Cautonary NoticeNoticeAnnouncement to Shareholders to Shareholders Delay in publicatonDelayNotce inCoronavirus publicaton of Audited toCoronavirus of FinancialShareholders Audited Statements Financial(Covid-19) Statements(Covid-19) for year endedforFurther year 31 AdviceDecemberended to the 31Cautonary AdviceDecember 2019 for Statement the 2019 for issued Public the by the PublicBoard on 30 May CoronavirusCoronavirus2021, Washthe (Covid-19)Directors your handsWash of (Covid-19)frequently yourCBZ handsHoldings frequently Limited, advise shareholders Withdrawalthat CBZRegularly Holdings and RegularlythoroughlyofLimited, Cautonary and (“theclean thoroughly yourCompany”) hands clean Announcement with youris an in handsalcohol-based negotatons with an alcohol-based for a The Board of DirectorsThe Board (the of Directors“Board”) of(the CBZ “Board”) Holdings of CBZ Limited Holdings (the “Company”) Limited (the wishes “Company”) to wishes to hand rub or washhand them rub orwith wash soap them and withwater. soap and water. adviseAdvice its shareholdersadviseAdvice potentalfor its thatshareholders the thetransacton Companyfor Public that the thewas involving Company not Public able to wasthe publish not acquisiton able its Auditedto publish Financialof its sharesAudited Financialin a Shareholders are referred to the Cautionary Statements issued by StatementsWash your handsforStatementsWash thecomplimentary frequently year your ended handsfor the 31 frequently year December business, ended 312019 Decemberwhich (the “Financialif successfully2019 (the Statements” “Financial concluded on Statements” or may haveon or Maintain socialMaintain distancing social distancing beforeRegularly 30 and April thoroughlybeforeRegularly 2020.thea material 30CBZ andclean April thoroughlyHoldings your 2020.efect hands cleanon withLimited theyour an alcohol-based handsprice (the with ofCompany) anthe alcohol-based Company’s Board securites,during the the course full of hand rub or washhand themyearsimpact rub with or 2017,Maintain wash ofsoap which themand 2018 at water. withisleast currentlyMaintainand soap 1 metre 2019. and at water.being (3least feet) 1determined. metre distance (3 feet)between distance yourself between and anyone yourself who and anyone who is coughing or issneezing. coughing or sneezing. The CompanyThe is yet Company to reach is an yet agreement to reach anwith agreement its External with Auditors its External on the Auditors accountng on the accountng Maintain socialMaintain distancing social distancing for legacy debtsfor and CBZlegacyAccordingly, this Bank debts has resultedLimited and Shareholders this in has hasthe resulted delaybeen are in advisedinco-operating publicaton, the delay to exercisein of publicaton, the in Financialinvestigations cauton of the when Financial bydealing Maintain at leastMaintain 1 themetre Offce at (3 least Avoidfeet) 1 ofdistance metre touching Foreign (3 between Avoidfeet) eyes, Asset distance touching yourself nose Control between and and eyes, mouthanyone yourself(OFAC) nose who and and regarding mouthanyone who historical Statements.is coughing or sneezing.Statements.is coughingin the Company’sor sneezing. securites untl a full announcement is made. transactionsWhy? Hands involving touchWhy? amany Hands party surfaces touch that manywas and cansubjectsurfaces pick up andto viruses. OFACcan pick Once economic up viruses.contaminated, Once contaminated, sanctions.hands OFAC can transfer hashands concluded the can virus transfer to your its the investigationseyes, virus noseto your or mouth.eyes, and nose From the or there, mattermouth. the From has virus there, can the virus can TheAvoid Board touching furtherTheAvoid eyes,BY Boardwishes ORDERtouching nose enterfurther to and adviseOF eyes, yourmouth wishesTHE noseshareholdersbody BOARDenter to and and advise yourmouth can that shareholdersbodymake the andyou Financial cansick. that make Statementsthe you Financial sick. will Statements be will be publishedWhy? 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Jakananirespiratory This meanshygiene. 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Then disposesneeze.ByREGISTERED oforder Then theIf useddisposeyou of HEAD tissuethehave of Board OFFICEtheimmediately.a If fever, usedyou tissuehave cough immediately.a fever,andis difficulty coughing cough or sneezing. and is difficulty coughing or sneezing. 5 Campbellbreathing, Road seekbreathing, medical seek care medicalearly care early If you have a fever,If youPomona cough have a and fever, difficulty cough and difficulty Avoid touching eyes,Avoid nose touchingand mouth eyes, nose and mouth Stay home if youStay feel home unwell. if you If youfeelWhy? haveunwell. Hands atouch fever, If manyyouWhy? surfaceshave Hands aandtouch fever, can many pick surfacesup viruses. and Once can contaminated,pick up viruses. 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Rumbidzayi AngelineRumbidzayi Jakanani Angeline Jakanani cough and difficultycoughTelephone: breathing, and difficultyattention (263-4) seek breathing,medical 748 and 050 callattention - 79inseek advance. medical and call Follow in advance. the directions Follow the directions Group Legal CorporateGroupEmail: Legal Secretary [email protected] Corporate Secretary Practice respiratoryPractice hygiene respiratory hygiene attention and callattention inRumbidzayi advance. andof Followcall your in Angeline advance. localthe directions healthof Follow your Jakananiauthority. localthe directions healthMake authority. sure you, and theMake people sure around you, and you, the follow people good around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. Thisrespiratory means covering hygiene. your This mouthmeans andcovering your mouth and ofREGISTERED your local HEAD healthofREGISTERED OFFICE your authority. local HEAD health OFFICE authority. Group Legal Corporate Secretarynose with your bent elbownose orwith tissue your when bent youelbow cough or tissue or when you cough or 5 Campbell Road 5 Campbell1 September RoadStay informedStay and informed follow advice andsneeze. follow given Then dispose adviceby your sneeze.of the given used Then tissue dispose by immediately. your of the used tissue immediately. StayPomona informedStayPomona and followinformedhealthcare advice and givenfollow provider healthcareby advice your given provider by your Harare HarareREGISTERED HEAD OFFICE If you have a fever, coughIf you haveand difficulty a fever, cough and difficulty healthcareTelephone: (263-242) providerhealthcareTelephone: 7485th 050Floor, (263-242) - 79Stay provider Union informed 748 House 050 - 79Stay on the informed latest developments on thebreathing, latest seek developments about medicalbreathing, care early seek about medical care early StayEmail: [email protected] onStayEmail: the60 [email protected]
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