UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT COLORADO SPRINGS. No. 7 Vol. 4 October 5. 1978 Test Your Students Asked Not to Speed Skills By Sherry Morreale Ms. Bevers recommended we By Barb Stafford focus on increasing student A hushed silence descends upon An accomodating yet· exasper­ awareness of the laws applicable the crowd. Breathless anticipa­ ated PTA President talked with to crosswalks and making an ef­ tion is written of the faces of an UCCS News staff this past week fort to respect those laws. eager audience. Suddenly the si­ in an effort to focus furthur cam­ At any crosswalk the motorist lence is broken by a faint "ping". pus attention on a 'Serious has right-of-way unless a pedest­ "Ah!" breathes the crowd. neighborhood traffic problem. rian takes one step off the curb "Ping!" comes the reply. Ms. Wanda Bevers of Bates and into the crosswalk. The Then pandemonium breaks out. Elementary School discussed the pedestrian is then indicating in­ "Get it back!" recent mass-ticketing of UCCS tent to use the crosswalk. and has "That was close!" motorists who failed to respect the right-of-way rather than the The weekly Thursday night right-of-way of young pedestrians motorist. If a bicyclist is at the Ping Pong, Pool, and Foosball at crosswalks on Mtn. View Lane. side of the curb but has his bicycle tournaments have begun. "To my knowledge, within the in the crosswalk, this is also to be With the incentive of a pitcher last four years, there have been interpreted as intent to use the from the Pub, the Completitions three school children hit and kil­ crosswalk draw about 20 competitors and as led in the general area of Bates If individual awareness of many spectators. Sign up is at the Elementary. Perhaps our joint ef­ applicable laws fails to improve Student Center the night of the forts to find solutions can avoid the situation, more mass­ tournament. The games tegin at another tragedy." said Ms. Be­ ticketing and attendent publicity 8:00. The games are played by vers. "Our PTA has requested and in the media - radio and televi­ "gentlemans rules" rather than had posted six new warning signs sion - may be another approach having an official observing. on Mtn. View Lane but the taken by the PTA organization. In order to have pool games, at Which came first & the ping or the pong? Find out tonight by going to crosswalk problem still exists and least 4 people must sign up and to the weekly tournaments held at the Student Center. will until road construction in the have foosball a minimum of 4 area is complete." Music teams must be entered. Near the end of the semester, Students Face New Requirements Offered tournament for champions will be Registration is now open for the By Rita Biggerstaff held for each of the games. Prizes Colleges of Business and En­ problems and wanted to improve second credit course in the music have not yet been decided on. English 101 and 102, both basic gineering. their skills," said Professor Buc­ area to be offered this fall by the The tournaments are sponsored composition courses, are now re­ English 101 is designed to teach hholz, former class instructor. Division of Continuing Educa­ by the Student Center, and are quired for all students with the grammar and the skills necessary Many students, however, either tion, (UCCS). open to all interested students. exeption of those admitted to the for writing snort compositions, have not recognized their writing Contemporary Music Educa­ while English 102 concentrates problems or have chosen not to tion will be presented in a six, ses­ on the fundamentals of longer seek help. Now the UCCS English sion course, four to be held on compositions and term papers. Department has the task of teach­ Thursday and Friday, Oct. 5, 6, Complaints that the essay ing these basic skills. 12, and 13, and two on Saturday, Center Resourceful exam was becoming unusable be­ Students trying to skip these Oct. 7 and 14. cause of 1,tudents' inability to required courses may do so only The two-credit hour course will By Linda Harford "We want women to know their compose essays have been voiced by passing the College Board Test be held at the Grant Ele·'!lentary The UCCS Women's Resource options and utilize them," says by professors throughout the Let­ of Standard Written English, ad­ school with Barbara Grenoble as Center will represent a broad Kim. "Fearing math is building a ters Arts and Sciences and have ministered through Student Rela­ instructor. The Thursday and spectrum of the female population wall where there doesn't need to resulted in this required Fall/ tions. This exam, composed by Friday sessions will be held from by offering programs on women's be one." Spring sequence for UCCS Educational Testing Services in 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and the issues in a novel way, according to Las~ year the center, which was Freshmen. Princeton, New Jersey, and de­ Saturday classes will be all day Kim Martini, a staff member, in formed in 1974, offered a success­ UCCS had a remedial course,, signed to measure one's writing long. Fee for the course is $78. an interview last week. ful Women in Arts Symposium. English 100, until Spring, 1977. ability, is administered on cam­ Concepts of beat, rhythm, Kim and Robin Taylor, another The .Career Development Center Students who ~ecognized they had pus prior to registration. melody, harmony, form and style staff member, would like to see and Women's Resource Center deficient writing skills voluntar­ Freshmen applying for admission will be explored through move­ programs which allow each par­ co-sponsored brown bag seminars ily enrolled in this class. "The to the College of Letters Arts and ment, speech, song and instru­ ticipant to share her experiences on women's issues over the sum­ class had good results because the Sciences receive notification by me~t ensemble. Projects will in­ and contribute to a discussion, mer. students recognized their writing mail of testing dates, procedure, clude the use of class material rather than the impersonal lec­ and the $2.50 testing fee. within the teacher's own setting, U You Can Read Thi• You·,- Too Cl<>M ture format offered last year. "There still may by a need for and a demonstration lesson with Single parents and displaced the return of a remedial English children will take place on each homemakers will be target groups program," explained Dr. C.K. Pel­ Saturday morning. for these programs. Center To Host low, current head of the English A Music Appreciation course, Reservations are now being ac­ Department. "We probably won't offering three hours of credit, cepted for support groups which know until next year when we started Sept. 21 and will continue will be led by Pat Dwire of the Sticker Tournament view the successes and failures of through Nov: 30 with Curtis the present program." Smith as instructor. Financial Aid Office. These The UCCS Student Center will prior to the general elections. It is groups offer a ·caring, supportive hold "The Great Bumper Sticker rumored that awards will be pre­ atmosphere for women students Art Show" October 24-November sented on various themes (politi­ Regents Meet At UCCS dealing with such problems as 3. cal message, social commentary, finding enough time for family This show is dedicated to the environmental issues, art for art The Colorado Board of Regents nate, Thomas Napierkowski, and life and meeting financial needs. amazing potential for communi­ sake, and others) by appropriate met at UCCS on Thursday the Ben Chavez Gilliam, UCAS Pres­ Funding for the center comes cation that is embodied in bumper faculty of UCCS. You don't want 28th of September. ident presented the reports for the through the Program Joint Board, stickers. You see them on bum­ an award? Enter anyway! Express Their agenda included reports Colorado Springs campus. but money for such things as films pers, windows, notebooks, and your ideas in this effective form of from the four campuses and vari­ The next meeting of the Board must come from outside sources. walls; you may read them while Communication. ous committees. of Regents will be held Thursday. The center is staffed by work­ driving or walking through the If you think that this is only a Chancellor Schwartz, the pres­ October 26, at the Denver Cam­ study students. halls. Now, you may let your mind jest, or a means of adverising for ident of the UCCS Faculty Se- pus. Future plans may include a run free and design anything you the elections, think again. A new, support program for women in creat in your own special mind. experimental course in Geog­ math, featuring refresher The Art Show is open to all raphy and Environmental studies NOTICE FROM courses, special tutors and sup­ members of the UCCS commun- this fall has its students develop­ port groups. Kim says she sees . ity. Submit your finished work (or ing bumper stickers for a portion THE FINANCE OFFICE competent women dropping out of works), any size of a reasonable of the course curriculum. The To all students with defered tuition their chosen major because they facsimile of a bumper sticker course is "Illustration of Geog­ payments, your payment is due Oct. 10. No can't handle math. She believes (your own, original design!) at the raphic Concepts" and the theme is billings will be sent to you. Your payment their fear of math is a result of sex Student Center b}' October 20.
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