Orientaon Guide January 2015 19—23 January 2015 Welcome to The University o Manchester CONTACT US W e"re really glad that you have chosen to study at The University o Manchester this year. 1 you would li0e to 0now more about Studying in another country is an excing opportunity or you to discover a di(erent culture and meet new any o the events listed in this guide, or people. about coming to Manchester, get in We do also understand that travelling to a new country can somemes be a con using experience so we have prepared this touch2 orientaon3manchester.ac.u0 or guide to tell you about the Orientaon Programme and to give you some general advice. call us on 4 55 161 275 7385 The Orientaon Programme will help you to prepare to get the most out o living and studying in the U,. Use this guide in con-uncon with any arrival in ormaon you have received rom your aculty or programme supervisor. www.twi9er.com/orientaonuom The events outlined in this guide will give you opportunies to .nd the important places on campus, get to 0now the area around your accommodaon, learn about the s0ills you"ll need to study in the U,, and meet lots o new and interesng people. www. aceboo0.com/orientaonuom 1 you are coming to us on one o our exchange programmes, then you will .nd addional presentaons that relate -ust to you on Tuesday 20 January. 1 you are -oining the University to study or a ull award with us then we loo0 orward to seeing you at the events on the wee0end, the presentaons on Monday and the social events throughout the period. 2 Programme o events— open to all students AAEA TOUAS Saturday 17 ; Sunday 18 January Monday 19 January COAE PAESEETAT1OES Saturday and Sunday 12pm & 2pm. Core presentaons are highly Time Acvity Locaon Discover the local area around your Time Acvity Locaon recommended as they will give 10 am— Campus Tours accommodaon, .nd out how to get to you crical in ormaon on Students" Union, Ox ord Aoad 3pm (SATUADACD campus and meet other students living studying and living here in close by. 10L COAE University Place Lecture Manchester. 12pm PAESEETAT1OES Theatre B 12—1pm Area Tours University Halls Helpdes0s Tours are guided by current students who Cou will listen to a ormal can answer your quesons about the welcome to The University as well Campus Tours Foyer outside Lecture as presentaons on 12—3pm Students" Union, Ox ord Aoad area. Co(ee (SUEDACD Theatre B studying in the U,, sa ety and Fallowfield Halls 2 Meet at Owens Par0 security, the Students" Union, the recepon 2—3pm Area Tours University Halls Helpdes0s Presentaon on city o Manchester, ban0ing and University Place Lecture Victoria Park & City Halls 2 Meet at 2—3pm English Language how to get along with the BrishK Theatre B 7pm Film Eight in the Students H Union, Ox ord Whitworth Par0 Halls entrance Support onwards Union Bar Aoad EEGL1SH LAEGUAGE 5.30pm Bi0os Ca M, Students" Meet and Mingle SUPPOAT HALLS HELPDES,S CAMPUS TOUAS onwards Union, Ox ord Aoad An oponal session to .nd out 1 you arrive in your accommodaon over the wee0end , Campus Tours will leave regularly more about the help available or we have Halls Welcome Des0s available in Owens Par0 rom the Students’ Union. Come MEET AED M1EGLE you to improve your English and Whitworth Par0. along and ta0e a wal0 round the Come along and meet your Students" Union ONcers language s0ills. Sta( rom the These teams will be running tours o the area at set main campus buildings, .nd out a and ellow new students. The Students" Union o(ers University"s Language Centre will mes each day which you are welcome to -oin. 1 you li9le about our history and meet acvies, community, sport, volunteering, great ood, be -oined by a panel o students are not in University Halls but living nearby you are also to answer your queries. other new students. BU1LD1EG 68 campaigning, sociees and much more. BU1LD1EG 68 very welcomeK OE THE CAMPUS MAP OE THE CAMPUS MAP 3 Programme o events Please note that on Tuesday, events are compulsory or EAASMUS, Study Abroad and Worldwide Exchange students. They are not suitable or students not on a one or two semester exchange. Chec0 the tables below or more in ormaon on the ming o your session. Tuesday 20 January Guidance on Enrolment Sessions and pac0 collecon STUDC ABAOAD ; WOALDW1DE EAASMUS STUDEETS EOCHAEGE STUDEETS Guidance Sessions on Tuesday morning in University Place (Building 37 on your mapD are MAEDATOAC or all EAASMUS, STUDC ABAOAD ; WOALDW1DE EOCHAEGE Pac0 collecon—Foyer area in ront o students, who must a9end to receive crucial in ormaon about metables, course unit 9—9.30 am Lecture Theatre B, University Place enrolment and regulaons. Cou can arrive up to 30 minutes be ore the scheduled start me to collect your in ormaon pac0. GU1DAECE OE 9.30— EEAOLMEET—Lecture Theatre B, 10.30am University Place Tier 5 Pisa Session This session is mandatory or students on Study Abroad and Exchange programmes or 11.00— Pac0 collecon—Foyer area in ront o Lecture one or two semesters who are coming to us under the Tier 5 scheme. 11.30am Theatre B, University Place These students have certain obligaons they must ul.l as part o their academic study GU1DAECE OE and we, as sponsors, are also required to ensure that regulaons are complied with. 11.30—12.30 EEAOLMEET—Lecture Theatre B, University This session will ta0e you through the process and enable us to collect the relevant pm Place documents. Please bring with you L your passport, your visa, originals o your academic transcripts 2—3pm Session or Tier 5 Pisa Students—Lecture Theatre B, University Place and a copy o your secure English Language test result (i applicableD WOALD QU1S Get 1nvolved in Cour UnionK Sociees, Poice ONce, Students H Union, Ox ord 5pm onwards Tuesday night is QuiR night in the Students" Union Bar. Come with riends and ma0e Polunteering and Campaigning Aoad a team or come on your own and ma0e new riendsK The World QuiR is a lightT hearted event so there"s no pressure and you can order ood and drin0s (non alcoT holic drin0s are availableD to eat whilst you play. 6.30 —10pm World QuiR—OPEE TO ALL STUDEETS Students" Union Bar BU1LD1EG 68 OE THE CAMPUS MAP 4 Programme o events—open to all students Wednesday 21 January WAL,1EG TOUA OF THE C1TC FOLLOWED BC AE EPEE1EG Time Acvity Locaon AT JOHE ACLAEDS L1BAAAC The John Aylands Library is home to one o the world"s .nest collecons o Day ree or enrolment and registraon acvies rare boo0s and manuscripts. This is your opportunity to explore behind the scenes and en-oy a private visitK 5pm Conversaon Corner—Women Students Poice ONce, StudentsH Union, Ox ord Aoad onwards On our way to the Library, we will ta0e a guided wal0ing tour or an hour around historic Manchester. Thursday 22 January Our city guides are extremely 0nowledgeable and you will .nd out a wealth o acts and in ormaon about Day ree or enrolment and registraon acvies your historic new home. 5.30pm— Wal0ing Tour in the city ollowed by a Winter Meet at University Place on the Ground Floor 1n the library itsel you are ree to wander and admire 7.30pm Warmer evening at the John Aylands Library the collecons amongst which students rom our 5pm Creave Wring course will be reading short pieces o Conversaon Corner—BME students Acvies Space, Students" Union, Ox ord Aoad onwards poetry and prose. Friday 23 January T1C,ETS COST U5 EACH AED CAE BE COLLECTED FAOM THE AS,ME HELPDES, 1E UE1PEAS1TC PLACE—BU1LD1EG 37 OE THE Day ree or enrolment and registraon acvies CAMPUS MAP 1pm Conversaon Corner—Student Parents Acvies Space, Students" Union, Ox ord onwards and Carers Aoad 5 Addional Event 1n ormaon or all students Students’ Union Events : 1n January, the Students" Union will be holding GEEEAAL 1EFOAMAT1OE two large events which you may well want to a9endV Accommoda3on Refreshers Fair, Tuesday 27 January, 12:00 – 16:00, Academy 1 Cou should have already made arrangements with the University or with a private Missed out the .rst me aroundW Then don"t miss Ae reshers Fair in JanuaryK Cou can pic0 accommodaon provider be ore you arrive in the U,. up some reebies, enter some crac0ing compeons, sign up to sociees and discover the Please note that accommodaon is not provided as part o Orientaon so you MUST great nights on o(er at the Students" Union and Academy Penues. chec0 your contract to ma0e sure your date o arrival reXects the actual day you want to move in. Winter Pangaea, Saturday 24 January, Students’ Union Ask4e Helpdesk Pangaea Fesval is lost in space Xoang on an icy roc0 planet ar in the uture alling into a wormhole 5etween the 19th and 23rd ,anuary from 8am to 2pm you an always 1et help from our which will ta0e it across space and me... Student Ambassadors on the Ask4e Desk in University Place, 5uildin1 37 on the map. Join us on this -ourney or a once in a li eme experience and prepare or 16 venues .lled with the 1 you have general queries about the Orientaon event, the campus or Manchester, then .nest selecon o live and electronic music rom Manchester and around the world. Aun by students, or students, Pangaea is the ho9est c0et in town.
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