Plans RESORTS. RESORTS. RESORTS. RESORTS. RESORTS. RESORTS Economic Council Lakewood H>§tfhffcter. Wpstchfiter. for Atlantic City Dance for Golfers N«w Jriw).»w Jertrj'. Mr. Herbert Hoover to Re One To Be One of the Soeial Events of the in Connection With Ama¬ Speakers.Arrivals ALAMAC CANADA at Kesort. teur Tournament. Q.UEBEC Mounleuas The most romantic lead to "¦» castle ^ oxv» honeymoons king's Special Despatch to Tub New York Heuai.d. Special Despatch to The New York Herald. of comfort.high on the cliffs of old French Quebec, Atlantic Citt, April 23..Leaders of Lakewood, April 23..The near ap¬ the St. Lawrence. tournament LaltcHopatcon^ overlooking majestic XJT*erica.'& commerce arid finance will proach of the annual golfing which Is begin hero on Monday a council that of the Lakewood Country Club OPENS A trip abroad without the trouble! A glamour of rnedi- bids fair to become historic. Nearly to be played over the new eighteen hole eval times hovers over the quaint city. Its picturesque B.OOO business men from nearly all the course and In which about fifty of the M£f26! past is the charm ofits present.fascinating and delightful. States will assemble to consider ways country's foremost amateurs will par- the attention of the ft. and moans of bettering the economic tlclpate, has centred Briarcliff Manor, N. Y Altitude 1700 Every day of the year the ChateauJiiTmtenac dispenses situation In the United States. Among golfing world on Lakewood. The quali¬ Address a the comfdfts and of Paris,and on Ma* royal hospitality, luxijjaes many other matters that will be dis¬ fying rounds will be played 5_. MACKLATZC9 New York and the perfect service ofa Canadiarf'Pacific cussed and on which resolutions will be On the following days the first match ALAMAC and morn¬ Hotel. Music, dancing, people. based are the tariff, finance, coal, in¬ play rounds will be played In the ATLANTICCITYNJ. always inte^ejt'pjg} surance, shipbuilding, the railroads, ing and the second In the afternoon. Reservations should forestry, labor and the building situa¬ Semi-finals will be played Saturday tion generally. Mr. Herbert Hoover. morning, May 7, with the final round In CANADIAN HOTELS the afternoon. On 4, preceding the RAp'lFlC Secretary of Commerce, will be one of May > Canada, or ?he prominent Federal officials to ad¬ Important tournament. the Shanley V*<^HiVj^Atit*FFfoNJTNACjQuebcc, dress the convention. match for players 55 years of age or 1231 Broadway, NewNei York The Traymore Hotel will be the head¬ over, will be played. quarters of the council, and delegates Incident to the golfing events there OPENS also will be quartered at the Marl- will be social activities both at the borough-Blenhelni. the Brighton, the Country Club and at the hotels. The Dennis, the Ambassador, the Chelsea, golfers' ball which Is to be given at 14 Is ex- iiouse the Chalfnnic, Haddon Hall, the 3t. the Laurel-in-the-Plnes Hotel Saturday, May INew Jrenmsuia Charles, the Seaside, the Alamac, the pccted to be one of the most Interesting "He puts no constraint either upon His Sea Bright, New Jersey. There will guests Breakers, the Royal Palace and the events of the social season. or Himself, Hut in the true spirit of Hospitality, New York's Nearest, New Jersey's Most Delightful Ocean ljesort Strand. be a number of luncheons at the Coun¬ the means of and leaves Club with social leaders of the re- provides enjoyment, Directly on the Ocean Seashore and Country Combined. Among other conventions that will try everyone to to His inclina¬ Fine road* rid and a number of the. partake according a Pleasure.A Sail for motoring have their headquarters at the Tray¬ sort entertaining Sketch 'Book. Commuting Delightful Montreal.where you »illof tion.".Irving's course at thePlace near future are those of cottagers also will celebrate the tourna¬ Private Bathing Beach and Out Door Sports stop Vtger more in the a Canadian Pacific Hotel. the National Confectioners Association, ment week with events of more or less THHIS is the attitude of BRIARCLIFF LODGE NEW YORK BOOKING OFFICE which will be here May 23-28, and the formal nature. Sherman Square Hotel, B'way and 71st St. a towards its Here Steel Barrel Manufacturers Association, The Ocean County Grand Jury gave guests. worth-while people 1! FI.YNN, Manager. Phone Columbus 8400. scheduled for May 25-26. dinner as a testimonial to their leader, gather under delightful social conditions without the The Count Caslmir Fichy of Hungary Arthur R. Smock or Lakewood, at the objectionable environment of hotel life. has the Countess at the Chelsea Laurel House on Monday nigrnt. typical Joined scenes of Ukrwood, X. 4. I uk'-wooil. N. J. Hotel. Lady Gage of Toronto is at the The annual spring dance of the New¬ Diversionsaplentyamid unsurpassedbeauty. Traymore and is accompanied by Miss man School was held this afternoon. Golf, Tennis, Saddle Horses, Walks,Swimming Pool. Gladys Gage, Lady Duveen, wife of Sir The annual sports, gymkhana, of the Joseph Duveen, the art connoisseur, has Olmsted School will take place next RESERVATIONS NOW BEING MADE AT OUR NEW YORK OFFICE: arrived from Now York and is at the Saturday. 402 Madison Avenue.at 47th Street At the Laurel House Gun Club to-day Ambassador. Hill 9<372 Mr. C. J Butler of Detroit, vice-presi¬ the members had house warming, the Telephone Murray dent of the United States Rubber Com¬ occasion being the first of the spring shoots on the new at Locust pany, is at the Ambassador with Mrs. traps V Butler. Senator Davis Elklns of West Farm. More than fifty members from Virginia also is there. Lakewood and other points were on hOTEL RUBENS HOTEL VANDYKE HOTEL REMBRANDT from New York at the hand- It is the first of the events pre- Among others victoria. R. W ftr.uili Kensincton. South Kenslnirton. P \ hotels during the week were: limirtary to the tournament on May 12. fa' Inn Hueklnham Palace. H. W., faring the (iar- faclnf the Victoria Sherwood. 13 and 14. The officers of the club in WESTCHESTER Residence of the Klnj dens of the Natural and Albert Mu- C. Blythe COUNTY aeum. Traymore.Mr. of England. Hidtory Museum. Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Wagner. Mr. charge of the May shoot are: J. Luther Those thr<e«> hotels, under the same niannRement. offer the Mr. and Mrs. Bright, Robert D. Farlec, ^ maximum of luxurious refinement combined with the and Mrs. Louis Smythe, president: and ^ lotels Bestaurants latent hotel at reasonable A. J. secretary. improvements very Mr. and Mrs. Louis vice-president: Murphy, ¦>- George E. Cook. and Archibald J. McCTure. Lakewood.N.J. rates. Tariff on application to Mrs. captain. .Manager. V. De Foe. Mr. Charles Stevenson, A group which hae been enjoying NOW OPEN 'I j*kt*wood'ii Nrwfit and Most llrntitiful llolrl" George Easton. Miss Helen Baker and the golfing here includes Messrs. Oar- A DIRECTORY Miss Adelaide Kenn. roll S. Hawley, Walter X. Batchelder. Thomas I. Van Antwerp, Arthur I.. \\ fc» nm> n:ie < <»i n 1 ^ Summer Booking for HOTEL LORRAINE, Edgemere, L. 1. Maiiborough-Blenheim.Mr. and Mrs. lloTI .'» HI>T,\I RAM Andrews, Pe T.ancy M. Kills and ASSOCIATION Reservation- k-. be pari? a' ".li< Iljtel Sunday" bw a 12 Embury Palmer, who are accompanied Frank S. Harris, all of Albany. pol:itment any tima by :e!«pl»oi>inis Cathedral 7H70. Apartuici:: by Mr. and Mrs. H H. Brady of Scran- Miss Sara R. Compton'of the Laurel Hotel Gramaton. Bronxville Weskora Hotel- Ossining Mrs. House entertained a. small circle of ton, Pa.: Mr. Saniuol McQuaid, £& minutes from <>rand Central, Open All War. l.itkn Bfach, friends at dinner on Wednesday night. tirill.Dully < onccrts.Dancing Special < )ii< U'*n Dinner. C«i >prinu; Luke Benrli. spring; John G. Remey, who arrived with Miss The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mary B. Adams of Washington. D. C,: O. Roe. Mrs. Compton, Mr. and Mrs Croton and Mr. I>. "Tumble-In"- Castle Inn. Ossinins? Louise who is Samuel T. Skidmorc Robert oji Hudson Miss C'.ara Connelly, Farlee. A la Curie. T&hl* d'Hote. Adeline B. Stuart: Furopoan Plan. French Cuisine. Afternoon Ten a Specialty. , LAKE BEACH Miss PR1NG accompanied by I>r. and Mrs. C. O. Files and Miss Music.Dining.Dancing. t 3 W. H. Van Winkle and .are at tfCSfc' Natures League-Ocean .Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Nina Files of Portia.nd, Me., inn town Mr. and Mrs. W Armour Johnston the Lnurel-ln-tlie-Plnes. Mr. and Mm. Farm.-Hartsdalc Florence Tarry Lake and John John J. May-November American Plan. R."».no per day. Country..-^ Isabel who ar¬ J. Chlokorlng, Chlckering, Opens April Chelsea.Mrs Allen, Jr., Miss Margaret Robertson, Mr. and Nick D. Prounis. Manager Proprietor. ookt'd Dinners, S2.00. rived with Mrs. M A. Clements; Mr. Mrs. C. G. Burgess of Boston also have Wliif C. Soofleld, Mr. Robert F. Y. been there. Inn. Carpenter House 1'IatiH Frederic Farragut Hastings < liickrn Dinner* l)r I.u\c Mr. F. Acker and Mrs. At the Laurel House are Mr. and Mrs. on Hudson Two 18 Hole Golf Courses. Piorce. George Arthur P. Baugli. the Misses Polly and Kaufman Brothers, Proprietor*. Sunday am] Evening*, 81.00. Superior Edward who arrived with Miss >tinda> Dinners, $2. Bathing and Tennis Olui> witll JiioO.OOO Cluhh'nise. leu Courts Spencer, Xlna. Baugli of Philadelphia, Mrs. Rob- 1>nnring.Dancing. Farm Hotel- La Josephine McClellan. ert H. Thompson, Dr. Joseph Collins, Gedney Largest Private Swimming I'ool on the Cu:t>t.
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