November 17, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6489 spent an estimated $245,000,000,000 on cases of (B) national trucking firms to alert their Whereas the Chicago Cubs infield of An- diagnosed diabetes; drivers to be especially focused on driving thony Rizzo, Ben Zobrist, Kris Bryant, and Whereas the American Diabetes Associa- safely on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, Addison Russell were the first foursome to tion reports that 20 percent of the funds that and to publicize the importance of the day start an All-Star Game since 1963 and the the United States spent on health care in through use of the Citizens Band Radio Serv- second one ever; 2012 went towards caring for individuals with ice and at truck stops across the United Whereas the Chicago Cubs bounced back diabetes; States; from a disappointing loss in the 2015 playoffs Whereas a study carried out by (C) clergies to remind their congregations to win the National League Championship Mathematica Policy Research found that to travel safely when attending services and pennant for the first time since 1945; total expenditures for individuals with dia- gatherings; Whereas Chicago Cubs outfielder Dexter betes receiving benefits under the Medicare (D) law enforcement personnel to remind Fowler became the first African-American program under title XVIII of the Social Se- drivers and passengers to drive safely, par- Chicago Cubs player to play in a World Se- curity Act (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.) in fiscal ticularly on the Sunday after Thanksgiving; ries and went on to hit a lead-off home run year 2005 comprised 32.7 percent of the budg- (E) motorists to drive safely, not just dur- in Game 7 of the World Series; et for the Medicare program in that fiscal ing the holiday season, but every time they Whereas Chicago Cubs catcher Miguel year; get behind the wheel; and Montero hit a grand slam in Game 1 of the Whereas according to the CDC, in the (F) all people of the United States to un- National League Championship Series and United States in 2010, diabetes was the sev- derstand the life-saving importance of wear- drove in the final, winning Chicago Cubs run enth leading cause of death and contributed ing a seat belt and to use the Sunday after in the 10th inning of Game 7 of the World Se- to the death of more than 234,051 individuals; Thanksgiving as an opportunity to educate ries; Whereas as of November 2016, a cure for di- themselves about highway safety; and Whereas Chicago Cubs shortstop Addison abetes does not exist; (2) designates November 27, 2016, as ‘‘Drive Russell tied the single-game record for runs Whereas there are successful means to re- Safer Sunday’’. batted in (referred to in this preamble as duce the incidence or delay the onset of type f ‘‘RBI’’) for a World Series game after he bat- 2 diabetes; ted in 6 runs in Game 6 of the World Series, Whereas with proper management and SENATE RESOLUTION 618—COM- including a grand slam in the third inning; treatment, individuals with diabetes live MENDING AND CONGRATU- Whereas Chicago Cubs catcher David Ross, healthy, productive lives; and LATING THE CHICAGO CUBS ON in the final game of his 15-year Major League Whereas individuals in the United States THEIR 2016 WORLD SERIES VIC- Baseball career, hit a home run in Game 7 of celebrate American Diabetes Month in No- TORY the World Series; vember: Now, therefore, be it Whereas Kyle Schwarber, after severely in- Resolved, That the Senate— Mr. KIRK (for himself, Mr. DURBIN, juring his knee during the third game of the (1) supports the goals and ideals of Amer- Mr. COATS, and Mr. DONNELLY) sub- regular season, recovered through persever- ican Diabetes Month, including— mitted the following resolution; which ance and determination and was added to the (A) encouraging individuals in the United was considered and agreed to: World Series roster, where, in one of the States to fight diabetes through public S. RES. 618 greatest sports comeback stories of all time, awareness of prevention and treatment op- Whereas, on November 2, 2016, the Chicago he— tions; and Cubs won the 2016 World Series with an 8-7 (1) hit .412 and had a .500 on-base-percent- (B) enhancing diabetes education; victory over the Cleveland Indians; age in the World Series; and (2) recognizes the importance of early de- Whereas the Chicago Cubs won the World (2) following a 17-minute rain delay, ig- tection, awareness of the symptoms, and un- Series in Game 7 at Progressive Field in nited the 10th inning rally in Game 7 of the derstanding the risk factors of diabetes, in- Cleveland, Ohio; World Series with a lead-off single; cluding— Whereas the Chicago Cubs came back from Whereas Chicago Cubs second baseman (A) being over the age of 45 years; a 3-1 World Series deficit to win 3 thrilling Javier Baez and pitcher Jon Lester were co- (B) having a specific racial and ethnic games in a row and became World Series recipients of the National League Champion- background; Champions for the first time in 108 years; ship Series Most Valuable Player Award, (C) being overweight; Whereas all 25 players on the World Series after— (D) having a low level of physical activity; roster of the Chicago Cubs should be con- (1) Javier Baez hit .318 in the 6-game Na- (E) having high blood pressure; and gratulated, including Albert Almora Jr., tional League Championship Series, stole 2 (F) having a family history of diabetes or Jake Arrieta, Javier Baez, Kris Bryant, bases, including home plate, and made a a history of diabetes during pregnancy; and Aroldis Chapman, Chris Coghlan, Willson number of incredible defensive plays; and (3) supports decreasing the prevalence of Contreras, Carl Edwards Jr., Dexter Fowler, (2) Jon Lester had a 1.38 earned run aver- type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes in Justin Grimm, Kyle Hendricks, Jason Hey- age in 2 starts against the Los Angeles Dodg- the United States through increased re- ward, John Lackey, Jon Lester, Miguel ers during the National League Champion- search, treatment, and prevention. Montero, Mike Montgomery, Anthony Rizzo, ship Series, allowing just 2 runs over 13 in- f Hector Rondon, David Ross, Addison Russell, nings and striking out 9 batters; Whereas Chicago Cubs utility man and Eu- SENATE RESOLUTION 617—DESIG- Kyle Schwarber, Jorge Soler, Pedro Strop, Travis Wood, and Ben Zobrist; reka, Illinois, native Ben Zobrist received NATING NOVEMBER 27, 2016, AS Whereas, in addition to the World Series unanimous support for and won the World ‘‘DRIVE SAFER SUNDAY’’ roster, all Chicago Cubs players who contrib- Series Most Valuable Player Award, the first Mr. ISAKSON (for himself, Mr. uted to the 2016 regular season should be Chicago Cub ever to win the award, after— (1) hitting .357 in the World Series; COONS, and Mr. PERDUE) submitted the congratulated, including Jake Buchanan, following resolution; which was consid- Trevor Cahill, Jeimer Candelario, Gerardo (2) driving in the go-ahead run in the 10th Concepcion, Tim Federowicz, Jason Hammel, inning of Game 7 with an RBI double; and ered and agreed to: Ryan Kalish, Munenori Kawasaki, Tommy (3) leading the Chicago Cubs to an eventual S. RES. 617 La Stella, Brian Matusz, Joe Nathan, Spen- World Series win; Whereas motor vehicle travel is the pri- cer Patton, Felix Pen˜ a, Joel Peralta, Neil Whereas Chicago Cubs first baseman An- mary means of transportation in the United Ramirez, Clayton Richard, Joe Smith, Matt thony Rizzo and outfielder Jason Heyward States; Szczur, Adam Warren, and Rob Zastryzny; received Gold Glove Awards for their 2016 de- Whereas every individual traveling on the Whereas the front office, the clubhouse, fensive accomplishments; roads and highways needs to drive in a safer and all supporting staff and team members Whereas Chicago Cubs first baseman An- manner to reduce deaths and injuries that of the Chicago Cubs should be congratulated; thony Rizzo and pitcher Jake Arrieta re- result from motor vehicle accidents; Whereas the Chicago Cubs won an incred- ceived Silver Slugger Awards for their 2016 Whereas according to the National High- ible 103 games during the regular season, offensive accomplishments; way Traffic Safety Administration, wearing which earned the team the best record in Whereas Chicago Cubs third baseman Kris a seat belt saves as many as 15,000 lives each Major League Baseball; Bryant received the 2016 National League year; and Whereas the Chicago Cubs overcame the Hank Aaron Award for his offensive accom- Whereas the Sunday after Thanksgiving is American League winning the Major League plishments and is a candidate for the 2016 the busiest highway traffic day of the year: Baseball All-Star Game, which gave the Indi- National League Most Valuable Player Now, therefore, be it ans home field advantage for the World Se- Award after having been unanimously named Resolved, That the Senate— ries; the 2015 National League Rookie of the Year; (1) encourages— Whereas the Chicago Cubs had 7 players se- Whereas Chicago Cubs pitchers Kyle Hen- (A) high schools, colleges, universities, ad- lected to the 2016 Major League Baseball All- dricks and Jon Lester were candidates for ministrators, teachers, primary schools, and Star Game, who should be congratulated, in- the 2016 National League Cy Young Award, secondary schools to launch campus-wide cluding Anthony Rizzo, Ben Zobrist, Kris following pitcher Jake Arrieta having re- educational campaigns to urge students to Bryant, Addison Russell, Dexter Fowler, ceived the 2015 National League Cy Young focus on safety when driving; Jake Arrieta, and Jon Lester; Award; VerDate
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