4900 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 12, 1879. of the Maritime Instructions of the 26th oi ZQtk ffussars, Second Lieutenant Henry Jenner December, 1871, Scobell, from the Royal Montgomery Militia, to Yellow Fever having shown itself at certain be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieu- places in the United States, the Minister of Ihe tenant E. R. Courtenay, seconded. Dated 13th Interior decrees that ships coming from the United August, 1879. States of America shall henceforth be considered 21st Hussars, Gentleman Cadet Henry Wilmot as having a foul bill on account of yellow fever, Mitchell, from the Royal Military College, to and shall be subjected on their arrival in the be Second Lieutenant, vice C. C. Shaw, trans- kingdom to the sanitary treatment prescribed by ferred to the 5th Dragoon Guards. Dated 13th the Ordinance of May 29, 1878, No. 9. August, 1879. The Prefects of the maritime provinces of the Gentleman Cadet Hugh Maurice Beavan, from the kingdom are charged with the execution of the Royal Military College, to be Second Lieu- present Ordinance. tenant, vice S. G. Crosse, transferred to the Given at Rome, July 30, 1879. 12th Lancers. Dated 13th August, 1879. The Minister, (Signed) J. VILLA. Grenadier Guards, Second Lieutenant Lionel George Henry D'Aguilar, from the 24th Foot, to be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieu- Admiralty, 1th August, 1879. tenant and Captain C. R. Rowley, promoted. Dated 13th August, 1879. The Reverend Thomas Fox, B.A., has this day Gentleman Cadet Ronald Craufurd Munro Fer- been appointed Chaplain in Her Majesty's guson, from the Royal Military College, to be Fleet, Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant and Captain H. Ricardo, promoted. Dated 13th August, 1879. War Office, Pall Mall, Gentleman Cadet the Honourable William David 12tk August^ 1879. Murray, from the Royal Military College, to be Royal Horse Guards, Lieutenant Howard Henry Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant Howard-Vyse, from the Northampton and Rut- and Captain E. Antrobus, promoted. Dated land Militia, to be Second Lieutenant, in suc- 13th August, 1879. cession to Lieutenant Sir J. P. Lister-Kaye, Brigade Depots, Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Bart., resigned. Dated 13th August. 1879. Colonel John Miller, from half-pay, late 13th 2nd Dragoon Guards, Gentleman Cadet Robert Hussars, to.be Lieutenant-Colonel, vice Brevet Fiennes Hibbert, from the Royal Military Col- Colonel Archibald Richard Harenc, promoted lege, to be Second Lieutenant, vice F. S. Major-General. Dated 13th August, 1879. Barton, promoted. Dated 13th August, 1879. Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel George Zrd Dragoon Guards, Gentleman Cadet John Flower Herbert, from half-pay, late 7th Foot, Edward Fitzmaurice Hughes Roche, from the to be Lieutenant-Colonel, vice Brevet Colonel Royal Military College, to be Second Lieu- George Murray Miller, C.B., retired upon half- tenant, in succession to Lieutenant W. U. Cole, pay. Dated 13th August, 1879. promoted. Dated 13th August, 1879. 1st Foot, Gentleman Cadet Henry James Albert Gentleman Cadet Charles George Edmund John Rowe, from the Royal Military College, to be Manners, from the Royal Military College, to Second Lieutenant, vice F. 0. L. Stokes, trans- be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieu- fered to the 95th Foot. Dated 13th August, tenant F. M. Wardrop, promoted. Dated 13th 1879. August, 1879. Gentleman Cadet Edwin Francis Wade, from the 7th Dragoon Guards, Second, Lieutenant Duncan Royal Military College, to be Second Lieu- Vernon Pirie, from the 1 st Dragoon Guards, to tenant, vice D. C. Mercer, transferred to the be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieu- 73rd Foot. Dated 13th August, 1879. tenant C. E. Beckett, promoted. Dated 13th Gentleman Cadet Charles Henry Cockburn Hey- August, 1879. man, from the Royal Military College, to be 1st Dragoons, Gentleman Cadet Frederick Wil- Second Lieutenant, vice A. L. Williams, pro- Jiam Shaw, from the Royal Military College, to moted. Dated 13th August, 1879. be Second Lieutenant, vice J. S. Willett, trans- 2nd Foot, Gentleman Cadet Alfred Ernest Price, ferred to the 1st Dragoon Guards. Dated 13th from the Royal Military College, to be Second August, 1879. Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant C. E. J. 5th Lancers, Gentleman Cadet John Sinclair Chichester, deceased. Dated 13th August, 1879. from the Royal Military College, to be Second Gentleman Cadet Charles Carmichael Monro, Lieutenant, vice A. C. Little, promoted. Dated from the Royal Military College, to be Second 13th August, 1879. Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant E. 0. F. 6tft Dragoons, Gentleman Cadet Charles Henry Hamilton, seconded. Dated 13th August, 1879. Eyre Coote, from the Royal Military College, Gentleman Cadet Willoughby Thuillier, from the to be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieu- Royal Military College, to be Second Lieu- -• tenant A. G. Thompson, promoted. Dated 13th tenant, in succession to Lieutenant G. W. C. August, 1879. Bruce, appointed a Probationer for the Indian Staff Corps. Dated 13th August, 1879. Qlh Lancers, Gentleman Cadet Charles Bishop, from the Royal Military College, to be Second 3rd Foot, Gentleman Cadet Robert Edward Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant the Philips, from the Royal Military College, to be Honourable E. Vesey, promoted. Dated 13th Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant August, 1879. L. T. Spens, promoted. Dated 13th August, • 19th Hussars, Gentleman Cadet Frederick Arthur 1879. Freeman, from the Royal Military College, to 4/A Foot, Gentleman Cadet Alleyne Haynes, be Second Lieutenant, vice St. J. C. Gore, from the Royal Military College, to be Second transferred to the 5th Dragoon Guards. Dated Lieutenant, vice R R. Legh, transferred to the, |3tb August, 1879, 32nd, Foot. Dated 13«i August, 1879, ' '.
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