NEW '58 MODEL ELECTRIC GOLFER Laher electrics are alone in their class in riding quality ... safety ... dependability . light in weight but built substantially, for golf rental purposes. ..\:!~. 20 models available for golf an,d Industry. 50', Write today for full Information ~ LAHER SPRING & TIRE CORP. ~ 300 MADISON AVENUE, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE •••.• ,..... 2615 MAGNOLIA ST., OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Dealers: A few exclusive territories available. land for golf course usage only . • • Deed vention for the Shamrock Hilton hotel restrictions usually are written for a 25- in Houston . The dates are Feb. 2-6 year period • . Members of Ben Hogan ... The 1959 conference and show will Junior Golf Club, Ord, Neb., previously be held in Chicago . • . Michigan and mentioned in GOLFDOM, held first tour- Border Cities supts. again took part in nament of season . Co-winners shot a series of lawn clipic sponsored this spring 40 over par-33 sand green course . by the Detroit News . Supts. who gave Club is for kids between ages of 7 and 14. their support were Andy Bertoni, who Sponsors putting up $10,000 for Pro- is rumored to have become lyrical over Celebrity-Am on day preceding Pepsi Golf grass, Clarence Wolfrom, Bill Smith, Bill Championship which will be played at Milne, Ward Cornwell, Merton Nye, and Pine Hollow CC, East Norwich, L. 1., Leo Johnson ... Several supts. from June 26-29 . Main event calls for Border Cities and the Western Michigan $50,000 in prizes ... New course started GCSA .also helped put over a tuff con- in Palm Springs, Calif., in mid-April ... ference held recently at Michigan State. Known as Bermuda Dunes CC it is lo- New Jersey PGA, according to Andy cated in new community of 2,600 build- Sikora, pro at Beacon Hill CC, Atlantic ing sites ... William F. Bell designed Highlands, hopes, to get pension plan the cour-se. started by 1959 ... Present plans call for Bobby Locke, Peter Thomson, Max premiums to be paid for members by Faulkner and Fred Daly among big names holding annual PGA Pension Trophy in Irish Hospital Open to be played in tournament in which club players will Dublin, May 16-18 . At big reception pay $2 toward the plan through entry and dinner for Arnold Palmer in his home fees • . Allied Golf Clubs of Berkshire town, Latrobe, Pa., following his victory County (Mass.) have 45 tournaments in the Masters, Latrobe Steel Co. gave scheduled for this year ... C. C. Decker, Arnold and his wife several shares of the spark behind the Berkshire group, has pany's stock plus stock in \Vilson Sporting been an officer in the organization for Goods Co. 17 years. Yon can't say the GCSA isn't looking National Collegiate golf tourney to be ahead . It has booked the 1960 con- (Continued on page 7'1~ MtJ'J, 1958 11 AUTOMATIC FOLDING ACTION lilt Hllmlle, Drop Hllnile, MADE BY WORLD/S OLDEST GOLF CART It Opens MANUFACTURER NEW PRO LINES New "Kolapsi Karts" to meet the me- dium and low priced buyer. No need now to let any sale get by. We can show you how to make sales with the finest line of high grade carts ever put out by a single manufacturer. Send for full information with new catalog, new prices, new deal and new profits for you. Price range $19.95, $22.95, $25.95, $29.95, $3l.00 and $33.95 with nine breath-taking models to capture any sale. 2 GOLF BALLS GUIDED SPOOK and GENE CROWE We can supply a limited number of outlets with two liquid center high compression balls that are sensational in looks, boxing, and price. Also in bulk for that grab box. Send for information. TUFFI-TUBES® I r SEND FOR CATALOG PLASTIC CHAMBERLIN METAL PRODUCTS CO. OR 2226 Waban.ia Avenue Chicago 47, Illinois 5G FIBRE IUlh catalog of four Kolapli Kart models and T.ufff Tubel 0 Rush Informatlon an Plastic, List .. 59c ea. new low priced models 0 Golf Balls 0 Fibre, List . 35c ea. Name _ WRITE fOR CATALOG Acldreu __ City State - __ • CHAMBERLIN METAL PRODUCTS CO. 222' Wala.lla Chlca,o 47, IlL aula ' ••••••n _ Phone CApitalNI71 THE BUSINESS JOURNAL OF GOLF GOLFDOM MAY • 1958 Fertil.izer Programs, Management Practices Investigated in Survey Many Interesting Facts About Size of Courses, Maintenance Needs Uncovered by Poll A SURVEY recently completed by a maintenance supply manufacturer in Greensl1-sq. ft. Fair- Grounds conjunction with GOLFDOM reveals sev- eral interesting facts concerning current Area Area course fertilizer practices, the extent of Total Per Total per the supt's knowledge and understanding Area Green Area Tee Acres Acres of turf management practices and some of 9-HOLE 34,130 3,792 14,370 1,597 45.8 4.1 his opinions toward his position. I8-HOLE A great deal of valuable information 87,480 4,860 38,390 2,163 71.2 4.1 also was obtained as to course area sizes, 27-HOLE wear and tear on turf areas as indicated 130,410 4,830 40,660 1,506 104.2 1.9 by number of rounds played on individual 36-HOLE courses and irrigation practices. In addi- 187,500 5,208 110,920 3,081 103.1 3.2 tion, sources of information used in de- o Grass ciding on management programs and the persons responsible for determining what The survey reveals that 449 of the 526 kind of fertilizer programs are to be pur- supts. select the fertilizers used in their sued, were investigated. management programs. In only six cases Only the northeastern and part of the does a green chmn. or green committee central or midwest sections of the U. S. members select fertilizers. Others who were covered by the survey. However, play a part in the selection are park board since nearly two-thirds of the country's members (municipal courses), club own- courses are located in these areas, it was ers and in one instance, the club board decided that the survey's findings would of directors. Actually, the 449 figure cited be as accurate and representative as if all above may be higher since the term, the courses in the U. S. were included in "greenkeeper", or individuals mentioned the poll. by name but not by title, were used rather Get 545 Returns frequently in the returns. More than 3,300 questionnaires were Analysis of Selections sent to supts. and 545 returns (16.5 per cent) were made. This is exceptionally The more important reasons why supts. high when it is considered that returns use the fertilizers they do are listed below in almost any kind of a mail survey rarely with the number of times these reasons run over 10 per cent. Of the returns that were mentioned: were received, 19 had to be eliminated Past Experience and Results 151 because the questionnaires were improp- Selection based on soil condition erly answered. Final figures were thus and needs 35 compiled on 526 questionnaires. Selection based on soil tests 31 As for the average size of courses in Organics are slow; soluble the northeast and midwest sections of the nitrogen selected for quick results 24 country, these figures were arived at: Selection based on past May, 1958 23 Organics are slow no danger of burning, long lasting, easy to apply 15 Fertilizers used have correct N content 12 Fertilizers used are slow feeding and safe 12 Mixed goods are for complete feeding, other fertilizers are supplemental 12 Other reasons for use of a particular type includ~d: Selection is result of analy- SIS .of special needs; organics are long lastmg and good carriers for germicides and fungicides; fertilizers were recom- mended by: dealers; other supts.; state universities; turf assns. A total of 355 supts. reported that they 19-year old Susan Lane Martin of Aiken, S.C., was are satisfied with their present fertilizer crowned "Miss GolF' during Tournament Week at program; 129 said that it is unsatisfactory; the Masters in Augusta. Alice Lon, singing star of and 42 didn't answer this section of the Lawrence Welk's show, presided at coronation. questionnaire. Of the 129 who are not ~ati~fiedwith their programs, 75 per cent indicated that they want to increase their mated that 200,000 rounds are played present over-all nitrogen application, each year. budget permitting. Only a few indicated Irrigation Picture that they want to step up applications on The questionnaire was concluded with greens or tees but there was unanimous an investigation of the irrigation picture. agreement that fairway application should It covered present systems as well as be stepped up. In fact, a large number of those that are planned for 1960. Here is supts. who indicated satisfaction with their the box score: fertilizer programs said that they would Greens Tees Fairways like to increase fairway treatment. 1956/1960 1956/1960 1956/1960 Depend on Golf Magazine 9-HOLE Per cent Where do supts. get the information with no used in developing turf management pro- irrigation 4 4 19 17 75 71 grams? (More than one answer was re- Per cent with quested here.) A total of 372 said that 83 25 29 they obtain all or part of their information irrigation 96 96 81 from a golf magazine. Another 307 indi- 18-HOLE Without 1 1 12 9 55 50 cated "from other supts.", showing that 99 88 91 45 there is generally a wide interchange of With 99 shop talk among the greenkeeping frater- 27-HOLE Without 10 10 67 56 nity. 100 100 90 90 33 44 Other sources listed and number of With times mentioned, include: State univer- 36-HOLE Without 9 10 45 45 sities (262); Equipment dealers (172) ; With 91 100 90 100 55 55 Fertilizer dealers (147); Fertilizer manu- facturers (137) ; USGA green section (136) ; Other (88) ; Green committee Japanese Beetle Control members (57); and Club members (36).
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