VOLUME 5, ISSUE 5 University of California, San Diego NOVEMBER 1, 1968 John Muir Reagan Won't Editor's Note: Government The following is the text of a letter sent to all the members of the Board of Regents, as well as the Chancellors of the UC campuses. The indented paragraph was sent to Governor Reagan on Tuesday Underway by telegram. H e responded yesterday, stating that he would be A viable Muir College govern­ glad to meet with student representatives, but not on state-wide mentwill soon be formed follow­ television, since this, he felt, would not serve any purpose. ing a year of frustration if plans now under way are successful. The Regents of the University of California have been the target Government at Muir College of criticism by both the students of the University and the Governor began on October 16 of last year of the state. As the elected representatives of the students of the when a group of interested stu­ University of California, we are deeply concerned about thiS and dents called a meeting of 20 other problems which now threaten the university. We also recog­ delegates - 2 from each of the nize that conflicting and therefore confusing explanations of the dorms and 4 selected from among causes of these problems have led to minunderstanding among both the commuters. the students and the general public. With the hope of improving The gu iding philosophy ofthose communications and clearing up some of the m!sunderstandingsbetween students was that the traditional the university students and the people of California, we make the form of student government was following proposal: irrelevant because it could only The elected representatives of the students of the Unive rsity do student activities - it could A HALLOW.EEN SURPRISE from the GREAT PUMP.KIN !! of California invite Governor Reagan to discuss, on state-wide not direct the total college life. television, "The Role of the Regents in the Administration Thu s, the twenty delegates ---------------- of the Univer sity of CalIfornia.· The participants in this dis­ were asked to volunteer for one cussion would be: Mr. Charlie Palmer representing the Berkeley of 8 committees, composed Of Weisberg Raps Warren campus, Mr . steve Woodside from Davis, Mr. Ron Ridgle from administration and faculty as well by Clayton Anderson the Irvine campus, Mr . Tom Shepard representing the San Diego as students that were to control Wblle much of the national The next part of the discussion campus, and Governor Reagan. This discussion should precede such activities as -Governmen­ interest in the Warren Com­ was of greater interest as Mr . the November 22 Regent's meeting but would be at a place and tal Space and student Center,· mission's report has faded in the Weisberg threw open the meetinr time chosen by the Governor. "student Projects,· and "Resi­ face of this year's political batt­ for que stions from the audience. We hope that the people of the state will join with us in encouraging dence Halls Affairs.· les, the issue is merely sub­ On the topic of John F. Kennedy, Gove rnor Reagan to accept our invitation in the hope that it will lead These committees, on the merged, not extinguished. Weisberg contends that he was us all to a clear er understanding of a most important problem. whole, were effective. For ex­ This was amply demonstrated killed to prevent any shifts in ample, the Housing Policy com­ last Monday night as a large American foreign policy. Charlie Palmer , ASUC Berkeley Ross Munoz, ASUC Los Angeles mittee secured the suspension crowd gathered in the Revelle Not only was Kennedy moving steve Woodside, ASUC Davis Paul Sweet, ASUC Santa Barbara of the incense rule and the visi­ cafeteria to hear Harold Weis­ toward reconciliation with the Ho Ngu yen, Intercollegiate Council Dave Moring, ASUC Riverside tation policy enjoyed by Muir berg condemn the Warren Com- Russians, but he also wanted to Santa Cruz Tom Shepard, ASUC San Diego College students this year. mission and its conclusions . reorganize the CIA. Bothofthese Ron Ridgle, ASUC Irvine However, other committees, Weisberg, author of "White- moves would have jeopardized the such as the Nominations Com­ wash" and several other books positions of many intelligence mittees, were dissolved after on John F. Kennedy assassina­ personnel, and Mr. Weisbergbe­ their functions were completed tion, spent several hours at UCSD lieves that some of these people Profs Confront and thus, because only commit­ answering que stions and discuss­ acted to protect their positions. tees had any power, their mem­ ing his investigation of the mur­ Replvin£ tn questions about be r s dropped out of government der. Rooert Kennedy, Weisberg stated denying representation to their Students friday Weisberg, whose appearance that Kennedy had made no effort constituencies. was jointly sponsored by TNC to contact Garrison or himself What has happened to that glor­ Chancellor William McGUl. The At the end of last year, the and the Assassination Inquiry concerning their investigation. ltied ideal of the existence of Guest-In-Residence Committee. delegates voted to dissolve the Committee of San Die go, began He also believed that Robert communications and trust be· sponsor of this new weekly dis­ government, except for Ken Pa­ his discussion with a short, but Kennedy's death was only a mat­ tween faculty and students? cussion series, is composed of trick. Ken, elected president of highly detailed list of incidents ter of time because those who Soon atter the UCSD Academk UCSD students who are primarily the pr ovisional government, was and characters which the Warren murdered his brother couldn't nate passed its resolution con­ responsible for bringing guest appointed to act as the student report failed to investigate. take the chance that Kennedy cer ning the Regent's action on speakers on campus. government agent and mobilizer He talked about the CIA' s ef­ might reopen the investigation. Eldridge Cleaver, TNC issued Anyone interested in joining the of formation of a new college forts in organizing the anti­ Indeed this possibility was a circular which included the committee, or in suggesting gove rnment, until that govern­ Castro Cuban Revolutionary raised by a confidant of Robert statement that the r esolution "ef­ either guests or faculty mem­ ment was formed. Council and how this council was Kennedy, who had told Weisber g fectively breaks down whatever bers, are encouraged to see Ann (Cont'd. on p. 5, col. 1) supported in its efforts by a man that Kennedy felt their wer e trust still remains between stu­ Conklin in the Re .. elle College named Bannister. Bannister was "guns" between himself and the dents and the faculty." Resident Dean's Office. J.dld., •••,d·· a former FBI agent who was a White House. In order to explore this di­ rabid racist and segregationist. Responding to an inquiry about lemna and possibly even amell­ Open ., c, •• d David Ferrier was another New Orleans District Attorney orate the condition which TNC Ex-S. Vie'. On Tuesday, October 29, JeH character which was discussed, Jim Garrison's probe into the and othe r s in the academic com­ Benjamin called the Revelle stu­ and Weisberg told his audience assassination, Weisberg stated munity find so apparent, the Ambassador dents ' government to order at that the Ferrier file was being that the only thing keeping Gar­ Guest-In-Residence Committee 12:00 in the Conference room of suppressed by the FBI for un­ rison out of court are the stal­ is initiating a program encour­ Blake Hall. No student observers discloded reasons. ling tactics of the defendant, Clay aging the ve rbal confrontation be­ Speaks were present. The representa­ In general this discussion was Shaw. tween professor s and students. Tranh Van Dinh, ex-ambas­ tives discussed the Inter-Hall too particular to be of interest He went on to deplore the pic­ Beginning today. from 3 to 5 sador to the nited States from Judicial Board and the free to most individuals, but it did ture of Garrison that was being p.m., and on subsequent Fridays Vietnam, described a revolution­ speech area in the central plaza. serve to demonstrate the com­ painted by the national press, throughout this year, the Beagle ary as a person who gives up Dean Murphy explained his plexity which surrounds the mur­ anti to warn that an attempt on Hall Guest Apartment will be his own inte rest for otbe r people, concern over the future of the der. (Cont'd. on p. 3 col's. 2 &3) open for informal discussion and being altrui tic, one must a pri­ coHee with a member ofthe UCs[ ori be non-violent. official free speech area on cam­ Tuesday is election day. low those who wish to leave to pus. The free speech area was faculty. As an example of successful The Students for a Democra­ do so, and to discuss the meaning Today's "Friday Professor" non-violent revolutionaries, Dinh instituted several years ago on tic Society and Tuesday the Ninth of elections and law and orde r, the rationale that If we are to have is Dr. Walter Munk, Professor cited th Czechs. By reacting Committee are sponsoring a in their morning classes. of Oceanography at Scripps and non-violently to the Russians, speech on this campus that is teach-in on election day from Atter the teach-in, there wUl h'uly free, then we must elimi­ Chairman of the UCSD faculty. they have won a victory. The 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The teach-in be a cultural political happening From 3 to 5 p.m., Dr .
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