17 Oral AnswslS PHALGUNA 22,1913 (SAKA) Oral AnSwelS 18 that there has been a rise. Anyway, I also facing 101 of problems and lose their money. share the sentiments and the concem ex- Is. a fael whether the Government of india pressed by the hon. Members; and my Is considering giving financial assistance to Ministry will take every step to alertthe State coconut farmers? Govemment to ensure remunerative prices to the coconut growers allover the country. MR. SPEAKER: Just one minute be- fore he had replied to that question. SHRITHAYR..JOHNANJALOSE: Co- conut cultivation In Kerala Is a facing serious THE MINISTER OF AGRICUL- threat from rootwilt and othercflS8ases. Has TURE(SHRI BALAAM JAKHAR): We are the Govemment got any project to find a providing Rs. 3000 per hectare; that Is In solution to this problem? stages Rs. 1000 each year for replanting. [ Translation] SHRI MULLAPPALL Y RAMA- CHANDRAN: Of course, rootwilt is a debili- SHRIVIRENDRASINGH: Mr. Speaker, tating disease affecting coconut cultivation Sir, the subject matter under discussion Is in the State of Kerala; and of course so many cultivation of coconut in KeraJa. Is the Gov- steps are being taken by the Ministry to ernment formulating any scheme mainly for eradicate this disease. Certain recommen- Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar for coco- dations have been made by the Depart- nut cultivation there? • may be possible that ment. They are as follows: there is reslstance In the soD of UltarPradesh and Bihar to the disease which affects the 1. Removal of all affected seedUngs cultivation of coconut In Kerala. Therefore, In the pre-bearing age, along with palms why Is the Government not doing anything in the advanced stage of disease; for the development of coconut cultivation there? 2. Replanting with _edUngs of high yielding genotypes; SHRI BAlRAM JAKHAR: For It, you 3. Application of balanced dose of have to pray for change In climate. fertilizers and use of green manure in the basin; Post-ll8lrlc Scholarship to SClST Student. 4. Irrigating the palms during sum- mer and avoiding water-logglng by pro- *229. SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Will the viding proper drai~age; Minister of WELFARE be pleased to state: 5. Raising inter-crops in a rotation or (a) when the rates of post-matric schol- a mixed fa~ing with recycling of or- arship for the Scheduled Caste and Sched- ganic matter. uled Ta ltudents were revised by the Govemmant undertheCentral1y Sponsored For the removal of debilitating disease Scheme; aectilg trees, we are giving Rs.75partr8e; !I'd the amount has been enhanced to 518. ... ,.,) 1h8 prlce-index at the time of impIe- papert,... .mInting .. revised rates alongwith the ! ~ prIce-indax; SHRIKOOIKKUNl.SURESH: tnKaraia (c)whetherthe Govemment propose to Ills of coconut trees are affected by direr- mile the ndIs of scholarship In the begin- t types of diseases and they are unused. ning of every academic yoron the basis of this situation, the coconut farmers are existing prlce-Index; and 19 Oral Answers MARCH 12, 1992 Oral Answers 20 (d) if so, the details thereof? for other people or not but It must be the basis for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled [English] Tribes. It Is right that the amount of scholar- ship for them should be Increased. Keeping THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- it In view we had sent the proposals of Rs. ISTRY OF WELFARE (SHRIMATI K. KA- 400/- and Rs. 150 to the Planning MALA KUMARI): ,a) The rates were last COmmissiQn ..... (lnt&rroptions) so far as the revised In October, 1989 and made appli- priCe-Index is concemed, it is true that it has cable from 1-7-1989. not been accepted as the basis but the department admits it that their scholarship '(b) The Index Number of whole sale should be Increased a·nd I say prices (All commodities) during 1989-90 that.. ... (lnterruptions) ..... were 165.7 (Base year 1981-82 =100). The present Price Index during December, 1991 SHRISRIKANTAJENA: Will the Plan- is 211.3 (Base year 1981-82 =100)- ning Commission be agreeable to it or not? (c) No, Sir. SHRI SITARAM KESRI: Pieasellsten (d) Do not arise. to me and then speak, whatever you think Is right and just ...• (/nterruptions) ... .In such a ·[Translation] situation It Is difficult to reply. I say that it has been sent to the Planning Commission. Now SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Mr. Speaker, there is the issue of economic crisis but I Sir, If you go through the original answer, don' want this economic crisis to hit the you will find that the Govemment imple- . interests of Scheduled Castes and Sched- ments a programme first and then takes uled Tribes. This Is what I want to submit. decision. It reads "the rates were last re- vised in October, 1989 and made applica- SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Mr. Speaker, tion from 1.7.89-. It means the decision was Sir, the Govemment of India has prescribed taken in October and it was implemented a limit of Income forgiving scholarship. Is the from July. Besides this, the hon. Minister hon. Minister aware that the employees of has refused to accept the price-index as the class III and class IV are covered by that limit basis. The amount of the scholarshipgranted wiUl the result their children are deprived of to the students Is not suffICIent and they face scholarship? Will the Govemment increase hardships. After all, what is the difficulty in this limit? If so, by when this limit will be accepting the price-index as the basis for increased? revising rates? What is the basis of revision of rates of scholarship? SHRI SITARAM KESRI: Sir, the hon. Marmer has given a constructive sugges- THE MINISTER OF WELFARE(SHRI tion and I shaH laok Into it. Since It is in their SITARAM KESRI): Sir,it Is true that the rate Interest and the hon. Member Is asking a of scholarship has neither been revised nor right question, I shall look Into II. Is revised on the basis of price-index. An officer committee was constituted In 1987. [English] The Conmlttee raconvnendedthatthe schol- arships of Rs. 400 and As. 150 should be MR. SPEAKER: Shrf Mahato. granted to boarding scholars and· day schloars respectively. Accordingly our de- SHRI BIR SINGH MAHATO: I like to partment had sent the proposal to the Plan- know from the hon. MInister•••• ning Commission and to the Ministry of Fmance but they have made provision for MR. SPEAKER: Please do not only only Rs. 280 and Rs. 125 respectively. It is raise the questions ragardlng backwards true that its 'basis should be the present classes but aDowthe Members sKIing on the price-index whether II should be the basis back benches also to ask questiOns. 21 Oral Answers PHALGUNA22, 1913 (SAKA) Orat Answers 22 ( interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: When allocation has been reduced, how can the scholarships be MR. SPEAKER: That is a shifting given? bench. Please repeat your question. SHRI SITARAM KESRI: Sir,• we have SHRI BIR SINGH MAHATO: I would sent our proposal to the Planning Commis- like to know from the Minister through you, sion about which the hon. Member has Sir, the rate of hostel charges for the raised some polnts.(/nterruptlons) Please prematric and post-matric students. listen to me. When I have said that I will think I over increasing the amount, and try to in- SHRISITARAMKESARI: Sofarasthe crease it, this question is irrelevant. The i post-matric students are concemed, I can relevant question Is that I shall try to do it . assure you that I will consider increasing the . because I have assured the House ... amount of scholarship. SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: You had [ Translation] assured the House to clear the backlog by 31 March. What is the significance of your SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Mr. assurance? Speaker, Sir. the scheme of scholarship was started in 1943 forthe Scheduled Castes SHRI SITARAM KESRI: I am saying and in 1947 forthe Scheduled Tribes and its that by 31st March .. (/nterruptlons) I am first revision was done in 1980 and the third repeating Itthat If it is notdoneby31 stMarch in 1989. There are five categories in it. The as I have said In House .... (lnlerruptlons) lowest one Is of I.A. or 10+2+2. The schol- Please rlSten to me. I will take steps in the arShip for this category ranges from Rs. 50 direction without fail. So don't mention it. Mr. to Rs. 65 and you can understand it well Ram V11~, I would like to point out one thing what can be done in Rs. 50 in these days of more that It Is not a political Issue for me, skef-rocketing prices. The hon. Minister has rather it is my commitment and I will fulfil it. assured the House to increase the scholar- Ship amount. I think that the hon. Minister SHRIRAMVILAS~ASWAN: Thehon. has not gone through the Budget of his own Minister has said so reply to my question In Ministry of Welfare. If you go through the your presence. Budget of the Ministry of Welfare. SHRI SITARAM KESRI: I assure MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Paswan, not in this you ... (/nterruptlons) ..... Please listen. I shaD way, please. lTV my best to Increasse the scholarship amount and I hope that I will succeed In it. SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: I have got this Budget document. I am asking whether SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: The it is a fact that the Ministry of Welfare has amount has been reduced In the· Budglti reduced the allocation for hostels and schol- allocation and the hon. Minister Is ~Iklng of arship and on page no.
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