ffm trqhitrr Ettntiitit 9rral& . ttnalbAr, Oc t o b e r AVERAGE DAILY dttCELATION The Bed and White stofStuT 310 EMERGENCT DOCTORS tor the Atoath of September. 1886 Spruce street, operated ^ Maurice A B O D ^ W N J. McKeever and Frank E. Welman Physicians who will respond will be opened for business this to emergency calls tomorrow af­ Walter N. Leclerc ' Kutmer Tor«st, Tall Cedars of week. A special announcement will ternoon are Dr. Thomas Weldon, Member of the Andlt Lebanon will conduct Its second be carried In the Herald's advertis­ S740 and Dr. D. a Y. Moore, Funeral Director iv'i "blnn nisbt" In the Masonic Tem­ ing Section Friday night. Borean of Ctrcolatlons iiattrljPBtrr lEw ntng 4567. n » m i U L C c o M ta s No. filalD St. Haaekeator ple, Thursday evening: at 8:80 sharp. MANCHtsTiR Co h n * T ^lve games will be played In the Lord Roberts Lodge, sons of 8t. bloc and special games will be play­ George will meet tomorrow night in The Woman's Foreign Missionary VOL. LV., NO. 14. (flaeelSed Advertlsbig on Fage lit). ed during the evening. 3 ealdes the Odd Fellows hall. society of. the Church of the Self Serve and Health Market MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1935. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS twelve prises to be awarded in the bloc play, a special door prize will Nazarcnc will meet tonight at ATLANTIC be awarded and two shoe repair Chapman Court, Order of Amar­ 7:30. Money Saving Specials for Wed. Jobs at the State-Shoe repair shop anth, will hold Its regular meeting No. 2 FURNACE OIL will also be drawn. Last week a Friday evening In the Masonic Tem­ The Young People's Legion of the Double Green Trading Stamps Given ple. It will be visiting matrons and Salvation Army will meet tomorrow 6c per gallon IS ’ COMMinEE crowd of 180 persons attended the patrons' night, and all the chairs CHENEYS KICK IN opening night of the games and 17 evening at 7:30 In the Citadel." All Day Wednesday. prizes were awarded. will he filled by the matrons and Adjutant George Williams of L. T. WOOD CO. FRANCE AND BRITAIN patrons of other courts In the state. Springfield, formerly of this town, MaxweU House NAMED; ROGERS F. P. Handley of Delmont street Mrs. Viola Trotter and Mrs. Astrld was to have been the speaker but la left yesterday on a business trip to Dougan will be co-chairmen of the unable to keep the engagement, and WITH $50,000 TAX Atlanta, Georgia and Forth Worth, committee In charge of refresh­ Adjutant Valentine will speak to the COFFEE special ib. 2 5 « ments to be served after the busi­ young people. Everybody la Invited. HRSTJN LIST Texas. ness session. ASK AID OF U. S. IN New Lot of Ashes Removed The engagement of Miss Carol A daughter, their second, was All Day Wednesday ( PAYMENT TO TOWN Fuller, formerly of Manchester, but bom Saturday to Dr. and Mrs. E. Town Board Bars Own Mem­ RUMMAGE SALE now a resident of Falrlawn, N. J., Victor Gordon of Guilford, formerly PRUNES special 2 1 5 « Weekly — 25c Thursday, Oct. 17, 9 :30 A. M. to William F. Noonan of Passaic, N. of Manchester. Neat, Dependable Service. J., has been announced by her par­ bers and Recent Select­ CASE OF SANCTIONS ' Campbell’s Store 983 Main Street ents, Mr.-and Mrs. Harry G. Fuller. Mrs. George H. Bryan of Tolland MOVING and TRUCKING Check for Sobslantial Part|XEACHERS GET Turnpike left yesterday fop^Atlan- Local and Long Distance. In A l l Departments Memorial Hospital Miss Fuller la a graduate of Man­ ttc City. Later she will go to Balti­ men; "Cross Section” Linen Auxiliary. chester High school and had always TOMATO SOUP can Modern Equipment. llyed hero until a few years ago. more to visit her cousin. Rev. Cor­ of fock t o uehiessj SALARIES; SO Would Have This Nation Re­ nelius Crimmlns of S t Mary's Col­ 7« Stipulation Observed. lege. theiice to Washington, D. C.. No. 1 Holntosb Austin Chambers Of Both These Stores War Situation Today vihers shs will be the guest of Mrs. Phone 6260 strict Its Imports from J. Prudence Kcman, who was In Special t 16-qt. basket DOPOUCEMEN To the committee of 15, "to in­ By ASSOCIATED PRF.S8. fell back strategicallj^S-Jnto toe Manchester the past summer. APPLES 6 5 c hills. Italy ■— Similar Requests vestigate. study and hold public AT THE FRONTi DIPIXJMATIO MOVES! Sunset Council, Degree of Poca­ Back-Tax Payments. hearings pertaining to Manchester’s Ethiopian tribesmen invaded Italian hontas, wlU hold ths second card Dog Gone Waddell Pulls $16,000 Out Premier Laval's efforts to achieve WEDNESDAY SPECIALS The J W H A U com> governmental set-up and all operat­ Somaliland at two different points, Premier Laval's effrts to achieve Made to Other Non-League party In the preamt series tonight WATKINS BROS., ing costs over which the town or one force of invaders occupying peace as virtually usclesa. at 8:80 o'clock at the home of Mrs. MAMCHISTER COMH* the Somali town of Oddur. Somali Evelyn Akrlgg, 146 Bissell street. DOG FOOD in A check for 150,000 will be de­ of the Hat for School town officials have control," author­ The League of Nations sanctions Men’s Plain Brown and Black In c ized by the town meeting Saturday, tribesmen were said to be Joining committee was urged by Anthony Members —• Italians Pre­ Three cash prizes will be awarded livered by Cheney Brothers to the the Ethiopians. and refreshments served. town elthir late this afternoon or the selectmen last night appointed: Eden of Great Britain to endorse Certified Workers and Police; All Willard B. Rogers, proposer of With bombing planes overhead, the a "Buy Nothing from Italy” cam­ pare for Further Advances Robert K. Anderson early tomorrow morning. In part the committee and former aelect- Italian forces drove toward Ma^ paign. No action was token. Daughters of Liberty No. 125, L. Funeral Director CfHOUSC^SON, payment of the taxes owed by the kale In the north of Etiilopta; and, It. O. L., will meet tonight at 7:16 lb. jar 2 5 « man. town representative and' po­ Rome officialdom asserted nothing MmCE MEAT INC. grm. It was announced today. Salaries Paid Today. lice commissioner. from the south, toward Harar, could alter Italy's course, and — Selassie Denies Re­ OXFORDS in Orange hall. A Hallowe'en party Funeral Home, The payment, made by Cheney William C. Cheney of Cheney eastern metropolis of Hallo Se­ for the members will follow. newspapers warned that if war J^reah 142 East Center Street Brothers to help alleviate the acute Brothers, former chairman of the lassie's empire. with England must come, Italy Board of Selectmen. ports of Defeats. Special cash prizes will be financial straits into which the town School teachers and administra­ The Emperor, in a proclamation, to would be ready. Telephone: was thrown by the failure of the tion department officers and em­ Mrs. William Crawford of his people, said Ethiopia was un­ In London, unconfirmed reports said awarded at the Highland Park Com­ p e c k 1 (own meeting Saturday to authorize Academy street, . former school munity club's first setback of the SPINACH Office 5171 — House 7494 ployees were paid today. The se­ defeated on any front. The oc­ Premier Stanley Baldwin refused the selectmen to borrow money, teacher. cupation of Aksiim and Adows Paris, Oct. 16.—(AP)—Officials season tonight; In chargs of the ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS was arranged today at a conference lectmen, Informed last night by Robert E. Carney of the Herald. to promise a Parliamentary group standing social committee. Forrest Buckland of Hlllstown, was without military significance, that England would not become disclosed today that France and attended by Ward Cheney, presi­ Town Treasurer George H. Waddell be said, inasmuch aa bis armies Involved In a Eluropean war. dent, and - Cnifford Cheney, plant that the town had 822,964.49 avail­ farmer. Great Britain are aaklng Waohlng* Fidelity Court, Order of Amaranth manager, of Cheney Brothers; Louis L. Grant of Buckland, far­ of East Hartford, will entertain MEATS able, voted to meet those payrolls ton if the United States Is willing to George H. Waddell, town treasurer and that of other towrn employees Accompanied by her five-year-old grandson. Prince Sahle Sriasaie, and mer. restrict Its Imports from Italy In Grand Royal Matron Maud Hall and Loin or BoDedl and clerk of the Board of Select­ which will be due Friday. members of the court. Empress Menen Is shown leaving Addis Ababa Clarence Lupien, prealdent of the her olTiclal staff, Thursday evening. men, and Harold C. Alvord, treas­ Financial prestidigitation by Mr. for a secret haven to insure safety from capture. local textile union and unsuccesaful War Briefs case such a iuuictlnn against Pre­ Children’s Supper win be served at 6 o'clock, urer of the Manchester Trust com­ Waddell yesterday, between the candidate for the Republican nom­ POLITICAL CRISIS mier Mussolini's nation Is applied and the meeting at 8 o'clock. LAMB CHOPS lb 3 5 c pany. time he reported toe town had only ination oa selectman. Addis Ababa, Get. 16.—(AP)— by the League of Nations. Nearly Ono-Third . Mlaa Mary B. McGuire, social These same authorities also stated Wednesday Specials about 87,000 to start the six weeks science and matheraatlcs teacher at The war between Italy and Ethio­ The 850,000 Is nearly one-third of OXFORDS Mary Bushnell Cheney Auxiliary, Loin or Rib period from the meeting which ad­ pia la aeriously disturbing the acti­ LOOMS IN EGYPT that a similar question Is being ask­ United SpanUh War Veterans, will 9 A.
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