13232 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 9 September 8, 2011 MEMORIAL TRIBUTE FOR CHIEF dying passion for rock ’n’ roll and rock musi- GUNS UP—FOOTBALL AND MIKE PETTY OFFICER SPECIAL WAR- cians, her ability to gain access to areas LEACH FARE OPERATOR DARRIK where reporters were usually off-limits, and CARLYLE BENSON her ability to spot talent. In her review of a HON. TED POE performance by Bruce Springsteen in 1975 at OF TEXAS HON. KAY GRANGER the Allen Theater, she predicted that ‘‘he will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be the next superstar,’’ months before he was OF TEXAS Thursday, September 8, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES featured on the front covers of Newsweek and Time. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, in coffee Thursday, September 8, 2011 Ms. Scott was admired by such rockers as shops, barber shops and even in the beauty Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Lou Reed, Peter Frampton, David Thomas of salons all across Texas, the talk is the same— honor Chief Petty Officer Special Warfare Op- Pere Ubu, and Michael Stanley. She went on how’s the team gonna be this year? It’s that erator Darrik Carlyle Benson who died August to become a celebrity herself, and was profiled time of year, a time that folks in Texas and 6th in Wardak Province, Afghanistan. Chief in the New York Times, the Wall Street Jour- across the South prepare for all year long, Benson was a patriot and a hero who made nal, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, CNN Football season. Football in Texas is its own the ultimate sacrifice ensuring the security of and MTV, among others. religion, where even the preacher cuts the ser- our nation. He will be greatly missed. Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me mon short on Sundays to get you home in Chief Benson was a highly decorated com- in honor and remembrance of Ms. Jane Scott, time to watch the game. Nowhere else on bat veteran with numerous awards, including a woman whose passion for rock ’n’ roll made earth will you find a culture so linked with foot- two Bronze Star Medals with Valor, Purple her a legendary figure in the Cleveland com- ball like is in Texas. Heart Medal, Defense Meritorious Service munity. Texas football is that of both legend and Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commenda- legacy. It has spawned countless books, mov- tion Medal with Valor, Navy and Marine Corps f ies and TV series; providing a look into a way Commendation Medal, two Navy and Marine of life that is so proudly unique. It’s the Junc- Corps Achievement Medals, Combat Action CELEBRATING THE 100TH BIRTH- tion Boys, the Tyler Rose, the last minute Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, two Afghan- DAY OF THE BAY CITY ARMORY touchdown run by Texas Longhorn Vince istan Campaign Medals, Global War on Ter- BUILDING Young in the Rose Bowl for the National rorism Service Medal, and numerous other Championship. I was there by the way with my personal and unit decorations. HON. DALE E. KILDEE son, Kurt. What a game, what a memory. Chief Benson is survived by his loving fam- Most Texans, if you ask them, have at least OF MICHIGAN ily, friends, and teammates. one team for which their loyalty lies. One thing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES His nation owes Chief Benson an enormous I can say without a doubt is that Texas Tech debt of gratitude. We are honored to have had Thursday, September 8, 2011 fans love their football. It is the rich heritage of tradition that sets Texas Tech apart from all such an exemplary American fighting for his Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the rest. It is Bangin’ Bertha, the Saddle country. celebrate the 100th birthday of the Bay City Tramps and the Masked Rider. It’s Raider I wish to extend my condolences to Chief Armory Building. Benson’s family, friends, and teammates and Alley, the Double T Saddle and Raider Red. The landmark Bay City Armory building, de- hope they continue to find solace in his lasting Raider Red fires two 12-gauge shotguns after signed by local architects Pratt and Koepke, impact on his grateful nation. Our thoughts every touchdown and field goal—only in celebrates its 100th birthday this month. and prayers are with them. Texas. Dedicated on September 18, 1911, the Bay f The Mike Leach Era, at Texas Tech, began City Armory was first used by the military to in 2000, when he arrived from Oklahoma (OU IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF organize and train local soldiers to chase Sooners) to take the head coaching position. MS. JANE SCOTT Mexican strongman Pancho Villa along the During his first season, Coach Leach’s offense U.S. border. They later trained soldiers for the produced records in nearly every passing cat- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH battlefields in France and Belgium during egory. In his following nine seasons, the Red World War I. Their units were on hand to help OF OHIO Raiders surpassed each of those passing with disasters, riots and the conflicts of World IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES records and doubled their yards per game. Ev- War II, Korea and Vietnam. The building be- eryone can agree that Leach has one of the Thursday, September 8, 2011 came home for Company C of the Peninsulars greatest offensive minds in football history. Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in militia. The armory also was home to what be- Leach coaches outside-the-box; he trained honor and remembrance of Ms. Jane Scott, came the 128th Ambulance Company, later Tech in the art of air assault operations. Cleveland’s preeminent voice on all matters the 121st Ambulance Company and the 207th During his subsequent football seasons with rock ’n’ roll. Engineering Battalion. Texas Tech, he was awarded three national Ms. Scott was born on May 3, 1919 in In 1912, the Armory was also the site of the coach-of-the-year awards: the Woody Hayes, Cleveland, Ohio. She graduated from Lake- Republican state convention, where infighting the George Munger and the Howie Long/ wood High School in 1937 and went on to pur- among the delegates, some supporting Presi- Fieldturf. He never had a losing season in his sue English and drama majors at the Univer- dent William Howard Taft and others backing nine seasons at Tech. His record speaks for sity of Michigan, from which she graduated in former President Theodore Roosevelt, was so itself. 1941. During World War II, she was a code fierce that fist fights broke out inside and in Seventeen of Leach’s Red Raiders were breaker for the U.S. Navy, and afterwards she front of the building. The 1912 convention drafted into the National Football League, and became the women’s editor of the Chagrin broke apart the party, with the splintered fac- another twenty-one signed free agent con- Valley Herald. She also had brief bouts in ad- tion helping to form the Progressive Party, or tracts under Leach’s tenure. In addition, while vertising and public relations. Bull Moose, in the November elections. coaching at Tech, Leach’s graduation rates in- On March 24, 1952, Scott started working at The last National Guard units moved out of creased and remained over 70 percent. The Plain Dealer as a society writer. However, the building in 1986 and it was acquired by Not only is Mike Leach a great coach but he after the Beatles performed at Public Hall in the Bay County Historical Society to be ren- is also a lawyer. He earned his law degree September 1964, Scott became The Plain ovated as the new historical museum. It from Pepperdine, and credits his law school Dealer’s rock critic, a role which she would opened as a museum in 1988 and continues education to his successful coaching career. keep for four decades. She wrote music fea- to highlight Bay County’s history. According to Leach, ‘‘a law degree is a degree tures, concert reviews, and was well known for Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate the in problem solving. My Juris Doctor has her long standing ‘‘What’s Happening’’ column Bay County Historical Society for preserving helped me solve a number of problems I have in Friday! Magazine. the Bay City Armory Building, one of Bay faced throughout my coaching career.’’ A law- Scott, affectionately known as the ‘‘World’s City’s architectural jewels, and keeping Bay yer, who thinks outside-the-box, sounds famil- Oldest Teenager,’’ became known for her un- County’s rich history alive. iar. 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