Monroeville Montgomery Moody Moulton Muscle Shoals Oneonta

Monroeville Montgomery Moody Moulton Muscle Shoals Oneonta

WMFC -FM- November 1965: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 275 Alabama Radio ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: ABC /E. Moody WYNI(AM)- December 6, 1982: 930 khz; 5 kw -D. 201 WURL(AM) -October 1984: 760 khz; 1 kw -D, DA-D. Office Park (36460). (205) 575-9964. Hub City Broad- Box 989, Leeds (35094). (205) 699-9875. Cooke casting Corp. Net: NBC. Format: Adult contemp. Ron Broadcasting. Net: Alabama Info. Format: C &W. Spec contemp. J. Alex Bowab, pres; Chris J. Kalifeh, gen Bates, pres; Fred Kelley, gen mgr; Randy Manning, sls prog: Relg 8 hrs wkly. H. Raymond Cooke, pres; mgr; Judy Curtis, prog dir; Richard Gallow, chief engr. mgr; Lisa Byal, prog dir; Susan Sanderson, news dir; Gary Dunlap, gen sls mgr. Rates: $6; 4.75; 5; -. Rates: $35; 27; 32; 17. Kenneth Fountain, chief engr. WGOK(AM) -=Nov 21, 1958: 900 khz; 1 kw-D, DA-D. Moulton Box 1425 (36633). (205) 432-8661. Roberds Broad- Montgomery casting Inc. (acq 10- 1 -77). Net: Sheridan. Rep: Roslin. WHIY(AM )-Dec 11, 1963: 1190 khz; 2.5 kw -D. Box Format: Black. Dickie Roberds, pres, exec gen mgr; (35650). W4CV(AM)-Jan 16, 1939: 1170 khz; 10 kw -D, 1 307 (205) 974-0681 Moulton Broadcasting Irene Ware, coml mgr; Tony Gray, prog & mus dir; kw -N, DA-2. Box 1669 (36102). (205) 832 -1170. Co. Inc. (acq 1- 27 -68). Net: CNN Radio. Rep: T N, Charles Merritt, prom mgr; Monte Faison, news dir; Charles Wbods. Net: CBS. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Midsouth. Format: Contemp country & classic rock Steve Riggs, chief engr. Rates: $14; 14; 14; -. Farm 10 hrs wkly. Chris Bence, pres; Lee Morgan, oldies. Spec prog: Farm 6 hrs wkly. Ray Wallace, gen & gen sls mgr; Tim Coucke, chief engr. pres, gen, coml & prom mgr; Rice Towry, prog & mus *WHIL- FM-Aug 29, 1974: 91.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 245 dir; Teddy Wallace, news dir; Kenneth Casey, chief ft. Stereo. Box 160326 (36616). (205) 460 -2395. Spring WBAM-FM--Jan 1, 1961: 98.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 730 engr. Rates: $7.85; 7.85; 7.85; -. Hill College. Net: Am Pub, AP. Format: Class. Spec ft. (CP: Ant 1,095 ft.). Stereo. 4740 Radio Rd. (36116). prog: Jazz 4 hrs wkly. Joseph A. Martin Jr., gen (205) 288 -0150. Deep South Broadcasting Co. (acq mgr; Penny Dennis Shilling, prog. dir; Ellen Laden, 9- 22 -78). Rep: Christal. Format: Contemp. Frances Muscle Shoals prom mgr; Barry Little, chief engr. Brennan, pres; Robert G. Brennan, gen mgr; Bob Crittenden, loc sls mgr; Steve Montgomery, prog dir; WBCF(AM) -See Florence. WKRG(AM)-1946: 710 khz; 1 kw-D, 500 w -N, DAN. Bob Jackson, mus dir; Hank news Schmitt, dir; Tom WLAY(AM)-Jan 15, 1933: 1450 khz; 1 kw-U. Box Box 160587 (36616). (205) 479-5555. WKRG -TV Inc. Jones, chief engr. 220, Sheffield (35660). (acq 1956). Net: ABC Talk, CBS, MBS. Rep: Katz. (205) 383 -2525. Slatton -Quick Co. (acq 4- 21 -59). Southern. Net: MBS. Format: Format: News-talk -sports. D.H. Long Jr., pres; Wes WHHY(AM) -April 30, 1930: 1440 khz; 5 kw-D, 1 Contemp. D. Mitchell Self, pres, gen mgr & natl sls Diamond, stn mgr; Holcombe Kelly, gen sls mgr; Dick kw -N, DA-N. 3435 Norman Bridge Rd. (36105). (205) mgr; Jim Smith, mgr; M. Allen, prog Kevin Mitchell, Scott, prog dir; Carmen Brown, prom mgr; Ron Reams, 264 -2288. Holt- Robinson Communication Corp. (group dir; mus dir; Bill Erwin, news dir; Paul Kelley, chief engr. news dir; Tom Brown, chief engr. owner; acq 1- 9 -57). Net: ABC /C. UPI. Rep: McGavren Rates: $11; 10; 11; 9. Guild. Format: Top -40. Spec prog: Farm 8 hrs, Black WKRG -FM-Oct 16, 1947: 99.9' mhz; 100 kw Ant 1 hr wkly. Robert N. Robinson, CEO; Ann Collister, WLAY-FM -Oct 28, 1964: 105.5 mhz;.3 kw. Ant 300 1,604 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. TWX: 810 -741- pres; Larry Stevens. gen mgr; Wiley Post, gen sls mgr; ft. (CP: 530 w Ant 743 ft.). Stereo. Prag sep from AM. 4263. Net: MBS. Rep: Katz. Format: Adult contemp. Phil Horton, prog dir; Kevin King, news dir; Gerald Format: C &W. Jerry Knight, mgr. Billy Bazzel, gen sls mgr; Dick Hylton, prog & mus dir; Wilson, chief engr. Rates: $55; 44; 44; 39. Curtis Willard, chief engr. WOPR(FM)- November 1987: 88.7 mhz; 20 kw. Ant WHHY-FM -Jan 9, 1962: 101.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 430 ft. Stereo. No. 7 Bryce Lawn, Tuscaloosa (35487). WKSJ(AM) -See Prichard. 1,040 ft. Stereo. Dups AM 25 %. Net: UPI. Format: (205) 348 -6644. Board of Trustees University of AOR. Walt Brown, prog dir; Cat Collins, mus dir, Alabama. Net: Am Pub, NPR, UPI. Format: Class, jazz, WKSJ -FM -April 12, 1971: 94.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 490 Rates: $55; 45; 45; 40. news/info. Spec prog: Folk 5 hrs wkly. Rena Stahmer, ft. Stereo. 917 Western American Circle, Suite 504 gen mgr; David Brown, asst gen mgr & prog dir; Ron (36608). (205) 344 -9900. Capitol Broadcasting Corp. WLBF(FM) -April 4, 1984: 89.1 mhz; 15 kw. Ant 230 Dunkling, news dir; David Baughn, chief engr. Net: ABC /E. Rep: Blair. Format: Contemp country. ft. Ant 322.75 ft. Stereo. Box 17140 6000 Atlanta Hwy., Jay Childress, gen mgr; Bill Hendrich, gen sls mgr; (36117). (205) 271 -8900. Montgomery Educ Radio WSBM(AM) -See Florence. Wayne Gardner, prog dir; Scott Johnson, mus dir; Jef Inc. Format: Educ, relg. Jeannine Blowers, gen mgr. Funk, prom mgr; Michael Sloan, news dir; Glenn WLWI(AM) -1953: 740 khz; 50 kw -D, 184 w -N. (CP: Oneonta Walters, chief engr. Rates: $150; 130; 115; 65. Ant 1,095 ft.). Ste 300, Colonial Financial Ctr (36104). WCRL(AM) -July 29, 1952: 1570 khz; 1 kw -D. Box WKWA(AM )-Not on air, target date unknown: 1160 (205) 240-9274. Colonial Broadcasting Co. Inc. (group 490 (35121). (205) 625 -3333 Blount County Broad- khz; 10 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA-N. Stereo. Box 8766 (36689). owner, acq 2- 22 -85). Net: MBS. Format: Country. casting Service Net: MBS. L.D. Bentley (205) 344 -3669. United Broadcasting Co. Inc. Format: David Coppock, pres & gen mgr; Shedd Johnson, (acq 3-55). Jr., pres; Danny Bentley, gen & coml mgr; Wayne Urban contemp. Thomas C. Wilson, pres; Steve news dir. Rates: Sold in combination with FM. Riggs, chief engr. Shaddix, mus dir; Tom Baty, chief engr. Rates: $4.25; WLWI -FM -July 15, 1969: 92.3 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 700 4.25; 4.25; 4.25. WMML(AM) -Feb 7, 1930: 1410 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-N. ft. Stereo. Box 4999 (36195). (acq 12 -77). Net: US2. WKLD(FM) with WCRL(AM). 12, Box 2567 1257 Springhill Ave., (36604). (205) 438- Rates: $100; 80; 90; 60. -Co -owned July 1968: 97.7 mhz; 990 Ant 480 ft. Dups AM %. 4514. Bridgeway Communications Inc. (acq 4 -87). w 50 Net: NBC. Rep: Lazar. Format: Urban contemp. WMGY(AM) -June 1, 1946: 800 khz; 1 kw -D. 2305 Upper Wetumpka Rd. (36107). (205) 834 -3710. WMGY Douglas E. Eason, pres; Lynette Fields- Eason, gen Opelika mgr; Ty Bell. prog dir; John O'Day, news dir; Jimmy Radio Inc. (acq 7 -75). Group owner: GHB Broadcast- 15; ing. Net: ABC /I. Format: Relg. Spec prog: Black 15 hrs Burns, chief engr. Rates: $20; 20; 8. WJHO(AM) -June 3, 1940: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. Box wkly. George H. Buck, pres; June N.Phelps, gen 710, 2009 Pepperell Pkwy, (36803- 0710). (205) 745- WMOB(AM) -Jan 25, 1961: 1360 khz; 5 kw-D, DAD. mgr; Greg Holtan, prog, news dir & coral mgr; Billy 6484. Opelika- Auburn Broadcasting Co. Inc. Net: 3943 Airport Blvd, Suite 206 (36608). (205) 342-1360. Nobles, mus dir; Tom Jones, chief engr. Rates: MBS, Alabama. Rep: David Carpenter. Format: Full Buddy Tucker Enterprises. Format: Relg. Theodore $5.50; 3.50; 5.50; 3.50. svc. Jack Smollon, pres gen & gen sls mgr, chief Tucker, pres & gen mgr; Michael S. Adams, opns Wbody Ross, & news dir; David Arwood, mgr. Rates: $8.50; 8.50; 8.50; 8.50. WREZ(AM) -May 8, 1953: 950 khz; 1 kw -U, DA-2. engr; prog Box 5000 (36192). (205) 832-4295. U.S. Broadcasting prom mgr; Joel Grantham, prom mgr. Rates: $15; WMOO(AM) -April 22, 1965: 660 khz; 22.5 kw -D, 850 Ltd. Partnership (acq 08- 14 -87). Net: MBS. Format: 14; 15; 13. w -N, DA-2. (CP: change city of license to Fairhope; AOR. Gene Moorhead, gen mgr;. Chris Kiefer, prog WKKR(FM) -See Auburn. 1550 khz; 22 kw -N, non DA-N). Box 1967 (36608). dir; Tom Jones, chief engr. Rates: $12; 10; 12; 10. (205) 432 -7609. Trio Broadcasters Inc. (acq 12 -17- WZMG(AM)-Aug 12, 1968: 1520 khz; 5 kw-D, DA. 69). Group owner: Beasley. Format: Religious. WSYA -FM-Co-owned with WREZ(AM). July 9, 1961: Box 2329 (36803). (205), 745 -4656. Fuller Broadcast- 103.3 mhz; 27.5 kw Ant 290 ft. (CP: 100 kw. Ant 987.28 George Beasley, pres; Harry Williams, gen mgr; David ing Co. Inc. (acq 2- 1 -85). Format: Black, urban ft.). Format: Istng. Rates: Clark, gen sls mgr; James Simon, prog dir; Alexander Stereo. Easy $22; 28; 24; contemp. Gary Fuller; pres & gen mgr; Glenn Buxton, Thomas, prom mgr; Cheryl Davis, news dir; Richard 16. gen sis mgr; Roy Harrison, prog dir; Carmel Thoma- Gallow, chief engr. WVAS(FM) -June 15, 1984: 90.7 mhz; 25 kw.

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