THE INDEPENDENT VOICE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT SINCE 1896 • VOLUME CXXVII, NO. 74 • dailycampus.com Thursday, February 18, 2021 CONFIRMED 2021 COVID-19 Current Residential Cases Cumulative Cumulative 177 CASES AT UCONN STORRS (positive/symptomatic) 102 Residential Cases* 143 Commuter Cases* 52 Cumulative as of 8:47 p.m. on Feb. 17 *positive test results Staff Cases* University administration introduces possible tuition increase cuts, improving student resources by Taylor Harton maintain that excellence and af- NEWS EDITOR fordability,” said Scott Jordan, [email protected] UConn’s executive vice president for administration and chief fi- On Wednesday, administrative nancial officer, in a town hall figures at the University of Con- livestream on Wednesday. “We necticut introduced a tentative took a hard look at that this year plan to reduce the planned per- and asked, ‘What is the bare min- centage increase in tuition for imum at which we could get by students amid the financial con- while not compromising [stu- straints many are facing during dents’] educational experience?’ the COVID-19 pandemic. and we arrived at this number.” The plan would slash in half Under the new plan, General the previously-implemented 4.3 University Fees such as housing, percent increase for in-state tu- dining, recreation and technolo- ition costs for the fall 2021 se- gy would be frozen at their cur- mester to 2.2 percent, the lowest rent amounts for the upcoming increase since fiscal year 2000, academic year. Storrs students when tuition increased by 1.39 would be subject to a new $28/per percent. semester fee toward the expan- The university is currently in sion of mental health services at year two of a five-year tuition in- Student Health and Wellness, as crease plan adopted in late 2019, well as other slight increases in prior to the onset of the COVID-19 transit fees and student activities. pandemic. The board of trustees “I am grateful these addition- will vote on the proposed cuts on al resources will allow to us to Feb. 24, and the changes will go provide students with the care into effect for the fall 2021 semes- and support they have called Photo shows the sign that stands near the UConn campus. On Wednesday, administrative figures at the ter if approved. for,” said Dean of Students Elly school introudced a tentative plan to reduce the planned percentrage increase in tuition for students amid the financial constraints many are facing during the pandemic. “The university strives to Daugherty. “We look forward to maintain excellence in our pro- continuing this review for our PHOTO BY AVERY BIKERMAN, GRAB PHOTOGRAPHER/THE DAILY CAMPUS gramming, and we want to raise regional campuses in the coming tuition as little as possible to academic year.” ‘Suspicious fires’ at USG Permanent Reading UConn Busby Suites, Days Petition advocates for Hilltop Apartments student mental health by Rachel Philipson STAFF WRITER [email protected] The University of Connecticut’s Un- dergraduate Student Government is promoting permanent reading days to the academic calendar, according to the @usguconn Instagram page. A reading day would require that in- structors not hold classes or assign any course work during that time period, according to the Office of the Provost website. Located in the center of campus, the Homer Babbidge library of- USG has a live Change.org petition fers a great place for students to study or read. Recently, the USG in its Instagram bio for UConn stu- have been promoting permanent reading days to the academic dents to show their support towards calendar The Hilltop Apartment complex sits on campus next to the J.O. the permanent reading days. This is PHOTO BY HENRY KULP, GRAB PHOTOGRAPHER/THE DAILY CAMPUS Christian Field. Early Wednesday morning, the UCPD alerted the the first proposed step in response to school regarding three suspicisous fires that occured on campus B Diaz’s Mental Care Act that passed near the complex as well as near the Busby Suites. through USG in fall 2020, according be two reading days on Monday and ter and I noticed how I did not stress PHOTO COURTSEY OF UCONN RESLIFE to the Change.org petition homepage. Tuesday, then three finals on Wednes- as much for my exams because of the These reading days would act as a pe- day, Thursday, and Friday,” accord- reading days,” Montano said. “I was riod for students to recharge and catch ing to the petition. “That weekend more relaxed and more confident go- up with their studies. (Saturday and Sunday) and following ing into my exams.” by Daniel Drainville Discovery Drive. “The mental health of our students Monday and Tuesday would be read- Montano said she had two weeks of CAMPUS CORRESPONDENT The fires occurred sometime be- must be prioritized campus wide and ing days. The last three days of finals reading days when she studied abroad [email protected] tween 3:30 a.m. and 5 a.m., police outlets for recharge must be given for would follow on Wednesday, Thurs- at the University of Edinburgh in Scot- The fire and police departments said. students to be able to be their best, day and Friday, and then the semester land. She thinks three to five reading at the University of Connecticut are “The UConn Police and Fire De- personally and academically,” accord- would end.” days would be sufficient for UConn, as investigating three suspicious fires partments are still investigating ing to the @usguconn Instagram post. Additional reading days were first she lost motivation during the end of which occurred at the Storrs cam- these incidents in order to identi- “This change will only provide benefit implemented at the end of the fall 2020 the two week period. pus early Wednesday morning, ac- fy those responsible for the fires,” and enrichment to students’ semesters semester in response to the COVID-19 “It was amazing. We had plenty of cording to an email alert sent out by said UConn Deputy Chief of Po- and allow for well-being to be priori- pandemic, according to the Office of time to gather our thoughts, relax, ac- the UConn Police Department. lice Andrew T. Fournier. “There is tized, as it should be.” the Provost website. tually do our readings and practice. According to the email alert, out- no additional information at this In the proposed plan, the tradition- Hazel Montano, an eight-semester And, it allowed us plenty of time to door fires were lit in three separate time.” al finals “week” will be split into two applied and resource economics ma- meet up with study groups,” Montano locations, including a dumpster at Fournier encourages anyone weeks with six reading days. To ac- jor, said she greatly benefitted from the said. “There were no time constraints, Wheeler Hall (Hilltop Apartment with information related to these count for this extended finals week, the reading weeks at the end of last semes- no classes or anything, so we were able Complex), a trash can located out- incidents to call 911 or contact UCo- semester will have 13 weeks of classes. ter. side Busby Suites and a portable nn Police at 860-486-4800 or via “Under the new plan, there would “It was helpful for me last semes- See READING DAYS, p. 2 bathroom at the tennis courts on [email protected]. For more... dailycampus.com The_DailyCampus The_DailyCampus The Daily Campus TweetTweet of of the the Day Day Corey EDITORIAL | PAGE 4 TEEN SUICIDES | PAGE 5 WBB RECAP | PAGE 12 @CoreyWFrate UConn must change its problematic The second crisis in our schools Basketball: UConn’s Big 3 shines Thank you so much for your environment for students of color amid the COVID-19 pandemic as Huskies extend win-streak dedication to this hearing and to public health. 02 Thursday, February 18, 2021 • DailyCampus.com News Muddled promises on schools Weather pose political problem for Biden Today 2/18 WASHINGTON (AP) — President president as beholden to teachers’ have most elementary schools open cans. Joe Biden is in a political firestorm unions at the expense of American five days a week, seeming to con- Teachers’ unions have said over how and when to get more families. flict with his own press secretary, they support reopening schools schools open amid the coronavirus His administration in recent weeks who had said last week that schools once officials are able to make the pandemic, with Republicans seizing has sent muddled and at times con- would be considered “open” if they buildings safer, but they need the on confusion surrounding Biden’s tradictory messages about Biden’s held in-person classes even one day $130 billion included in Biden’s goal to reopen a majority of schools goal. On Tuesday night, the pres- a week. proposed American Rescue Plan within his first 100 days to paint the ident said his 100-day goal was to Biden’s aides dismiss the con- to make it happen. And even if troversy as a flareup that will the bill passes Congress by the Snow Showers disappear once the coronavirus Democrats’ mid-March deadline, is better under control and more it’s unclear whether districts PERMANENT READING DAYS PETITION school districts reopen, pointing would be able to make changes in to recent polls suggesting the time to hasten school openings Friday 2/19 READING DAYS, cont. from p. 1 public so far believes Biden is before the end of Biden’s first 100 doing a good job in handling the days. Dan Domenech, exec- to have study groups.” three days between those due dates issue. utive director of the School Su- Carina Scher, a sixth-semester and the first day of finals,” Geissert But there could be lingering perintendents Association, said civil engineering major, said she said.
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