CITY OF ORILLIA Regular Council Meeting Monday, September 18, 2017 - 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Orillia City Centre A G E N D A Infrared hearing aids are available on the east wall at the back of the Council Chamber. Page Call to Order O Canada Moment of Silence Approval of Agenda Disclosure of Interest Presentation Deputations 7 - 78 1. Fred Larsen, Chair, Catherine Allman, Director and Michael Martyn, General Manager, Huronia Cultural Campus Foundation will be present to provide its Business Plan to Council. File: D00-HCC Minutes - August 24, 2017 Regular Council Meeting Correspondence 79 - 80 1. Association of Municipalities of Ontario - re Municipal Labour Relations Symposium, September 22, 2017. File: A04-GEN Reports 81 - 82 1. Report Number 2017-17 of Council Committee. 1. THAT confidential Report ED-17-23 dated September 1, 2017 from the Economic Development Department regarding an update with respect to the disposal of the property located at 2 Hunter Valley Road be received as information. Page 1 of 111 Page 2. THAT as recommended in Report FAC-FM-2017-06 dated August 31, 2017 from the Facilities and Special Projects Department, an expenditure of $35,000 be approved for parking lot repairs at the Metro Store located at 70 Front Street North; AND THAT the funding be appropriated from the Land Acquisition Reserve. 3. THAT as recommended in Report TREAS-2017-G07 dated August 25, 2017 from the Treasury and Facilities and Special Projects Departments, the City’s participation in the Ontario Educational Collaborative Marketplace (OECM) Contract for the purchase of end-user computing devices and services be approved for the initial contract period of four years and eight months (Fall 2021); AND THAT the tender process be waived as OECM has undergone the competitive process on behalf of the broader public sector. 4. THAT as recommended in Report FAC-IT-2017-03 dated August 30, 2017 from the Facilities and Special Projects Department, On The Air Networks be contracted for the installation of a Communications Tower at the Wastewater Treatment Centre and the relocation of radio equipment from the existing tower to the new tower for the quoted sum of $23,745 plus HST; AND THAT pursuant to Chapter 261 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Purchasing, the project be directly awarded to On The Air Networks in order to meet the warranty obligations of the existing radio originally installed by the vendor; AND THAT the budget for this project be increased by $6,200 for a total budget of $24,200 with additional funding being allocated from the Water and Wastewater Reserve Fund. 5. THAT as recommended in Report MHC-17-01 dated June 29, 2017 from the Municipal Heritage Committee, the property located at 16 West Street South (formerly Geneva Theatre) be added to the City of Orillia's Heritage Register on the List of Undesignated Properties of Cultural Value or Interest. 6. THAT Report HR-6 dated August 29, 2017 from the Human Resources Department and Chief Administrative Office regarding a historical analysis of municipal wages and benefits be received as information. 7. THAT as recommended in Report PRCD-09-2017 dated September 5, 2017 from the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department, Play Power LT Canada, Inc. be awarded the contract for the installation of play apparatus at Maple Leaf Park for the sum of $29,967.13 plus H.S.T. 8. THAT as recommended in Report PRCD-08-2017 dated Page 2 of 111 Page September 5, 2017 from the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department, Bradanick Construction Services Inc. be awarded the contract for the design and construction of a new washroom facility to replace the Jerry Udell Fieldhouse in J.B. Tudhope Memorial Park for the sum of $1,577,727 plus H.S.T.; AND THAT the budget for the project be increased by $53,000 for a total budget of $1,673,000; AND THAT the additional funding be allocated from the Park Development Reserve. THAT Report Number 2017-17 of Council Committee, now before Council, be adopted. Motions Enquiry Motions Notice of Motion Deputation Motions Consent Agenda 83 - 84 1. Rural Ontario Municipal Association - re 2018 ROMA Conference, January 21 - 23, 2018. File: A04-GEN Recommendation: Receive as information. 85 - 86 2. The Great Trail - re 2016-2017 Annual Report - The Making of the Great Trail. File: R05-TRL Recommendation: Receive as information. 87 - 88 3. Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit - re Review of Official Plan. File: S08-SMD Recommendation: Receive as information. Copy to Development Services and Engineering Department. 89 4. Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit - re 2016-2017 Annual Report. FIle: S08- SMD Recommendation: Receive as information. Page 3 of 111 Page 91 5. Georgian College - re Appointment to the Town and Gown Committee. File: C13-APP Recommendation: That the following resolution be passed: "THAT, further to the letter dated September 6, 2017 from Georgian College, the student representative from the Orillia Campus, Dana Basdeo, be replaced with Scott Mason on the Town and Gown Committee for a term expiring November 30, 2020.” 93 - 101 6. Orillia Museum of Art and History - re 2nd Quarterly Report for 2017. File: A01- OMAH Recommendation: Receive as information. Copy to Treasury Department. 103 7. Downtown Orillia Management Board - re Requesting the establishment of a Working Group to discuss downtown sidewalks and streetscapes. File: C12-DMB Recommendation: Refer to Council Committee. Request report from Development Services and Engineering and Environmental Services and Operations Departments. 105 8. Downtown Orillia Management Board - re Requesting zoning restrictions for medical marijuana dispensaries. File: C12-DMB Recommendation: Refer to Council Committee. Request report from Development Services and Engineering Department. 107 9. Virginia Mark - re Request to reduce speed limit on Gill Street due to school and Fire Station. File: T04-GEN Recommendation: Refer to Council Committee. Request report from Development Services and Engineering Department. 109 - 111 10. Orillia Food Council - re Requesting funds associated with the cost of creating the Sustainable Food Action Plan (SFAP) for Orillia. File: F05-18 Recommendation: Refer to 2018 Budget Committee. By-laws 2017-95 A By-law to amend Chapter 170 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Page 4 of 111 Page Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer. This by-law repeals the appointment of Amanda Grant and appoints Andrew Davis and Madalyn Abreu of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA) in accordance with the Police Services Act. 2017-96 A By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on September 18, 2017. Announcements Open Public Forum Adjournment Page 5 of 111 Page 6 of 111 RECEIVED CITY OF ORILLIA DEPUTATION REQUEST FORM AUG 0 31017 ~~-~Meeting Date Requested: S~-~~ '~~ ~~7 *Attachment: Deputation Procedures (Excerpt from Chapter 22- Council Procedure By-law) All presentation materials must be submitted to the Clerk's Office by 12:00 Noon on the Wednesday prior to the requested meeting date. PERSON REQUESTING DEPUTA~No \;:'& ~~ CONTACT DETAILS: Email: Phone (B):~ Phone ( Phone ( DETAILS OF DEPUTATION: Please print clearly. Attach extra pages if necessary. Will you be providing a powerpoint presentation? Have discussions or correspondence taken place with a member of Council or Department Head and if so, with w~ and when?('\ \, c) ~ t-~ ~ <:): ~ '\t..-e_ __ . -~...AA.. s..£ . "-.A-. ' \ ... ' Are you speaking: a) o on your own behalf; or b) r(on behalf of a group/organization Names and Signatures of Individuals Participating in Depu a n (maximum of 3 speakers): Name:~ Signatu~: :s\A.&2~JQ~~~- -··w·.;= Name:~~~ignature: Date:-=~ Name: ,.-\-\il~ Signature: Date: _____ Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended. The information is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public pursuant to Section 27 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk's Office, Corporation of the City of Orillia, 50 Andrew Street South, Suite 300, Oril/ia, ON L3V 7T5 OFFICE USE ONLY: I ' . APPROVED ON: August Q I aon scHEDULED FoR: Se.pternb-3t jg, QO\] Page 7 of 111 September 13, 2017 Mayor Clarke and Council City of Orillia 50 Andrew Street South, Suite 300 Orillia ON L3V 7T5 Dear Mayor Clarke and Council: Thank you for the opportunity to appear before Council on Monday, September 18. We look forward to updating you in regard to: - our progress over the past several months and our plans going forward; - our Business Plan outlining our strategies as we go toward realization of our project for the Huronia Regional Centre surplus properties; - answering any questions (to the best of our ability) you may want to direct to our representatives at this Council meeting. The Huronia Cultural Campus Board will be represented at this deputation by me, Fred Larsen, Board Chair; Catherine Allman, one of our Toronto-based Directors; and Michael Martyn, General Manager, HCC. This deputation, as well as being an update for Council, will share with Council members our Business Plan, as requested. While this plan cannot be finalized until several of the current unknown variables are clarified by the province’s actions in response to the consultation, we are confident that it demonstrates our determination and readiness to proceed with the next steps toward the procurement of the provincial land on the HRC site—steps we will outline during the deputation. It is also our hope—and expectation—that this presentation will lead to Council’s matching their 2015 and 2016 annual financial support for HCC in 2017.
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