Distribution Wecther Today 7 a. in. ueaveutwt It. m km hndd today mDBANK .19,200 * te o. MM * b«fb c . Urn tmi&. ia Wu. *V, fair with Htfe cta«e M' acwwr TMKMCW nuMr~n»>. mn temperature. See Veathv, ag. 2. Dial SH 1.0010 a auir, Monaiy ihnwfli frw»y. ••com Ciiu Panic* VOL. 85, NO. 55 U Red Buk sal at MtlUona lUlltnf OUlc««. RED BANK. N, J., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Soblen Dies In Soviet Issues Stern Hospital Was Unconscious Warning On Cuba Since Last MOSCOW (AP) - The Soviet this situation and order the De- The statement added an ap- military supplies and military government warned the United fense Ministry as well as the peal to all nations to raise technicians to Cuba but is not Thursday States today that an attack on command of the Soviet army their voices against the alleged establishing a base there. Cuba would be the beginning to take all measures to put aggressive plans of the United "We state and we repeat," LONDON (AP) - Dr. Robert States and to prevent the the statement said, "that if Soblen died today. u of a war that might turn into our Fighting forces into the high- a world nuclear war. est degree of fighting readiness. "American aggressors" from war is unleashed, if an aggres- A hospital spokesman said starting a war. sor attacks one or another death' came to the fugitive spy at In a statement read to a "This is exclusively a pre- special Foreign Office news cautionary measure. On our The statement declared that state, and this state turns to 10:40 a.m. (4:40 a.m. EST) in the side we shall do everything not ward where he had lain uncon- conference, the,Soviet govern- to violate peace." the Soviet Union is sending ment accused the United States us for help, then the Soviet scious since last Thursday. Union has the possibility of giv- 10-Week Battle of'staging provocations "which might plunge the world into the ing aid from its own territory, The death of the 61-year-old to any peace loving state, and New York psychiatrist ended a disaster of a universal world war with the use of thermo- Cuba at a Glance not only to Cuba. 10-week battle to escape deporta- "And let no one doubt that tion to the United States, where nuclear weapons." MOSCOW — The Soviet Union warned the United States •Unleashing War' that an attack on Cuba could develop into a world nuclear the Soviet Union will give such he faced a life sentence as a war- aid." time spy for the Soviet Union. "One cannot now attack Cuba war. It accused the United States of provications and said Berlin Question Soblen took an overdose of bar- and expect that the aggressor the Soviet government will "give aid from its own territory" will be free from punishment to any "peace-loving state" that asks for help against an In the statement, the Soviet ON SCHEDULE — First regional high school in eastern section of the Bayshore, biturates apparently just before government also declared it he was put in an ambulance last for this attack," the statement aggressor. Henry Hudson Junior-Senior Regional High, opened yesterday, on schedule, for At- continued. "If such an attack Key West — Havana radio said a "pirate ship" fired on wants a settlement of the Ber- Thursday to be taken to a plane lin question, and a liquidation lantic Highlands and Highlands students in grades seven through 12. The $1.3 mil- for the United States. js made, this will be the be- two cargo vessels off the northern coast of Cuba. The alleged ginning of unleashing war." attacker made IE hits on a Cuban boat carrying molasses of the occupation regime in the lion building, nestled among tall trees near Twin Lights, Highlands, overlooks the En route to London airport he divided city. lapsed into unconsciousness in the The statement appealed to and 13 on a British vessel the radio said was carrying sugar bay and ocean. Site is considered one of the most beautiful in New Jersey. Here, "The occupation regime must ambulance. At the airport he was United States "to display com- to Socialist countries. No injuries were reported. be liquidated, and it shall be supervisory principal Harold C. Schaible, right, greet* Claudia Morgan, Student transferred to another ambulance mon sense, not to lose its self- Havana — Prime Minister Fidel Castro called members of liquidated," the statement said. Council president, as Highlands Mayor Cornelius J. Guiney, Jr., and Samuel P. and rushed to nearby Hilllngdon control and soberly to assess the U. S. Congress bandits and pirates and said they have Hospital. what is' actions might lead to made the problem of Cuba a political football. He said Cuba The Russians said many Brown, school board president, look on. statements by American poli- He never regained conscious- if it unleashes war." has been forced to take extraordinary defense measures. It said the Soviets would not New York — Trouble-shooter James Donovan suggested the ticians might have been con- ness, and on Saturday he devel sidered the normal develop- oped convulsions which persisted follow the path of the United Cuban government might swap some 1,100 prisoners of the States in "calling up" 150,000 Bay of Pigs invasion for badly needed food and medicines. He ment of an election year. But His doctors said this was evi in view of President Kennedy's dence of brain damage, appar- Reservists. said the Cuban families committee for the liberation of prison- But the Soviet government, it ers of war, which he represents, has more than $28 million request for authority to call up ently resulting from a shortage of reservists, "The Soviet govern- Tax Appeals Heard oxygen. The doctors explained continued, "considers it to be pledged for this purpose. (See REDS, Page 2) the overdose of barbiturates, re- its duty to remain watchful in LONG BRANCH—Negotiations ing assessment should be cut cases were clients of attorney duced the supply of oxygen to the between taxpayers and the city from $231,200 to $100,000. Sidney Alpern who was unable brain and probably caused tax office seemed yesterday to They will argue, when the ap- to appear yesterday. brain hemorrhage. be lessening the load for the peal is heard, that their assess- Following are the lists of stipu Hospital authorities said the Monmouth County Tax Board to ment is out of line with the pre- lations (agreed upon amounts Report Two Ships resolve many local arguments. body would be taken to nearby vailing ratio In the city and, were not disclosed on the record) Kingston Lane Mortuary and a More than 225 taxpayers filed therefore, is in violation of the submitted for the board's ap- appeals against new levies, pro- post mortem would be held later state and federal constitutions. proval, and of contested cases in today. testing, the 1961 city-wide reval Eighteen of the adjourned (See TAX, Page 2) uation program intended to Soblen was a physician afflict- Attacked Off Cuba ed with an incurable disease; bring all properties to 100 per KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) — Ha tesy when In the waters of anoth- cent of.true values. naturalized American convicted of biting the hand .that gave him vana Radio said today two cargo er country. But of 121 set for hearings be- vessels have been attacked by The ' attack took place near fore the county board yesterday shelter; a Communist who admit- Matawan School ted support of the left wing in what it called a pirate ship of Cayo Frances, a small island off in City Hall, testimony indicated the northern coast of Cuba. the coast of Las Villas Province, taxpayers and assessors were politics throughout World War II, One of the ships which wa the radio said. The area Is a Willing to compromise. He denied vehementjy that hi fired on was a Cuban freighte: short distance northeast of the Tax Board President- Paul ever engaged in espionage, "o Still Not Finished anything remotely connected witl carrying a load of molasses, th port oi Caibarlen. Kiernan said figures agreed up- radio said. The other wai iden on by the property owners and MATAWAN — The new $2,470, life end of the month, and the it." Sugar Cargo Ship assessors would be studied by 000 junior-senior high school will home, economics rooms toward But he was convicted by a New tified as a British vessel with In hondon, the Trafalgar the board. No decisions were get into full swing Sept. 20, John the middle of next month, Mr. York Federal District Court July a name which sounded like "New Steamship Co. said Its sugar car- made on the spot. Caracciolo, principal, reported Caracciolo said. 13, 1961, of turning over secrel Land." The British ship was car- go freighter Newlane left Havana About 100 appeals are still to yesterday, even though building All 36. regular classrooms are data to Soviet agents over a spa rying sugar to Socialist countries last night under charter and be presented. The board will hear construction is not finished. ready for use, however. of two decades, Including war- the broadcast reported. might -have been' one of the two them Oct. 17 in the Tax Board The school, originally slated to To Give Talks time information from the New The broadcast was monitored ships Havana'Radio said were York headquarters of the Office office in Freehold. open last Wednesday, will open The three-day orientation, pro- in Key West.
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