
lR;eso t;rs v.Meku rÉk fudksckj }hilewg ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS lkaf[;dh; iqfLrdk STATSTICAL HAND BOOK ON fudksckj ftyk NICOBAR DISTRICT 2007-08 To 2009-10 vkfFZkd ,oa lkaf[;dh funsÓky; v.Meku rÉk fudksckj izÓklu iksVZ Cys;j DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS ANDSTATISTICS ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ADMINISTRATION PORT BLAIR . çLrkouk lkaf[;dh; iqfLrdk fudksckj ftyk 2007&2008 ls 2009&2010 orZeku laLdj.k Øe esa iUnzgok¡ gS A bl laLdj.k esa fudksckj ftyk ds fofHkUu {ks=ksa ls lacaf/kr egRoiw.kZ lkaf[;dh; lwpukvksa dks ljy rjhds ls izLrqr fd;k x;k gS A funs'kky; bl iqfLrdk ds fy, fofHkUu ljdkjh foHkkxksa@ dk;kZy;ksa rFkk vU; ,stsfUl;ksa }kjk miyC/k djk, x, lkaf[;dh; vkWadM+ksa ds fy, muds izfr viuk vkHkkj izdV djrk gS A ;g izdk'ku Jh ch e¨gu lkaf[;dh; vf/kdkjh ds ekxZn'kZu rFkk fuxjkuh esa Jh ekfVZu ,Ddk] Jh ,e ih eqÉIik ÁSj Jherh Mh- lqlSvEeky] ofj"B vUos"kd¨ ds dfBu ifjJe dk ifj.kke gS A e® vk'kk djrk gwa fd ;g izdk'ku mu ikBdksa ds fy, mi;ksxh fl) gksxk] ftUgsa fu dksckj ftyk ds vkWadM+ksa dh vko';drk gS A bl izdk'ku esa vkSj lq/kkj ds fy, vkids lq>koksa dk Lokxr gS A ¼x©ajx feJ ½ iksVZ Cys;j funs'kd vkfFkZd ,oa lkaf[;dh funs'kky; PREFACE The present edition of Statistical Hand Book, Nicobar District -2007-2008 to 2009-10 is the fifteenth in the series. It presents in a handy form important Statistical Information relating to the Nicobar District, The Directorate acknowledges with gratitude the co- operation extended by various Government Departments/Agencies in making available the statistical data presented in this publication . The publication is the result of hard work put in by Shri Martin Ekka, Shri M.P.Muthappa and Smti. D.Susaiammal, Senior Investigators, under the guidance of Shri. B.Mohan, Statistical Officer. I hope that this publication will be useful to Administrators, Planners, Research Scholars and others who are in need of information relating to various sectors of the UT of Nicobar District . Any error or omission and suggestions for further improvement of the publication may be brought to the notice of the under signed. Gaurang Mishra Port Blair Director of Economics & Statistics NICOBAR DISTRICT GENERAL INFORMATION S.o Item Unit Particulars 1. Location Bay of Bengal 2. Total Area Sq. Km. 1841 3. Forest Area a) Total Forest Area Sq. Km. 1542.07 b) Reserved Forest Sq. Km. - c) Protected Forest Sq. Km. 1542.07 4. Climate during 2010 Actual Rainfall at Car Nicobar mm. 3076.6 Actual Rainfall at Nancowry mm. 2980.4 5. Length & Breadth of icobar Island Total Length Km. 259 Average Width Km. 58 6. Inhabited Islands No. 13 7. Largest Inhabited Island in Nicobar Group Great Nicobar Island Sq. Km. 1045 8. Smallest Inhabited Island in Nicobar Group Pillomillow Island Sq. Km. 1.3 9.. Southern Most Island Great Nicobar (About 100 miles from Sumatra) 10. Northern Most Island Car Nicobar(75 miles South from Little Andaman) 11 A. Highest Peak Mtr. 642 Mount Thullier (Great Nicobar Islands) B Highest Elevation in Nicobar Mtr. 700 12.a) Distance from Port Blair to Car Nautical 150 Nicobar Miles b) Distance from Port Blair to Nautical 298 Campbell Bay Miles 13. Island /Village I Revenue Villages No. 7 ii Census Villages as per 2001 Census No. 192 (a) Inhabited No. 171 (b) Un-Inhabited No. 21 14. Population (2001 Census) No. 42068 Males “ 22653 Females “ 19415 15. Density of Population Per sq. 23 (2001 Census) km. 16. Tehsil wise Population as per 2001 Census Car Nicobar No. 20292 Nancowry “ 13562 Great Nicobar “ 8214 17. Sex Ratio (No. of females) Per 1000 857 males 18 Tribal Population 2001 census “ 26565 19. Working Tribal Population “ 12949 Males “ 8005 Females “ 4944 20. Administrative Units i) District No. 1 ii) Sub-Division No 1 iii) Tehsil No 3 iv) Town No Nil v) Developmental Blocks No 3 vi) Gram Panchayat No 3 vii) Panchayat Samiti No 1 viii) Zilla Parisad No Nil ix) Police Station No 5 x) Fire Station No 4 Inhabited Islands Islands Bampooka Island Car Nicobar Island Chowra Island Great Nicobar Island Kamorta Island Katchal Island Kondul Island Little Nicobar Island Nancowry Island Pilowmillow Island Teressa Island Tillang Chong Island Trinket Island 1. AREA & POPULATION Table 1.1 Tehsil & Sub-division, Area & Census Villages S.No Sub-Division Tehsil included in Area Number of No. of the Sub-division (Sq. Census Revenue Km.) Villages Villages 1. Car Nicobar Car Nicobar 126.91 16 - 2. Nancowry Nancowry 1714.09 107 - 3. Great Nicobar Great Nicobar 69 7 Total 1841 192 7 Table – 1.2 Tehsil-wise Density of Population S No. Persons per Sq. Kms 1971 1981 1991 2001 1. Car Nicobar 77 120 150 157 2. Nancowry 3 8 12 22 3. Great Nicobar -- -- -- 7.2 Table - 1.3 District wise Developmental Blocks Sl.No. Name of District Developmental Blocks 1. Nicobar District 1. Car Nicobar, 2.Nancowry 3.Campbellbay Table - 1.4 Island-wise Households as per 2001 Census S.No. Tehsil/Island Households (In No.) 1. Car Nicobar Tehsil 3296 i) Car Nicobar 3296 2. Nancowry Tehsil 2617 i) Chowra 211 ii) Teressa 415 iii) Bampooka 10 iv) Katchal 1116 v) Kamorta 676 vi) Nancowry 123 vii) Tilang Chong 2 vii)Trinket 64 Great Nicobar Tehsil 2162 i)Little Nicobar 64 3. ii) Kondul 27 iii) Pilomillow 34 iv) Great Nicobar 2037 Total (1+2+3) 8075 Table – 1.5 Literate Scheduled Tribe Population ( 2001 Census) Tehsil Male Female Total Car Nicobar 5400 4577 9977 Nancowry 3185 2112 5297 Total 8585 6689 15274 Table – 1.6 Working Tribal Population by Category (2001 Census) (No.) Sl.No. Tehsil Main Marginal Total Total Non- workers workers Workers Workers 1 2 3 4 5 (3+4) 6 1. Car Nicobar 4024 4566 8590 7309 2 Nancowry 3061 1298 4359 6307 Total 7085 5864 12949 13616 Table - 1.7 Tehsil-wise/ Island-wise Population of Inhabited Islands (2001 Census) S.No. Tehsil Islands Population ST Population 1. Car Nicobar 1. Car Nicobar 20292 15899 1. Chowra 1385 1376 2. Tillang Chong 13 4 3. Teressa 2026 1826 2. Nancowry 4. Bampooka 55 55 5. Katchal 5312 2662 6. Kamorta 3412 1854 7. Nancowry 927 881 8. Trinket 432 429 1. Little Nicobar 353 345 2. Kondul 150 141 3. Great Nicobar 3.Pilomillow 145 138 4.Great Nicobar 7566 955 Grand Total 42068 26565 Table – 1.8 Tehsil-wise Census Villages and Average Population (2001 Census) S.No. Tehsil Census Average Population per Villages(No.) Village (Nos.) 1. Car Nicobar 16 1268 2. Nancowry 107 126 3. Great Nicobar 69 119 Total 192 219 Table – 1.9 Tehsil-wise Sex Ratio (Female per 1000 males) Tehsil Sex Ratio 1981 1991 2001 Car Nicobar 928 902 903 Nancowry 704 783 816 Great Nicobar --- --- 741 Table – 1.10 Block wise Gram Panchayats, Panchayat Samities and Zilla Parishad (No.) Block Gram Panchayat Panchayat Zilla Samities Parishad Car Nicobar - - - Nancowry - - - Campbell Bay 3 1 - Table 1.11 Distribution of Working Population (2001 Census) Total Main workers Marginal Workers Cultivators Agricultural House others workers Tehsil/islands labourers Hold Industry workers Car Nicobar Tehsil 10652 24 9 2288 3671 4660 i) Car Nicobar Island 10652 24 9 2288 3671 4660 Nancowry Tehsil 5285 18 0 1609 2529 1129 i) Chowra 331 1 0 293 37 - ii) Teressa 839 4 0 443 184 208 iii) Bampooka 19 0 0 17 2 - iv) Katchal 2431 8 0 606 1060 757 v) Kamorta 1215 3 0 242 880 90 vi) Nancowry 290 1 0 1 232 56 vii)Trinket 147 1 0 7 121 18 viii) Tilang choung 13 0 0 0 13 - Great NicobarTehsil 3686 122 86 129 2349 910 i) Little Nicobar 243 0 0 1 103 139 ii) Kondul 51 0 0 29 19 03 iii) Pilomillow 103 0 0 0 49 54 iv) Campbell Bay 3289 122 86 99 2268 714 Total 19623 164 95 4026 8639 6699 Table 1.12 Population of Nicobar since 1901 Census Nicobar % Decadal Variation Year Male Female Total in Population 1901 3537 2974 6511 -- 1911 4833 3985 8818 35.43 1921 5242 4030 9272 5.15 1931 5444 4796 10240 10.44 1941 6586 5866 12452 21.60 1951 6321 5688 12009 (-) 3.56 1961 7780 6783 14563 21.27 1971 12146 9519 21665 48.77 1981 16815 13639 30454 40.57 1991 21311 17897 39208 28.74 2001 22653 19415 42068 7.29 Table – 1.13 Island-wise Scheduled Tribe Population (2001 Census) S.No. District / Tehsil / Islands Scheduled Tribe Population Persons Male Female Nicobars District 26565 13502 13063 1. Car Nicobar Tehsil 15899 7914 7985 i) Car Nicobar 15899 7914 7985 2. Nancowry Tehsil 9087 4684 4403 i) Chowra 1376 695 681 ii) Teressa 1826 944 882 iii) Bampooka 55 30 25 iv) Katchal 2662 1372 1290 v) Kamorta 1854 968 886 vi) Nancowry 881 439 442 vii)Trinket 429 232 197 viii)Tilang Chong 4 4 0 Great Nicobar 1579 904 675 i)Little Nicobar 345 183 162 3. ii) Kondul 141 75 66 iii) Pilomillow 138 74 64 iv) Great Nicobar 955 572 383 Table – 1.14 Literate Population of Nicobar District (2001 Census) S.No. District/Tehsil/Islands Literates (No.) Persons Male Female NICOBAR DISTRICT 1. Car Nicobar Tehsil 13343 7572 5771 i) Car Nicobar Island 13343 7572 5771 2. Nancowry Tehsil 7806 4741 3065 i) Chowra 511 332 179 ii) Teressa 1010 664 346 iii) Bampooka 23 14 9 iv) Katchal 3258 1908 1350 v) Kamorta 2228 1358 870 vi) Nancowry 526 303 223 vii)Trinket 239 151 88 viii) Tilang choung 11 11 0 Great Nicobar Tehsil 5386 3295 2091 i) Little Nicobar 98 69 29 ii) Kondul 87 58 29 3 iii) Pilomillow 77 57 20 iv) Campbell Bay 5124 3111 2013 Total (1+2+3) 26535 15608 10927 Table – 1.15 Tribal Population Decade Tribes Nicobarese Shompens 1971 17874 92 1981 21984 223 1991 26000 250 2001 28653 398 2.
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