BECKERMET WITH THORNHILL PARISH COUNCIL Clerk Low Lonnin Cottage Mrs P Kirby Gosforth 019467 25555 Cumbria e-mail - [email protected] CA20 1ER MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 27 TH JUNE 2012 AT THORNHILL SOCIAL CLUB 1 Present: E Matthews (Chair), C Boothroyd, J Oliver, A Rishworth, P Manning, S Caddy, S Meteer, J Powe (acting secretary), C Winrow, K Cook. Apology: P Kirby Absent: J Mackay 2. Sam Meteer declared a personal and prejudicial interest, for payment to be made to him, in item 5 (Accounts) on the agenda. 3. The Chairman was authorised to sign the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record. 4. Public Participation - no members of the public present. 5. Accounts (1) Sam Meteer left the meeting for the appropriate part of this agenda item. (2) It was resolved that the following payments be made: Clerk - salary £255.00 travel £15.00 internet £8.00 expenses £76.65 £353.65 (Noting that ‘expenses’ includes £60 to C Winrow for flower tubs) Cost of work carried out - reimbursed to S Meteer £43.32 Thornhill Social Club - rent £20.00 Insurance £703.03 Egremont Today - advert £22.00 Npower – electricity for Thornhill FC £6.09 (3) The following ‘Incoming’ payments were noted: Thornhill Football Club - electricity £13.52 St Bridget’s - following closure of accounts £15,186.65 Not included in bank figures (4) Bank statements as at 31.06.2012 Community account £2,496.76 Business money Manager 764 £22,021.43 Business money Manager 772 £2,368.16 5 Accounts (cont’d) (5) Budget update (revised - see note below) - to be circulated to Councillors ahead of each meeting. Action: Penny (6) Having glanced at the budget statement Peter Manning noted that the expenditure was simply shown as a single entry of £17K. He felt that more detail should be provided to show where the Council had spent the money. Action: Penny (7) Request for donation Two requested were noted:- Donation for £100 requested from Lucy Carver in regard to her planned voluntary work for the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation. Request for support for playground improvements in Beckermet submitted by J Oliver. Both requests to be formally considered at next meeting. Action: Penny (agenda items for next meeting) 6. Beckermet Traffic Concerns A meeting took place in May between Lucy Carver, Kevin Cosgrove and John Powe to progress the complaint registered by Lucy at a previous meeting. Kevin agreed to organise for a traffic survey to be carried out in the village before the end of June. Following the analysis of the results he would put forward a small number of improvement options to the full Council. Action: John) (to progress) 7. Acceptance of Annual Return Annual return was accepted and signed off by the Chairman. Action: Penny (to forward) 8. Grants application form Donations Request Policy and associated form were approved at the meeting. Action: Colin (to put on website) Grants Policy needs to be modified (last sentence) and presented for approval at next meeting. Action: Ed (to modify) Action: Penny (agenda item for next meeting) Sam Meteer requested that an annual budget be set for both donations and grants. Action: Penny (agenda item for next meeting) 9. Personal and Prejudicial Interest To be discussed at next meeting, noting that:- Central Government have issued a new model code of conduct with an expectation that Councils will implement by 1 st July and Cumbria County Council are about to issue a Cumbria wide model. Issue is of particular importance because a number of Councillors have extensive links with Sellafield and a good number of nuclear issues come to the Council. Action: Penny (agenda item for next meeting) 10. National Grid Consultation Peter Manning had distributed a briefing document and draft response prior to the meeting. Peter briefed the Council on both documents and suggested an additional comment against option 3 (underground cable in vicinity of Beckermet village). Response was approved and Peter agreed to finalise and submit on behalf of the Council. Peter was thanked for his excellent work. Action: Peter 11. Asset register The aim is to have all assets marked up on a map of Thornhill and Beckermet, with associated photographs, as a tool to enable effective and efficient maintenance of all assets. Some work is outstanding in regard to seats in Thornhill. Action: Steve (September meeting) All information available to date to be added to website. Action: Colin Sam Meteer reported that the new notice board was now in use and that the ‘old’ wooden one was available for re-use. Sam also highlighted the need for some work to be carried out on the Thornhill playground gate springs. Sam volunteered to investigate options (reference type used in Maryport) Action: Sam It was noted that playground equipment needs to be added to the maps and asset register. Volunteers are required to do the work. Action: Ed (at next meeting) Action: Penny (agenda item for next meeting) a 12. Community Involvement Offer - Carillon Sam Meteer confirmed that Carillon had agreed to survey the football pitch to establish what could be done to level off some of the ground. Action: Sam (to progress) 13. Jubilee Seats for Schools Steve Caddy reported that seats would be installed within the next week and confirmed that he would contact Kath Cook when the work was completed. Kath agreed to take photographs and to submit them to the Whitehaven News and Egremont today. Action: Steve and Kath 14. Land at Wodow Bank New owners have made it clear that they are not willing to sell part of the land. Issue sadly now closed. 15. Footpaths in Beckermet Kath cook reported that the History group were in the process of walking all routes and that they would progress this work. No further action required from Council. Issue closed. 16. Police Report No report was available. Penny Kirby to write to the Police requesting the attendance of a Police Officer at the next meeting and a written report. Action: Penny Police report (Contd) In was noted that there had been a considerable disturbance in Thornhill over the previous weekend that had required Police attendance. At the last meeting the clerk had been asked to respond to the public consultation on withdrawal of front desk services and to request the re-instatement of the public sessions at Thornhill Library. In Penny’s absence it was assumed that this action was still outstanding. Action: Penny 17. CBC Lengthsman Project In was noted that the project was now up and running and that the ‘lengthsman’ team was available to assist in the parish as required. Those present were requested to thing about where we could use the team and to pass on any ideas to Penny. Penny to forward requests to Simon Walker. Action: All and Penny 18. CALC Training Courses The Chairman volunteered to progress this issue. Action: Ed 19. Parish Plan Sam Meteer reported that he, with the assistance of others, was carrying out a survey of residents’ needs in Thornhill with the aim of hopefully establishing a Residents Group and to input to the Parish Council the views and concerns of those living in Thornhill. In was noted that this information, together with that collected at the previously held public meetings, should be useda to progress the development of a Parish Plan. John Powe agreed to draft out a plan. Action: John P 20. Review of Land in Parish & Parish Council Ownership No further action required at this time. Issue closed. 21. Freedom of Information Policy Policy was approved and is to be put on to the website as it stands. Action: Colin 22. Planning Applications It was noted that the following applications had been approved:- 4/06/2768 – Extension of planning permission for 2 storey building at Sellafield and 4/12/2180 - Roundhouse agricultural building in Beckermet. 23. Egremont Today Article Original article was too long and requires editing before being resubmitted for inclusion in Egremont Today. Action: John M 24. Highway Matters John Powe reported that he had received an update ‘Highways’ report from Ricki Crawford. The Chairman request that the report be emailed to Councillors. Action: John P Highways Matters (Contd) The request from Lowside Quarter for high kerbstones on the Beckermet to Braystones road to be removed has been forwarded to Ricki. 25. Parish Council Property Claire Winrow reported that flower tubs are now ready to plant and Sam reported that the newly purchased tub has now been made into two and installed. In regard to dog fouling it was noted that a notice had been posted at the School Green in Beckermet and that the Area Enforcement Officer was to carry out inspections in Thornhill this week. Progress on removal of scrubs at the Millfields play area was discussed and Kath Cook agreed to take an action to get the iron fence removed. Once done, Sam Meteer would again contact the Probation Trust with a view to them doing further work. Action: Kath The request for additional waste bins at St Bridget’s church and Above Scalehill Cottage needed to be chased. Action: Penny 26. Website Colin Boothroyd reported that the website was now fully operational. 27. Play Area Inspection Service Issue to be carried over to next meeting. Action: Penny (agenda item for next meeting) 28. New Model Code of Conduct a See item 9 above. Issue to be discussed at next meeting. Action: Penny (agenda item for next meeting) 29. Reports from Meetings Attended on Behalf of Parish Council Ed Matthews attended the 3 Tier Meeting. The New Model Code of Conduct was one of the key issues discussed.
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