office of Environment and Heritage and all the matters raised have been addressed in this version of the Planning Proposal. The Planning Proposal demonstrates that there is site specific planning merit and justified by addressing the matters required pursuant to s3. 33(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as well as relevant strategic documents, objectives and actions within the relevant regional and sub-regional strategies, relevant State policies. Ministerial Directions and environmental impacts. It is recommended that this Planning Proposal be endorsed by the Upper Lachlan Shire Council and forwarded to the Minister for Planning for a gateway determination in accordance with Section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. ue|d azis 101 pasodojd -ctt TtAhau**rtatN03 ni (tlEOMt UI*,MI»K)WC» {> eo-. ovcMe^ ^^^ - lueej^u tttt>»M» «3iu4<*0iru 1 ».»<*«»:, ^sxs'ysw^. uKflttt^ itwar'Jinwrt?* w W OS»7W WHWiWWWWWt-rtV'if^W^ Kcaian tswavuwswwv i *^ ' MlfH^Q, ^S^t'S. f^f^^V^ T-"3S2 Kocnwa isfWfMMwna» » ^^'"'SS, A3 SM3Wa n m<u!vintu-u"n u-xi ifOHfein sw K-WttXIWtS^fWHI^IVt Lunnan'; itowiauc .u SMVSSI *BI ft» MB.t.1 K-I i&iat ue|d Suiuozay pssodojd uw-ii»a<nr< o 233-tCftKKt^OC! tifi-at. wa»i> 11 '"^"SiL '^eajpus-1;^ w aiiiSNUtftU BK-[3<'tVili''B<Tiun if w aa. au * .T&>° ""»-?"--'.'."«'"*" uooran !5233ESEr 1 H* ~ -as WBU HC awtstfao Etcoiya umratf»jftmro» it <i<ja@k^ ^TpQ ASNaaiHO m'u«iuB^in»u«n ilia l«an»8Fjr yis wv»tri»w»f/»fiiwt^wj uw aianw a»»oNNf awiTNnEHunmnujunwMu WNI WCTSIWS Tfirj TTirtidnrr minwoiiwn p sMcaoNn PARTI-OBJECTIVES To rezone certain land being: Lots 5, 6, 11, 13 (part) and 17 DP 264152, Lots 20 (part) and 21 (part) DP 777962 and Lots 29 and 75 (part) DP 750008 from RU1 Primary Production zone to E3 Environmental Management zone and reduce the minimum lot size from 40ha to 20ha (part) and lOha (part) to enable the development of dwelling houses on lots to be created in accordance with this Planning Proposal and under the Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan 2010 (LEP 2010). Lot 75 (part) DP 750008, Lots 20 (part) and 21 (part) DP 777962 and Lot 13 (part) DP 264152 from RU1 Primary Production zone to RU4 Primary Production Small Lots zone and reduce the minimum lot size from 40ha to 2ha to enable the development of dwelling houses on lots to be created in accordance with this Planning Proposal and under the Upper Lachlan Local Environmental Plan 2010(LEP 2010). Consultation with Upper Lachlan Shire Council identified a preferred study area for this Planning Proposal as indicated at Annexure A comprising the following parcels of land which were considered reasonable due to the pattern of land ownership in the area and the proximity to Collector along the Breadalbane Road: Lot / Deposited Approx.
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