Freedom of Expression in Jordan A critical study of themes and issues based on an evaluation of influences on the development of the press and publication laws in Jordan since 1920, with particular emphasis on government pressures and censorship of weekly newspapers between 1989 and 1998 A. H. ELANANZA Ph.D. 2004 DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY Freedom of Expression in Jordan A critical study of themes and issues based on an evaluation of influences on the development of the press and publication laws in Jordan since 1920, with particular emphasis on government pressures and censorship of weekly newspapers between 1989 and 1998 BY AZZAM A. H. ELANANZA, BA, H.Dip., MA A dissertation submitted to the School of Communications, Dublin City University in Partial Fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Ph.D. DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY SEPTEMBER 2004 Acknowledgements I would like to thank many people for their support and help throughout the last six years of research. In particular, I would like to thank my supervisor Professor John Horgan for his continuous advice and sound direction. It was due to his patience and experience that this work reached this stage. The researcher alone takes the blame for any shortcomings in light of the tremendous efforts and dedication made by Professor John Horgan. I would also like to thank many people at Dublin City University especially Paul McNamara, Des McGuiness, and Celine Jameson for their support and understanding. Since this research was concerned with Jordan, I would like to thank many people who helped me from there, but the space would not allow me to mention all of them. Mainly Fawzi Al-Khateeb, a senior librarian at Yarmouk University in Jordan for his enormous help and advice. I also extend my thanks to Professor Muhammad Zughoul and Doctor Shafeek Rababah, both lecturers at Yarmouk University. From a language viewpoint I am very much indebted to Mohammed Salem Owen, who studies at Dublin Institute of Technology, and the family of Salem Owen for their continuous support and patience in correcting my proofs. Mohammed's knowledge in computer science also made things much easier for me. Abstract This thesis considers the major factors that influenced the development of the printed press in Jordan between 1920 and 1998. Amongst the many influences and factors which affected the printed media are the geo-political, social, religious and economic factors. This study provides the reader with a theoretical framework which helps to determine Jordan's position in terms of where it stands in comparison to press freedoms in other countries. Different press theories are used to determine the position of Jordan in this regard. This research follows on the development of the press since 1920. The analysis of press development in Jordan is divided into different phases: The first phase extends from 1920 to 1946; the second phase from 1946 to 1952; the third phase from 1952 to 1967; the fourth phase from 1967 to 1989 and the fifth and last phase extends from 1989 to 1998. The thesis also contains an in depth discussion of the legislations which govern the printed media in Jordan, with particular emphasis on the 1993 Press and Publications Law and the amendments it underwent in 1997, however, there is some mention of other legislations which influenced the printed media. The thesis includes a thorough and detailed analysis of a structured questionnaire which comprises of 52 different propositions carefully designed to gather up to date information regarding many issues related to press freedom in Jordan. Such interviews were conducted with journalists working in the different newspapers. The thesis also contains an analysis of a number of lawsuits filed against the different newspapers in Jordan between 1993 and 1998. A number of useful appendices were also compiled; amongst them are the newspaper appendix and the lawsuit appendix. Due to the absence of any detailed critical and analytical study regarding the subject at hand, the need for researching this subject is very obvious. List of Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...............................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................... Ill LIST OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................................................V LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................................................... VIII LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................................................X LIST OF APPENDICES..................................................................................... .......................................XIII DEFINITIONS OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS................. ..................................................... XIV 1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 A im s & O b je c t iv e s............................................................................................ ................................................................. 3 1.2 L im ita tio n s t o ensure focused s t u d y ..........................................................................................................5 1.3 Th e Im po rta n ce of th e st u d y ...........................................................................................................................8 1.4 D efin itio n & Sc o p e .............................................................................................................................................. 12 2.0 BACKGROUND.........................................................................................................................................16 2.1 A uthoritarian System o r T h e o r y ............................................................................................................. 18 2.2 Liberta ría n o r F ree P ress Sy s t e m ............................................................................................................20 2.3 Social R esponsibility Th eo ry .......................................................................................................................23 2.4 So viet M ed ia Th eo ry o r Totalitarianism .............................................................................................24 2.5 D ev elo pm en t M ed ia T h e o r y .........................................................................................................................25 2.6 D em o cra tic Participa n t M ed ia Th e o r y ..................................................................................................26 2.7 W h ich of th ese T h eo ries? ...............................................................................................................................27 3.0 METHODOLOGIES................................................................................................................................ 35 3.1 P o pu la tio n a n d Sa m pl e ................................................................................................................................... 41 3.2 D a ta An a l y s is ......................................................................................................................................................42 3.3 Co u r t C a s e s .......................................................................................................................................................... 43 3.4 N ew s paper D a ta ba se........................................................................................................................................ 44 4.0 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................................46 4.1 U n iv er sity t h e s e s .............................................................................................................................................. 47 4.2 Perio d ica l a r t ic l e s .......................................................................................................................................... 49 4.3 D o cu m en ts a n d r epo rts.................................................................................................................................. 53 4.4 B o o k s ................................................................................................................................... .................................... 58 4.5 G lobal a n d A rab Pe r sp e c t iv e ....................................................................................................... ........... 67 5.0 GENERAL AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND..........................................................................74 V 5.1 H isto rica l a n d Political b a c k g r o u n d ................................................................................................76 5.2DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING PRESSES............................................................................................ ......... 82 5.3 G eo g ra ph y a nd P o p u l a t io n .......................................................................................................................87
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