S450 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 23, 2001 D.C. He began work in the Senate in and, under legislation passed by the doned, because up there rail transpor- 1982 after working in the White House last Congress it is now his prerogative tation is very important in moving our mail room. During his career in the to determine how U.S. international crops to market. Senate post office Gerard was recog- family planning assistance will be So she took it on. It was one of those nized for his perfect attendance record, used. unselfish things people do, leaders do. as well as numerous other performance But I would ask him, and his advi- And you find out that in these small awards. Many of our Senate staff will sors, to think long and hard about this places, in some of these remote places, remember Gerard as he traveled the decision, about how this decision we have great minds and great leader- corridors of Congress delivering the squares with ‘‘humble’’ U.S. leadership ship. mail with diligence and pride. He will of the international community and She and others formed an organiza- be sorely missed not only by his mail our commitment to help those around tion called ABLE, the Association for room colleagues but by all of the Sen- the world who need and want our help Branch Line Equity, which became a ate family. On behalf of the Senate I and assistance. model in this country for opposing thank Gerard for his service and dedi- I would ask the women of America, abandonments of railway lines in agri- cation and express our condolences to as they consider their own reproduc- cultural country. his family. tive rights, to consider the aim and in- She was also a shining star in the po- f tent of a policy in which the reproduc- litical arena. She was passionate and tive rights of American women are ap- articulate. In fact, she received inter- BUSH ADMINISTRATION DECISION proached one way, and those of women national recognition when she was ON INTERNATIONAL FAMILY in the developing world another. elected to the office of Sheridan Coun- PLANNING And I would ask my colleagues on ty Assessor. She ran on a campaign slo- Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I both sides of the aisle who feel as gan of ‘‘If elected, I will resign’’ in an rise today to express my disappoint- strongly about this issue as I do to con- effort to save taxpayers the cost of ment that President Bush chose yester- sider what legislative remedies and op- paying for a county officer after the of- day to announce that as his first major tions we may have available to address fice was left on the ballot even though policy action since becoming President this decision. all duties had been absorbed by the he is reinstating the ‘‘global gag rule’’ Mr. President, it had been my sincere State of Montana. She was elected and restricting United States assistance to hope that under President Bush inter- she resigned, and the office went with international family planning organi- national family planning would have her. zations. been an issue that Republicans and Mary was a great vocal advocate for There have been few issues in recent Democrats, the Administration and agriculture. That is what she will be years that have been more debated, Congress, could have worked on to- remembered as. She was politically in- with people of good intention on both gether, in a bipartisan fashion. formed and active. She was a mentor to sides of the issue, and I am dismayed It is with no small amount of regret all who knew her. She was one of those that the President has opted to start that I say that that no longer appears rare people who, as an activist, fought his Administration with such a divisive to be the case. with grace and dignity for what she action. f really believed in. The world now has more than 6 bil- It is with great sadness that we see lion people. The United Nations esti- TRIBUTE TO MARY NIELSEN her slip into history. Our prayers go mates this figure could be 12 billion by Mr. BURNS. Mr. President, I rise out to her and her husband Ove and, of the year 2050. Almost all of this growth today in tribute to the memory of a course, their family. She was a great will occur in the places least able to lady who lived in northeastern Mon- lady, with grace, who represented a bear up under the pressures of massive tana who just passed away. She was a great, great industry. population increases. The brunt of this reliable adviser to me and a wonderful Mr. President, I yield the floor. decision will be felt not in the United person, although not being born of the f States but in developing countries land or even in that part of the coun- NOMINATIONS lacking the resources needed to provide try. She was a native of England and basic health or education services. had moved to northeastern Montana NOMINATION OF SPENCER ABRAHAM If women are to be able to better many years ago. Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I’m their own lives and the lives of their Mary Nielsen was one of those unique very pleased to have strongly sup- families, they must have access to the persons, living in a very remote end of ported the nomination of Senator educational and medical resources this country, the northeastern corner Spencer Abraham as Secretary of the needed to control their reproductive of Montana, isolated and 150 miles from Department of Energy. destinies and their health. the nearest major airport—which is not As all my colleagues are well aware, In fact, international family plan- really major. And for those of us who Senator Abraham has a distinguished ning programs reduce poverty, improve enjoy pasta—affordable pasta, that is, record of leadership here in the Senate. health and raise living standards nowadays—the main crop in that part He has demonstrated his initiative and around the world; they enhance the of the world is durum wheat. willingness to pursue complex issues on ability of couples and individuals to de- She served in a group called WIFE, countless occasions during his years of termine the number and spacing of Women Involved In Farm Economics. service in this body. their children. She took those responsibilities very se- Senator Abraham and I served to- Under the leadership of both Demo- riously and, of course, with great pur- gether on the Senate Budget Com- cratic and Republican Presidents, and pose. She became a valuable resource mittee, and I came to appreciate his in- under Congresses controlled by Demo- to me and my staff on transportation sightful approach to the challenging crats and Republicans alike, the United issues. tasks we faced in crafting the nation’s States has established a long and dis- When I first met her, I was a farm budget. Through his work on the Budg- tinguished record of world leadership broadcaster. My programs were aired et Committee, Senator Abraham de- on international family planning and on the radio station in Plentywood, serves a share of the credit for the won- reproductive health issues. MT. This was at a time when the big derful progress towards balancing the Unfortunately, in recent years these railroads were in the business of aban- federal budgets. programs have come under increasing donments, wanting to close the spur From his public service in the State partisan attack by the anti-choice lines that were not very profitable to of Michigan, Senator Abraham has an wing of the Republican party—despite the big railroads. And that was the in-depth understanding of the issues the fact that no U.S. international case on the Opheim spur up in that facing manufacturers and consumers, family planning funds are spent on part of the country that was originally including their dependence on reliable, international abortion. a part of the Great Northern Railway. clean energy sources. He appreciates I do not expect President Bush to We fought hard on that issue because the immense role of the transportation change his mind. He is the President, we did not want to see that line aban- sector in influencing significant parts VerDate 23-JAN-2001 01:48 Jan 24, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JA6.004 pfrm02 PsN: S23PT1 January 23, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S451 of our energy policy. He has been one nomic strength. In recent years, Con- It is with this in mind that I am so of the Senate’s most knowledgeable gress has started to increase funding in pleased the nomination of Dr. Rod members on subjects related to high- key areas of science and technology. Paige is before us to be the next Sec- technology policies and the contribu- The Secretary of the Department of retary of Education. Dr. Paige is not a tions that this important sector makes Energy must organize his scientific Washington bureaucrat, rather he is an to America’s economy and global suc- programs to maximize their outputs accomplished educator and adminis- cess. and their contributions to our sci- trator who has actually served in the While Senator Abraham has ex- entific understanding and economic se- education trenches. pressed concerns about the role of the curity. Dr. Paige’s recent tenure as the Su- Department of Energy in the past, I’m His past experiences have prepared perintendent of the Houston Inde- pleased to note that he carefully ad- him very well for these fresh chal- pendent School District provides him dressed his current views in his state- lenges.
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