THE KENYA GAZETTE Poblished by Anthoriq of the Republic of Kenya (Regstered As a Newspaper at the G P 0 )

THE KENYA GAZETTE Poblished by Anthoriq of the Republic of Kenya (Regstered As a Newspaper at the G P 0 )

THE KENYA GAZETTE Poblished by AnthoriQ of the Republic of Kenya (Regstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 ) 7- - Vol. IXXX-No. 27 NAIROBI, 7th July, 1978 PmSh. 3 CONTENTS GALElTE NOlICES SUPPLEMENT No 40 PAGE Legtslntrve Supplemenf I'i~bl~c \t rvtcc Comrnl\sion of Kenya-Appo~ntmentz Ltiau Norrce No PAGE ~tt 726 105-The Food, Drugs and Chem~alSubstances (General) Regulat~ons, 1978 241 The Arthrl~ct', ind Quant~tySulveyois AL~-Appolnt men1 of Rcgnt~ar,etc 726-727 106-The Food, Drugs and Chemcal Substances (Food Hygene) Regulat~ons, 1978 246 Judlc~dl\I rvlLc Com~n~ssion-Asslgnmellt etc 717 107--fie Food, Drugs and Chemcal Substances The C h~tl Ai~tholrty Act-Appomtment\ 727 (Food Labebg, Addltlves and Standards) Regulations, 1978 255 V~c~ncr\\ 728-719 (P~~bl~sheda\ Specla1 Issue5 on lbt July 1978) The Stan tl ,it1 ALt-Decl?~ation 729 Thc R~&~strrtlc>n of T~tlesAct-Reg~st~zt~on of Instru SUPPLEMENT No 41 rnentc, (ti 730 Bills, 1978 The Nur',~.. Mldwives and Health V~s~to~sCou~ic~l of Ken) I Act- Appo~ntment 770 The Weight< ~ndMeasures Act-NO~ICC to Traders 730 SUPPLEMENT No 42 Legzc.latrve Slrpplernei~l The Mciliocl ill Ch~rge(EAPL) Bye-l?ws, 1976-Fu~1 011 P11ct. 73 1 L~GALNOIICE NO 108-The Account?nt\ Act, 1977-Declaration Clvd Alru itt Acc~dent-Inspecto~s Invcst~gat~ons 7'31 109-The Statlstlcs (An Traffic) Regulations, 1978 T~LKegntercd Land Act-I\su~ of New Ccrtlficateb 731,733 110-The County Councll of Nakuru (Hawkers) Thi Agric~lltu\il F~nance Co~po~?t~onAct-Auct~on By-laws, 1978 Notlie\ 7'13-736 I1 I-The Nan& County Councll (Publ~cMarkets) By-laws, 1978 Liqucv 1 it1 II\II~~ 716 I 1 ?-The Local Goveinnltnt (County Councll of Ti ICIL Mark, 716-73') Nzoia) Gratu~tjRules, 1978 P~obire irltl Admm~st~atlon 739-740 1 I ?-The Local Govemnient (Munlc~palCouncll of Kakamega) Gratu~tyRules, 1978 Banhr~~pLc~1\11 r\di~t~on 740-741 114-The Munlclpal Councll oi Nye11 (Public T~L< omp lnle\ Act-W~nd~ng Up 741 Malkets) By laws, 1978 1 15-The Mulliclpal Councll of Kakamega (Control Thc Co i)pt~rlt~\~Soc~et~c\ AL~-Older L~L 741 and Licensing of Dogs) By-law , 1978 Lo\\ f 1'<111~\ 741-741 116-The County Councll of Klsumu (Pubhc Markets) By-laws, 1978 Tendtr 5 742. 117-The County Counc~l of Nakuru (Pubhc B\I\IIIC\\1 I'III\~LI\ 742-742 Markets) By-laws, 1978 726 'IH E K EW A G AZEW E 7th July, 1978 G AZR'r'm N o'ncs N o 1886 H BNRY N YANGECHI N YANCHOKA, to be Dlqtnct Oïcer, K m nyaga D zstnct, Central Provmce, wltll esect from 23rd Janualy, PU BLIC SBRVICE COM M ISSION OF K EN YA 1978 SEBASTIAN PBTER OKODAZ to be Dlstnçt Oflk/r, Provm cml Head- APPOINTMBNTS uarters Central Provm ce fl > , wlth eFect from 30th January, lsu c M 'M RINJBU M BAKA 1978 , to act as Dlrector, Industrlal Research and D evelopm ent Instltute, M mzstry of Com m erce and FANUEL R AILA K OMBONYA, to be D lstnct Oë cer, M urang'a D ls- Industry, m th :sect from 18th January, 1978 tnct, Central Provmce, wztlz esect from 50th January, 1978 CHRISTOBHER CHARLES W AIGwA M URAGB. to be Dlstrlct Com - ABLDI K OBM , to be Dlstnct Oïcer, N yandarua D zstrlct, Cent- rmssloner II, N alrobl A rea, wlth effect from 10th January, ral Provm ce, wlth effect from 10th February, 1978 1978 Itux.u OLuK.1J, to be D jstrlct Oë cer, K mm bu D strlct, Central ELPHA.S G At.VIN A sw hxl Au oNGo, to be D tstnct Oëcer, K zsll Provmce, wlth elect from 2nd July, 1977 Dlstnct, N yanza Provlnce, m th esect from 10th Fobruary, 1978 D IJNSTAN JOHN G tmvasw A G AtAvA, to be Dlstnct OK cer, K mm bu D lstnct, Central Provm ce, m th esect from 5th July, Cm lttzs GITAHI M UNYBRIA, to be Dlstnct Oë cer, Sam buru 1977 Dlstnct, m ft Valley Provm ce, wstll eflect from 11th February, FRo cls K IMANI NzoRoGs. to b: Dzstnct O/ cer, N yandanm Dzsm 1978 tnct, Central Provm ce, wzth efl'ect from 2nd August, 1977 GsNssw s K ITHINZI, to be Dlstnct Om cer, M om basa D lstrlct, J()HN K IPSMNA CHBBEET. to be D tstrlct Oë cer, Sotlth N yanm Coast Provmce, wlth cfect from 14th February, 1978 Dlstnct, N yanza Prownce, wlth esect from 10th August, 1977 ELLIAM CHIBUVI K ITIABI to be Dlstnct Oë cer, South N yanz.a JOHN M UHINJA G ITARI, to be Dlstnct OKcer, Klnnyaga Dls- D lstnct, N yanz.a Provlnce, wlth elvct from 22nd Februal'y, tnct, G ntral Provmce, m th eFect from 22nd August, 1977 1978 PHILLIP PAUL SIEMA, to be Dlstnct OKcer, Elgem /M arakwd ADEN N otm ADEN, to be Dlstnct Oë cer, K lnnyaga D lstnct, Dlstnct, Rtft Valley Provmco, wlth elec.t f rom 22nd August, Central Provm ce, wlth esect from 25th Februal'y, 1978 1977 JosEpu lsAAc M UITHBRERO, to be D lstrzct Oë cer, Klambu Dls- ClR s'lu M UGO W ANJAU, to bo Dzstnct OK cer, M achakos D ls tnct, Central Provm ce, m th efïect from 23rd August, 1977 tnct, Fwastern Provm ce, m th elect from 3rd M arch, 1978 M ICHAEL KAMAU K BHCRIA, to be Dzstrlct Oflker, Provm czal FRBD OGUTA OMW BNGA, to bo Dzstnct Oë cer, M ombasa D 1s Headquarters, Cem ral Provm co, wlth esect from 25th August, trlct, Coast Provmce, m tll eqect from 81 M arc'b, 1978 1977 JBREMIAH OCHWADA M USUMBA, to be D lstnct Opicer. Tana m ver IURAHIM SHABAN FADHAMUILAH, to be D lstnct Oëcer, K lam bu Dlstnct, Coast Provm ce, wltll efect from 12th M amb., 1978 Dlstnct, Central Provm ce, wztlz efl'et,t from 25th August, 1977 ELPHAS G ALVIN A swu l M IONGIN to be Dâstnct Oëtzr K zsll IBRAHIM M OHAMBD ADBN, to be Dlstnct OKcer, South N yanza Dlstrlct, N yanz,a Provlnce, m th elect from 24th Apnl, 1978 Dzstnct, N yanz,a Provmce, wlth effect from 13th September, 1977 ALBERT M ooERw A M &YoYâ, to be Dlstnct Oë cer, Smya Dlstnct K u cRu K ARANJA, to be Dlstnct Oë cer, South Nynnzn Dlstnct, N yanza Provm ce, wltll elect from 1st M ay, 1978 N yany.a Provm ce, wlth esect from 14th Septem ber, 1977 PRoM o'rloxs ESTHSR SOLOMON W ANJOHI (M ISs)y to be Dlstnct Offker, Lnlkl- p1a Dzstnct, m ft Valley Provm ce, m tll effect from 14th D uxcu N DCNGU K ANIARU, to be Under Secretary, Oë ce uf the October, 1977 Presldent, wlth cfïect from 1st June, 1977 GEOFFREY M ATI M 'M wANIKI, to be D lstnct Oëcer, Klam bu JAMES JOHN K ALAITA K yoNoo to be Senlor Lecturer, K enya Dzstnct, Central Provm ce, wzth esect from 15th October, 1977 Adm lnlstratton, D lrectorate of Personnel M anagement, m th M USAMBI M UHATIA M IJBALE, to be D lstrlct Olhcer: K lambu Dls- ezem from 22nd June, 1977 trlct, Central Provmce, m th eFect from 17th October, 1977 VIRGINIA W ANGUI M ATHENGB (M RS )y to be Semor Analyst, GOV- Cvltvs TM G ITAUM , to be Dlstnct Oëcer, N yen Dtstrtct, Cent- em m ent Cbenust, Oë ce of t*e Presldtnt, wlth eiect f rom ral Provmce, wlth efl'c'ct from 17th October, 1977 10th M ay, 1978 KszzY W ANJIRU M UNIU (M Iss), to be Dlstnct Oëcery M urang'a JA- s JOHN K AT.AITA K yoe o, to be Som or Leduxr, K enya Dlstnct, Central Provm ce, wlth effect from 17th October, 1977 lnstltute of Adm lnstratlon, Dlrectorat: of Personnd M anage- PETBR CHARLBS Ow INo OMOLO, to be Dlstnct Oz cer, South ment, wltlz effect from 24th M ay, 1978 Nyanza Dlstnct, N yanza Provm ce, wlth efect from 18th October, 1977 By Order of the Comm lsmon W Aslx.s W M-BKHWA, to be D lstnct OKcer, M eru Dlstrlct, Pzast- ern Provm ce, wlth effcct from 18th October, 1977 L A M URA GUR I, PHILIP BARACK ADuw o, to be D lstnct OKcer, K lambu Dlstrlct, !or secretary' Central Provm ce, m tll elect from 19th O ctober, 1977 Publlc Jerwce Commtnion (# Kenya SIMIVU W AW ANJA, to be Dlstrlct Om cer, M eru Dstnct, Eastem Provm ce, wlth elect from 19th October, 1977 EMANUEL M osEs OTIBNO OPAR, to be D lstnct Om cer, K almdo Dlstrlct, Rlft Valley Provm ce, m th efect from 21st October, G AZZTIB NoTlcE N o 1887 1977 Joycs KAVINDU M ULINGB (M ISs), to be Dlstnct Oëcer, Klambu THB ARG IITEW S Ae QUAU ITY SURVEYORS AW D stnct, Central Provmce, m th eflect from 24th Octobers 1977 Lcap 525) REyxot.o TINSHOP OW OUR to be Dlstrld Oflker, N yandartla DIS- Aplzorx'l'c r oF TI'IE llEols'rltu oF ,nm Boztlto tnct, Central Provm ce, m th elïect from 8th January, 1978 IN EX ERCISE td x wers Gm forred by sectlon 6 of the JAMES N GEMBE K ARBKIA, to be Dlstnct Oskery M achakos Dls- Arlhlttcts and Quantlty Survzyors Auq the M mlstor for W orks trlct, Eastem Provm ce, wlth eflect from 10th January, 1978 heroby appomts- LA'BAX K I- NDA OHITO to be Dlstnct Oïcer, K lambu D lstnct, Central Provm ce, wzth elect from 12th January, 1978 Jo> KIMANI M URAGURI, 1$ x (HoNs ), M & A K (Q) FRANCIS KENDAGOR K EITANY, to be Dlstnct OKcer, N yen Dls- to bo tho Rem ytm r of th: Board tnct, Central Provmce, m th effect from 17th January, 1978 The perlod of oK ce of the Board s1w.11 be deemed To have M ATHEw K ATHURIMA M 'ITHURI, to be Dlstnct Oflicery Nyerj O mm enced on 1st July, 1978 D lstrlct, Central Provlnce, wlth esect from 20th Janual'y, 1978 Eu tm M BUTU W ANJOHI, to be Dlstnct Ol1icer, M urang'a Dls- D ated thls 29th day of Jtme, 1X 8 trtcts Central Provtnce, m th esect from 2314 January, 1978 F-aAs.rt!s K IBUGU W AHOME, to be Dlstnct OfEcery N yen Dlstrlcty N W M UN OK O, Central Provmce, wtth eflkct from 23rd January, 1978 M lmster for W orks 7th July, 1978 TH E K ENY A G A ZET I-E 727 G àzcrrs N o'rlcE N o 1888 GAzizrrli NoT!cE No 1891 THE ARCHITECTS AND QUANTX Y SURVEYORS ACT TH E CH IEFS' A U T H O R ITY A CT fcap 525) W ap 128) IN EY ERCISE of powers oonforred by sedlon 4 of tho Arthlttcts and Quantlty Surveyors Ads the M mtster for W orks A laeolx'rslsw'rs herebyw IN EXERCISE of the powers delegated to m e under regulatlon (J) nom lnaltes as membors of the Board- 9 (t) (c) of the Publlu Servlce Comm lsslon of Kenya Regulatlons, 1965 I hereby appolnt the persons In the Schedule annexed hereto The Chlef Archltect, M m lstry

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