Workshop on BANGARU TELANGANA & SuStainable Development GoalS - a RepoRt Date: July 13th and 14th, 2017 Venue: Sravan Kumar Hall, Tungabhadra, Dr MCR HRD IT, Hyderabad Workshop on BANGARU TELANGANA & SuStainable Development GoalS - A REPORT Date: July 13th and 14th, 2017 Venue: Sravan Kumar Hall, Tungabhadra, Dr MCR HRD IT, Hyderabad Abbreviations AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AMRUT Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation APEDA Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority APL Above Poverty Line ASCI Administrative Staff College of India BC Backward Classes BPL Below Poverty Line CBR Crude Birth Rate CDS Centre for Dalit Studies CGG Centre for Good Governance CII Confederation of Indian Industries CSD Centre for Good Governance CSR Corporate Social Responsibility DIET District Institute for Education and Training ECCD Early Childhood Care and Development ECE Early Childhood Education GDP Gross Domestic Product GER Gross Enrollment Ratio GOI Government of India GST Goods and Service Tax HDI Human Development Index HIV Human Immuno Virus IAS Indian Administrative Service HRIDAY Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana ICDS Integrated Child Development Scheme ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICT Information Communication Technologies IES Indian Economic Service ILO International Labour Organisation IPS Indian Police Service ISB Indian School of Business Abbreviations iii IT Information Technology MCRHRDIT Marri Chenna Reddy Human Resource Development Institute of Telangana MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio MMTS Multi-Modal Transport System MSME Micro Small Medium Enterprises NAAC National Assessment and Accreditation Council NFSA National food Security Act NIN National Institute of Nutrition NITI Aayog National Institution for Transforming India Aayog NMR Neonatal Mortality Rate ODF Open Defecation Free PESA Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas Act PMKSY Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana PPPP Public Private and People Participation RICH Research and Innovation Circle of Hyderabad RTE Right To Education SC Schedule Caste SCERT State Council of Educational Research and Training SCP Sustainable Consumption and Production SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SHG Self Help Groups SME Small and Medium Enterprise SRS Sample Registration System ST Schedule Tribe SUH Shelter for Urban Homes TFR Total Fertility Rate TSWREIS Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society U5MR Under 5 Mortality Rate UEE Universal Elementary Education UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization iv Workshop on Bangaru Telangana & Sustainable Development Goals - A Report Contents Abbreviations iii Introduction 1 DAY 1 Inaugural Session 5 Session 1: Panel Discussion On “Quality Education and Skill Development” 11 Session 2: Welfare Agenda for Bangaru Telangana – The Way Forward 19 DAY 2 Session 3: Urban Development– Smart Cities and Urban-Centric Sanitation 27 Session 4: Innovation and Industry 33 Session 5: Health and Nutrition in Telangana – Challenges and Opportunities 41 Session 6: Revamping Agriculture and Reviving Rural Economy in Telangana 47 Valedictory Session 55 Conclusion and Way Forward 59 Programme Schedule 63 Contents v Introduction he Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a framework of 17 goals and 169 targets Tthat are universal and spread across social, economic and environmental fields. Signed by 193 countries including India, the SDGs were adopted for implementation from 1 January 2016 and are expected to be achieved before 31 December 2030. The goals address the critical challenges faced by the world today, including elimination of poverty, providing quality education and health, achieving gender equality, ensuring safe drinking water and sanitation, modern energy and decent work, resilient infrastructure, sustainable cities, and sustainable consumption and production, combating climate change, protecting ecosystems, halting biodiversity loss, promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, and providing access to justice for all. Committed to achieving the SDGs, the Government of India, along with state governments, has undertaken multi-level action to implement the SDGs in India. NITI Aayog has initiated consultations with the union ministries, state governments and other stakeholders to formulate strategies and draw action plans towards realising the SDGs across the nation. The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation and the NITI Aayog are working towards identifying measurable indicators to track the outcomes of SDG implementation. By adopting a three-pronged strategy of accelerating economic growth, improving infrastructure facilities, social protection programmes targeting social welfare and inclusive growth, the state of Telangana envisages to bring in comprehensive, inclusive and holistic development in the state. By 2030, the State Vision is to be a "Bangaru Telangana" (Golden Telangana). The “Bangaru Telangana”, will provide its people, the best opportunities for prosperity and wellbeing and enjoy a high quality of life. Integrating the SDGs framework into its building of a ‘Bangaru Telangana’, the Government of Telangana has taken steps to operationalise the SDGs in the State. So far, the planning department, which is the nodal department for implementing the SDGs framework, has initiated sensitisation of lead departments and district administration about SDGs and mapped all the flagship programmes with the Goals in mind. Administrative departments are in the process of preparing the 15-year Vision for each department, keeping in view the goals set under SDGs, the 7-year Strategy to convert the longer Vision into implementable policy and the 3-year Action Plan. In this regard, planning department along with MCRHRDIT, with the support from UNICEF and UNDP, organised a two-day workshop at MCRHRDIT. This workshop facilitated interaction between departments and sectoral experts, sharing by NITI Aayog and UN agencies, sharing of action taken and challenges faced by different departments on Bangaru Telangana and SDGs. Introduction 1 Prioritizing themes for the workshop was based on the concern of the state, inter-linkages among SDGs and action taken by the state. State has already taken up several initiatives in building a Bangaru Telangana which compliments SDG goal 6 on –‘providing safe drinking water and sanitation’. However, considering the inter-linkages among SDGs, all goals were either directly or indirectly touched upon in the workshop. On this occasion, “Centre for Sustainable Development Goals” is set up at MCRHRDIT campus by Planning Department. This centre will function under the management of MCRHRDIT and is envisioned to support the departments in achieving SDGs. The center will support the respective departments draft their vision document, monitoring framework and technical know-how on SDGs for the forthcoming years. This document captures the proceedings of the sessions during the two day workshop held on 13-14 July, 2017. The document adopted the methodology of capturing the essence of communication by each speaker, covered the queries and discussions, and thereafter, attempted to derive a concluding note based on the session. This document is intended to be a ready reference for all the participating departments while drafting their departmental vision on SDGs. 2 Workshop on Bangaru Telangana & Sustainable Development Goals - A Report Centre for Sustainable Development Goals – An initiative by Government of Telangana Inauguration of Centre for Sustainable development Centre for Sustainable Development Goals is a knowledge centre set up by Planning Department under the management of Dr MCR HRD Institute of Telangana (MCRHRDIT), Hyderabad. The Centre for Sustainable Development was inaugurated during the inaugural session of the workshop on 13 July, 2017 at Dr MCR HRD Institute of Telangana (MCRHRDIT) by Dr V.K. Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog. Other dignitaries present were Mr S. Niranjan Reddy, Vice-Chairman, Planning Board, Government of Telangana, Mr B.V. Papa Rao, IAS (Retd.), Advisor, Policy & Institutional Development, Government of Telangana, Mr Diego Palacios, UN Resident Coordinator for India (a.i) and Ms Meital Rusdia, Chief, UNICEF, Hyderabad office and Mr B.P. Acharya, IAS, Special Chief Secretary, Planning Department and Director General, MCRHRDIT. The centre is established with the knowledge support from UNDP and UNICEF and will work in tandem with UN agencies to support the state in accessing international technical know-how on achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Located in the premises of MCRHRDIT, the Centre will facilitate the state departments in developing the vision document and plan of action for implementing the SDGs. The Centre will work with the departments in providing inputs to dovetail the SDGs along with realising Bangaru Telangana. The aim of this Centre is to aid interaction between the department and sectoral experts to support the departments to plan, implement, monitor and align its programmes and schemes to achieve the SDGs. The Centre will be working in tandem with the Planning Department and UN agencies. Introduction 3 DAY 1: Inaugural Session Guest Speakers Ms Meital Rusdia Chief, UNICEF, Hyderabad office Mr B.V. Papa Rao, IAS (Retd.) Advisor, Policy & Institutional Development, Government
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