ANNUAL REPORT 2018 1 2 ABOUT BINCKBANK 3 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 This document is a translation of the Dutch original and is provided as a courtesy only. In the event of any disparity, the Dutch version shall prevail. No rights may be derived from the translated document. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS BinckBank at a glance 8 Key figures 9 ABOUT BINCKBANK Chairman’s message 11 Who we are 13 What we do 15 Customer value and dialogue 16 Notable events 18 Information for the shareholder 19 Reserve and dividend policy 21 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Developments in 2018 23 Notes to the consolidated result for 2018 27 Earnings model 29 BinckBank’s operational structure 32 Strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT-analysis) 34 Prospects and objectives 38 Human resources 39 Corporate social responsilibility 42 Tax policy 46 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Corporate governance 51 Decree implementing article 10 of the takeover directive 57 RISK MANAGEMENT Risk management 59 MANAGEMENT STATEMENT In control statement 71 REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD Message from the chairman of the Supervisory Board 73 Duties of the Supervisory Board 74 Composition of the Supervisory Board 75 Meetings of the Supervisory Board and subcommittees 76 Summary of BinckBank’s remuneration report for the 2018 financial year 81 Financial statement and dividend 86 PERSONAL DETAILS OF THE BOARD MEMBERS 87 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2018 91 7 ABOUT BINCKBANK BINCKBANK AT A GLANCE IncoeIncoeIncoe fo fo fo oeational oeational oeational actiitie actiitie actiitie IeltIeltIelt e e e ae ae ae DiienDiienDiien e e e ae ae ae Incoe fo oeational actiitie FINANCIALIncoeIelt fo oeationale ae actiitie IncoeDiien foIelt oeational e ae e ae actiitie IeltDiien ee aeae Diien e ae 200200200 IncoeIncoe fo fo oeational oeational actiitie actiitie 0.600.600.60 IeltIelt e e ae ae 0.500.500.50 DiienDiien e e ae ae 200 0.60 200 IncoeIncoeIncoe fofo fo oeationaloeational oeational actiitieactiitie actiitie 0.50 2000.60 IeltIeltIelt ee e aeae ae 0.600.50 DiienDiien e e ae ae 0.50 0.500.500.50 0.400.400.40 150150200150200 IncoeIncoeIncoe fofo fo oeationaloeational oeational actiitieactiitie actiitie 0.600.60 IeltIeltIelt ee e aeae ae 0.500.50 DiienDiien e 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