f - ' The Trade Wind - Page 2_____________________________ of action in this romantic Gargoyle creatures menace 9:00 humane courtroom lawyer western about a one-man war an anthropologist and his QMOVIE -(ADVENTURE) ** makes a powerful plea for against the railroad. (103 daughter. (90 mins.) ^ % l CkT 1961 Charleton understanding. (2 hrs.) mins.) 1:15 Heston, Sophia Loren. An QM OVIE -(DRAMA) *** 2 - KUTV Salt Lake City - NBC QM OVIE -(COMEDY- 11th century warrior's heroic 'Tulsa" 1949 Susan DRAMA)**V& crusade to stem the tide of Hayward, Robert Preston. An Friday "Till Marriage Do Us Part" the Moorish invasion of oil woman fights for her 3 - WTBS - Altanta Laura Antonelll, Alberto Spain. (2 hrs.. 55 mins.) - property, forgetting about MORNING Lionello. In the early 1900s, a ■ SPECIAL MOVIE human values while-involved 11:00 member of nobility weds a PRESENTATION in wildcat drilling. (2 hrs.) 4 - KXLF Butt« - ABC-CBS QMOVIE-(CARTOON)** commoner. On their wedding 'Desperate Voyage' 1980 QMOVIE-(DRAMA)** ^Hey There, If s Yogi Bear" night they discover they are Stars: Christopher Plummer, ^ 'P u n ch And Jody" 1974 1061 Voices of Mel Blanc, J. brother and sister -and the Christine Belford. A young Glenn Ford, Ruth Roman. An 5 ■ KWGN Denver - Independent Pat O’ Malley. Yogi comes out trouble begins. (92 mins.) married couple are terrorized executive dropout runs away of hibernation and winds up 1:40 by a modern-day pirate while from his pregnant wife and in trouble. (2 hrs.) QMOVIE-(DRAMA)** on a pleasure cruise aboard joins the circi«^90 mins.) 7 - KTVX Salt Lake City • ABC “ Across The Bridge" 1958 their ketch. (2 hrs.) AFTERNOON________________ Rod Steiger, Maria Landi. 10:35 3VIE -(MUSICAL)* V4 3*90 Every hand is against a man Q M O VIE -(MUSICAL- •y Malone" 1978 Jodie 9 - KSL Salt Lake City - CBX QMOVIE -(SUSPENSE) “ * on the run and millions of OOMEDY)*“ Foster, Scott Baio. Unique TI4ari With The Golden Gun'' dollars can't save his life. (2 "Guys and Dolla" 1966 Frank spoof of Prohibition-era 1874 Roger Moore, hrs.) Sinatra, Marlon Brando; What gangster films.(Rated G) (93 Christopher Lee. James 2:45 happens when missionary mins.) 11 - KUED Salt Lake City - Educational Bond is the target for a $1 QMOVIE-(DRAMA)** irl meets -Broadway gam­ 4:00 million assassin with a bullet ^ The Greatest Battlr" 1979 gier, proprietor of Moating QMOVIE-(DRAMA) **V& of solid gold and a heart of Henry Fonda, John Huston. crap game, and his fiancee of “ ’¡Btowswsy to the Moon" 12* Weather Scan solid stone. (Rated PG) (2 Gripping tale of personal 14 years. (2 hrs., 55 mins.) 1974 Lloyd Bridges, Michael hrs., 5 mins.) trauma and tragedy in­ 10:40 Link; The story of an 11 year tertwined with the terrors of QMOVIE-(DRAMA)*** old boy's adventure on a 13 - KTVM Butte - NBC-CBS EVENING____________________ war. (Rated PG) (97 mins.) T *a n With The Golden Arm" manned space Hijjht. (2 hrs.) 1 9 « Frank Sinatra, Kim 6:00 Novak. The story of a heroin QM OVIE -(COMEDY) "*W Saturday addict and his crippled wife. ^Trtaco Kid" 1979 Gene 19« Wilder. Off-beat western m o r n in g ____________________ (2 hrs.) _ . Renberry. about a naive Polish rabbi SISd 11:30 True story of a father's eight sent to San Francisco to take QMOVIE -(WESTERN) *14 QMOVIE-(COMEDY)*** year search for his children ^ Brother R t f ' 1 9 » Ronald after his ex-wife marries a charge' of a congregation. T h iv e werriOf" 1962 John Reagan, Eddie Albert. Fun, When he misses his boat, he Hall, Jay Silverheels. A man man who's identity was is forced to set out across the prevents Indian hostilities in action-filled version of the changed 'by the Witness American wilderness on 1800 Indiana. (90 mins.) Broadway play relating the Relocation' Program. (Rated horseback in the company of lives of three V.M.I. seniors, PG) (89 mins.) a young bank robber. (Rated QMOVIE-(DRAMA) ***Vi their romances, and the PG) <118 mins.) ^Moulin Rouge" 1952 Jose pregnant wife of one of them. EVENING ____________ 7:00 Ferrer, Zsa Zsa Gabor. The (115 mins.) 6:00 QMOVIE -(SCIENCE- Q Q THE BIG EVENT story of 1900's Parisian artist rCTW N)**V4 Toulouse Lautrec, whose 'King Kong' 1976 Stars: Jeff stunted growth affects his 'Invasion From Inner Earth" Bridges, Jessica Lange. 1977 Paul Bentzen, Debbie When two men and a woman widow with three sons and a work and relationships. (2 Pick. A bushpilot and his widower with one daughter hrs., 30 mins.) discover a tribe of Aborigines sister live in a remote on a Micronesian island, the decide to get married in spite 10:30 wilderness cabin in Northern of their children's animosity woman is captured and of­ Q M O VIE -(WESTERN- Canada. They are flying three fered in sacrifice to Kong, a for one another^ hrs.) DRAMA) *** science students back to "Leet Sunset" 1961 Rock gigantic ape that appears to civilization when they receive nave a special affection for 0 ( 4 ) FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE Hudson, Dorothy Malone. a warning not to land as some 'Convoy' 1978 Stars: Kris Three men vie for the love of her. (3 hrs.) (Closed- Kristofferson, Ali MacGraw. A a woman. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) strange disease has claimed Captioned; U.S.A.) truck driving wildman with a all the lives of the town­ 7:30 beautiful woman at his side speople. (90 mins.) QMOVIE-(ROMANCE) **% roars through the night at the AFTERNOON__________. 1240 ^ T lw t L u c k y Touch" 1975 QMOVIE-(DRAMA) *V4 Roger Moore, Susannah 30 mins.) head of a long line of high 1240 HWg Bad Mama" Angie 7:00 powered rigs trying to outrun Q M O VIE -(SCIENCE FIG- York. An arms dealer is in Thursday a n THURSDAY NIGHT AT an equally rowdy army of Dickinson, William Shalner. love with a leftist reporter TO N )*** Pistol-packing widow and her who's covering NATO war M ORNING T R F M O V IE 8 cops. (2 hrs.) "Escape From the Planet of ■MOVIE-(DRAMA)** daughter go on a crime spree games for a Washington Post. The Sound Of Music' 1965 the Apse" 1971 Roddy Mc- in 1930s Texas. (Rated R) (84 10 :0 0 Stars: Julie Andrews, ^ D W Hot U ne" 1666 Vince Dowall, Kim Hunter. Two (Rated PG) (89 mins.) ■MOVIE-{ADVENTURE)*** Christopher Plummer. A girl Edwards, Kim .Hunter. A talking apes, from earth's mins.) ^TOymoutfiAdventura" 1096 who aspires to be a nun psychiatrist has his hands full 1 :» ■MOVIE-(COMEDY),**Vi future, land in 1971 L.A. (2 QMOVIE-(ADVENTURE) *** Spencer Tracy, Gene Tier­ decides to become gover­ with his hot-line service. (2 hrs.) ^ G olng In Style" 1979 Lee ney. The story of the voyage ness to seven children and hrs.) ^Deeperate Journey" 1943 Strasberg, George Burns. of the Mayflower, and the QMOVIE-(COMEDY) ** W Errol Flynn, Raymond wins the heart of their 9:00 ^ B M s Do IT INN Soupy Three retired men decide to love story of Priscilla and widowed father, Captain von Massey. A group of downed go against the law. (Rated QMOVIE -(COMEDY)** Sales, Beverly Adams. Cape American fliers commit acts John Alden. (2 hrs.) Trapp. Maria and the Captain TM ro At Large" 1979 John Kennedy janitor mistakenly PG) (99 mins.) 11:00 are married and the family of sabotage in WW II Ger­ 1040 Ritter. Ann Archer. A enters oft limits room and many. (2 hrs.. 5 mins.) ■MOVIE-(CARTOON) ** becomes a top concert at­ struggling actor who foils a becomes negatively ionized. QMOVIE -(BIOGRAPHICAL) ^ M a n Called FHntstone" traction. (3 hrs.) 1 :» robbery while in a Captain As a result he is able to fly f^MOVIIVIE «« -(ADVENTURE) 1100 Voices of Alan Reed, Mel •4 0 Avenger costume decides and is irresistible to women. "Dr. Ehrlich'» Magic Bullet" Blanc. A stone-age spy must ■MOVIE-(DRAMA)*** that i f the tights fit, wear 'em, (2 hrs.) 1940 Edward G. Robinson, crush a nefarious ^ ¡5 * AngeTiao Fredric "Night of the Grizzly" 1166 Ruth Gordon. The story of the and become a one man crime 1240 Clint Walker, Martha Hyer. An organization. (2 hrs.) March, Merle Oberon. Two buster. (Rated PG) (97 mins.) QMOVIE-(DRAMA)*** nineteenth, century German ■MOVIE -(COMEDY) ***V4 young Englishmen in love ex-lawman in 1880 Wyoming, scientist who developed a 10:16 ^Derk AngeTIM S Fredric has to contend with a savage ^■Miracle on 34th Street'1 with The same girl go off to Q M O VIE -(HORROR) ** Vi March, Merle Oberon. Two cure for venereal disease. (2 1047 Maureen O'Hara, John war-the one sne loves is " ’WWt» Zombie" 1913 Bela young Englishmen in love grizzly bear. (2 hrs.) hrs.. 5 mins.) Payne. An eccentric man blinded and pretends to be Lugosi, Madge Bellamy. with The same girl go off to 240 Q FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE oes on trial to prove he's dead, but on the eve of her Zombies rob graves and take war-the one sne loves is ■MOVIE -(SCIENCE- The Babysitter* 1960 Stars: ganta Claus. (2 hrs.) marriage to the other, she bodies to sugar mill where blinded and pretends to be H CTIO N )*" Patty Duke Astin, William (earns ne is alive. (90 mins.) "Logar/a Run" 1979Michael Shatner. A charming zombies worn around the dead, but on the eve of her York, Farrah Fawcett. In the AFTERNOON M 0 clock grinding sugar cane for marriage to the other, she babysitter infiltrates a family 140 ■MOVIE -(MUSICAL) *V4 year 2774, society ex­ exploiting each member1 s mad white Zombie.
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