360 4 Political Booklets in brown cover: Malta l-Ewwel u Qabel Kollox; Malta Issofri, Ma Iccedix; Il-Maltin u l-Inglizi; Xandira Ohra Ipprojbita; c.1950-1960 429 5 Volumes of the Proceedings of History week, 1993 - 2009; (5) 381 Abela A.E., Governors of Malta, 1991; Galea Michael, Malta: Historical Sketches, 1970; (2) 366 Abela A.E., Grace and Glory, 1997; Abela A.E., A Nation's Praise, 1994; (2) 275 Abela G.Francesco, Della Descrittione di Malta: Isola nel Mare Siciliano, 1647 26 Agius Muscat Hugo (editor), Buono Luciano (editor), Old Organs in Malta and Gozo: A Collection of Studies, 1998 385 Agreement on the Neutrality of Malta: Malta-USSR, 1981; The Extra Parliamentarians, 1982; Neutrality Agreement: Malta-Italy, 1980; Foreign Interferance in Malta, 1982; Ripe for Change, 1981; Karikaturi Politici, 1983; and 2 others; (8) 239 Alexander Joan, Mabel Strickland, 1996; Smith Harrison, Lord Strickland: Servant of the Crown, 1983; (2) 1 Antique Furniture in Malta, FPM 346 Aquilina George, Fiorini Stanley, The Origin of Franciscanism in Late Medieval Malta, 1995; Spiteri Charles B., Tifkiriet ta' l-Imghoddi, 1989; Said Godwin, Malta through Post Cards, 1989; (3) 147 Aquilina Gorg, Is-Sroijiet Gerosolimitani: Il-Knisja u l-Monasteru ta' Sant'Ursola Valletta, 2004 271 Athenaevm Melitense, 1926; Antonio Sciortino, 1947; (2) 326 Attard Anton F., Loghob Folkloristiku ta' Ghawdex, 1969 433 Attard Edward, Il-Habs: L-Istorja tal-Habsijiet f'Malta mil-1800, 2000; Attard Edward, Delitti f'Malta: 200 sena ta' Omicidji, 2004; (2) 221 Attard Joseph, Malta: A History of two Millenia, 2002; Lo Celso Luciano, Busietta Adrian, The Triangle of Mediterranean, n.d.; (2) 334 Attard Joseph, The Ghosts of Malta, 1995; Cauchi M.N., A Picture of Gozo, 1998; Freller Thomas, Cagliostro and Malta, 1997; Camilleri Edward, L-Ghanja ta' Hajti, 2002; (4) 398 Atti del XV Congresso di Storia dell' Architettura: L'Architettura a Malta dall Preistoria all'Ottocento, 1970 380 Austin Dennis, Malta and the end of Empire, 1971; Frendo Henry, Malta's Quest for Independence, 1989; Friggieri Albert, Freller Thomas, Malta: The Bulwark of Europe, 1998; (3) 438 Azzopardi Anton, Jesuit Schools in Malta (Vol. 1, 3-4), 2002-2008; (3) 318 Azzopardi Domenico, L'XXIV Congress Eucaristicu Internazionali f'Malta, 1913 320 Azzopardi John (editor), Mdina and the Earthquake of 1693, n.d.; Fiorini Stanley, Santo Spirito Hospital at Rabat Malta, 1989; Dimech John, Spirituality and Formation of Members, Future Members and Volunteers of the SMOM, 2006; (3) 58 Azzopardi John (editor), The Schranz Artists: Landscape and Maritime Painters in the Mediterranean, 1987; Farrugia Randon Philip, Turner's Malta Watercolour, 2000; (2) 22 Azzopardi John, Freller Thomas, Pauline Malta, The Formation of a Nation's Identity 315 Azzopardi John, Pace Anthony, San Pawl f'Malta u l-Formazzjoni ta' Identita ta Nazzjon, 2010 71 Azzopardi John, Sansone Matteo, Italian and Maltese Music in the Archives at the Cathedral Museum of Malta, 2001; Borg Cardona Anna, A Musical Legacy: Malta-related music foound in foreign libraries, 2002; (2) 138 Azzopardi John, St. Paul's Grotto, Church and Museum at Rabat Malta, 1990 61 Badano Nino, Mario Caffaro-Rore: Pittore - Scultore, 1984 260 Badger George Percy, Description of Malta and Gozo, 1838 118 Balbi di Correggio Francisco, The Siege of Malta, 1965; Wismayer Joseph M., The Fleet of the Order of St. John, 1997; (2) 322 Baldacchino A.E., Desertification and Land Degradation; Is Sigar Maltin; Lanfranco Guido, Duwa u Semm fil Hxejjex Maltin (3) 20 Balzan Francesca, FPM, Jewellery in Malta, 2009 327 Bannerman D.A., Vella-Gaffiero J.A., Birds of the Maltese Archipelago, 1976; 201 Barnham Denis, One Man's Window, 1956; Poolman Kenneth, Ark Royal, 1974; Poolman Kenneth, Illustrious, 1974; Farrow R.D., Island Fortress, n.d.; Poolman Kenneth, Faith, Hope and Charity, 1974; (5) 282 Bartlett, Cleanings on the Overland Route, 1851 268 Bedford W. K. R., Malta and the Knights Hospitallers, 1898 106 Bedford W. K. R., Malta and the Knights Hospitallers, 1903 108 Between the Battlesword and the Cross: Masterpieces from the Armoury of Malta, 2008 424 Bezzina Charles, Kurrenti Solitarji, 2005; Seward Desmond, The Monks of War, 1995; De Piro Nicholas, Lost Letters, 1986; Cassola Arnold, Malta: People, Toponymy, Language, 2011; (4) 211 Bianchi Petra (editor), Serracino Inglott Peter (editor), Encounters with Malta, 2000; 233 Bijografia Periodicals (No.2-24), 1981 - 1996; (23) 159 Biscottini Umberto, Colore di Malta; 1941 286 Blaquiere E., Letters from the Mediterranean containing Civil and Political Account of Sicily, Tripoly, Tunis and Malta (Vol. 1-2), 1813 (2) 174 Blouet B.W., A History of the City: Valletta, 1969; Zammit T., Valletta: An Historical Sketch, 1918; (2) 378 Boissevain Jeremy, Saints and Fireworks: Religion and Politics in Rural Malta, 1965; Cassar Paul, Early Relations between Malta and U.S.A., 1976; (2) 97 Bonanno Anthony, Malta: An Archaeological Paradise, 1987; Samut Tagliaferro John, Malta: Its Archaeology and History, n.d.; (2) 209 Bondin / Gringeri., Sicily and Malta, The Islands of the Grand Tour 24 Bondin Ray, Gringeri Pantano Francesca, Sicily and Malta: The Islands of the Grand Tour, 2008 8 Bonello Giovanni Editor, Giro.amo Gianni in Malta, FPM 13 Bonello Giovanni, Histories of Malta, 12 volumes 40 Bonello Giovanni, Nostalgias of Malta, 5 volumes 446 Bonello Giovanni, Smeed Graham, Malta Picture Postcards, 1985; Dyer Stella, Malta Views, 1984; (2) 377 Bonello V., Fiorentini B., Schiavone L., Echi del Risorgimento a Malta, 1982; Galea Michael, German Knights of Malta: A Gallery of Portraits, 1986; (2) 312 Bonnici A., History of the Church in Malta (Vol.1), 1967 104 Bonnici Alessandro, Evoluzione storico-giurdica dei poteri dell'Inquisitore nei processi in materia di Fede, 1970 139 Bonnici Alexander, Had-Dingli: Ir-Rahal li jikber u jiehu r-Ruh (Vol. 2), 2003; Catania Paul (editor), Scerri Louis J. (editor), Naxxar: A Village and its People, 2000; (2) 141 Bonnici Alexander, Il-Matrici Kollegjata ta' l-Assunta u l-Ewwel Parrocci t' Ghawdex, 1975; Grima Joseph, Il-Knisja Parrokjali ta' San Gorg Hal-Qormi, 1984; Nicec f'Ghawdex, 1987; and2 others; (5) 143 Bonnici Alexander: Had-Dingli (Vol. 1-2), 2000; Bonnici Alexander, L-Isla (Vol.1-2), 1981; (4) 6 Bonnici Joseph, Cassar Michael, A Chronicle of Twentieth Century Malta, 2004 455 Bonnici Joseph, Cassar Michael, Malta: Then and Now 3, 1993; Nicolas A., Antique Malta: A Topographical and Historical Catalogue of Engravings and Articles, 1982; (2) 150 Bonnici Joseph, Cassar Michael, The Malta Railway, 1988; Von Mackensen Hubertus, Golden Malta, n.d.; (2) 332 Borg Paul P., Nismghhem Jghidu. Snajja', Ghadjut u Karattri mill-Hajja Maltija (Vol. 1), 2007; Zarb Tarcisio, Folklore of an Island, 1998; (2) 333 Borg Paul P., Snajja' u Xoghol il-Maltin (Vol. 1-2), 2000; (2) 54 BOV, Vincent Apap: A Bank of Valletta Exhibition, 2000; BOV, Esprit Barthet: A Bank of Valletta Exhibition, 2001; (2) 300 Bowen-Jones H., Dewdney J.C., Fisher W.B., Malta, 1962 171 Bowerman H.G. (introduction), The History of Fort St. Angelo, 1947; Barrington B.L., Malta: Our Island Home, 1962; Bonnici A., L-Ordni ta' Malta, 1955; Zahra Lorenzo, Vittoriosa: A Brief Guide to the City, n.d.; (4) 125 Bradford Ernle, Mediterranea, Portrait of a Sea; The Order of St John in Malta, Exhibition of Paintings by Mattia Preti 302 Bradford Ernle, Mediterranean: Portrait of a Sea, 1972 123 Bradford Ernle, The Shield and the Sword: The Knights of St. John, 1972; Montalto John, The Nobles of Malta, 1979; (2) 277 Bradley R.N., Malta and the Mediterranean Race, 1912 228 Braudel Fernand, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the age of Philip II (Vol. 1-2), 1966 (2) 101 Brincat Joseph M., Malta 870-1054: Al-Himyari's Account, 1991; Mallia-Milanes Victor, Descrittione di Malta Anno 1716: A Venetian Account, 1988; D'Autun Jean Quintin, The Earliest Description of Malta, 1980; (3) 217 Brockman Eric, Last Bastion: Sketches of the Maltese Island, 1961; Kininmonth Christopher, The Brass Dolphins, 1957; (2) 117 Brockman Eric, Last Bastion; Testa Carmel, Romegas 468 Bronowski J., The Ascent of Man, 1975; Lockhart John G., The Life of Sir Walter Scott, 1870; Mitchell David, Pirates, 1976; (3) 465 Browning Oscar, England and Napoleon in 1803, 1887 92 Bruce M.W., Malta A Geographical Monoghraph 1965; Medaglie Rappresentanti.... Emmanuel Pinto (Facsimile); Scerri John, History of the People of Malta (facsimile) (3) 163 Bryans Robin, Malta & Gozo, 1966; Owen Charles, The Maltese Islands, 1969; (2) 463 Bryant Arthur, The Age of Elegance, 1950; The Story of England: Makers of the Realm, 1954; Years of Victory, n.d.; Triumph in the West, 1959; The Years of Endurance, 1942; (5) 259 Brydone P., A Tour through Sicily and Malta in a Series of Letters, 1806 135 Bugeja / Buhagiar / Fiorini., Birgu, A Maritime City, 2 volumes 18 Buhagiar Mario, The Iconography of the Maltese Isalnds: 1400-1900, 1988 3 Buhagiar Mario, The Late Medieval Art and Architecture of the Maltese Islands, FPM 415 Busuttil Joseph, Fiorini Stanley, Vella Horatio C.R., Tristia ex Melitogaudo, 2010 248 Buttigieg Anton, Mill-Album ta' Hajti (Vol. 1-3), 1978; (3) 96 Cachia Stefan, The Family and the Land in Late Medieval Malta: A Study of the Acts of Notary J. Zabbara, 1999 140 Calleja Joe, L-Imsida: Il-Bierah u Llum (Vol. 1-2), 1989; Deguara Alwig, L-Imgarr: Il-Hajja u l-Hidma ta Niesu mill- Qedem sa llum, 1999; Farrugia Charles, L-Imqabba mal-Medda taz-Zmien, 1998; (4) 241 Calleja Joe, Ugo P. Mifsud: Prim Ministru u Patrijott, 1997; Mintoff Dominic (editor), Malta: Church, State, Labour, 1966; Cremona J.J., From the Declaration of Rights to Independence, 1965; and another; (4) 144 Callus Paul, Hal Safi, 1998; Grima Joseph F., Mill-Istorja ta' Hal-Qormi (Vol.
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