US 2006O120990A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0120990 A1 Stass (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 8, 2006 (54) COMPOSITION FOR TREATING HAIR AND Related U.S. Application Data SCALP AND METHOD FOR PREPARING SAME (60) Provisional application No. 60/632,195, filed on Dec. 2, 2004. Publication Classification (75) Inventor: Dirk Stass, Lumby (CA) (51) Int. Cl. 46R 8/97 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: A6IR 36/38 (2006.01) ANTONY C. EDWARDS A6IR 36/534 (2006.01) SUTE 200 - 270 HGHWAY 33 WEST A6IR 36/10 (2006.01) KELOWNA, BC V1X1X7 (CA) (52) U.S. Cl. ............................ 424/74; 424/730; 424/747; 424/762; 424/778; 424/769 (73) Assignee: Testa Hair Holdings Inc. (57) ABSTRACT An herbal composition for the re-growth of human hair (21) Appl. No.: 11/291,828 includes the combination of hypercium perforatum, veronica beccabunga, Veronica officinalis, and equisetum arvense wherein the combination is infused in water and adapted to (22) Filed: Dec. 2, 2005 be applied to the scalp of a user. US 2006/0120990 A1 Jun. 8, 2006 COMPOSITION FOR TREATING HAIR AND commonly known as ROGAINE, causes hair growth when SCALP AND METHOD FOR PREPARING SAME applied to the scalp and slows the rate of hair loss in some individuals by stimulating hair follicles. Finasteride, com CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED monly known as PROPECIA is a drug that is taken orally to APPLICATION treat androgenic alopecia by blocking the formation of DHT. The problem with treating hair loss with pharmaceutical 0001. This application claims priority from United States drugs is the potential side effects of such drugs. Minoxidil Provisional Patent Application No. 60/632,195 filed Dec. 2, may cause low blood pressure, increase in heart rate, weight 2004 entitled Composition for Treating Hair and Scalp and gain due to water retention, and the scalp may become Method for Preparing Same. inflamed. Finasteride may cause genital deformities in male infants, impotence, decreased libido, hives or rash, and FIELD OF THE INVENTION Swelling. 0002 The present invention relates to the field of herbal 0007 Nutraceutical or herbal remedies for hair loss typi remedies, and more particularly, it relates to an herbal hair cally focus on increasing blood Supply to the scalp, remov and Scalp formula. ing sebum in the scalp to prevent clogging of the pores, and/or increasing nutrition to the hair root to reduce hair loss BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION and promote hair growth. There are numerous herbal rem edies for the treatment and prevention of hair loss available 0003 For many years, the pharmaceutical industry, the in the art that target specific Suspected causes of hair loss. nutraceutical industry, and the cosmetic industry have been For example, there are a plurality of herbal remedies for researching and developing compositions that will cure or treating hair loss that are directed to improving blood prevent hair loss or promote hair growth. Androgenic alope circulation to the scalp without regard to other bodily cia, which is the most common type of hair loss, is usually malaises that may be contributing to hair loss. None of the associated with genetic factors that cause hair follicles on the top of the scalp to have an increased sensitivity to the available remedies provide a comprehensive treatment of the hormone dihyrdotestosterone (DHT). The combination of numerous potential factors that may contribute to hair loss. testosterone present in the follicles with the enzyme 5 alpha As such, there exists a need to provide an herbal formula that reductase produced by the hair follicles produces DHT. Hair attempts to correct a broad range of imbalances and prob follicle receptors sensitive to DHT thereby respond to the lems that are typically associated with causing hair loss. presence of DHT which shrinks the hair follicles until they no longer produce visible hair, thereby beginning the pro SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION cess of hair loss. Other factors including physical and 0008. It is an object of the present invention to provide an emotional stress, hormonal problems, medications, and herbal formula for treating hair and scalp and a method of underlying diseases such as thyroid problems and diabetes preparing the same that is capable of providing a compre have been associated with causing hair loss as well. hensive treatment for a plurality of known and/or Suspected 0004 There are surgical and non-surgical solutions to causes of hair loss. The present invention retards and inhibits address the problem of hair loss. Surgical options include hair loss, and promotes hair re-growth. Inflammation asso hair grafting, which involves removing Small pieces of hair ciated with hair loss is reduced, the present invention bearing scalp from the back and sides of the head and providing for healing of the skin and Scalp which results in transplanting them into holes and slits on the top of the head. hair re-growth and the corresponding cessation and preven Scalp reduction is another Surgical alternative which tion of hair loss. involves surgical removal of bald areas on the top of the 0009. In accordance with the present invention, there is Scalp. The problem with Surgical Solutions is the cost asso provided a composition for treating hair and Scalp compris ciated with Such procedures, the medical risks associated ing a combination of hypercium perforatum, veronica bec with Surgery, and the time commitment required pre and post cabunga, veronica officinalis, and equisetum arvense Surgery for preparation and recovery. wherein the combination is infused in water and applied to 0005 With respect to non-surgical options, there are hair the hair and scalp of a user. Preferably, the combination may extensions which involve attaching synthetic or human hair further include one or more of urtica dioica, menthe to existing hair or scalp to give the appearance of a fuller Canadensis, and epilobium parviflorum. head of hair. Hair extensions are typically weaved into 0010. In an embodiment of the invention, the composi existing hair or attached to the scalp by adhesives. Although tion comprises between 150 to 250 grams of hypercium hair extensions are a less intrusive and less costly way of perforatum, 50 and 150 grams of veronica beccabunga, 50 addressing hair loss, hair extensions fail to cure or prevent and 150 grams of veronica officinalis, and 100 and 200 hair loss or promote hair growth. Hair extensions merely grams of equisetum arvense to produce between 150 to 250 mask the problem and fail to provide a solution that litres of the composition according to the method described addresses the root of the hair loss problem. Furthermore, below. Preferably, 200 grams of hypercium perforatum, 100 adhesives for attaching hair extensions may cause skin grams of veronica beccabunga, 100 grams of veronica irritation and hair weaving may cause permanent hair loss at officinalis, and 150 grams of equisetum arvense is combined the attachment site due to prolonged tension. to produce 200 litres of the composition or 20 litres of 10:1 0006 Other non-surgical options for treating hair loss COncentrate. include a variety of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical topical 0011. In another embodiment of the invention, the com and/or oral treatments that promote hair re-growth and/or position may further comprise between 100 and 200 grams prevent further hair loss. For example, topical minoxidil, of urtica dioica. In another embodiment of the invention, the US 2006/0120990 A1 Jun. 8, 2006 composition may also comprise between 25 and 75 grams of 0016 Veronica beccabunga, commonly known as mentha Canadensis. In yet another embodiment of the inven Brooklime, is an herb known for its alterative, antioxidant, tion, the composition may further comprise between 100 to and diuretic properties and is usually recommended for 200 grams of epilobium parviflorum. Preferably, the com treating impurity of the blood. Veronica beccabunga has also position further comprises a combination of 150 grams of been used as an antiscorbutic and for treating affections of urtica dioica, 50 grams of menthe Canadensis, and 150 the skin. In the present invention, between 50 and 150 grams grams of epilobium parviflorum to produce about 200 litres of veronica beccabunga is used to produce between approxi of the composition. mately 200 litres of the composition. The diuretic property 0012. The method of preparing the composition accord of veronica beccabunga helps to lower blood pressure, ing to the present invention includes the steps of reducing purify blood by encouraging the elimination of toxins from each of the herbs in the combination such that the active the body, and cleanse the urinary system and the alterative ingredients of the herbs may be released. A first predeter property helps restore general health to the body and mined amount of water is then added to the reduced herb increase oxygen to the blood. combination. The water and reduced herb combination is 0017 Veronica officinalis, also known as Common then brought to a boil for a predetermined period of time Speedwell, is an herbaceous plant that has long been used such that the herbs may infuse the water to produce a medicinally to treat coughs, stomach and urinary disorders, composition concentrate. The reduced herbs are then and rheumatism. Veronica officinalis has antioxidant prop removed from the composition concentrate by conventional erties and is an expectorant, alterative, tonic and diuretic. In straining means and a second predetermined amount of the present invention, between 50 and 150 grams of veronica water is added to the composition concentrate to form the officinalis is used to produce between approximately 200 composition. It is intended that the quantities of herbal litres of the composition. The diuretic property of veronica ingredients set out herein described as resulting in 200 litres officinalis helps to lower blood pressure, purify blood, and of the composition may be scaled according to their corre cleanse the urinary system and the expectorant property sponding ratios (grams of a particular element:litres of promotes elimination of matter from the respiratory tract.
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