MONDAY, APRIL 4,1986 PAG! TWENTY IffraKi Average Daily Net Press Rim The Weather " ^ of file Week Ended " Fair, oool tonight low 6an» he choir will aing “ O Sacred April 2, IMS The KKvadis Club of Man­ 80; partly wmiiy Mrs. PhHlp Sumner of 7» Liquor Stolen Head Now Wounded,” and “Be­ The F m w b Night committee chester win meet tomorrow noon IFLETCHER BLASS CO. o f m a n c h e s h s b j kigta about 60. Princeton St. and Mrs. CSiarlea hold, the Saviour o f Man^ « t CompbeU Council, K o< C, at Oanrey’s Restaurant. 14,635 . S. House of Westland St. plan ¥ About Town will meet tonight at # after a In Store Break kind." The Rev. Gordon S. to attend the annual Wellertey M in J«cqu*Bii® Gribbon o< regirisr meeting of the coun>- Bates, pastor, wlH preach the Manchester— A City of ViUage Charni CoUege Alumnae Council meet­ Seaman Patrick J. CoHins of **When You Think o f Glass 6CM5ZI 4M A St., a senior at West­ cU at the K of C home. Fcmr quarts of whiskey val­ Communion message. PRICE SEVEN CENTS ing at WeUesley, Mass., April the UB. Navy, son of Mr. and (daasifled Advartlaing ek Page 16), brook Junior OoUege in Port^ ued at 824 were taken from Eastminster Fellowahlp la Think of rietchei^* [(EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1966 13 through 15. Mrs. Robert F. ColUna of 122 Vlchi's Package Store at 20 ' VOL. LXXXV, NO. 157 Maine, is In Bermuda tbis Tiis executive hoard o< Buck- being organized by the Presby­ Oakland St., is servii« aboard Bisaell St. about 3:30 Sunday tery of the Connecticut VaUey Her addreas in Saturday’a ley S d W PTA will meet to­ Regina D’ltaBa Society will the fleet oiler ireS Salamonie, monttng after the atore’s i^ate to serve Manchester, Esist Hart­ 54 McKEE STREET Ifarald was incorrecUy ksted as night at « in the staff room at meet tonight at 7:80 at the Ital- a service unit of the Sixth glass window was smashed, ac­ ford and Glastonbury. When or­ Main Bt. the school. ien American Club on Kldridge Fleet, In the MedIterraHean. cording to police. ganized, it wiU be the fourth Tha Women’s Society of Ctoris- St. A nearby resident heard the United Presbyterian Church in TUB ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS Story Hours for four- and The Fellowcraft Club o f Man­ ttan Service of North Methodist noise o f the window being brok­ the Hartford area. It now meets from $25.00 to $45.00______ five-year-olds will he held tOf chester Lodge of Masons wiU C o m p ro m is e Caiurch will meet tonight at 8 A standard first aid eouraa en and informed the store own­ each Sunday at 10 a_m. in the morrow a t 9:46 a.m. in the Jun­ class, sponsored by the Ameri­ meet tonight at 7:80 et the Ma­ er, police say. George E. Slye School for Wor­ at ths church. The theme of the ior and heading Rooms at I Now la tha ttme to bring in your acreeM to be repaired. meetir« Is “ Eaderly CUttens.” can Red Cross,,, has been can­ sonic Temple. There will be a ship and Church School. Mary Cheney Library. Mrs. Storm window glass replaced. Members of Tyler Circle will celed for Friday night because Ught buffet and eociaJ time aft­ Those wishing further infor­ Lawrence Decker and Mrs. o t Holy Week. er the meeting. mation may contact the Rev. •V jnvsent a program daaUng with Pierre Marteney, both members Supper Slat€id decisions faced by tbe elderly. Mr. Bates at 127 Madison S t, AUTO BLASS INSTALLED of Junior Century Club, will be Members of the Jessie Sweet Manchester WATE8 wlU have The YFW will meet and no­ By Fellowship Esist Hartford. the readers. Miss Anna French an Easter Hat Parade tomorrow minate officers tomorrow at 8 O rd e win serve as hoateeaas. Mrs. Chester Kosak, Hbrar- GUSS FURNITURE TOPS Of Vietnamese Civil War at its meeting at the ItaJlan pin. at the post home. Eastminster United Presby­ SMOG ALERT EARLY ians, will present a program for American Club on Eldridge St. LOS ANGE5LES (AP) — Los Scaadla Lodge, Order of adults on, “Cook Books and terian FeUowshlp will observe Weighing-in will be from 7 to 8 Two fUms, "Lament” and Maundy Thursday with a cover­ Ang;eles recorded the earliest MIRRORS (Firaplac* Vasa, has rescheduled its Table Settings," at the same p.m. Mrs. William Krar will be "Pitcairn People,” will be shown ed dish supper at 6:15 p.m.„and smog alert on record Wednes­ W e d n e s d a y meeting for time in another section of the tomorrow night at the Mental PIUTURE FRANING (all types) Wednesday, April 18 at 8:16 mistress of ceremonies. Prizes Holy. Communion at 7:45 p.m. day. State Neiws Buddhist Bid library. will be awarded for the pret­ Aid Fellowship Center. Thurs­ It was the 66th smog alert p.m. in Orange HaU. at the George E. Slye School, tiest, funniest end most o r i^ a l day will be an open night. Pro­ Kingston Dr. off Oak St., Elast since the system went into ef­ WINDOW and PLATE GLASS Mystic Review, North Amer­ grams of arts and crafts, fol­ For Assembly G The library »toff of Buckley hate. Hartford. Both events are open fect in the summer of 1955. The Officer Shot ican Benefit Association, will 1 lowed by dinner, will be fea­ alert is made when the irritant School wiH meet tomorrow at meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at to the public. Manchester Chapter of 8PEB- tured in the afternoons o f the As part of a Worship Seridce, level goes pMt a certain mark. S;80 a.m, in the sclxxd library. Odd Fellows HaU. Members are Ups Tension SQSA wlU have a special meet­ same days, starting at 1:30 p.m. By Own Gun reminded to bring articles for a ing tonight at 8 at Center Con­ The group ia open to those who bingo after the meeting. Re­ SAIGON, South Viet gregational Church in prepara­ have been or are undergoing freshments wiU be serv^. In Accident Nam (A P )— A compromise tion for its annual show. treatment for mental or emo­ tional illneeses. Those wishing appeared tonight to lift the Girl Sdout Troop 690 will STRATFORD (AP)—A Bridge­ LECLERC Manchester Lodge of Masons information may call the Capi­ port policeman who said he was threat of civil war withia sponsor a Rummage Sale to­ tol Region Mental Health As­ the Vietnamese armed- FUNERAL HOME morrow and Wisdnesday from wiU meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. shot accidentally was reported at the Masonic Temple. H ie en­ sociation, Ihc. 2>17 Faniilngton The (hiest neat you'll ever eat s..Its money-back fluarantceJ! in. “ fairly good’’ condition at forces at Da Nang. But a 9:80 to T1 a.m. at 775 Main St., Ave., Hartford. Buddhist demand for es­ IFUNERAL the foroier Morton’a Shoe store. tered apprentice degree wlU be Bridgeport Hospital today. conferred. WlHlam A. Reichert, JAM .T WEEK SKeiJU.1 The policeman, Lafayette tablishment of a National Junior warden, will preside. Manchester Grange will meet White, 29, of Manila Place, SERVICE Seaman Recruit Peter Boehm Assembly within three Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Orange Bridgeport, was wounded Mon­ w Al t b r n . of the. U. S. Navy, son of Mr. months maintained political Willing Workers Circle of Hall. Members of a youth com­ day night while visiting the LEsOIaEsRiO and Mrs. William Boehm of 577 mittee are In charge o t pro­ home of Mrs. Crlstlne Veney, 25, tension. Director Adams St., is undergoing seven South Methodist Church has Riot police fired tear gas and gram. Members sre reminded of 2310 Bamum Ave., police weeks of basic training at the postponed Its meeting scheduled broke up a crowd of about 700, 23 Main Street, Mancheater to bring articles for an auction said. Naval Training Center, Great for Wednesday, until Wednes­ including a lot of street urchins, table. Assistant Chief of Police Ray­ . Call 649-5869 day, April 1*. who marched again in Saigon in Lakes, Bl. mond Chaffee of Stratford quot­ ed White as saying that he had violation of a curfew. hM sTewe'tiwM Qnlily shown his .38 caliber revolver Premier Nguyen Cao Ky flevr back to Uie capital after day­ M l Ciwice Heavy to his brother, Spencer, earlier in the evening. long talks at the sealed-off Da Western Steer lb After his brother left, White Nang airbase with MaJ. Gen. ‘ Beef— and every told police, he asked Mrs. Veney Nguyen Van Chuan intended to cut I our to replace the revolver in its avert bloodshed between loyal Just RRe holster, which was hanging from and dissident troops. Chuan com­ THAI® that the wall. (AP Phototax) mands the 1st Corps area, the gives you WMte torfd police that as the birthplace of current opposition woman was replacing the weap­ to Ky’s military regime. oven Uninvited Visitor Wrecks Ohio House Ek-HALE on It accidentally discharged. A Chuan told newsmen there of value! bullet struck him in the thigh. Bedtime at the Lucena home in Youngstown, Ohio, got hectic last night when arrangements to ease the'crisis. Main Jitzwet, Manchester Mrs. Veney was also taken to this tractor-trailer rig, cai-rying 50,000 pounds of steel and without brakes, Among other things, he said, he the hospital, where she \Vas un­ crashed into the house.
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