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AUSTRALIAN ETHICAL I NVESTMENT & SUPERANNUATION EUREKA STREE I ANNUAL DINNER 2003 Thursday 27 November 2003 7pm for 7.30pm NelNman College w!tn ~ue.st.s University of Melbourne 887 Swanston Street, Parkville Rod Quantock Cost: $85 per head Comedian, writer, director and produ FESt members and full-time students $70 per head Lynne Haultain RSVP: Friday 14 November 2003 as Master of Ceremonies Please note that seats are limited Bookings tel: (03) 9427 7311 Or email: [email protected] and the <)> Os: ' )> C Cl $:)> EUREKASTRE mN ~z ~ 0 s:-n "'"mC "'"'o"" n!:: n )> -j-n ( O'v I p T()f\''r o); LETTERS o::> ­ m"', Y' 4 Cautious comparison, public attitudes 23 W indschuttle's W hi tewash ,_, -j o i and true integrity o m Robert Manne puts revisionist "-' )> history to the test. -j Vl"' )> COMMENT z 0 5 Andrew Hamilton Pastoral politics ON STAGE -j I 6 Francis Sullivan Taking responsibility m 0 38 Last word s r- 0 Christopher Wainwright on Dead Cl SNAPS HOT Man Walking. -< 8 Touch of the sun, inner happines , 42 Through a glass, darkly Germaine Greer and too much ga rlic John Carmody on Opera Australia's Lulu. THE MONTH'S TRAF FIC 9 Anthony Ham Dea th of the king POETRY 9 David Glanz Little argument 33 Peter Porter 10 Morag Fra ser Words to end winter Sleeping with the light on 36 Publisher Andrew Ham ilton Sl Peter Porter Editor Marce lle Mogg With blinds pulled down Ass istan t editor Susa nnah Bu ckl ey COLUMNS Graphic des igners )anneke Stort eboom 7 Ca pital Letter and Ben Hider IN PRINT Director Chris Gleeson st Ja ck Waterford Well-laid plans Bu si ness manager Mark Dowell 32 Language so lovely Marketing & advertising manager Kirsty Grant 11 Archimedes Subsc riptions Jess ica Battersby Tim Thwaites Unsexy science Chris Wallace- Crabbe on After Editorial, production and ad ministration Shal<espeare: An Anthology and The ass istants Geraldine Batt ersby, Steven Co nt e, 12 Summa Th eologiae Oxford Book of Aphorisms, both edited Paul Fyfe Sl, Ben H ider, Ju liett e Hughes, Andrew Hamilton Care to rem ember? Irene Hunter, Siobhan Jackson, by John Gross. Marg Osborn e, Lee Beasley 13 By the Way 35 Heavy hand Film editor Siobhan jackson Brian Matthews Anarchy rules Poetry editor Philip Harvey Lia Kent reviews Michael Ignatieff's Con tributing editors Adelaide: Greg 46 W atching Bri ef Empire Lite: Nation-building in Bosnia, O'Kell y st; Perth: Dea n Moore; Sydney: juliette Hughes A generati on lost in Kosovo, Afghanistan . Edmund Ca mpion & Gerard Windsor; Queensland: Peter Pi erce spa ce 39 Ri ch harves t United Kingdom Deni s Minns OP Christine Trimingham Jack's Growing Jesuit editorial board Peter L'Estran ge Sl, Andrew Bullen Sl, Andrew Hami lton 51, FEATURES Good Catholic Girls: Educa tion and Peter Steele 51, Bill Uren s1 Convent Life in Australia brings back Patrons Fureka Street gratefully ackn owledges 14 Th eart ofspiritual ity memories for Alana Harris. th e support of Donna Noble talks to Friedheim C. and A. Ca rter; the trustees of th e estate of 40 High hopes Miss M . Condon; W.P. & M .W. Gurry Mennekes. Paul Tanl<ard reviews Hope: new Eureka Street magazine, ISSN 1036-1758, 16 Denyi ng th e Grim Rea per philosophies for change by Mary Australia Post Print Post approved The Australian response to AIDS has Zournazi. pp349 18 1/003 14, is published ten times a been highly successful. Paul Sendziuk 43 Th e short I ist yea r by Eureka Street Magazine Pty Ltd, explains why. 300 Vi ctori a Street, Ri chmond VIC 3 121 Reviews of About face: A sian PO Box 55 , Ri chmond VIC 3 121 20 Who ca res about th e facts? Accounts of Australiai Diplomatic Tel: OJ 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 emai l: eu reka@ jespub.jes uit.org.a u Moira Rayner on Western Australia and Deceits: Government, Media and East http:/ / www.eurekas treet. eom.au/ the stolen generations. Timori The Complete Bool<of Great Responsibi lity for editori al cont ent is accepted Australian Women-Thirty-Six women by Andrew H amilton SJ. 28 Reclaiming Islam 300 Vi ctori a Stree t, Ri chmond Dewi Anggra eni wants Australians to who changed the course of Australia Printed by Doran Printing know about Indonesia's Liberal Islam and The Conclave: A sometimes secret 4& Industrial Drive, Braesi de VIC 3195. N etwork. and occasionally bloody history of © Jes uit Publi ca tions 2003 papal elections. Unsolicited manuscripts w ill be returned only 30 Su nken diplomacy if accompanied by a stamped, se lf-a ddressed enve lope. Requests for permi ss ion to reprint Tony Kevin's diplomatic career has material from I he magazine should be directly lead him to investigate SIEV X. FLASH IN THE PAN addressed in writ ing to th e editor. 34 Th e art of letting go 44 Reviews of the films Buffa lo Soldiersi This month Peter Davis on Tibetan monks and Finding Nemoi Morvern Callar and Cover image 'Tas mani an abori gines at Oyster impermanence. Pirates of the Caribbean. Cove Stati on', c. 1900, attribut ed to Annie Benbow, 184 .1- 1917, W.L. Crowth er Library, 3 7 Sex & dea th State Library ofTas mania. Juliette Hughes talks to Gil Cover des ign by Janneke Stort eboom. PUZZLED All illustrations by )anncke Storteboom unless Courtemanche about A Sunday at the indi ca ted. Pool in Kigali. 47 j oa n Nowotn y Crytic Crossword letters Call to arms Recently the Vatican issued what h as formed the Dutch East Indies in the been aptly termed ' a call to arms' to all colonial days, before independence, is Catholics. Clearly the Vatican believes to remain forever a political unit . Why? Let's be cl ear that homosexual activity is not only Because that's the territory the Eu ropean wrong but also deserving of a public, colonialists ruled. It doesn't m at ter if Recently m any progressive activists have Cath olic condemnation . any of th e m any racial or religious or drawn an analogy between the form er This belief is at odds with its attitude to other groups that inhabit parts of the Indonesian occupation of East Timor paedophile activity. Until the secular press area n ever wanted to be ruled by the and the current Israeli occupation of forced it to change its mind, the Va tican Javan ese, who happen to be the m ost Palestinian territories in the West Bank believed that some paedophile activity populous group. Th eir country was and Gaza Strip. deserved not public condemnation, but part of th e Du tch Ea st Indies, so th ey This is also an analogy I have personally silence and a cover-up. are ruled by whoever is strong enough draw n in the past, both in order to confi rm This inconsisten cy does not trouble to dom in ate the wh ole area. It doesn't the merits of a clear-cut two-state solution the Vatican, but it troubles m any m atter either that the state th at t hey to the Israeli-Palestinian confl ict and also Catholics who, apparently, are expected agreed to be part of originally-those who to carefully delineate the precise limits by the Vatican to rally to the call an d add did agree-was not th e unitary Republic of such a solution. That is to clarify that ou r condemnation to its own. of Indonesia but the United States of 'Israel ou t of the West Bank and Gaza' The Vatican, of course, would not Indonesia, without the cen t ralised rule means precisely the same as 'Indonesia out have noticed it, but many Catholics are that was later imposed. of East Timor'. It does not and cannot m ean still trying, day by day, to live down The sam e, or simil ar, applies to the abolition of the state of Israel any m ore the sham e of belonging to a Church m an y other countries, especially in than East Timorese independence required w hose spiritual directors covered up Africa. Examples are Sudan- the Anglo­ the destruction of Indonesia. for paedophiles and, when eventually Egyptian Sudan, as it on ce was-and However, there are three fundam ental caugh t, tried to represent their part in N igeria. These are countries that seem differences between the two situations that worldwide disaster as n o more than destined by design to be bitterly divided.
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