Tjj"-- JTywylV'jviiww-THiOWff- P1 Tno tt.. I JMLTALMAUEATIIOM """ ujmg or cholera, his said, yn-- i nttfudiiut of pleasure, "Havo much pain?' ' and all the thrones of pomp, and I thnnkGod 1 linvosoun 30 rf thorn. ... , "Oh." nnd .UJ...I-,,- Mnco j all tho ages of eternity. God, fonjul tlm Lord 1 It is n joy Thank ihnnl: GuQ! THE FACT SUGGESTS A SERMON ON deeper than nil Had any pai except sin." depth, and higher thai, 1 notice also whon the prodigal cotnes SCHOOL TJ BOOK HOME COMINGS AND PRODIGALS. ". IIH'V Knill In nil height, and wider than all width, nnd bank nil curuest Ci.ri tians If ilf-- PI mm, mm. likotoKlnda,,,essartoyo;;fr .."i an immensity. overtops, you stood on a promontory, and It It thero Thcro In Moro Joy In Heaven Tel1 (" undcrgirds, it outweighs nil the unit- was n hnrricanont sea, mid it was blow- (Her tlio ,l thom o., y ed Ian uiitT'' i.plciidor nnd joy of tlio universe. ing toward tho shore, nnd n vessel wash- Thnn Over Any Other W ing into my 1 . ho can tell what K niton Knrt h Telegraphy kn tho c, God's joy is? ed into tho rocks, nnd you haw jk oplo of the Skies. r The Itrjolclng get nshoro in the Hfobonts, Home, Street Home. r,ij,!-,tot- Father. nnd tho vory Yon remember reading tho story of n last mnn got on tho rocks in safoty, you ni. .1.; i.H" . ' king unooKi-YN- , iNov. Tal-ting- 0I who on somo great could not control your joy. ii. Roy. Dr. e, " '" si" Uliristiiin roligi on day of festivi- And it is n VHifllyii r ty scattered silver and gold glad timo when tho church of God sees lmving concluded his round tho r sinful I'lcaMirc.. among tho people, who sent men who nro tossed on tho ocoan of tour, litis Folectod ns tho subjoct from those tamo joys valnablo presents to their ill VOtl ,. his courtieis, lins lor toilny'H discourso fsmrnrn (,,ll..i.. but methinks when n soul plant their fcot on tho rock Christ through tho press Sworld-intotho.p- hKos: conies bnck God is so glad Jesus. "Home Again, " tho toxt thnt to chosen boim? pel. The world his joy ho flings out now Tlio lin'ectuni l'raypr. lion of m ,tr Jt poMl'ool f."?" hn "P-lb- . xv, cannot satisfy you; ton worlds telXili mS ' "' Lnko 28, "Bring havo out-Alex- space, When prodignls como hither tho fnttod found ander kindles up now suus nnd home, juit hear calf longi, gC ' mid kill it." other worlds to mnmm a t rolls among tho whito robed anthoms of thoso Christians sing! It is not n dull l,xl.,ok. w ,., ?? ffi1'3J2V, ' r,V,wiu wlcra rfopllnj In all ngea of .i... tho IT. JUT. praout iirloti, noli tho world it hni boon ed in his own bottle, Byron redeemed n creator hnllnlnlnh. wMln tuuo you hear at such times. Just hear Mrs. Slovcr rlci lo taoVrt ltd mfiSi.i!. ft''""' ty,."" Dnl whipped 1 yam, for customary to colobrato joyful ovents by !) disquietudes with a voice that thoso Christians prny It is not n stereo Versailles, Jlo. ntituls a. sprelllrt In ! P"UIats lb. around tho Vol-tair- o reverberates nmong View Of lbt .. festivity tho signing of world, tho mountains typod supplication wo havo heard over In lltu ftint IIiaI 1... .i... .i. treaties, tho cursing his own soul whiin n u of frnnkincenso and is obtninlnlng public ncliool .l'.0- P.6?.10 California are proclamation of ponce, tho streets echoed back from and over for 20 yoars, but n putting of texAiiki f. n."V'l - ' Christmas, of Paris woro applauding him tho everlasting gates Like Morning Dew ror tlie entire serli-- ticeUod ' n.ooul aY centa HMce tho'nuirriago. However ho cries, tho caso in tho hands of God im- nm., co.m.moP Bcuools, or onA-ha- ir much on othor Henry II consuming with hatred "This, my son, was dead and with nn nnv in j "!," nbout whof we days of tho year our against is auvo portunate pleading. Men never pray at n.uK,uuuBwieiiubiicaUoD...!." at tlio cnrlk-s- t day posaiblo. tablo mar lmvn poor Thomas a Becker, all illustrations again I" Hood's Sarsaparilla Freshens, 6, (tinted supply, on Thaiiksoivlnn. ,. of tho tlio opening of tho great length unless thoy havo nothing NAMES. fact that this world cannot make it exposition in Strengthens and Cures NAMES. thero must bo something a ii uw uncans saw n to say, and thoir hearts nro hard nnd bounteous. man happy. Tho poi-sone- l Mexican flutist, very man who cold. Heart Palpitation Distress -- And nil tho comfortablo homes of Clirul and ho played tho solo, nnd nftor-war- d All tho prnyors in tho Biblo that tho pommol of tho saddle on then That Tlrod Fooling. tendom hnvo at somo timn noi,,iir,,tn,i which Queen tho eight or ten bands of wero onswored wero short prayers: Elizabeth rodo shouted in musio, "I nm glad to state Sarsapa- joyful ovouts by banquet ay mo great "God bo merciful to mo, n sinner." that Hood's and festivity. thostreor, uuuujiiumu organ, enrae 1ms Uono sul-Jc- "Ood savo tho quoeul" One rilla mo lots of good. I wns ct m, but tho of "Lord, thnt I may rccoivo my sight." Tlio I'rmllsnl'n Iteturn. moment tho world nnnlnnrln r.,.,1 tUr. sound that ono flute at to cromis In tlio stomacli, liver com- compared "Lord, snvo mo or perish. " Tho lon- Sometliing has happened in tlm nlrl next moment tho world with all tho orchestra was I plaint, Indigestion, palpitation of tlio heart, anathematizes. gieater gest prayer, Solomon's prayer nt fi homestead grcator than anything that Oh, como over into this greater than all tho combined joy of tho tho and that tired feeling. Hood's Sarsaparilla joy, universe dedication of tho toinplo, Ichs mo has ever happened before. A favorito this sublime solaco. this mnr7iiifw.,f whon compared with tho than eight rellocd wonderfully, and now when I minutes in longth, or- feel tho leastuneaslness report foii, whom tho world supposed beatitude Tho honrt of Almighty God. according to tho I to ITood's would night after tho bottlo of Sarsaparilla, nnd inline-dlat- fi For ten years a father dinary rato of enunciation. And just itnlnnjs ghci mo become a vagabond and outlaw fnmvrr Shiloh thcro wero thousands of wound- went throe rollof, I could not do without It, nnd got times a day to tho depot His son went hoar thorn prny now that tho prodigals se eral of my neighbors havo used t upon has tired of sightsooing and has ed on tho field, and tho ambulances had my recommendation nnd to off in aggravating oircnmstnnces, but aro coming homo. Just seo them shako found It returned his father's honsn. Tim not como. Ono Christian soldier, lying "O?tliu.,to?,malieit lo"i l wprld tho father said, "Ho will comeback." hnnds. No putting forth of tho four An Excellent Medlclno, II bToUiIS Aii" nnd',? S&2Xft '5 ODe.of tB" 8,ate t Ed. snid ho nover would come bark. thcro under tho starlight, ba-ga- u board Tho strain was too tips of tho fingers iu n formal way, doing them good after all other modlclnes Tho old man always said his son would to sing: much, and his mind but MMMlWtomof "C.lmt ,,crpetntlnK iu? parted, and three times a day tho a henrty grasp, whero tho muvcles of failed. I am also highly pleased with tho MtbtlSiigJVM como. Ho had been looking for him day Thero is o land of puro delight. father effects wont. In the early morning ho watch- tho heart seem to clinch tho fingers of of Hood's rills. As morning dow after day and year after year. Ho know And when ho camo to tho noxt line ed tho train its arrival, tho steppinp ono hand around tho othor hand. And ho would como back. Now, having re- tnero wero scores of voices uniting: out of tho passengors, and then tho de- then seo those Christian faces, how il HoocTsK; Cures turned to his father's house, tho fatlmr Whcro saints Immortal reign. parture of train. At noon he was there lumined thoy nro. And seo that old rcficshes withered grass, so Hood's Sar- procmiins colouration. Thcro is a calf Tho song was caught up all over the again, watching tho advance of tht man get un nnd with tho same voicn saparilla and rills refresh the, human CAPITA in tho paddock that has been kept up field oflUs nnd pains . M yr.il DIM among tho wounded until it was train, watching tho departure. thnt ho sang 00 yoars ago in tho old Habbikt flro and fed to utmobt capacity, so Versaliips, Misionrl. Oct lioop's. L us to bo said that thero woro at least 10,000 At night thero again, watching tht countiy mooting houfco say, "Now, ready for somo nro per-fo- ct Ki. occasion of iov that wounded men uniting their voices Lord, Hood's Pills hand mado, nnd ab coming, watching tho going, for ten lcttest thou thy servant depart proportion might como along. tuoy camo to tho verso: in peace, in and appearance. SSo. I years. Ho was suro his eou would conn for mino oyes hnvo scon thy Ah, thero nover will bo a Grander (lav Thcro everlaBting Bprlng abides back.
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