Post free— Ireland & Abroad. 8/- per annum. 4/- 6 months. 2/- 3 months. Write:-Editor, Depot, The Buffs, Canterbury Telephone: 513. JUCteb 'gtecjimenfs. 'gftifCes of <§fccmada. ^artcoitser ^legimeitf. 3r6 ^JctffaCiott (3$errtn>a gnfcmfri?) $iit&tx<xZian s>$UCttctri? fo rc e s. No, 380. July, 1931. Price Sixpence. Personalia. TUTAJOR-GENERAL Sir Arthur Lynden-Bell, The Dragon Club Dinner held at the United 1V1 Colonel of the Regiment, visited the Services Club on Tuesday, June 16th may, 4th Battalion in camp at Worthing on June we think, be described as a great success. 5th ; the report of the visit will be found on The number attending (59) was something page 233. Sir Arthur was also present during of a record. the month at the reception of the Branches of the Association by the 2nd Battalion at The Executive of " The Senior ” is to be Shorncliffe on the 7th ; the Installation of the congratulated on the arrangements, and all Dean of Canterbury on the 12th ; the Dragon present, we feel sure, much appreciated the Dinner Club on the 16th ; the London Branch consideration shewn to non-members of the meeting on the 20th; and the Wrotham Club in making them Honorary Members, not Picnic on the 28th. only for the evening, but for the following day also. Major-General Sir Guy Bainbridge and Before dinner Brigadier-General McDouall, Captain the Hon. George St. V. Harris were on behalf of the dining members, presented present at the 25th Division Dinner at the to the Colonel of the Regiment a picture Trocadero on June 5th. of an officer of The Buffs in 1792. As he had no opportunity of doing so at the dinner, the Colonel asks us to convey to the dining Colonel I,. Howard Smith was present members his deep gratitude for this very at the Burma Dinner at the Connaught Rooms charming gift. on June 4th. Messages of good wishes and regrets at absence were received from the 1st Battalion ; Major Campbell Johnston has presented to Brigadier-General R. A. Hickson ; Colonels the Museum a most interesting “ Historical Sir Courtenay Vyvyan, Dyne and Sparrow ; Record of The Buffs from 1834 to 1864.” Major Whitaker ; Captains Baird and Keble. “ Printed for Regimental use only and not published.” The following were present:— Major-Generals Sir A. Lynden-Bell, K.C.B., Mr. W. C. N. Chapman, of Heppington, K.C.M.G. (in the Chair), Sir E. G. T. Bainbridge, near Canterbury, has sent a cheque for one K.C.B., J. Kennedy, C.M.G., D.S.O. ; Brigadier- hundred guineas to the Association funds. General R. McDouall, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., It is unnecessary to refer in these pages to all D.S.O. ; Colonels H. Findlay, C.B.E., W. H. Mr. Chapman and the late Mrs. Chapman Trevor, D.S.O. ; Lieut.-Colonels J. Crookenden, have done for the Regiment in the past, and D.S.O., R. S. I. Friend, D.S.O., L. C. E. it is impossible to express adequately in writing Knight, D.S.O., Guy Lee, D.S.O., M.C., L. W. our thanks for this more than generous gift. Lucas, D.S.O., M.C., R. Groves Raines, D.S.O., 224 TH £ DRAGON L. Howard Smith, R. E. Power, D.S.O. ; An account of the great gathering of Buffs, Brevet-I,ieut.-Colonels R. Bright, Hon. P. G. Past and Present, at Shorncliffe on June 7th Scarlett, M.C., A. B. Thomson, M.B.E.; appears on page 247. It is thought that possibly Majors J. F. Whitacre Allen, M.C., H. L. the 800 guests may not be aware of the fact Archer-Houblon, W. H. Booth, D.S.O., O.B.E., that every officer, N.C.O. and man of the R. P. S. Elderton, C. S. Field, O.B.E., C. H. 2nd Battalion paid their share towards the Gregory-Hood, G. F. Hamilton, M.C., H. de R. entertainment. Morgan, D.S.O., H. C. T. Stronge, A. H. In addition to the great hospitality shewn, Tylden-Pattenson, D.S.O. ; Captains B. E. the Benevolent Fund benefitted to the extent Hammond-Davies, M.C., E. Foster Hall, M.C., of £6 2s. Od. from the offertory at the Church P. Green, C. R. B. Knight, H. C. Morley, Parade. T. N. Penlington, R. B. Sandilands, M.C., The following is an extract from 2nd R. M. Watson, R. W. M. Webster, J. R. Willows, Battalion Orders dated June 9th — C. E. Wilson, M.B.E., C. J. Wood; Lieuts. Visit of All Branches Past and Present E. A. Airy, E. P. C. Bruce, D. C. Coates, J. F. Association. Connolly, F. G. Crozier, C. Haggard, H. C. F. Harwood, C. T. Kenward, J. E. King, P. T. G. " The Commanding Officer has received a Lynden-Bell, K. M. C. Mallam, J. G. Nicholson, letter of congratulation from the Colonel of A. J. D. Rose, H. de L,. Walters ; C. E. Reay, the Regiment, of which the following is an Esq. extract:— ‘ I wish, on behalf of the Regiment and Guests of the evening: His Excellency myself, to express our deep gratitude for the the Danish Minister; Colonel Sir Theodore great work you and the 2nd Battalion have Brinckman, Bart., C.B. ; Colonel J. Body, done to-day—a day which will never be for­ D. S.O., O.B.E., T.D. ; Lieut.-Colonel B. S. gotten in the annals of the Regiment.’ ” Collard, T .D .; Brevet-Colonel E. B. Burns, T.D. We also congratulate the 2nd Battalion most The following letter has been received heartily on the highly successful, part they took by the Colonel of the Regiment from the in the Kent County Fair at Mote Park, Maid­ Danish Minister :— stone on June 6th. By general admission 29 Pont Street, the performance of our men was the star turn S.W. of the Fair. This performance was repeated June 17th, 1931. at the re-union of all Branches at Shorncliffe My dear General, on the following day ; an account of it will be found on another page. It is sufficient, I must send you a little word to thanktherefore, to say that the Drums excelled you for the delightful party last night. It themselves and that C.S.M. Emery and his was very interesting to meet so many officers Blenheim Buffs came in for tremendous from The Buffs, whose acquaintance I have applause. The Drumming-out scene was most already previously had the honour of making. effective, thanks in a large measure to the I shall not fail to report about the dinner splendid acting of Pte. Woods, who played to His Majesty, and with many kind regards the part of the unfortunate man who was and repeated thanks I remain. drummed-out; and to end up with, the demonstration of how a Buff leaves the Regi­ Yours sincerely, ment in 1931, though it produced some amuse­ T. AHI,EFEI,DT IyAURVIG. ment, clearly made a deep impression. Among other Buffs we noticed at the Fair Colonel H. Findlay, Hon. Secretary of the were Major-General Sir Arthur, Lady and Dinner Club, has received a congratulatory Miss Lynden-Bell, Colonel and Mrs. Crookenden, letter from the Colonel of the Regiment, on the Mr. and Mrs. Haggard, Mr. R. F. Parry, Mr. arrangements. Nicholson and Major and Mrs. Kelham. In connexion with the cricket match between We regret that the reproduction of the the Army and Oxford University at Folkestone, photograph of the Dragon Club Dinner is the 2nd Battalion entertained both teams not very good. The original is much better. at dinner on June 22nd. The officers were Copies (price 4/6) can be obtained from Messrs. also " At Home ” during the Folkestone Wallace Heaton, Ltd., 119 New Bond Street, Cricket Week, on Wednesday, June 24th who very kindly sanctioned its reproduction (Kent v. Warwickshire) and Saturday, June in The Dragon. 27th (Kent v. Yorkshire). THB DRAGON '225 Mr. -J.- Bruce of Goudhurst, who has We understand that Lieut. J. G. Atkinson worked so hard endeavouring to obtain for is to join the 1st Battalion early next trooping the Regiment the Latham Medal, has informed season. the Colonel with regret that his efforts have ---25----- ’ been unsuccessful. We hear that Messrs. Bruce and Foster are exchanging battalions and that Mr. H. P. We all owe Mr. Druce a hearty vote of thanks Williams is going in September for a short for all the trouble he has taken. tour with The King’s African Rifles. We are indebted to Lieut.-Colonel Guy Dee There was a very cheery gathering of for his article “ Big Game Fishing in Jamaica, Buffs in connection with the wedding of and to the Editor of The Fishing Gazette for Miss Julia Helen Williamson and Mr. Geoffrey allowing us to reproduce and the loan of the Friend on June 17th: Besides Colonel and block. Mrs. Lucas, we noticed, among other Buffs, the following :—Major-General Sir Arthur, Lady and Miss Lynden-Bell, Colonel and Mrs. Guy Captain C. R. B. Knight left for India on Lee, Colonel and Mrs. Power, Colonel and June 25th. Mrs. Howard Smith, Colonel and Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Crookenden, Major George Hamilton, Captain Wood, Mr. Rose, Captain and Mrs. Hearty congratulations to Captain A. W. Willows, Messrs. Coates, Nicholson and Lynden- Andrews on his promotion. Bell, Colonel and Mrs. Friend, Captain and Mrs. Reggie Watson, Captain Sandilands and Mr. “ Jimmie ” Crozier. We are glad to notice that Captain W.
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